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Too Many Reviews per Escort??

Guest michaelnnj
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Guest michaelnnj


I was just wondering what others thought about this.

I noticed today when checking the reviews de jour, that Rick Munro was once again listed with 11 reviews. All of his reviews are glowing....no complaints here. But I know that Hooboy must be up to his navel in unpublished reviews, and probably alot of them about guys we don't yet know about.

So dontcha think enough is enough with Rick Munro and others who have numerous, countless glowing reviews? We get the point, Hooboy....perhaps you could bypass yet another glowing review of these same guys and post some about escorts we havent heard about.

Just a thought....I think you do a great job here.

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Guest leandream1

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-00 AT 10:03AM (CST)[p]Speaking as an escort with 11 reviews (soon to be 13) myself, of course I am going to say NO WAY. :-)


Seriously, 13 reviews may seem extraneous, but consider this: Hooboy can only print the reviews and news of escorts he receives(Hooboy, if you get a moment, can you confirm this?). So, you aren't learning any less about others by learning more about the "better knowns" . Further, who knows in the 14th review of me you may find out something that cinches your plan to hire me, or TOTALLY turns you off about me.


Now the cab is honking to take me to LAX to fly to Banff for the weekend. Have a wonderful weekend kids, be good. -Hagen

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Its a mixed blessing. Many reviews of the same escort which say the same thing, good or bad, seems to reinforce that the reviews are truthful, and can be used confidently when making an escort decison for yourself. But as you ask, is six enough, is 12 too many?


I am thinking that maybe Hooboy could do some sort of aging thing, like moving a review to an archive after it is six months old or something like that. The newer fresher reviews are generally better anyway. Or some sort of revolving thing of only showing the 10 (or 6 or whatever the correct number is) most recent reviews.


I think that it is great that the good escorts have many happy customers who are happy to tell about them, and share the info. The lousy escorts and no-shows will only get a couple of reviews before their business dries up anyway.


The one thing that I wonder about is folks who have really good escorts that they like a lot, but they don't review them here because they don't want to share their favorites, or they fear that they will become less available and/or more expensive. I admit that sometimes I don't send reviews about my favorite dancers at the Gaiety, as I don't want to have to compete for their excellent attentions.

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"So dontcha think enough is enough with Rick Munro and others who have numerous, countless glowing reviews?"


ABSOLUTELY. When an escort has nothing but glowing reviews I don't think it's necessary to post another "rave".....11 or 13 is really too much. On the other hand if a negative review is sent, then posting it does serve a purpose.

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The more reviews the better. Each one (usually)adds something to my knowledge of the guy. For example, I am interested in escorts with great "oral" skills. Often, it seems to take a number of reviews before someone even mentions this. Maybe, however, escorts with no previous reviews should get priority with regards to posting.

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Guest youngblood

Other than the seven day period between the posting of consecutive reviews of an escort, I don't have an understanding of the order in which Hooboy posts the reviews. I would assume that the reviews are posted by date using the first in, first out method except for those reviews which he weeds out for legal or authenticity reasons. If this is the case, the readers would be getting the reviews in the order which they are submitted which seems reasonable/logical/fair to me. Of course, using this method, the escorts who are frequently reviewed would be getting a new posting every seven days! But for reasons of objectivity, shouldn't the readers know which escorts are generating numerous reviews, whether those reviews are good or bad?


I seem to remember that Hooboy once stated that he tries to limit the number of reviews which are posted every day, but I don't remember the limit or the reason he imposed it.



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Guest DickHo

Extraneous? I think you mean excessive.


My suggestion would be to list, in date order, the last ten reviews--good or bad. That should be enough.

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Every day there are numerous escorts who have their first or second reviews being printed. If you just look at this week as an example, you 'll see that there were 33 first-time reviews. I do not see HooBoy denying space to those lesser known or not previously reviewed, in favor of the better known or those with multiple reviews.


I agree with "red"...each review can give additional information that can be helpful to the client. In my case, I notice that some refer to me as a bottom, some as a top, some as versatile, some as part of a 3-way with my partner. I also think that when someone has multiple reviews, whether they are "glowing" or negative, it gives additional information as to which escorts have more experience and/or have the capacity to satisfy a wide variety of clients. If you see a great review written by a 50 year old bottom who loves to kiss, it might not be useful to you if you are a 30 year old dominant top. If you just go by that one review, you will miss out on learning about the full range of service that that escort might be capable of providing.


