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***Message Center Problems***

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I apologize for the problems here. We have a clean copy of the software that we'll be installing. Then we'll take out all the stuff so your privacy will be insured. We make have to take it offline for a couple of hours, so if you dont' see it, don't worry.


All the lost threads will hopefully be restored as well.


Admin Daddy has been working overtime on other stuff and I kept him on the phone for too long last night.

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-00 AT 02:05AM (CST)[p]Hi All,


The new version of the Message Center has been installed and appears to working fairly well. Some of the problems have already been cleared up and we have some more functionality.


The Main attraction is that we now have limited access to the profiles. No Last Names, No Email Address, and no IP Address. So go check it out in the lobby, you may just want to update your profile. :-)



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Guest bottomboykk

Is part of the problem something to do with the "new" icon not always showing up, even if a message hasn't been read? Or is this problem something with my computer or something? I miss being able to tell at a quick glance which messages I've read, and which I haven't.

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I have a question. I've noticed a few topics on the forum have disappeared: What Makes a Review Good and Billy Herrington's Latest Review, to name a few. Are these both gone for good or just floating in limbo and will return later.


My life doesn't depend upon it; I just never got a chance to read all the responses before they disappeared.


Just curious, that's all. Thanks for all of your hard work! :*

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Daddy-In-Training will have to address these issues because he's managing the Message Center now.


As for me, after I read all I want, I hit "Mark" and the next time I log on only the messages I have not read have the "New" icon, which is the way its supposed to work.


Daddy may know where those missing threads are. I was at the BSB concert last night and not at the spinning wheel, so I do know about the threads. I actually rarely visit here anyway.


I can sum up the Billy Herrington thread. Most people on other boards hate him and they've migrated here. Those same people hate me because they think I've had sex with him and am trying to protect him. I haven't. I'm not.


No threads have been intentionally deleted; that's Daddy's area, not mine cause I don't know nuthin 'bout birthin' no bulletin boards, Miss Scarlett!


I did remove a couple of messages I posted because I thought they were stupid, inappropriate, vitriolic, idiotic, embarrassing, redundant, repetitive, recurrent, reproductive, echoed the same theme, harped on the same string, covered the same ground or were pleonastic.


And don't you just hate it when that happens?

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I use IE 5 exclusively. Even when I lower my standards and log on AOL, I use IE 5. I refuse to use the AOL browser.


The "New" feature is working fine for me.


Daddy's working on it right now.


As for missing threads, I'll have to ask him.. Right now I'm trying to move the European threads to the European Forum and it's not letting me.

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-00 AT 02:30AM (CST)[p]Well, Daddy-In-Training, who said he was going to bed 4 hours ago just emailed me that he thinks some of the threads may have been eaten by the bastards at Verio, but we're not sure yet. Still, it doesn't prevent me from hating them. Because of the money they stole from me, my dog is going to go hungry for a month, the homeless guy at the Hwy 6 underpass isn't going to get the plums that I throw to him instead of money and I'm going to have to fly coach to New York, give up my digs at the Four Seasons and cancel my appointment with Shamus (booked under another name, of course. I think I was Regis Philbin on this booking). But I digress.


Most likely Daddy got most everything fixed. We don't understand the "New" logo problem because it's working fine for us.


I don't know if its a browser problem, but I'm confident we'll get resolve it. Growing pains.


Meso Tired.

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

Wait a minute, I got a promotion? Guys, don't let him fool you. Hooboy is still the Master of all that we see. I'm just lending a helping hand while the dust settles.


First about the lost threads, I'll be trying real hard to track them down. However, it appears that some went to the old server, Some went the new server, and who knows where the rest went. If I can find them, I'll put them back up.


As for the New Icons...We periodically have to clean up the temp files. So, if your not logged in, the file goes poof and your back to ground zero. However, if you ARE logged in....I believe that it'll remember you.


Remember that I've been doing a lot of changes over the last few days, and have installed a new version of Software, so there may be a few kinks here and there as things settle down. (Actually I've been doing a lot of testing and it's doing MUCH better)


One last thing....Have you gone to the lobby and check your profile? Right now the list is kinda sparse. BUT if your Shy....We'll Understand :-)


-- Daddy

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"New" icon


The "new" icon problem may be related to not being properly signed-on. I hadn't realized that I wasn't actually logged-on under my username until today - have never had to log-on with my username since the site originated, but I'm sure that's related to the new server, etc. However, I did have to get a new password - old one wouldn't work. Anyway, the "new" icon started working properly when I logged in with a username. I had forgotten that you can view the site without logging on.


Hope this helps.

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

Hi Everybody,


I found the problem with the "New" icons and fixed it. But to correct the problem for everybody I had to delete ALL the session files. That means the next time you login, you'll probably have to put your password in (if you asked the system to remember your password).


Don't be surprised if everything is "New", it's a sign that your back in Sync. Remember that you have to be logged in for this feature to work.


Other than the hunt for the "Lost Threads" (probably this weekend, I need to catch up on sleep!) that covers all of the problems that have cropped up. So far, the new version of the software is doing much better than the old.


Enjoy! :-)

-- Daddy

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Like the others, I also have posted messages that just ARE NOT THERE. Hopefully, all these problems will be fixed soon. If not, it is not a matter of life and death.


HooBoy writes: "

I use IE 5 exclusively. Even when I lower my standards and log on AOL, I use IE 5."


How can I find this EI 5 and install it. Info on this would be very helpfull. Thanks.


PS: I am almost a computer illeterate so don't make it too technical.

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Guest bottomboykk

I'm experiencing something odd. The "New" icon shows in the lounge for new messages, but not in the Deli. I clicked to mark read messages a couple of hours ago, but I just checked now, and although there were new messages, they were not marked as such, but the one new message in the Lounge was marked.


What's up?

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