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Fair is fair, or is it?

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>Deej, many of your replies in here take on an escorts point of

>view which to my knowledge you haven't partaken.


You newbies never fail to amuse me. ;-)


>I wont just invite someone to spend the night or drive

>somewhere to meet them for the overnight without talking

>extensively first to them but most of my first time meeting

>inquiries on them go very well.


The key there is "spending some time". Remember, here we're talking about some emails over the course of a couple of hours. It seems like a first impression gone bad.


>To those encouraging him not to post here ... that's sad.


I agree. This is a hugely valuable resource for someone in his shoes. I backed off because he got defensive when questioned, though.


>I still believe after reading ALL of the facts (including his

>clarifications -- not intentional omissions) that the escort

>in question is doing bad business by accepting an appointment

>then trying to shorten the length of time without adjusting

>the rate.


But we've only heard one side of it, and it changes with each question asked at that. I only started asking questions because things didn't add up.


>Like many of the posts in these forums he was simply asking

>for advice, perspective, and seeing if anyone else had dealt

>with similar situations.


I'm not so sure. I think he wanted commiseration, sure, but I don't really think he wanted feedback. As soon as things didn't go his way he folded his tent and left. That doesn't seem to me like someone seeking input. <shrug>


I do hope this was a real plea for input and that he comes back to avail himself of all the opinions so readily available here.

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>You newbies never fail to amuse me. ;-)


If ANYONE on this site isn't a newbie it's me.


>The key there is "spending some time". Remember, here we're

>talking about some emails over the course of a couple of

>hours. It seems like a first impression gone bad.


No ... the key is getting to know the person and at least get a cursory idea they're not total psychotic assholes ... yes they exist. Shocking. I have had overnights that were coordinated the same day because I happened to be available. I woke up checked my email by 10 AM. A few phone chats and I was there ready for a night on the town by 7.


>I agree. This is a hugely valuable resource for someone in his

>shoes. I backed off because he got defensive when questioned,



My kettle is boiling and my pot is boiling over as I've been realizing through recent post wars but ... did you ever stop to think that he got defensive because you were ATTACKING him? LOL.


>But we've only heard one side of it, and it changes with each

>question asked at that. I only started asking questions

>because things didn't add up.


You and manrent1 keep spinning your misunderstandings into him omitting "important” details. As an escort I understood right away what the 10K comment meant – he was alluding to a regular commitment resulting in more money than one simple meeting.


He left out that the chat happened in one day as opposed to a week. The IMPORTANT point is whether it was same day or not if the escort had a prior commitment then he shouldn’t have agreed to the appointment only to keep taking time off either side. What other things aren’t adding up? What else needs to be spun so you feel better about attacking him for asking a simple question?


>I'm not so sure. I think he wanted commiseration, sure, but I

>don't really think he wanted feedback. As soon as things

>didn't go his way he folded his tent and left. That doesn't

>seem to me like someone seeking input. <shrug>


LOL. Things didn’t simply not go his way … you went on the attack mode calling him inflexible and doubting his intents. Discussing tents, aren’t you two supposed to be in the same camp? I try to give people the benefit of the doubt especially when they’re bringing up questions here. There’s really no sense in asking people for advice if you’re going to lie about the details. Nobody is that dramatic unless they have a goal of publicity and it gets nothing done. At most you’re accusing him of doing this to seek out escorts to email him.


As to manrent’s response to me and the question brought up about 8 – 10 hours. I’m not going to reveal private details between us and the conversations we did have, but there are two types of appointments I’ve seen over the year – companionship and sex. If someone is hiring me for an overnight, they hear my rate, and then tell me they only want to get together for 8 – 10 hours … I politely decline.


I’m of course a sexual person given this industry but when I do an overnight … I plan on getting at least 6 – 8 hours of sleep somewhere in there and establish that. Not everyone hires for an overnight simply to get a really good hourly price break on an all night fuck fest. It sounds crass but that’s where 14 hour overnights come from … people who are wanting more from an experience with someone than just sex.

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Jeddinger posted on the MC about 10 days ago also seeking advice about what for him had become an unsatisfying relationship with an escort whom he really liked. J. wanted the escort to be more aggressive sexually. After several exchanges with other posters, J. decided to move on.


