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Too Many Reviews per Escort??

Guest michaelnnj
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Guest brianrj

Wow Michaelnj - way to get the switchboard to light up on this one - you should work for PBS!


I do, however, share some of the same feelings on this issue that were written by Regina, Shooter & Will. Each review seems to provide a little more information. I also like to know the information about the reviewer - so the more reviews/reviewers the better. It would be very nice to see newer reviews first, rather than last, under each escort. If there is a backlog I would also suggest putting up the lesser reviewed escorts first. Someday - as this site progresses - it may also be necessary to develop an archive of the escort reviews so the pages don't get sooooo long. (Length may be great for some things - but not web pages!)

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Guest Shooter

What blatant predjudice, brianrj! I'm suprised at you! Only some things are allowed to be long? :-) And I thought size wasn't important to you, buddy! Now, the truth comes out! }> Keep smilin'

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>It would

>be very nice to see

>newer reviews first, rather than

>last, under each escort.


If anyone wants to volunteer to reverse the order of every review, I'll do post them that way. It will make things MUCH easier for me to just paste the newest in at the top rather than scroll through the entire thing, etc.


But I don't have the time to go through every review right and reverse them.



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Guest leandream1

Hi kids, just got back from beautiful Banff and I am happy to see where this thread has gone.


Hi DickHo, Did I use "extraneous" correctly? I believe so. Information is extraneous if it is either "unrelated" (which is not the context I was using the word in) or "superfluous, redundant, extra". Can an entire section of a data set, i.e. redundant reviews, be extraneous, or do we reserve that word to refer to smaller pieces of information, such as the overused phrase "looking back in retrospect" which seems to me HORRIBLY redundant? If the latter rule applies, I apologize. -Hagen

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Guest brianrj

At the risk of looking like a volunteer - what would be necessary to reverse the review order of existing reviews? Could I copy the review text, reverse the order and then email it back to you? Since I opened my big mouth on this I best "step up to the plate". (If this was possible, maybe we could split up the country with a few other volunteers?) If there weren't alot of objections, could future reviews be put at the top from now on - even on those that haven't been re-ordered yet?


Hope the move to the Big Apple is proceeding smooooothly!

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"The sex is

fantastic. He knows what I like and he delivers it

masterfully (a word deliberately chosen). I would

suggest to all of you that the vast majority of

escorts--even Canadian Gaiety Dancers--respond

very well to respect, a smile, a sense of humor and

honest and open feedback. Give Kirk a second

chance: he's gorgeous and sexy as hell.




I'm a 50 year old bottom who enjoys a wide variety of

activities ranging from pretty vanilla stuff to wild





The above review was posted today (3-6-00) under Newest Reviews. It is about Kirk, a dancer at the Gaiety. Kirk's site has 6 reviews. A look at the reviews will give you an idea that this guy is a total ripoff.

In my opinion, this latest review today is coompletely useless.

"He knows what I like and he delivers it

masterfully (a word deliberately chosen)" Well, that tells me alot about Kirk....."

I'm a 50 year old bottom who enjoys a wide variety of

activities ranging from pretty vanilla stuff to wild

fantasies....Second example of what a totally useless review this is.

I understand what everyone has said about the fact that we should have as much info as possible on the escorts in order to make an informed decision.

However,in trying to eliminate wasting valuable time and space, why post such a useless review as the above? It tells us nothing about what the escort does or doesn't do and nothing about what the client wants......

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Guest brianrj

A totally off topic reply to Shooter


Why Shooter, of course size is important to me. I hope someday to meet that perfect guy with the BIG heart, LARGER THAN LIFE personality, HUGE sense of humor who is looking for the LONGEST of long term relationships. Hope that doesn't make me a size queen? :D

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While this review doesn't speak to me, I think it starts to get dangerous when someone decides what has value for everyone. Besides, I learned from the reviewer's use of "masterful." If anything it makes me even more sure Kirk's not for me.

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Guest michaelnnj

Jeez..you go away for 2 days, and the board is flooded!! I never realized I'd open such a floodgate.

I, too, read the latest of Kirk/Voltaire's review...PUHLEEEEEZE. After 6 (count 'em 6) lousy reviews that rival Siskel and Ebert's 2 Thumbs Down, along comes a scantily written rave about a guy who we all probably know to stay away from. While I don't think it should have been eliminated, it certainly gave me my daily chuckle (thanks Hooboy..)

My main point in starting this thread many, many words ago was just to comment on the many numerous good or bad reviews of the same people. By now we all know the long and short (so to speak) about Rick Munro, Rod Hagen, Tony Cummings, Franco, Carlos, Billy Boy and Scott Matthews....(could u imagine having them all at your home at the same time? Must be what heaven looks like). Im very impressed with all of them, have had one or two of them, but I would like to see more reviews about escorts who have never been listed here (I know, Rick, 33 reviews of first timers just this week).

I myself posted 2 new reviews with pictures which overworked Mr. Hooboy hasnt gotten around to posting yet. I love this site, I love this message board, I love the guy who are great escorts, I love Hooboy, and I love the fact that y'all let me ramble on and on........What in God's name was I talking about to begin with?

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Guest youngblood

In the unlikely event that you really don't remember what you were talking about, I believe that you have made your point several times!

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Guest Shooter

What he said!


HooBoy, ditto what brianrj said. I brought up the topic on order so, if there's a way to help you out with it, I'll give it a shot. It would certainly make viewing reviews easier and, if it will also make it easier on you, it's definitely worth doing. :-)

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Guest brianrj

Thanks HooBoy!


Saw the latest batch of reviews with the new ones at the top. Saves alot of scrolling. Hope it really does save you time too.

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RE: Thanks HooBoy!


>Saw the latest batch of reviews

>with the new ones at

>the top. Saves alot

>of scrolling. Hope it

>really does save you time



I think it will eventually save me time. I had a bunch of mistakes on the counts today because I wasn't scrolling down to see what the last one was. However, in the long run, it will make it much easier for me.


I just hope everyone will understand it's going to take some time to reverse everything...or is that necessary if all the new ones from here on out are on top?


You guys tell me...


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Guest Shooter

RE: Thanks HooBoy!


Thanks from me, too! And, unless YOU need them reversed, just leave them! (BTW - I don't think it really matters if you put '6 reviews' and the guy has 7. That from someone who can't stand inaccuracy or flaws in ANYTHING! Not that you would remember, but, when I made a posting and used 'there' instead of 'their', I wrote you apologizing and asking if you could correct it.)


Keep up the great work! :-)

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