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Boston Escorts

Guest woody
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I am looking for a good escort in the Boston area.. I would really like someone aggressive and takes the lead.. I have only been with one other escort good time but he was pretty passive and I am kinda shy..



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LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-00 AT 00:36AM (CST)[p]Hi there -


There is an escort here in town who has two names on AOL - JasKid1 and Studboy200. We've talked a few times online and actually were going to get together, but our schedules ended up not meshing.


He's a bit expensive, but he seems very bright and very cute. I don't know anything more than that, except that he can be VERY tough to get in touch wih -- email may not be answered for a long time, if ever.


If you end up being serious about getting together with him, I suggest emailing both screen names at aol.com, possibly multiple times.


Again, please understand that this is not a recommendation, since I have no real personal experience with him. However, he does seem like the type of person you are looking for.


Perhaps others here can offer you more personal information on him.


Good luck!

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Guest ManhattanMan

In Boston there's a fellow named Marco that's reviewed here. Very sexy spanish/PR guy with a very hot body and nice attitude. Versatile. I'd recommend him highly if you like Latin men.

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Guest BigJosh

John Stone is a great guy, fun and smart. Very sexy, well endowed, and while not a bodybuilder, he has a great build. I've been with him a few times and truly enjoy the time, and will definitely repeat. He's a great top and a pro at oral.


Marco is no looker, but a very nice guy. Frankly, I think his pics are better than the real thing. In his mid-30s, lots of tattoos, shaved head, and a big gap-toothed grin. BUUUUUT, a wonderful man -- sincere and sweet and a hot butt.


Jon Ramsey is supposed to be the king of Boston escorts, but here's one man's opinion: I was with him once and was disappointed. He talked about himself and how sexy his body is NON-STOP. Do not expect a rocket scientist here. He does have a beautiful body -- huge chest and arms. A butt that won't quit and fantastic legs. But, a tiny dick. He charges a lot and does little for it. The biggest turn-off was when he called his next client from my hotel room and chatted him up. If you're into body worship, watching someone pose and paying $200 for the "pleasure", he's for you.


I've heard Chip is good (rentboy.com). But don't know anything about him though.

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Guest Chris9Wow



Jon was the one escort that I was with.. I must agree with you.. He is very nice and has a great body. I sucked him and he jacked me off that was about it. I will try John as soon as I get back from my vaca.. Thanks.

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Jon Ramsey


Believe me. This guy is incredible handsome and a real gentleman. Only safe sex but very good sex. I am addicted to his perfect butt.

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Guest averjoe

Try out a guy named Jake from RI. He travels to Boston. Charges about $200 - $250. 800-669-6437

Jake is a very muscular, good looking Italian guy.

Early 30's, 6" cut dick. He has a beautiful ass and is a very nice person. I don't think he has a web page - don't know wre you can find pic's - but believe me you won't be disappointed.

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I totally agree with "Big Josh"'s description of Jon Ramsey. I had a similar experience with Jon. He is "totally into himself" and he also spent some of my time answering his pager and getting directions from me on how to get to his next appointment. I think he is absolutely gorgeous and his "average size" dick did not bother me. However, he does very little for the money he charges and, while he was pleasant, I felt that he was "acting the nice guy" and that it was totally "an act"...not sincere.The hour I purchased ended up being something like 45 minutes. I always thought that it was me who was at fault here as "this man is listed as one of the top 10 escorts in the country". Now, I see someone else feels like I do about him. The above experience was a few years ago and he may have changed his attitude. The weekly gay paper "InNewsweekly" has an escort section. However, I have no personal info on any of them.

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The more I hear about this "stud" the happier I am that I passed on his recent New York visit. Cock size is not that important to me, but attitude is, and attitude is more than just being cocky - it's using a client's time to book other sessions, it's talking non-stop about yourself and believing the client is enthralled (God, I hate when that happens!), it's believing your own good press. Incredible asses only carry you so far - then you gotta deliver the goods too!