J. did mention 10 days ago that he is deeply in the closet because of his job. The kind of questions he is asking on the MC would normally be asked of a good friend (and perhaps on the MC as well). I remember J.'s

first comments because he was quite upset when people made fun of Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love."


I also live in Philadelphia. While I understood J.'s feelings, he was not aware that they were made of Juan from Vancouver who did not know Philadelphia's pet name. J. later made up with Juan on the MC.


Jeddinger: Come back. You need a thick skin here to survive, but the people are generally very decent; they just enjoy arguing (me too).


If you ever feel like meeting for a coffee and conversation in Philadelphia: email me at AlanMcIntyre@prodigy.net

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First it is rarely a good thing when someone chooses not to particpate in an open forum, especially reagding a subject matter that is not easy to discuss with anyone in out personal lives.


I have had my share of spears tossed my way and get pissed take a few days off and feel better and come back looking for insight.


Second, it is unfortunate that there was a breakdown in communication between escort and client. I have never been one to feel comfortable standing my ground with an escort if something which is important to me but maybe not to the escort and stating no this is the way I have things set up. To be honest as soon as the escort stated he was going to have a problem fulfilling the orginal agreement that is the time to either reschedule or cancel. Length of time is important to you than simply state no I am looking for x amount of time. Believe when I say it took me a long time to realize that it is best for me to have everything clearly stated and items that are of critical importance stated as such. Most guys I have been with are so use to picking up on nuances,even from new clients and on the phone, that I am surprised the escort did not detect your irritation, especially communications after the original meeting.


I hope you do continue to participate. If for no other reason sometimes when we put something in print it does not seem that important any more or the issue is more crystalized.


I hope actually even the working guys when they leave the business would continue to stop in and participate in the conversation.

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Guest manrent1

Scott you made good points and as always they are worth reading.


A couple of things from my point of view:


1)I guess I was trying to give the escort the benefit of the doubt here as it always seems that these boards are quick to think that it is the escort that is always wrong in these situations. Sorry but it is a two way street - and everyone on here should know that is true. Perhaps he shouldn't have made the appointment, he should have been more upfront about the time, rate, etc. It just seems to me that he deserves some consideration for his point of view.


2) As far as overnights go - I've had them from 6-8 hours to lasting much longer than that - depends on the guy, his and my situation, etc. However, I always worry when someone is looking for "companionship"rather than sex with an escort - the word "companionship" means many things to many people. For some guys it means a friend, a lover, etc. - and that typically always leads to tears and heartbreak when mixed with the escort business. Trust me no one will ever accuse me of trying to get a "cheap fuck" from anyone.


3) I still say that if anyone "ends up in tears" over an email exchange with someone you've never met you have bigger problems than whether or not you're getting ripped off on an overnight. And if any of that emotion came through in the email exchange with the escort would anyone blame him for trying to get out of spending 14 hours with this stranger?

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I see both sides here, Scott, but go back and re-read the original post.


No date was set. A rate/duration was put on the table, but the duration apparently didn't work once a date was selected.


It sounds like the escort may have tried to make something work. (That's in his favor. He was clumsy about it, but he tried.) Apparently along the way the escort started talking about things like "having a life". I wonder what might have goaded him into that? Perhaps a client already thinking about a 10k extended affair got a little clingy, pushy, or needy? I dunno.


The only facts we have are those posted by the OP: a rate/duration was put on the table, and then it didn't work for a certain date.


We have a client with a history of posting woeful stories of escort experiences gone awry. At what point do we stop blaming it on escorts and start helping the guy build up his confidence and his technique, get him laid, and find something that works for him?


You seem to be advocating that the escort is always wrong, and that doesn't seem very much like you pookie. ;-)

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Hey Guys;

I'm in TOTAL agreement with Anton & Louis on this one....

An escort's bread & butter (in my opinion)is an overnight call...ESPECIALLY one that could become an ongoing thing! If it was me..I would go out of my way to accomodate the first client..(Like Anton said..the "experience" starts with inital conversations & Emails...