Also, FYI, I know that there is a backlog of reviews on me because I've had more than a few clients tell me they wrote about me but that they haven't seen them printed yet. My last two reviews were printed almost a month apart, and during that time, many first-time reviews were put up ...so obviously HooBoy is not neglecting the newer or lesser reviewed guys in favor of those with multiple reviews.

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Guest michaelnnj

I really do understand that Hooboy has his hands full here, and that there is a great deal of backlog and time in between the actual event and the review that follows. I guess I don't need 11 good or negative reviews to figure out if I want or dont want to hire a particular escort. And I have no problem sharing my good fortune of finding a great escort with others for fear he will not be available or raise his rates...I guess personally I would like a little more variety of reviews. Rick, I truly believe you're da bomb (as they say) and would love to hire you too....but how many more times do you need to hear that you're great at what you do?

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too many reviews per escort


This is a service letting men who are interested know about who the best escorts are. If one escort is so good at what he does that he receives alot of good reviews -- he deserves to have them all posted and we deserve to read them. Besides -- the particular escort won't be listed on the MOST RECENT REVIEWS site if his newest and latest reviews aren't posted.

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Thanks for the compliment but if you read what I just posted, the reviews are for the clients, not for the escorts' egos. I have nothing to do with these reviews. I can neither stop anyone from writing about me nor can I make anyone review me. Now that this website exists, we are opening ourselves up to either criticism or praise by being escorts and it's out of our hands.


I still don't see how a review of one escort stops you from looking at a review of another. As I said, there were 33 first-time reviews put up this week alone...how did an 11th for Rick or a 10th for Scott or a 9th for Rey stop you from looking at all the new guys or getting the "variety" you want?

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RE: too many reviews per escort


I agree with Rick. What if I am looking for something pretty specific that is only mentioned on occassion. Hooboy's new "Search" feature needs as much information as possible so that we can find what we want.


BTW, Rick should have at least 12 reviews. I sent one in over a month ago, but I suspect it got lost in Hooboy's problems. Will try to resend. (Hi Rick!)

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-00 AT 07:55PM (CST)[p]Was it Mae West or Oscar Wilde who said "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful." Maybe both, maybe they were the same person...anyway...


That's what I feel about reviews of escorts. Each client has had a different nerve struck by the escort named, and that's the interesting thing about reading all of them. Of course, sometimes I'll be in the middle of a review when I realize I've already read it and think "DAMN", but it's a small price to pay.


Take Steve Teron (God, I'd LOVE to take him!!!). I assumed he was a total, or I should say, absolute top until I went back and read he wasn't. Not that I'm interested in topping him, but as a bottom I know he's more than aware of what goes on when "getting it" rather than "giving it". And congrats to Rod Hagen and Rick Munroe for amassing such a following!


The list goes on. If HooBoy is willing to keep adding to the reviews, I'm always willing to read them. Keep those cards and letters coming, Possums!



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Guest Shooter

Speaking as the guy who made Mr. Munroe aware of this site, I have to say I NEVER can read too much about him!! Though, it would be nice if the newest review was at the top. My finger falls asleep trying to scroll through all the old news to get to the latest stuff!!


Seriously, though, if HooBoy is backlogged, it would be logical to set aside repeats and put them in when he's caught up. As long as the number of reviews is posted by the escorts name, there should be no problem selecting the 'firsttimers' to check out.


Good points, though, michaelnnj! Take care! :-)

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Guest cleancutphillip

hey leandream...i tell you guy, you seem to good to be true...great bod, smart wits and compassion..would love to connect, please come to san francisco; that would solve the "slimpickings" in san francisco syndrome...plan a trip ~phillip

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Too Many Reviews?


A few months ago on this forum I asked for advice regarding an escort in New York. Several people recommended that I contact Rick Munroe, but how was I to know that the recommenders and I were enough alike to need/want the same kind of companionship? Only by reading ALL the reviews could I pick out the generalities from the particularities; and in my case, it made a difference. Precisely because I am mean-hearted and small-minded, I had thought I would not write a review of Rick. And as one has just been posted, I don't have to bother my already overburdened conscience with it anyway.


