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Any CPAs out there....?

Guest leandream1
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Guest Jizzdepapi

I gotta say I am sick to my stomach:


1.) Why all the shit about whether and where some message should be posted? If people want to talk about something on these message boards, let them. They may love escorts but every word doesn't have to be about them.

I happen to prefer Mr. Snuggle fabric softener because I can easily insert it. . . (oh never mind, I know what message board to insert that comment on). LIGHTEN UP!!!


2.) What is all this bullshit about the right thing to do is pay taxes. Did you know that the federal government's contribution to the fight against AIDS for research and care is less than one percent of the money we spend on our military budget. And don't get me started on corporate welfare ($600 toilet seats for military contractors, etc.).


I say we all have a moral obligation to cheat this government all wecan. If you can cheat on taxes, it's less money the feds have to hand out to their crooked friends and fuck over the rest of us.


There, I've said my piece and will crawl into the closest asshole I can find of a hot boricua. LOL!




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I, for one, had a lover for six years who died from AIDS about 6 years ago. Might he have lived longer if President Reagan and the legislature had had the wisdom and balls to fully fund research needed to fight this disease? Should I have been able to get survivor's benefits from the fact that he was a time of war (VietNam) army veteran? Does the government even recognize that my living with, loving and suffering the death of this spouse constitutes a marriage? I must say that I agree that the government doesn't really deserve all of the support they ask our people for.

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-00 AT 07:32PM (CST)[p]Blade, I'm very sorry for your loss, six years or six days, the ache never goes away. I, too, lost my best friend of ten years this past year. We grew up together and, unfortunately, he didn't believe the warnings about safe sex. We were not lovers, we were best of friends. I still pick up the phone to talk about my day only to remember there will be no answer. It's not impossible to keep in touch with him, it's just not as easy.


Good luck with the reiki training. I've just begun to read about it; my mother had open heart surgery and I'm pestering her to see a reiki therapist to make her complete again; finding a reiki specialist in the midwest (small farming town in Iowa) is about as easy as finding an openly gay Republican in faded jeans!


Warm hugs to you.

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