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Overnight with an escort -- what to expect

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A, um, friend of mine is planning his first overnighter with an escort.


He's wondering what are some ground rules. How much of the night is spent actually sleeping? Is it out the door at 6 AM or after waffles around 10?


He's had two one hour sessions with the escort and really likes him, but what can my pal expect and what should he ask so that he has a great experience?


TIA. :)

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Just ASK


Hey man,


All those are great questions! But none of us can answer them. As far as I am aware every single escort has a personal series of rules, do's and don'ts. We all deal with overnights in a totally different way. So your friend would be better off by asking his escort directly.


We are service providers willing to make the process of hiring us easy and fast. If his overnight rules leave out some of the things that your friend has in mind, then encourage your friend to keep asking. If the escort wants to leave at nine, but your friend wants waffles at ten, then he should ask if that is possible, and perhaps, if that would alter the rate.


The only thing that I would discourage is being passive agressive with an escort, or trying to make your escort conform to someone else's rules: "So and so in Dallas never sleeps during an overnight...", "So and so in LA stays until noon the other day", "So and so never ate while being with me... and he never seemd to be hungry!" ;( Or at nine, when the escort is ready to leave let him know that there is a reservation for waffles... "Would be such a shame to waste a reservation!"


The best way to ensure that you will get what you want... is to ask what you want beforehand and make sure that there is a clear agreement.


Give your friend my best wishes, and I really hope that he enjoys his overnight.

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starman...From my point of view..Every Overnite is Different!

Spending Time beforehand, is definitely the thing to do!

Unless you have to Fly The Working Guy In!


ANYTHING ELSE will depend on "What and Who" is Involved!

Some Working Guy's Donot Watch the Clock... Some Do, especially in the A.M.


Divide the Time into the Cost, it doesn't always work in the Client's Favor! IF someone is going to Sleep 8 Hrs, and some Guy's do Sleep, especially the B/B Guy's, Cuddling is the Last Thing on their mind! LOL


Subtract that 8 Hrs from the Agreed upon Total Time. See what is the Actual Time Spent together, doing whatever. Sometime's it will make you think twice also.......


There have been time's, where I have decided to just do an Early A.M. Session and Then a Late Day Session. Skipping the Sleep Part.

Bottom Line...Around $800 as opposed to $1100-1200 is alot more sensible Financially ..BUT Again NYC is a very exspensive SELLER'S Market! LOL :p :P :p

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Guest RandyRon

Totally agree with find out what the escort expects and see if you can come to a mutually satisfactory agreement. I just spent two days with my favorite escort (see Deli) and as we've been together before it's a bit more informal. He says I am a "low maintenance" client in that I don't demand to be entertained all the time and he can just relax with me especially after sex when we just lay together and watch some tv.


Hope it works well. If not, regular sessions may be more your style.



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This particular acronym was actually a plot device in one episode of "Queer as Folk".


Two of the characters decided to go to a "BB party" because they liked the idea of all those bodybuilders going at it. It didn't take them long to notice that nobody at the party particularly looked like a bodybuilder, and then they realized what kind of party it really was.


It's not the safest of acronyms to be using these days. :-(

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This is a very helpful and timely thread for me.


I've seen a new escort (new to me, that is) twice now and I'm finding that no matter how long the appointment is for, I'm always wishing it could be for longer. I started with a two hr that got extended to four, and the most recent one was for six hours. In the last case, I was able to negotiate a price that was less than an overnight, but provided more "waking play time".


I'm now considering a full o/n with this person, primarily because I really enjoy spending time with him, and think it would be fun to wake up together, play around in the morning, shower and have breakfast in bed.


This thread has helped me to be more proactive in asking him questions and laying out my expectations for an o/n app't.


Thanks, guys!


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jed..You got it! It's ALL in the Prep Work..Ideally a 2 hr Hookup will tell you alot about Chemistry!


BUT IF that isn't possible..As long as ALL the Questions Get the Right Answer's, THE ODDS are the Overnite will be a Success!


IF I even get a.."We'll See" This Deal is not going through! LOL

:p :P :p

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>Bottom Line...Around $800 as opposed to $1100-1200 is alot

>more sensible Financially ..BUT Again NYC is a very exspensive

>SELLER'S Market! LOL :p :P :p



Well I am in the process also of looking for setting up my first overnight. I am going to be in Ft. Lauderdale in January and have started to look at and contact some of the different escorts there. My first contact, found on Rentboy, quoted an overnight of $1500 (and this is not a porn star or a top rated/reviewed escort, in fact no reviews). I was totally shocked as I was expecting something around $1000 (max). I will see what others there quote. Considering the sleep time, there is a point at which it just doesn't make sense anymore.



"Hey, Let's be safe out there"

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I have to agree with JT's first post. As a rule I have come to believe that overnights are NOT financially in my best interest. I have, with a couple MAJOR exceptions, found that I prefer two seperate evening appointments (dinner and a couple of hours of play time) for, let's say, $500 dollars each rather than one overnight at $1,000

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I'm still struggling with this myself. The escort I'm currently spending time with charges $1200 for an overnight that lasts 10 hrs.


I recently saw him for a 6 hr session where I negotiated a rate of $950. So $250 would have bought me 4 more hours but that probably would have been sleep time. I prefer to use that money to pay for a nicer hotel room. And I'm also sure that I get 6 hours of him awake, no naps, no sleeping.


Also the o/n would have ended around 6 AM, which for me would have been a crappy way to start the day...no morning sex, no breakfast in bed, rush rush out the door, and then stuck alone in a hotel room at 6 AM.


I'm trying to get him to rethink the duration and timing of his o/n's...and likely won't hire him for one until he does. At some point he only wants to do o/n's but I've cautioned him about doing that until he thinks that through a bit more and looks at what others charge and provide for o/n's.


