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Shortening a Trip?

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Greetings Escorts,


I recently posted a note in the "travels" section about an escort who shortened a trip to return to his home town a day early, canceling my appointment. Since he called me to request the booking in the first place, I think this behavior on his part is inappropriate.


I can understand bad weather or a family emergency being a reason to cancel an appointment, but that was not the case.


Would you consider such behavior by an escort to be rude and unprofessional?



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Jimmer, I feel your pain, but we escorts get canceled on all the time, and the reasons are rarely "bad weather" or "family emergency." It can be anything, from work getting hectic, or a business trip being postponed, or an out-of-town bf returning home ahead of schedule, or perhaps they feel like they're coming down with something, or any myriad of reasons. I can't speak for other escorts, but Derek and I just go with the flow and understand that, while this is our (fun) profession, it's just recreation for our clients and therefore does not take on the importance or priority of other activities. Luckily, it doesn't happen to us often, but we all get our share of no-shows and fakes (which can be aggravating), so Derek & I are very appreciative if someone takes the time to email us as soon as he knows he won't be able to make it. We've rarely had to cancel appointments, but when we have, we've done our best to let the client know with as much notice as possible. I'm not sure what transpired between you and the other escort, but my guess is something came up back home and it just took precedence. I wouldn't take it personally...especially since I know what a great guy you are. :)

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>Would you consider such behavior by an escort to be rude and



I'd consider it unfortunate but not nearly as rude and spiteful as your post to him in said travel section. I found it to be extremely unnecessary and in bad taste.


I could be wrong so I preface with that and hold back harsh words at this point. Here's my theory on what transpired:


My theory on the situation is that you two had planned to meet at the end of his trip and he left a day or so early preventing you from actually meeting. He contacted you well before the ACTUAL appointment (if any was scheduled) to cancel and apologized for having to cut his trip short but hoped you two could meet another time.


Spitefully, instead of simply posting a blind item as you have done here about what happened and getting objective opinions from BOTH escorts and clients, you decided to respond to his travel post cutting him down and making him look bad.


As Rick has said, clients cancel on us ALL the time for awful reasons if they bother to do so at all. Business trips get cut short or meetings come up at the last minute. Traveling escorts are typically ON a business trip as it were so why the double standard?


If he gave you enough notice before the actual appointment then you should be happy he didn't leave you sitting there waiting as so many clients find it fitting to do to escorts.


When a client cancels on ME while I'm traveling to their city it really screws me because I've told plenty of others that I'm unavailable at that time and chances are they've rebooked their time as well. At least for you, you're not OUT money to cover expenses and the like and if you're THAT horny you might be able to hire someone else especially in a big city like the one in question.


Overall, I think it's a crappy situation but trying to make the escort look bad for handling a situation better than most others do when the shoe is on the other foot was particularly classless.

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>I can understand bad weather or a family emergency being a

>reason to cancel an appointment, but that was not the case.


What WAS the case? You're telling half the story here.


I've actually had this happen. I'd booked the last available day in the traveling escort's time in my city. Two days into his visit, not a single client had shown up and more had canceled. He could not financially justify staying to the end of his planned visit since he was losing money.


I can't fault him for that one bit.


(And, escorts, clients sit in a lonely hotel room waiting for the knock on the door that never comes too. THAT argument is a two-way street.)


You say the escort called you. Had you asked him to let you know when he was coming through, or did he pick your number at random from the phone book?


You've laid out the facts that serve your side of the story, but left out the parts that maybe don't.

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There's always two sides to every story, and its almost impossible to discuss something like that without knowing the escort's side of the story. He is a highly regarded escort, so there has to be a good reason as to why he had to leave early. Also if he had to leave for some personal reason, you have to leave it at that and respect his privacy.

I had an appointment once with a doctor that got cancelled....does that make him a bad doctor? I also had a meeting with a person, and it got cancelled at the last minute.....it happens, and people have to just work around those situations and don't take them personally.

If I had an escort cancel on me, I would just tell him that I would want to see him the next time he was in town, and in all likelyhood the escort would even try harder (if that's possible for the good ones because I'm convinced they work hard for every client), to give you a really great time.

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No, I would not consider it rude and unprofessional.


Circumstances can change for any one of us during a trip or in advance of a session. I have had escorts cancel on me prior to a session and I have done the same as well. These instances occurred when both of us caught colds and did not want to pass it to the other. In each case we rescheduled and had a great time a few weeks later.


As other clients are making note in this thread these things happen its how BOTH of you react to them that makes the difference. There does seem to me more to this story as Deej has pointed out. From what I can tell his plans had to change, it sounds like he contacted you; you seem to take offense at such and now seek to call him out on it in a public manner in this forum. You appear to be seeking vindication in this forum and I would say you might not find much of that here.


