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Historical Events for 5th June 2023

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1873 - Sultan Bargash bin Said under British pressure closes the infamous slave market of Zanzibar in modern day Tanzania
1917 - 10 million US men begin registering for draft in WW I
1933 - US drops the Gold Standard when Congress enacts a joint resolution nullifying creditors right to demand payment in gold
1937 - Henry Ford initiates a 32 hour work week
1956 - "Milton Berle Show" last airs on NBC-TV
1981 - George Harrison releases "Somewhere in England", his ninth studio album, includes John Lennon tribute "All Those Years Ago" (Featuring Paul and Ringo)
1993 - Somali warlord Aidids murders 23 Pakistani
2000 - Armed conflict between Rwanda and Uganda erupts in Kinsangani, a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
2017 - Puerto Rico declares its Zika virus epidemic over
2019 - Ohio doctor William Husel charged with 25 counts of murder for prescribing potentially fatal doses of opioids in Franklin County

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