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John Blacklist in DC Area

Guest Havan_IronOak
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Guest Havan_IronOak

I am in DC this week and just learned of the local John blacklist at http://www.blacklistednow.blogspot.com/ I was quite impressed and think its a great idea but that it should be national and not just regional.


In the same section of The Blade they cited http://www.beforeyoucome.blogspot.com/ as a site with suggestions for first time johns.


Also a good idea.


I'm all for Caveat Emptor but do think that enough information is better than too little information.

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I had posted the 'Blacklistednow' blog on 15 Minutes a few months ago after finding it online and reading through it. A good idea in concept, but now it just seems like there's not much meat & potatoes info going up on it and it's turned into a gripefest.


I don't think that blacklists work all that well. I think that a message board exclusively for escorts would work nicely, along the lines of what HB put together years ago on the old site. If un-abused, it could serve as a gathering place for working guys to discuss their concerns in an open, honest and non-judgemental forum.




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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL. I just had a minute decided to see whats going on in this chat.. Now I totally aggree with Benjamin on this, It really should be a place where working guys can report , list all email addresses, phone number and other info pertaining to these WAKOS out here who get a kick out of calling escort making BUM appointments.. I personally keep my own log sheet BY CITY w/ phone number , email addresses and any other info pertaining to theses online game players. What so funny is these guys ACTUALLY forget the escorts they have fucked with in the pass , so when you visit the city again they try to do the crap all over again. Lucky I keep good records of these lunatics that I alwasy SEE them coming. Its one in TAMPA that always contact me but uses the phone number , I just kindly email him back saying "the gig is up on this end...sorry fella your little game does not work here , go play with some other escort"



I must commend Lars on his efforts though, this method would work if more escort utilized it and new about this blog spot of reference. What really would be cool is a data base where you can do a search by phone or email address or look in different cites to see a list of all the game players so you have your dukes already up for them. This is a good way to kick those game players in the ASS. I never understood what people get out of doing this, but I am so glad I have a system in place that help identify them or just steer asholes like this away from me, Occassionally 1 may get through but with my confirmation process they are identified early on well I can pull the appointment schedule , replace it with a legitimate appointment



KUDOS TO YOU LARS.. i hope this process works and more working guys contribute.

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>I had posted the 'Blacklistednow' blog on 15 Minutes a few

>months ago after finding it online and reading through it. A

>good idea in concept, but now it just seems like there's not

>much meat & potatoes info going up on it and it's turned into

>a gripefest.


>I don't think that blacklists work all that well. I think

>that a message board exclusively for escorts would work

>nicely, along the lines of what HB put together years ago on

>the old site. If un-abused, it could serve as a gathering

>place for working guys to discuss their concerns in an open,

>honest and non-judgemental forum.




BN there have been boards similar to HB but they have all but went away or are deader then a door nail. Which really is too bad. There was one back in 2001 or so that for a while was going really strong and then it just died :( I am sure that there are some from here escort wise might know of what board I might be refering to that have been around for awhile.






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"'game players' and 'time wasters'"

Please keep in mind: just as there are "wackos" among the customer base, there are also wackos among the men selling.


I think one needs to be very careful before ascribing incorrect and/or hasty characterizations to any customer. The veil of customer contempt is quite thin, and the smarter, typically, more wealthy customers among us can always see through this veil. (Many service businesses have difficult customers. Spend a day at Berdorf or Barneys. You will never see these businesses blacklist anyone accept the thieves.)


In the age of "call only" and "no email," the only way to get a sense of how well your $250 will be spent is by "talking" to the guy. And for me, that typically means more than one three-minute call.


Calling an escort for a first-time encounter is never easy and most escorts can't imagine what a customer goes through or what it must be like to be in the customer's shoes. Most don't care about anything except getting paid.


I know I'm not a wacko and I firmly believe my needs are quite simple yet I've been told more than once that I'm a time waster simply because I refuse to book within five minutes of my first call.


I've never been the wham-bam type and I have no intention of starting now. If I get any sense that an escort is losing patience with my hiring M.O., I will never complain or show disrespect but I will quickly move on and NEVER hire the guy.


There is a fine line between playing a game and performing a dance and I realize many customers work that line while many escorts are tired, greedy and impatient. Serving the public is not an easy calling. It's the men who respect my need to go slow who receive my business and, once hired, will never regret their being patient with me.

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Re: I think one needs to be very careful before ascribing incorrect and/or hasty characterizations to any customer... Serving the public is not an easy calling.


So true! I have posted this before... but as someone who is in a different type of business I can attest to the fact that often the most difficult personalities on initial contact turn out to be some of the best long term clients... not always, but more often they one might think. Therefore it often pays great dividends to treat all potential clients with at the very least a modicum of respect… Of course when dealing with the public at large there will always be some rotten apples mixed in… such is life and they must be dealt with accordingly in a considerate yet firm manner.


