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411 MATHEO_uk


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diving deep into his reviews (!), some interesting observations.....I think?? this guy is "real", but may be a bit exuberant with self-promotion.....

there are about four or five reviewers who all joined RM in November-ish of 2020 and who all last logged in about February-ish of 2022......they all only positively reviewed Matheo, usually twice, and no others!......(is Matheo himself trying to pad his reviews with self-created clients??)

there are also other legit-appearing RM reviewers (longtime membership, reviews of several other providers) who positively review him and leave glowing text comments.....

on one day in December, 2022, Matheo added a thanks-style reply to all his positive reviewers' reviews, most of which had been posted months or a couple years earlier.....

and here is a copy-and-paste of the negative review mentioned by JTee above and Matheo's response:

Rentmen lied about his pictures and didn't follow through with what he said he would do, he looks older than his pics (All airbrushed) and has a bad attitude. He's dangerous and threatened me when I went to leave. I had to file a police report cause he made up fabricated lies to get me in trouble.

Time Spent: 1 hour

Ambience: Not relaxing

Are Photos Accurate? Photos are heavily edited

Recommend? No, I don't think so


replied on 03 Nov, 2022

I only have to say in my favor that the only negative review I have is this, I'm not going to get involved like you do, whoever you are. I am going to answer you very, very easily, lying has very short legs and a liar is caught before a lame person.
Rentmen users, ignore 99% of my reviews, pay attention to the 1% that is you, 99% lie and you have to believe yourself.
I don't even know who you are and I doubt we would have a meeting.

Greetings friend, good luck to you.

Edited by azdr0710
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