Also, as Louis stated, there ARE so many of us that have good reputations for going BEYOND just the sex, that a little research goes a long way.

Any client of mine that finds me on a review site is generally better informed...which puts me at ease to a degree.

Be safe boys!

Anton...I'll be in Amsterdam in July.....let's try & hook up.


All the best;





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Guest manrent1

you;re right that overnights are bread and butter - but from my experience and conversations with numerous escorts they are always being promised "thousands of dollars over the long term" and "this will be a regular thing" and few if any actually turn into that.


Is nobody willing to give the escort the benefit of the doubt here?

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>Buzzards circling a carcass. ::shaking head::


>Like many of the posts in these forums he was simply asking

>for advice, perspective, and seeing if anyone else had dealt

>with similar situations. To tell him he’s better off not

>posting here because he can’t handle a couple bad escort

>experience pretty much sucks.


I agree with you on this one Scott.


If a person can't have a conversation about their escort experiences here, good or bad, without being attacked, then where can you? I am sure many can relate to J's experience if they've hired many escorts. Also, seems many things in life move in cycles. Have many great escort experiences and then have a couple of not so good in a cycle. Sadly, if J leaves he will not be the first to leave over similar comments or attacks for expressing ones opinion or seeking a little advice or even trying to vent to others that have escort experiences.


Since this is the "ask an escort" forum I usually don't comment much here, not being an escort. But in this case was mainly just agreeing with one of the escort responses. I also note that the escorts that did respond to J seem to have some sympathy for his situation.

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Guest manrent1

of course the escorts agreed with him - one is always careful to agree with potential customers - remember the customer if always right!

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>I agree with you on this one Scott.


Someone sound the trumpets! }(


Despite as much goading as I could -- J has informed me that he'll be staying in touch with those he's already become friends with and will probably lurk but has no intention of posting again.


It's all really upsetting to think that people are being discouraged from participating.

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>of course the escorts agreed with him - one is always careful

>to agree with potential customers - remember the customer if

>always right!


WOW that's insulting. Is this to say you are taking the escorts side in hopes of eventually getting a better rate from him? Come on!


Don't be rude and insinuate people are only showing compassion for the pure purpose of making a buck.

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Someone asks question, and person gets ran off.

No wonder this board is done.


Heck, I came here after a long absence to say hello to deej and a few tried to run me off. I feel for you J.

But you gotta let people like that just roll off your back, same with their bitter queen comments.


Happy hiring and I wish you luck.

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Well as sad as it is when a client says he is choosing not to participate but I think even worse when an escort like John is making a conscious decision not to participate. The number of escorts that participate on a regular basis is very limited. In open forums like this conversations can get heated and even a few good natured barbs. But when the remarks become callous and vicious well that just goes over the top. It may be best if some people would take five minutes and breathe before responding. I think honestly most people try to respond with good intentions; others have a knack for stirring the pot. I always enjoy hearing an escort's point of view; I think it helps me be a better client.

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This website serves many functions, including venting of frustration and looking for sympathy, which elicits showing off and attacking someone who seems emotionally vulnerable as often as giving the support that is sought. Jeddinger seems like someone who takes his relationships with escorts very seriously, and doesn't have much of a support system to turn to when they go wrong, so he comes here. I can't help nodding in agreement with those who say he is too thin-skinned and takes his interactions with escorts too seriously, and who snort with contempt when he annnounces that he is picking up his marbles and walking away, as though that will somehow punish the other participants in the forum.


However, I got involved in another similar kind of interchange here last year, and I decided to privately pursue the poster, because it struck me that his pain was real, and I got to know about him beyond his escort use. He was another closeted, emotionally sensitive man in a situation that made it almost impossible to come out or develop a circle of understanding gay friends. He did withdraw totally from the site, not even reading it, and I think for him it may have been the best decision--some people do want (and need) total support, and can't deal with the kind of harsh give and take that occurs here. That is one of the drawbacks of a cyberspace "community" like ours, where anonymity and the isolation of sitting in front of one's own computer rather than around a table with real faces makes it easy to speak without thinking about the consequences, because we can disappear back into the air whenever we choose.


Perhaps Jeddinger really has stopped reading here, or perhaps he just wants to be begged to come back, which worked in the thread about getting the escort to be more aggressive. We'll see.