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Have commented before that my personal experiences with Jon Ramsey have been fantastic. Far more than posing and absolutely no attitude. Maybe our personalities just "click". At any rate, if you want a beautiful body, plenty of muscle, very handsome guy, without kissing or anal sex, then I suggest you consider Jon. I have to add that I have several degrees and am an educator: Jon Ramsey is NOT a dim bulb. By a long shot. And, speaking of long shots: I have seen him hit the ceiling from a standing position!:D


Also want to add that I have seen Big Jake once and had a very satisfying experience. Someone keeps posting that he has 6". I am not a size queen, for certain (after all, Jon R. has a modest endowment...albeit perfectly in proportion), but Big Jake is one helluva lot bigger than 6". And I checked my memory with a friend who has been with him several times. Much bigger. So, guys who want muscle and bigger packages may want to call Jake.

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WOW! I'm glad I read all this about Jon Ramsey. He looks great but I had no idea he doesn't top NOR kiss. I can go without getting fucked, but not kissed...well, not for me. It sounds like he's a great lover, but, I hate getting fucked without getting kissed. Isn't that the definition of work? :) Once again, HooBoy's website saves me money.

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Guest jim20009

Jon Ramsey: I was with him once and I agree with BigJosh -- all the neighbors upstairs are not home. He is a nice-looking guy (short and bulit) with a small dick and totally pleasant but he does go on and on and on about himself. And, we should start a club, because he called his next client from my place too!!! He was chatting the guy up and kept winking at me. Whatever...


What's the scoop on Big Jake? Does he kiss? suck? fuck? I'm getting tired of hiring guys only to find out once they're with me what they won't do...


Thank God for HooBoy.

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Guest scotty

I was seriously considering hiring Jon Ramsey on his next trip to NYC. Thank God, I came across this site. He does'nt kiss or top. Then why is he raving about him being the total package. Does anyone know anything about Scott Matthews. I heard he is the best and was rated one of the ten best escorts, but after hearing about Jon Ramsey, now Im a little leary. Can anyone offer any advice?

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Guest woody

I feel a little bad.. I was not expecting this thread to be a bashing on Jon Ramsey. I thought he was very very nice person and had a great body. So if you are looking to service someone and lots of body worship and he will stroke you off. Then he really is a great escort. I was just looking for a little more.

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Guest SenorT

Hi Scotty...check out Scott's reviews on this site...they're all accurate. Scott is a great guy...hot top...very well hung...friendly...great kisser...go for it man! You'll have a great time! Let us know what happened!

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Woody writes:

"I feel a little bad.. I was not expecting this thread to be a bashing on Jon Ramsey. I thought he was very

very nice person and had a great body. So if you are looking to service someone and lots of body

worship and he will stroke you off. Then he really is a great escort. I was just looking for a little more."


Well Woody, SO ARE MOST PEOPLE. You should not feel bad for saying it like it is. Jon advertises himself as "The Total Package". Well guess what: He is not. Having a great body does not make a great escort. What does make a good escort (a thread that has disappeared) is alot more. Alot of what has been said about Jon here is true. You may hire him if you wish but you should be aware of what you will get in return. In my opinion, his "great personality" is a fake...at least I felt that it was. If anyone really likes him, so much the better for Jon. I didn't and am just am giving my opinion.


PS: It would be interesting to view Jon's explanation of all of this. Anyhow, one shouldn't feel bad for posting an accurate review.

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Guest Shooter

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-00 AT 09:13PM (CST)[p]Ok, guys! I count no fewer than 5 guys (BigJosh, Chris9Wow, Ken, Jim 20009, & woody) here who were disappointed with their experience with Mr. Ramsey for one reason or another and yet, I went through his reviews and NOT ONE negative comment appears much less an entire review being marginal. :o What's up with that, gentlemen?


Dick size--I don't care. 'No kissing', I have to agree with REGINA is a MAJOR turn-off for me. :'( But ATTITUDE is something which should be clearly exposed in review form. :-(


In summary, SUBMIT A REVIEW!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jim20009

You should definitely try Chip from the rentboy site. He's been reviewed here and is a great all-man improvement over the short-dicked and bubble-headed Jon Ramsey.

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Guest Skeptic

Traveller returns!


One of our wisest & wittiest reporters is back, the Traveller himself. As Oberon said to Puck: 'Welcome, wanderer!'

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