What if the situation were reversed? What if you had to change plans on said escort because of some business, family, or weather related issue? Would you expect that the escort would call you out on this in a public forum? How pissed off would you be if he did such a thing?


Being cancelled on is a very frustrating and disappointing circumstance for anyone - escort or client. It goes with the territory. The escort in question is well known and has great reviews. Surely the two of you could have worked out a make up session at some other time.

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Deej I find it funny, I travel to city's on occasion and have never left because people have flaked...if they do I try to get others to take his place and if I cant I will simply make the best of it by taking a nap and if I have more time go walking around and get lost in my mind.


I am not saying leaving early is bad AT ALL, I just stay no matter what because I already pay in full and dont need to worry about what profit ill be making and what a loss it will or will not be...I am there and going to make the best of it regardless of what happends...I also would go home faster if I had something there for me or something came up but that hasent and wont happen.

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>I can't speak for other escorts, but Derek and I just go with

>the flow and understand that, while this is our (fun)

>profession, it's just recreation for our clients and therefore

>does not take on the importance or priority of other



I respectfully disagree. A session with you and Derek is not recreation it is serious business. There are details to be hammered out, compromises to be made, positions to be made clear. Quite frankly, I think I am more likely to be tied up during a session with you guys than before it.

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My feeling on this is that you, Scott, are wrong in your logic. Escorts are selling a "commodity" and as a vendor you are not in a position to call the shots. The purchaser is in the drivers seat. He has the right to complain about an escort not following through on a commitment. This is especially true considering the prices escorts now charge. It may not be an escort's desire to be considered a product but that is exactly what you are. This is not love. It is sex for sale.


the Cajun

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Then you'll ESPECIALLY love Justin and I's parody on the new blog. ;)


But I hate to break it to you it seems even your client peers agree with me in this topic. It breaks down to respect. Shit happens. If something comes up and we have no choice but to deal with it, then so be it.


I can't tell you how many times I have clients expect me to give them a discount on the next appointment for rescheduling a date or even by thirty minutes. Does this now mean I have a right to expect a cancellation fee?


If someone tells me they expect a cancellation fee for something that can't be helped, I tell them that we're not a match to meet anyway. The atmosphere of that appointment won't be good for anyone.


I'm more than likely to offer a rate change if I feel the rescheduling is that imposing like last minute or something, but most likely we'll just reschedule the time. It's very rare (but it does happen) that a client will pay me for the last minute change especially if they can't reschedule. Like I said, it comes down to respect.


I'm not even going to get into the debate about product and service with you as apparent by your comments, the ideas about respect above will go right over your head. It's unfortunate.


P.S. >as a vendor you are not in a position to call the shots


I believe the sign in most establishments reads: "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

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Guest n2colour

FWIW, Without knowing the whole story, and feeling that it really is none of my busines, my opinion mirrors that of Arlington Guy.

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Guest novabear22031

>What WAS the case? You're telling half the story here.



I agree, there may have been a real reason for the trip being cut short.


>I've actually had this happen. I'd booked the last available

>day in the traveling escort's time in my city. Two days into

>his visit, not a single client had shown up and more had

>canceled. He could not financially justify staying to the end

>of his planned visit since he was losing money.


>I can't fault him for that one bit.



I can find a little fault in this situation perhaps. One was with cancelations and no-shows, were you given an opportunity to change your appointment (not saying that you could have)?


Second I have traveled for business before with appointments to meet up with several clients during that stay. And sometimes things did go for shit for the trip, spinning my wheels till my last client had the time available. Guess what? It is the cost of doing business.


Of course this depend on the length of the stay of course. I was on one 5 day stay and the market panicked, and had bunches of cancelations for early in the week. And the vibes that got from my clients that were for the tail end of the week was that they might not be able to keep the appointment - so we agreed to meet at a better time.


>(And, escorts, clients sit in a lonely hotel room waiting for

>the knock on the door that never comes too. THAT argument is a

>two-way street.)



Thank you for that. I think that being fair on both sides is key here. I never have had to cancel at the last minute as a client, but my sense of respect would be to offer some sort of compensation (based on the rate being charged).

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>I can find a little fault in this situation perhaps. One was

>with cancelations and no-shows, were you given an opportunity

>to change your appointment (not saying that you could have)?


I actually was given the opportunity to meet earlier, but I was out of town so it was a no-go. I'll normally book a traveling escort as early as possible in their visit (so if it's good, there's time for a repeat), but that wasn't in the cards this time.


Interestingly when we later met up in a different city he gave me extra time to make up for it. I'd long-since forgotten about the incident until he rolled over and asked "ready to go again?"


