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Historical Events for 22nd June 2024

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1596 - Cornelis de Houtman's Dutch fleet reaches Bantam (Banten), Java
1679 - Battle at Bothwell Bridge on Clyde: Duke of Monmouth beats Scots
1745 - Bonnie Prince Charles sails to Scotland
1955 - US air patrol plane shot down above Bering sea
1973 - 23rd Berlin International Film Festival: "Distant Thunder" wins the Golden Bear
1991 - "I Hate Hamlet" closes at Walter Kerr Theater NYC after 88 performances
1991 - Underwater volcano, Mount Didicas, erupts in the Philippines
2013 - Roskilde 6, world's longest Viking longship (37 meters/123 ft) rediscovered 1996, probably part of King Canute's royal fleet (built 1025 AD) goes on display for the first time at National Museum in Copenhagen
2020 - New York City, once the epicentre of the pandemic in America, begins stage 2 of re-opening, allowing outdoor dinning and some in-store shopping
2021 - Unesco says Australia's Great Barrier Reef should be put on list of World Heritage Sites that are "in danger"

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