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Very nicely said, Charlie.


Last year, a poster with a physical handicap asked for some advice and understanding, regarding an escort experience. He was hooted off the Board by some unfeeling posters. Regardless of the “merits” of his situation, it was clear that he needed some compassion. I was ashamed of myself - and still am - that I didn’t provide it for him. I was overwhelmed by the nastiness of the bullies. I didn’t think of contacting him privately, as you did. I won’t make either of those mistakes again.


We all need support sometimes, and are usually pretty vulnerable by the time we ask for it. And all we humans have is one another. As a wise man reminds us, it’s quite possible to be both degenerate and nice. ;-)

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Well, this thread is full of laughable and sad dysfunction. Thank goodness there's some thoughtful, cogent replies, especially from Scott Adler.


First, regardless of sincerity, jeddinger's behavior reminds me of a child. If you haven't developed a thicker skin by the time you become an adult male, especially one who dabbles with escorts, there simply is NO CLOSET that will protect you from the lions, tigers and bears of the world. Do yourself a favor, jeddinger, and grow up. The internet is like life, assholes and bullies abound. There's very little in life that is fair.


Second, deej's testy pessimism is unbelievably tiresome and rude. I think Daddy and he need to have another customer service discussion. Deej, if you don't believe a poster's story and/or you think the poster is trying to pull a clever-troll trick, how about simply NOT responding to the thread and clicking elsewhere?


Why must members be truth-proof-scrutinized with some imaginary litmus test, one that is usually compelled by you, deej?


Members like deej, who play this control-game, REALLY DO SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS BOARD and have an annoying personality DEFECT. Even if jeddinger is a troll or telling a tall tale, trolls and story-tellers are harmless, especially if they play by the board rules. Maybe we should take up a collection so deej can afford to have more than one escort experience a year. He often sounds like he REALLY NEEDS a good fuck.


And third, manrent1, like deej, needs a lesson in manners. There's nothing wrong with men who cry at television commercials.


To answer your query, jeddinger, the escort in question was a greedy asshole. A (smart) fair-minded businessman would have immediately offered to reduce his rate when he suggested reducing the hours after the negotiation had been set. Such consideration in business occurs all the time.


When escorts belabor the money subject, I tend to smell an addict/hustler and move on to someone more sane and professional. There's just too many fine fish in the sea to settle on some scammer urchin. Good luck.

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Guest manrent1

>Members like deej, who play this control-game, REALLY

>DO SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS BOARD and have an annoying

>personality DEFECT. Even if jeddinger is a troll or telling a

>tall tale, trolls and story-tellers are harmless, especially

>if they play by the board rules. Maybe we should take up a

>collection so deej can afford to have more than one escort

>experience a year. He often sounds like he REALLY NEEDS a good





>Nobody said it;s bad to cry at TV commercials - I said there are bigger issues in someone's life if they CRY AFTER AN EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH AN ESCORT....And everyone has been silent on that point - back to your thin skin thought Rock - if his skin is too thin and emotions not in control to handle this board - perhaps he shouldn't be hiring escorts at all...d Rock if he came off as a child in his post on this board don't you think he came off as a child in his emails to the escort in question??? And wouldn't that raise your concerns about a possible meeting.


>To answer your query, jeddinger, the escort in question was a

>greedy asshole. A (smart) fair-minded businessman would have

>immediately offered to reduce his rate when he suggested

>reducing the hours after the negotiation had been set. Such

>consideration in business occurs all the time.


You have no proof of this with only one side of the story


>When escorts belabor the money subject, I tend to smell an

>addict/hustler and move on to someone more sane and

>professional. There's just too many fine fish in the sea to

>settle on some scammer urchin. Good luck.


In my view clients who belabor the subject of money are greedy assholes who are looking to get a great deal from hot guys and probably can't afford the hobby of hiring - I smell addication after all why can't they spend more? Where has all there money gone? There are many fine fish in the client sea - to settle on some tight fisted crying client

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>Well as sad as it is when a client says he is choosing not to

>participate but I think even worse when an escort like John is

>making a conscious decision not to participate. The number of

>escorts that participate on a regular basis is very limited.

