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anybody want to start an agency in san francisco?

Guest cleancutphillip
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Guest cleancutphillip

hey guys...that's right, in a city full of gays; should there not be an agency that can handle the high quality of escort that is now not available? i'm tired of slim pickings in san francisco...this town should be equal in caliper to los angeles, nyc, miami and let alone chicago...if you search the websites, all the hot guys are everywhere except san francisco...the old question "why in a city full of gays is ther not one local hot guy?" we should have a group wsiting to fit the need...let me know

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Hey Philip;


Quit your whining!


I am really sick of hearing about slim pickings in San Franciso. Either you are not looking inthe right places, or you are too particular. Everytime you complain, others respond with many recommendations.


OK, I have never hired an escort in SF, but I find it hard to beleive that in a metropolitan area of that size you can not find anyone to meet your needs. I would have some sympathy for you if you were in the middle of Iowa or something, but in San Franciso, no way.


Maybe San Franciscoisn't a good escort town because there is so much good free sex to be had. There will probably be escorts where there are customers, but maybe there aren't customers in SF because everyone is getting what they want for free?


Or maybe you should travel more - get to LA, New York or Montreal and go wild!

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Guest cleancutphillip

hey paul revere...sorry, don't want to sound like a baby and i do appreciate the suggesstions people have given me...it is true though, look through the hooboy reviews by region and check out the photos...florida(bryan score),chicago(caesar),nyc(countless),la(so many), even indiana has guys my type...i guess i'm not into the leather or castro scene..i was just trying to put out the suggesstion that it would be profitable if someone did organize an agency...i really enjoy the feedback...thanks

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Guest Reed Parker

I agree with Paul Revere. You seem to be obsessed with this issue! It sounds like a case of "the grass is always greener on the other side."


Take Paul's advice, or else I think you're going to drive yourself crazy!

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Is this THE Reed Parker - possibly one of the most gorgeous escorts in California, if not the USA? I added another picture of you on your review page because I had a demand from someone very influential and I wasn't going to argue because I agreed.


If it's not you, we appreciate your comments to the Message Center.

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Guest Reed Parker

LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-00 AT 02:04PM (CST)[p]Wow...what compliments coming from the Master! (WebMaster, that is...) <blush>


Thanks, HooBoy!

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-00 AT 03:23PM (CST)[p]Phillip-ARE YOU INSANE?!?! I just followed the link to Reed Parker's website. Give me a vowel, Pat, because all I can say is "O MY GOD!" If I were in San Francisco, I would have NO problem keeping myself occupied with such a stud.


Please, save yourself the heartache of losing money to bad experiences and make an appointment with Reed TODAY! I can only hope he makes to NYC sometime...maybe on a flight with Rod Hagen, and Eric Daven, and Dick http://www.hungredneck.com... :*


Good luck!

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Don't mean to make you jeolous, Regina, but


I'm going up to SF at the end of this month. I guess there is no question about who I should call, huh?


I'll let you know how he is.}>

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Guest cleancutphillip

hey regina...you seem to be in the know about everything on this website...i would love to match up with rod hagen; but alas, once again he lives in los angeles..tell him to make a flight to s.f. as for reed parker,too skinny... regina, you seem like a person in the know..connect me to a guy in sf who's batman(hawaii) or hunghoney type in san francisco..it's a challenge and why can't my city of san francisco have that level of guy available?

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Phillip, to each his own---and I also prefer beefier guys---but Reed Parker is not exactly skinny. He is very solid, as well as being very attentive to a person's sexual wants. You really should consider giving him a try.

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Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...


Phillip-Well, I can't fault you for your standards; you're looking for a torso so tight you could bounce a quarter off it! Have you considered Brett Michaels? He's in NYC, saw him last night at the Gaity Theater and it was all I could do to keep from rushing the stage and drying off his body with my tongue! But seriously...he's buff, hot and tight. He's call (5'11", which is taller than my 5'6") weighs about 180-190 and according to the review on this forum, is a thick and chewy 9"!


Since you're in San Francisco, why not go to Nob Hill or Campus strip clubs; this way you can do a little window shopping before buying (just be sure to bring a little pin money for tips...the more the tips, the bigger the "tips" can get!).


A third solution, if you're looking for a buff straight man that just wants to be admired and licked, is the Muscle Service Station. They have lots and lots of forums that list people and what they like. Just contact someone and ask their limits.


Buy the way, have you ever sent an e-mail to Rod Hagen to see if he ever makes it to San Francisco? He claims to travel a great deal, why not to you? Perhaps he comes up (or down...my knowledge of CA ends at the Hudson River)to your fair city once every other month. In fact, I would e-mail those who make you blush and explain that, although you are unable to fly them to you, you would love to see them if ever in your crotch, uh, neck of the woods.


Anyway, good luck! Let us know how it turns out! You know how we all worry... :-)

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Guest Reed Parker

LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-00 AT 05:56PM (CST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-00 AT 05:55 PM (CST)


Sometimes I think that we, as escorts, shouldn't even participate in these forums--there may be a conflict of interest in doing so.


But I can't help myself!


I'll tell you what, cleancutphillip...maybe you should start a steroid injection business, so you can take existing escorts in SF who are "skinny" and then "beef them up" until you think they're marketable--you know, sort of like cattle...


Seriously though, I understand, phillip...I really like beefy guys too.


But if things are that bad for you...take a trip to LA or NYC and get what you need. Otherwise, you're going to drive yourself (and all of us) crazy!

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-00 AT 06:47PM (CST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-00 AT 06:38 PM (CST)

Moo there, I say MOOOO there! :o

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Guest cleancutphillip

hey reed...you seem like an attractive and sensitive guy with a lot of fans and i didn't mean to hurt your feelings...i think it's great that the escorts participate on this forum...i enjoy the process of picking out an escort and treating myself to a new fantasy guy...the grass shouldn't be greener in los angeles, new york, florida, indiana or hawaii..there is a lack of talent in sf...i have already hired a couple of guys from the muscleservice site..but should the residents have to...i can go to a bar and pick up a one night stand, that's not the idea...when i hire an escort i want someone who's above the average man physically..the escort business is a fantasy business, so the local escorts should be at the same high standard of the ones in other cities...i don't think i'm the only sf resident who feels this way...i won't bring this topic up anymorethanks for listening

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Guest torjon

I just have to get my two cents worth in on this thread just to be in the same "room" as REED PARKER. In the short while I've been visiting this site, I've begun my "wish list", and Reed

Parker is sitting at the top. How anyone can visit his site, and not be instantly smitten with that face and that incredibly beautiful smile is beyond me. Reed, one

man's skinny is another man's hunk, and you are, quite simply,a genuine hunk.( One of these days....please, God!)

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Guest Reed Parker

Hey phillip...not a problem...my feelings weren't hurt. Actually, I've recently become acquainted with someone you might like. Drop me an e-mail (reedparker@mindspring.com) or call me and I can give you a few more details.



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Guest Daddy-In-Training



After checking your website out :p, I don't see ANY reason for an agency in SF. It's only a matter of time before I give you a call. After all, I only live 2-3 hours away from you!


How's your schedule around the 8th or 9th of April?


-- Daddy

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