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Uncircumsized Clients

Guest ncm2169
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Guest ncm2169

An escort who is a close buddy of mine has been escorting for just about two years, and he's seen at least 100 different clients in that time. He recently told me that none of those clients who he'd seen unclothed were uncircumsized.


I'm curious about the experience of other escorts in this regard. Any reports? :*

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I find circumcision to be an interesting cultural dynamic in the US. The vast majority of men in the US are circumcised versus the rest of the planet. For decades it was pretty much automatic that a male infant was circumcised within days of his birth. This was done more so for "health" concerns rather than the religious aspecsts.


Then some time in the 1970's there seems to have be something of a shift in thinking amongst parents and some doctors. The mutilation aspects have become a a deciding factor for a lot of parents. I have heard of couples who have had some rather heated discussions about circumcising their infants when the religious aspect is not part of the equation. If a boy's father is uncut then its pretty much a given that he will not be cricumcised as well.


However, if one looks at most porn videos it seems as if the majority of porn stars are uncut. Why, if the majority of US males are circumcised, does it seem that a disporportionate number of male porn stars are uncircumcised? Does lack of a foreskin make one less likely to want to show it off? LOL


There is even a support group for males who have not recovered from the trauma (their words) of circumcision as a days old infant. I have seen support groups and books dedicated to "regrowing" one's foreskin. This invovles clipping tiny lead weights to the penis to stretch the remaing skin over the head of the cock. One photo I saw in a book was rather uh...strange for lack of a better word. The end result did not look like a foreskin. But the guy was pleased with his new "foreskin".


Arguments can be made back and forth for the health aspects and I don't think it's something that would ever be resolved. However, from a family experience some years ago I had to deal with gave me one perspective. My 72 year old uncle had to be circumcised after developing a unirnary infection. His foreskin was no longer retracting and this was contributing to his trouble. At the ripe old age of 72 he wound up spending 3 days in the hospital to get cut. Believe me this was something that was not taken lightly by him or his doctor and was considered a last resort. My uncle described it as one of the most painful things he ever experienced. The doctor even warned that for adults its a mind bender of an experience. In the 10 years since my uncle has not had a single unrinary infection.


Now several studies are coming out about cirumcision and HIV. The National Institutes of Health conducted a long term study of AIDS in Africa and conculded that circumcision may be a factor in preventing transmission of the virus. I don't undertand how it's possible but one can well image it's a controversial theory. Here's the link to some articles:












All these articles came up with a quick googling of "circumcision and HIV". As I said earlier I am not sure one way or the other related to the health aspects of this issue. It's even more complex when HIV is in the mix.


However, I will admit one thing -- a nice,clean, uncut cock is one hell of a turn on. LOL. Must be one of those "if you don't have it you want it things". :9

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Despite the backlash against circumscision, most US males still get circumcised at birth. The locker rooms at my current gym (middle class and public) and my old gym (a bit more upsacle and private and in a different city) seem to bear that out. My current gym has a very diverse population including many Asian-Americans. Circumcision is increasingly common among Westernized folksd in parts of Asia.


Circumcision is a status marker in some countries (think those with some kind of Muslim/non-Muslim split), so I wonder how much it will catch-on in some places like e.g., India.


The health effects of circumcisison have been known for a long time, although controlled trials with HIV infection as an outcome are recnt (there were many correlational studies done in the past).The studies on circumscision (funded by NIH, but conducted by university types) have the kind of informzational and medical support that aren't present in much of the developing world (think lots of pain during the procedure, infection during & after, and subsequent unprotected sex in adult males who get ciircumscision)--I tend to be skeptical about the long-term impact of circumscision. There are parts of Africa where circumcision is common (Parts of Ethiopia and South Africa) and HIV also is very common.


The US government through PEPFAR (Bush's program) will be funding circumcision in high HIV prevalence. UNAIDS probably will do likewise. It will be interesting to see whether this succeeds or flames out. Anti-retroviral treatment has been a mixed bag--more feasible in rural and other ares than every expected, but still below promised levels of availability and use. A surgical procedure is vastly more complicated and more difficult to do outside of a good-sized hospital in medium to large city, even though it should be a one-shot thing.

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A good friend of mine had to be circumcised, for health reasons, in his mid-70s. He found it a absolutely miserable experience, both physically and psychologically. Many years ago, the boyfriend of an acquaintance of mine had himself circumcised, at 24, as a painful "gift" to his lover, who was always complaining about his penile hygiene. Of course, they broke up a year later, but he couldn't take the gift back (I think modern surgery has probably changed that).

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>if one looks at most porn videos it seems as if the majority of porn stars are uncut.


It may appear that way, at times, but I don't think the numbers would hold up.


However, since being uncut is "different" or "exotic" given two candidates for a scene, one uncut and one cut, all else being equal, it's the uncut guy who gets the job. Not because there are more of them, but because there are less.

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The recent studies in Africa regarding circumcision and the spread of the AIDS virus are most interesting. These studies relate ONLY to the spread of AIDS through heterosexual contact. The rate of AIDS infection increases dramatically as one travels from the north to south in Africa. Thus the lowest rate of infection is in the countries of northern Africa (20%) while the highest rate in the continent is in the Republic of South Africa (50%). Interestingly the countries of North Africa being Moslem practice infant circumcision as part of religious practice while the countries of southern Africa do not. Scientists theorize that the reason for the increase chance of infection for the uncircumcised is that the foreskin being very thin permits easier penetration of the AIDS virus than the scar tissue of the circumcised. It is hypothesized that the rate of AIDS infection might be lowered by, as much as, 50% in South Africa if the male population can be convinced to undergo circumcision. This current study is NOT the first one done regarding this matter but rather the third The scientists conducting the current study suspended it prior to completion because they felt the results, to that point, so conclusively substantiated the previous two studies that they wanted to immediately initiate a program of adult circumcision.

It is also interesting to note that it has been known for years that the incident of cervical cancer is markedly lower in women with husbands who are circumcised than in those whose husbands are not. What is really strange is that scientists have been unable to determine why this is the case.

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Well aren't you quite the little cock librarian today?!


I can see you now in your bee-hive doo, cat-eye glasses, cashmere shawl and let's not forget the tasteful pearls.


Of course that copy of BlueBoy on your desk and the outline of a butt plug in your skirt may tarnish the image a bit. }(

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RE: Study Hard



>Well aren't you quite the little cock librarian today?!



I have studied the subject matter up close and personal for my entire life. One must delve deep into the field to truly appreciate its many aspects, the long and the short, the narrow and the wide, no matter how they measure up. However, it can be addicktive. :9

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RE: Study Hard


And when in DC next, be sure to visit his wax cock and foreskin museum. Mention Daddy's Reviews and get a $2.00 discount on admission. He has a special exhibition starting in February 2007 entitled; "Foreskin and the Industrial Revolution - A Retrospective"

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