>In open forums like this conversations can get heated and even

>a few good natured barbs. But when the remarks become callous

>and vicious well that just goes over the top. It may be best

>if some people would take five minutes and breathe before

>responding. I think honestly most people try to respond with

>good intentions; others have a knack for stirring the pot. I

>always enjoy hearing an escort's point of view; I think it

>helps me be a better client.



Ok. Ill bite. Ill do it from both perspectives.




From the clients side. I can see where you were bothered. Especially when you spend so much time and effort setting something up, agreeing to invest your time and money, and to have it broke over what seems to be an service provider nickel and diming you to death, and not to mention trying to last minute change the terms.

I am a smart guy, I can see his issues. And I do empathize(sp?) with his plight.



Now, that being said. I am going to speak from the escorts point of view.



Day in and day out, the average escort is blasted with emails, requests, demands, attitudes, and new emotions and characters. Hell, since I have been an escort (going on 3 years now) I have seen just about every "type" of person there is. So, its hard even for me, that when I see certain "signs" from a potential client, for me to not pre-judge them. Over time, for some escorts, this happens. They get jaded. Even tho they aren't REALLY jaded and negative, but after answering that 1000th email asking the SAME questions that you laid out on your site(rate, stats, pics) and then proceeding to email you one liners back only to just POOF, disappear. Or, my favorite, the over explicit demands even after one makes it clear that discretion is a requirement for both sides. Then, we have the ones who try to bargain with you flat out. Oh, the bargainers. I mean, bargaining is great when you are at a flea market, but would you try to shop the best deal when you are getting laser eye surgery? The CHEAPEST doctor? I dont think so, you will end up half blind, but richer. *cough.

Well, I have got to make sure that this doesnt turn into a rant, because that wasnt my goal.


The point is, there are things that both sides do that can be misconstrued as something it may not be. My suggestions is to USE the email and talk things over. THe more doubts, questions and even fears you have going into a session, esp a long term arrangement the better you are setting yourself up for success.

Yes, this is just "sex" as some of you have put it :) But it is more then that. Yes, you are paying for our time and nothing else. No arguement from me there, but you MUST remember that you are also buying that persons "history". Think about it.




In closing, I will leave these points.




1. Try thinking of things from the other sides point of view. See how things look from the other screen. Put yourself in their shoes. Its not that hard. Usually, that will REALLY help your dealings with that, and others in the future.

2. Clients. Stop bargain shopping and always trying to get over. If a escort goes into a situation feeling ANY negative at all, trust me, you will NOT be getting the best experience possible.


And to everyone, learn to communicate. Be honest, yet with discretion. Instead of saying" I want XXX for XXX$, say like...I really enjoy and need my partner to do XXX when I am having fun. Communicating will allow both parties to reach a happy and non bullshit ending.



Yes, I know I kinda went off a bit, and even side tracked, but re read and see how it all ties in.

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>Oh, the bargainers.

>I mean, bargaining is great when you are at a flea market, but

>would you try to shop the best deal when you are getting laser

>eye surgery? The CHEAPEST doctor? I dont think so, you will

>end up half blind, but richer. *cough.


Thanks for your post. Some of us that lean toward Benjamin Nicholas' view on bargaining (see his 12/5/2006 post at "15 Minutes...") sometimes tend to forget just how similar the profession of sex provider is to that of eye surgeon and doctor.




>2. Clients. Stop bargain shopping and always trying to get

>over. If a escort goes into a situation feeling ANY negative

>at all, trust me, you will NOT be getting the best experience



It takes two to bargain. If you, as a sex provider, are annoyed at the thought of bargaining, then don't bargain. State so when it first comes up and move on. It's been my experience that the sex provider has been the one to initiate the bargaining process. I've had a few mediocre as well as bad hiring experiences, but I don't believe the amount of the fee was a factor. The majority have been quite fun. I guess, based on your post, I've been quite lucky that so many of the sex providers I've seen have lived up to the deal they've agreed to.

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My dear friend.

First off all, we are not sex providers. Seems you have a wrong idea of just what we do.