What does seem necessary, however, is to repeat what Rick himself has already said: these reviews are for clients not escorts. From time to time I am astounded by reviewers who describe themselves as, for example, "late thirties, VGL, work out five times a week." It makes me ask myself, "Why does HE have to hire an escort?" I'm not in that category, not by a long shot. I'm a man in his late fifties, a professional and an intellectual, who falls into the "distinguished" category on the Cold-to-Hot scale (in other words, it depends on whose thermometer is taking the temperature). And like most men of my acquaintance and stature, I grew up in a world that systematically and ruthlessly deprived gay boys of their self-confidence and self-respect; a world that made it practically impossible for us to learn how to negotiate the rough currents of Eros in search of a safe passage; a world that stripped us bare of the psychological defenses necessary to lead an adventuresome and rewarding sexual life; a world, and this is the worst, that so persuasively convinced us that we were constitutionally incapable of giving and receiving love that many -- frankly, most -- of us are as single in our middle age today as we were in our childhood. This is the stuff that feeds compulsion, addiction, depression, high blood pressure. I know what I'm talking about.


Therefore, when a man like me decides that he may as well look for a very expensive replica when it becomes clear that he will never have the unavailable original, he knows ahead of time that he had better be wary. As Saint Teresa of Avila said, "Of the heart be a little more careful than of anything else." The older I get, the less resilient I am to hurt and disappointment in these matters. I would rather do entirely without even a commercially-acquired romp than to open myself to the contempt and insensitivity of younger men who are more sexually empowered than I am.


But thanks to HooBoy, to the caring and wise readers of this forum who responded to my request for advice, and to the reviewers who told me about their experiences, I was able to make a discerning -- and, in my case, perfect -- choice. Make no mistake: if I am not alone out there, I am not the only man who reads these reviews with exquisite, Talmudic attention to detail, looking not so much for information about the escort as for commonalities with the reviewers. When I read reviews, I am in search of men whose courage in entering this strange new world of escorting gives me, in turn, the courage to do so, too. And I am endlessly grateful to them. Most of all, I am grateful to the wonderful, heaven-sent, Rick Munroe.

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Guest michaelnnj

>I still don't see how a

>review of one escort stops

>you from looking at a

>review of another. As I

>said, there were 33 first-time

>reviews put up this week

>alone...how did an 11th for

>Rick or a 10th for

>Scott or a 9th for

>Rey stop you from looking

>at all the new guys

>or getting the "variety" you



I really don't want to start an argument here...I was just asking a simple question that seems to have pushed an awful lot of buttons for people.

If you look at today's reviews, for example, 4 out of 5 reviews for escorts in NYC are at the 5 or over mark. I myself sent in 2 reviews of escorts that have never been reviewed here, and to my dismay, they havent been published yet. I suppose I have to stop and wonder if the guys who get constantly reviewed here arent constantly reviewed, perhaps there'd be more time for Hooboy to publish more reviews of new talent.

It has nothing to do with "stopping" me from looking at all the new guys. I think you are just missing the point. (And as a little aside, I can't believe that ANYONE'S ego isn't boosted by seeing a slew of praise. It's quite normal, isnt it?)

Like I said, I wasn't trying to start an argument...just offering my humble opinion.

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RE: Too Many Reviews?




This could start a whole new thread, and probably should.


First those who hire escorts do it for many different reasons, not just because they can't get a date. Many men date regularly, or have lovers AND engage escorts. Mostly its about fulfilling a fantasy of some kind. Besides being with a man who meets whatever ideal you may be going for, there are issues of convenience and even control. For instance if I am paying, then I get some control over what is done and how, and certainly we sharply reduce, but do not eliminate, the fear of rejection. (A cold non-responsive escort is about the worst thing that there is.)


I am not quite as old as you, but it sounds like you grew up when gay people were more repressed than now. It keeps getting better I believe, and I don't think that some young people today appreciate how difficult it was in the sixties or seventies (I really don't know about the fifties). BUT, you seem to infer that you MUST engage an escort in order to fulfill your fantasy. That is probably not true, but you are just not looking in the right places. That is if you are willing to take all of the good and bad of a real relationship.