>Second I have traveled for business before with appointments

>to meet up with several clients during that stay. And

>sometimes things did go for shit for the trip, spinning my

>wheels till my last client had the time available. Guess what?

>It is the cost of doing business.


I've had that happen too, but I've had an employer paying my salary and covering my expenses. It is my *employer's* cost of doing business. Four free days in SF is rough, but hey, it was *business*. ;-)


For someone paying his own way at $200/night for a hotel it doesn't take long for the trip to go wonky when no clients show up. I'd leave early.



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Guest novabear22031

>>I can find a little fault in this situation perhaps. One


>>with cancelations and no-shows, were you given an


>>to change your appointment (not saying that you could have)?



>I actually was given the opportunity to meet earlier, but I

>was out of town so it was a no-go. I'll normally book a

>traveling escort as early as possible in their visit (so if

>it's good, there's time for a repeat), but that wasn't in the

>cards this time.


>Interestingly when we later met up in a different city he gave

>me extra time to make up for it. I'd long-since forgotten

>about the incident until he rolled over and asked "ready to go




So we can now see there is more to most stories sometimes. Glad it worked out for you...


>>Second I have traveled for business before with appointments

>>to meet up with several clients during that stay. And

>>sometimes things did go for shit for the trip, spinning my

>>wheels till my last client had the time available. Guess


>>It is the cost of doing business.


>I've had that happen too, but I've had an employer paying my

>salary and covering my expenses. It is my *employer's* cost of

>doing business. Four free days in SF is rough, but hey, it was

>*business*. ;-)


>For someone paying his own way at $200/night for a hotel it

>doesn't take long for the trip to go wonky when no clients

>show up. I'd leave early.





You and I had the benefit of someone else paying the bills. But I know of other independent road warriors with similar experiences as you and me that had to foot the bill themselves.


The point being for an "independent" road warrior; one has to look at the potential loss of income on a particular trip at the overall income for the year. As for nothing to do while one waits, you and me may have found things in the various cities we have found ourselves "abandoned" in - to make the best of it.


I just don't count the lack of clients or no-shows as a real excuse to bail out unless it is a very long term stay of 2 to 4 weeks in an area. But that IMHO....

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yaaaaaaa... Quite true the Escort has more to lose. Income lost when a Client does not show up... more so if he has set up hotel accommodations specifically for a Client and paid for them and the Client does not show, ( a Client has a better chance of finding another Escort), or when Clients are financially unprepared regardless of having visited an Escort's website or review site where info is posted or discussed prices over the phone or via email.

Imagine hearing these things from an Escort:

1). Sorry I wasn't there. I decided to have lunch with some friends.

2). I decided to take on business with this other guy in town and went to meet him instead. You gonna be in town again soon?

3). I went out and partied too much last night what are you doing tomorrow or next week.

4). Sorry about that costly hotel and travel expense. Can we still get together someother time?

5). ya... sorry about not calling or showing up. I found this guy for a better rate.

6). It's my birthday, my car needs repairs, I feel like we are friends, I'm buying a new house... can you give me a better rate?

7). Hey, that was really fun, you are so amazing, the best out there... I'd love to schedule something again next month or next week. I was wondering if we could renegotiate our rate for today and future meetings?


I have personally heard some of these things and heard stories of these things being said to other Escorts by Clients. Not much recourse for the Escorts. Clients can simply write a bad review and write about how aweful the Escort is when talking amongst themselves and on the various meeting places. Some basic Honesty, forethought and consideration can prevent most of these types of situations... some are unavoidable: illness, business, emergencies, health issues, weather... so you just deal with them and realize that some things are not in our control completely... these things are to be expected from time to time. An effort to communicate them is good thinking and business pratice. The majority of people, (Clients and Escorts), act in good faith, are forthright and consciencious... The bad behavior is really unacceptable from either Escort or Client.






men4rentnow.com tygerscent in Portland, Oregon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gee, if you're going to oversimplify it this way, then you don't have any right to complain, since money hasn't changed hands yet at this point.


Following your commodity analogy, if you go to a store to buy an item, and the shelf is empty, and the clerk says there's no more in stock of the item you are looking for, you leave - disappointed, yes, and you go to another store location in the hopes that they'll have it there.


-Popped Rice (and no, I'm not an escort)


>My feeling on this is that you, Scott, are wrong in your

>logic. Escorts are selling a "commodity" and as a vendor you

>are not in a position to call the shots. The purchaser is in

>the drivers seat. He has the right to complain about an

>escort not following through on a commitment. This is

>especially true considering the prices escorts now charge. It

>may not be an escort's desire to be considered a product but

>that is exactly what you are. This is not love. It is sex

>for sale.


>the Cajun

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