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Sexy LatinArgNico in WEHO, 411


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He's been advertising off and on for a while. When he wasn't advertising on RM, he still had an ad on Rentmasseur. Besides the his pics in his ad, what got me interested in him was a Vice documentary (I think it was Vice) he was in. I liked his attitude in it. So I decided to reach out when his ad returned on Rentmen.

Last year, I reached out to him to meet up for an overnight. He was very responsive, initially. We talked and I gave my spiel... I'd cover travel and rates, etc. He asked me a number a questions about the potential meet up (i.e sleeping arrangements, what i was into, etc). We seemed to come to an agreement. I gave him a date and he said he had to get back to me about the date I picked. All this communication was through texting.

Then radio silence. Some time later (more than a few weeks... maybe more than a month), he finally responded. He first apologized for getting back to me so much later. He said he had to leave his schedule open for his other job. He had to wait until he was sure his schedule would be open for the date I picked. He asked if I still wanted to see him. I said I did but I could no longer meet the date I picked. I'd have to see when I had time to bring him in to visit. That pretty much was the last thing I said to him.

I haven't attempted to reschedule. Not because of anything he did or didn't do. I just got busy with work and life.

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