There are websites (I'don't know exactly where, but my friends do) where younger men who want older men hook up all of the time. A close friend of mine is a hot 30 year old athlete, with a great personality and smile, and he will only date men who are over 60, and are a bit plump! That's his thing, and good for the sixty year olds.


Another freind of mine, who is over sixty, has recently hooked up with young men in there 20's and 30's who he has hooked up with online - not escorts. They have just found matches that meet their needs and fantasies.


Maybe others can tell us where those specific websites are, because I know that my friends have had great success with them.


My point is, just don't assume that engaging an escort is your only choice in life. There are many options for you if you look. But that being said if escorts are what do it for you, enjoy them, guilt free!

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RE: Too Many Reviews?


Paul, I take your point and I thank you for it. If you inferred that I think people are somehow forced to hire escorts, it can only be that I was projecting rather than being realistic. At all events, nobody can force anybody else to hire an escort; it's all a matter of choice and I've made mine. In any case Mr. Munroe is so wonderful that I'd likely seek his company no matter what my situation in life. What's more, this forum shows that there are many reasons for hiring an escort, which to my mind makes my point all the more salient. In other words, the more motives there are, the more helpful it is to read a review that seems to come from someone who is similarly motivated.


As for the rest, that's something that I don't want to go into here because it really is off the topic of this thread. I'd be delighted to shift venues, however, if you or somebody else wanted to start with "Why do guys hire escorts in the first place?" If your handle is "Paul Revere," that might indicate that you live in a metropolitan area like Boston. For me to be site-specific in turn, I'd have to call myself the Jolly Green Giant. Enough said?

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Guest sport989

RE: Too Many Reviews?


I thought I would add my two cents worth to the discussion. The only reason for limiting review numbers would be space constraints alone. Otherwise I have to admit being affected by the sheer numbers for Rick Munro and Rod Hagen for example. It makes me want to read further about them, and see what prompts the response. To be honest when I am in NYC or Los Angeles,I just don't have the time (or inclination) to take bad risks, so I would stick with the reliable men--that the numbers drew me to, but the comments themselves confirmed!

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RE: Too Many Reviews?


I've sort of hesitated to contribute to this thread because I'm not sure what I could add. I see both sides (a product of trying to please both mommy and daddy, I suppose!). Sometimes the reviews do get a bit redundant and I find myself sort of sliding by them and going on to some newer guy. Yet, the guys who prompt the volume of response do so because they work hard. To have their published reviews limited doesn't seem at all fair to me. Also, if they are out of the limelight for awhile, they could very easily get lost in the shuffle.


On the other hand, I found one escort I absolutely love being with. Due to the many glowing reviews he has received, he is now very hard to get to, and since I am an "hour" kind of guy, I suspect he goes for the overnights and longer periods of time. I can't blame him. After all this is business. In the meantime, I've moved on to some other guys and while I've had some great times, nothing lives up to that one favorite guy. Sigh ....

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RE: Too Many Reviews?


JAKE-Have you called him recently? I believe that most escorts have a soft spot for those earlier clients who stuck by them in the beginning. Perhaps you could reach a two hour rate or something like that, something that you could handle and something that he could expect without thinking he was "giving it away".


Good luck!

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

Please forgive me while I be a little crude. As the saying goes: "Cream rises to the top!" My experience is that in addition "Shit falls to the Bottom".


The more reviews I see, The more info I have to figure out if they're a match for me. The info is also good for the Escort. If one person tells them that they stink, they can take it with a grain of salt. If lots of people tell them they stink, they know its time to take a bath!


Now that I've said that, People do change, both for the good and for the bad. IMHO, reviews are only useful for a limited time. I believe that all reviews should "Softly and Silently" go away after a period of time. The question is what's a reasonable time for a good review to go away and what's a reasonable time for a bad review to go away?


-- Daddy

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RE: Too Many Reviews?


Hey Regina, how nice of you to take the time to comment on my post. Yes, I still talk to him often and I didn't mean to imply that things are that bad. He's a real nice guy and I will be seeing him from time to time. While he wasn't my first, being with him made some things clear to me and I made big changes in my life. For that reason alone he will always be my favorite. Well, that and the fact that he has the most fantastic ass!

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