Yes, sometimes that is included in what two consenting adults choose to do when together in such fashion, but as for me and my experience, thats almost a side note. Companionship, conversation and many others things happen. Thus is why I sell my time, and not on the street offering blow jobs for 20 dollars a pop.



And yes, choosing an escort is IMO more important than eye correction or even some surgery. If you aren't careful who you hire, you could end up with lot worse than a bad eye job. I care about quality, not quantity, and furthermore, you are paying for(amongst other things)whatever possible baggage that I may or may not carry. Today, more than ever, the risk of STD's and worse are even more and more rampant due to both parties taking stupid risks. By seeing a client or visa versa, you are taking not only the inherent risk of that instance, but of every other person you or I have ever slept with.



If I were a client looking for a escort, I would immediately disregard any escort who was willing to bargain. Regardless of what people may say, hiring an escort is not "just sex". For lot of people, its a rare treat and special. I prefer to treat each of my clients as such. Rare and special.


As said before in another thread, if the escort asks for more than what you are willing to pay, then there is the other 10000 options. You aren't required to pick me, that is YOUR choice. But don't insult us by trying to negotiate and bargain. This isn't discount shoppers.

And IMO, those escorts who encourage such behavior by catering and allowing bargaining are hurting the biz.

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Guest zipperzone

>My dear friend.

>First off all, we are not sex providers. Seems you have a

>wrong idea of just what we do.


Well I'm sure glad you cleared that up.


>Yes, sometimes that is included in what two consenting adults

>choose to do




Let me ask you just one question. If your hard & fast policy was that you absolutely did not have sex of any kind with your clients.... and you advised them of that in you ad and in all communications with them prior to an appointment - how many clients would hire you?


Your statements sound very noble, but frankly, I think they are a load of BULL

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>First off all, we are not sex providers. Seems you have a

>wrong idea of just what we do.

>Yes, sometimes that is included in what two consenting adults

>choose to do when together in such fashion, but as for me and

>my experience, thats almost a side note. Companionship,

>conversation and many others things happen.


Point taken. As a client I hire overnights more often than shorter engagements, for just this reason.


Nonetheless, we ought to note and applaud the slow, small but real steps toward establishing "sex worker" as a legitimate -- even, in the best possible world, respectable -- shorthand term for the paid-companionship industry. zipperzone's point is hard to refute, I think.

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>>First off all, we are not sex providers. Seems you have a

>>wrong idea of just what we do.

>>Yes, sometimes that is included in what two consenting


>>choose to do when together in such fashion, but as for me


>>my experience, thats almost a side note. Companionship,

>>conversation and many others things happen.


>Point taken. As a client I hire overnights more often than

>shorter engagements, for just this reason.


>Nonetheless, we ought to note and applaud the slow, small but

>real steps toward establishing "sex worker" as a legitimate --

>even, in the best possible world, respectable -- shorthand

>term for the paid-companionship industry. zipperzone's point

>is hard to refute, I think.



What we do is a service. Its a symbiotic relationship between client and provider. In the perfect setting, both parties get what they want, and that is why this works.

Its as legit as any other business, and those who say otherwise are just bitter.

I refuse to get into the argument of who is better, the client or the escort. TO me, at least, that isn't important. Its funny to see people get defensive and start internet fights when their sense of pride gets hurt yet they are the ones who are on such sites, trolling internet forums and doing the same thing they try to look down on.


Its simple for me. I am here to spend time with gentlemen, and provide the means of companionship, even friendship and satisfaction. I provide intimate times for people who are either too busy or don't like the effort and time spent running around bars. THAT is what we do.


Zip, I bet if I came over and hung out with you for a few hours, I would take 10 years off that bitter mindset of yours and have you kicking your heels in happiness. I would even do it for the sanity of the people on this board.

Nobody likes a troll, and even as young and impertinent as I am, know this.


someone was kind enough to email me privately about this, and essentially he said that while he may not agree on everything I say, he respects that I actually stand up and state my opinion. Whether I am wrong or right, well thats in the eye of the beholder. Regardless, I will still be here, and doing what I do. I refuse to let the words of a bored queen bother me. Because, I do in fact respect his opinion, I only wish he would be more civil.

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