I'm sure this thread has been discussed before, but I'd love to hear from other escorts about how long they think an o/n should last and how much sleep they expect to get. Also do they have any hard rules for what time they start and end? Lastly, what is your most and least favorite part of o/n appointments?

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jed..IMHO.. Seriously think about this Dude! Use your BIG Head not the Little One!


A Math Wizard, nor a Fire & Ice WIZ am I....


BUT you don't have to be a Financial Genius to figure this one out!


It's Your Dime, ACTUALLY ALOT MORE! Your paying this Guy to Sleep!


He can Sleep on his own time, Hang on to your Dime in this case! LOL :p :P :p

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First are you looking for 24 hours or just an overnight.


Second, get your expectations down and clear. If you are looking for sex all night long, expect escort to adjust price or decline. Many want a minimum of sleep, untouched. I think, Juan of Vancouver talked about this once before and said he will go all night long but adjust his price. Juan if I misquoted you sorry, I am doing this from memory.


Be open to alternatives. Such as, do two nights, escorts usually gives a nice discount for this. If the escort is traveling a great distance to get to you you may have to take that into consideration.


Also contemplate a day time overnight, like 10 AM to 8 PM. Some nice early fun, nice lunch, afternoon fun, nice dinner and some evening fun. Leaves time for plenty of activities, conversation and lots of sex.


For overnights, my case full day no night, I am quite specific in asking exactly what I want and how much sex I am looking for. This took a year before I learned to more forth coming about my expectations. Believe me when I say, not one guy complained about my expectations. They gave me a price and ready to roll forward. Everyone of them appreciated having things spelled out clearly with no room for interpetation. It was great to explain my requests to them rather than my asking questions of them. And if you do not like the price than walk away. You have to be willing to do that.

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Great advice! I hadn't thought about a daytime overnight. Sweet!


To answer your questions, I am not looking for a 24 hr appt (probably way too cost prohibitive) and the escort lives within an hour or so drive of where we meet and has a car.


Since I meet him at a hotel (he can't do in-calls and I'm not ready to have him to my home yet), I might be able to request we start at 3 PM or 4 PM (check-in time) and end at 1 AM or so. My recent 6 hour session started at 7 PM and ended at 1 AM.


And you are right, I do need to be able to walk away, if nothing else to let him know my expectations are not being met, and bottom line, how I spend my money is my decision. I'm trying very hard to think with my brain (and my wallet) this time.


He's very sweet, extremely hot and I love spending time with him, but ultimately I need to be happy with the arrangements.

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He's very sweet, extremely hot and I love spending time with him, but ultimately I need to be happy with the arrangements.


That can be said for many escorts....so if the dollars are excessive, then check out a few more guys. They are businessmen providing a service, so I would shop around a bit too if I was in your place, and maybe you might find a businessman who will meet your needs to the T.

I have only had three overnight sessions. The first one, I didn't explain myself well enough, plus the escort had jet lag, and a cold, so it was pretty much a waste of his time and mine. He did offer to make up for it, and he did .....quite well actually. But we discussed things before we were to meet the second time, because I like the feel of somone's body next to mine, like with them holding me or just touching me and me reciprocating during the night.... I didn't want sex all night long, and that is what he thought I wanted when I touched him, so once I explained myself, and my expectations he was very happy to comply.

With the second escort, I told him exactly what I was expecting, and he too was very happy about my expectations. So communication is he key.

Also I think that a person is doing an escort a favor in many ways by hiring them for an over night session. From what I gather by reading various postings, many escorts want to see only one client a day, maybe too at the most. So what does your escort want? Does he want 250 dollars for an hour with you, or maybe 500 dollars if he sees two guys, or does he want lets say 800 dollars to spend a night with you. You are the one doing him the favour. He would make 250 dollars or 500 dollars if you don't hire him. So lets see...8 hours work....one hundred dollars an hour...tax free, food included. If he did that four times a month, he would be making a very good wage.


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louis. This whole Overnight thing cannot in any way be Generalized really, as Juan pointed out.


There's a Guy who comes into NYC to see me for Overnite's. But Lately they have been getting Shorter and Shorter,(NYC's Glitter has worn off..lol) while his other Travels have lengthened in time..

Bottom Line...There are those "Deep Pockets" who will spend just about anything to hang with him. So his Extended Overnite's sometime's due to Time, are COSTLY for other's to Pay!


So I will stay in Sandbox B..While they Play in Sandbox A..


"Never Play outside of your Sandbox"..It's Not Worth it! IMHO

:p :P :p

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Quite true. But I have good news! I took Augustman's advice and contacted the escort with an offer of a "daytime overnight" and he agreed to it immediately, no questions asked. He said; "just let me know when." So we're working on the details now. Should be a very fun start to the New Year. Last time we met he came three times! :p


Thanks Augustman! :7

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jed..Good for you! It definitely sounds like a plan.




Hooking up with Working Guy's who "Travel"(Fly) for Overniter's... unfortunately have logistic problems that have to be accepted, which may take away from the "Total Time" spent!


So as in other thing's in Life, you have to decide IF it's worth the Exspense?


It's much easier when they just hop on a Train in NYC! LOL

:p :P :p

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>It's much easier when they just hop on a Train in NYC! LOL

> :p :P :p

And Chicago too, I can recall Tom Cruise in risky business getting busy on a train. Anyone here have a similar experience? One problem with a train tryst is that it has to be express with very few stops from beginning to end.

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Hey a ride in a passenger car would be great particularly if they were switching it, or as some people over seas would say shunting it.

I can just imagine, the penatration one would get when the car comes to a complete stop in a real hurry.

Forget about the cruises...take a ride on the American Orient Express, and just make sure the cars get switched out every time you need some excitment.


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