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This Time Next Year...


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To quote Pete Townsend of The Who: it's been an "Amazing Journey....."

When I made the decision 19 years ago to start escorting, it was (sadly) out of desperation to survive, & follow my passion, (music), in Las Vegas. That decision QUICKLY turned into a way of life for me, in what seemed to be the blink of an eye!

I developed some great relationships along the way, saw the world, & had experiences that in my wildest dreams thought would NEVER happen to a "kid from Brooklyn."

I'm going to be pulling my ads down a year from today (my 60th birthday, & the 20-year anniversary of "Ace"), & only see referrals from this site. I'll continue the relationships with my regulars.

It's time.

My phone number & email will stay active for the next year as well.

I want to thank ALL of you & wish you all well!!!!

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The end of an era! ... and hopefully the beginning of a new one!

I must give props to Ace for teaching me so much of what I know now. You know, flogging and stuff. Ace, you've been a great friend and colleague, and you sure as hell better not disappear on us entirely. It's always a bright spot to see you when visiting Palm Springs, and I look forward to hearing about your new endeavors. 

Meanwhile gents, book this man! You will not be disappointed... 😈

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