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Getting “caught” again, almost 40 years later


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My parents are in their mid-70s and are visiting me for a few days. Over the weekend, my desktop computer in the den was on and “tuned” to the Company of Men website. I had been viewing some new entries in the x-rated section, and walked away to do something without signing off. Unbeknownst to me, Pop wandered into the den and took a look at the screen and sat down at my desk. I came back a good 10 minutes later and found him engrossed in the content, scrolling from page to page.  He was muttering, “oh my, oh my …” And then I realized what was going on. Memories of 40 years came flooding back to when he caught me watching porn on an ancient video player that my older brothers had acquired  - hetero, of course. Anyhow, we had an “interesting” chat about the website and he asked a lot of questions. About that time, Mom came in and Pop leaped out of the chair as if he’d been hit by lightning. We quickly changed the subject as I managed some how to shut down the “nasty” display.  He said later that Mom probably wouldn’t understand. I’ve been out since age 20, but for whatever reason, I still felt “caught”.  

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33 minutes ago, RadioRob said:

I’m sorry that happened to you. :(

If you need a note from the site administrator saying it was for purely scientific research purposes and not for carnal pleasures, let me know. I’m sure I can come up with a whole legalese disclaimer. 

I appreciate the offer, but I think I’m okay. Not sure why Pop was so intrigued. He coached high school and college sports for years and has seen probably hundreds of dicks in the locker rooms over the years. I’m still red-faced and laughing.

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When your parents are around you stay a child until, unfortunately, they become the child and you become the parent.  I think parent's are just as horrified at the idea of their children being carnal animals as children are of thinking of their parents that way.  I am sure if you walked into your guest bedroom unannounced and found Dad bringing the wood to Mom, all of you would have been similarly embarrassed and caught.  Perhaps Dad has a reasonable interest in sexy men and that is why he asked so many questions.  In any case, it is all done for now.  Next time they visit, invite Dad to come watch the new downloads with you.  

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23 hours ago, glutes said:

Kris, why don't you tell Pops about the hottie at your gym circa Spring of '21.  Beckhamesque without the facial hair,  drives - Lamborghini, BMW, Maserati among others. 

That should intrigue him during dinner convo.

Oh, that little fling that cost me almost a year of some intense therapy and several thousand dollars to get my head screwed back on? I’ll pass.

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19 hours ago, dbar123 said:

Seems to me that it’s your dad who has some explaining to do. He had no business messing around with your computer without asking

The master bedroom in my condo is my “office” where I often see business clients. The computer I use for “pleasure” is an iPad  conveniently stashed away in my bedroom. I rarely use the office computer for doing erotic research and only if no one is around. A huge fuck-up on my part. Dad did apologize but he knows I “date” - he just doesn’t know how expensive “dating” can be. And no, to others, I enjoy my parents’ visits - Mom cooks tons of my favorite foods and stuffs the freezer before she leaves. Dad is a handyman, and make repairs or paints around the place - cheap, quality labor.  We have always had a very open discussion about sex. Even nudity growing up was no big deal. They are very “cosmopolitan”.

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