Nothing is easy… and sometimes things are time consuming, but it is all part of running and getting down to business… any business.

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>I think one needs to be very careful before ascribing

>incorrect and/or hasty characterizations to any customer.


What a sick game is that when the same person creates different internet identities and schedule multiple appointments? I think a 'game player' and a 'time waster' was the correct term used, Rock Hard.


Furthermore, I have never been a fan of "call only" or "no emails". In fact I like receiving an email before someone calls me, but you learn to be flexible in this line of work, n'est-ce pas ... :-)


Steven Draker ~



Luck is the residue of hard work

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Re: [i font color=blue]What a sick game is that when the same person creates different internet identities and schedule multiple appointments?[/i font color]


Steven I am sure that you would agree that nobody ever said that being in business... any business… would be easy!


Most people don’t realize that there is more to running a business endeavor than the time one actually spends with clients. I can only imagine the number of bogus, phony and sham emails and phone calls you received over the past several weeks…


Yes, there are quite a few insane individuals out there and they must be dealt with accordingly and firmly. With experience one learns how to root out such sick individuals, people that are indeed “time wasters”, and “game players”… as opposed to that genuinely sincere first time client...and do so in a manner that still makes you appear to be a “good guy”. That is, someone they could not possible get angry at… and someone about whom they could not possible spread lies and falsehoods. One “dissatisfied customer” (in this case read one demented sick individual) can do more harm to one’s entrepreneurial accomplishments than can ever be imagined.


As you say, one learns to be flexible…and go with the flow… and with each passing day becomes more experienced in dealing with such unfortunate and unfortunately unavoidable situations. [i font color=blue] N’est-ce pas?[/i]

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RE: time wasters and wackos


My call for escorts "to be very careful..." was a generalized call to discourage knee-jerk assumptions. Even though I quoted Steven Draker and borrowed the correct spelling of Ricardo's "wako," I did not mean to criticize Mr. Draker's use of these words or suggest the words were completely inaccurate and/or without merit. But let's face the truth: wackos, game-players, and time-wasters exist on both sides and perceptions often don't reveal the truth.


Certainly, as Mr. Draker offers, there are examples when a customer continually crosses the line of normality and behaves like a psycho. The business of sex can easily bring out some deep-rooted issues, especially in inexperienced or closeted gay men. As I've written before, I'm all for outing well-known customer offenders as discreetly as possible. I'm also a strong advocate of outing scam artists, drug abusers, and lying escorts, who tell customers they are HIV negative when, in fact, they are not.

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It’s interesting to me how this thread has finally taken on a life and seen some activity. Back when this blog first came into existence earlier this spring I seriously considered posting about it and bring it to the attention of our little community here. However, I thought better of the idea for several reasons including not wanting to actually draw attention to the site and expose the clients to potential embarrassment.


The Washington, DC market has a reputation for having a less than stellar selection of working guys. Consequently a good number of traveling guys find this market to be rather lucrative. With blogs like this one operated by a DC escort is it no wonder the DC market has such a lousy reputation for the quality of its escorts?


Here’s a little background about the blog in question. The blog came into existence earlier this year sometime in the spring. Rico (remember him?) made mention of the site on his incarnation The Rico Report a month or so later. Rico, ever full of bluster, threatened to reveal all manner of personal details about the escort behind the site if the escort did not pull the site down immediately. Of course, Rico was full of crap and did not do any such thing other than change the name of his site to The Hoovillage News and we know what happened after that.


For a mere $14.95 one can do a reverse number look up of each of the phone numbers for clients listed on this fine blog and obtain all manner of information about them. If one is willing to spend a bit more, thanks to the escorts who have posted their numbers, all manner of even more personal information can be garnered about these horrible guys who have so inconvenienced these poor DC working boys. It’s a wonder to me why the client victims (yes that’s how I see them) have not contacted Blogger and raised holy hell about having personal information revealed on the internet by this individual.


In any business working with the public and providing a service there are going to be the so called “time wasters” “flakes” “WAKOS” [sic] and all manner of individuals with unique behaviors. Guess what guys; it’s a cost of doing business. I am sure that it’s frustrating and angers many an escort to be so treated but there’s plenty of scammers on the escort side as well and so let’s just agree things even out in the end and leave it at that.


I will give the escort who has created the site some credit though. The working guys who have posted on his site, Rock, Kit, Stephon, Alexis, Eric, Dave, Lars and others have provided me with a fine list of GUYS TO AVOID HIRING. Obviously discretion is not a serious trait of these escorts so it would be too risky to hire them or any other escort advocating such a practice. Thanks.

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Oh man. I have been waiting and waiting for something like this to come around.

I do not know how many times I have been sent off to a wild goose chase for no reason.

IE. This is why I no longer drive the 2 hours to DC and have since lost many of my long time friends.

I have even had one gentlemen make me take the train to Philly and then leave me sitting at some lady's address telling me she has lived there for 5 years. Then guy called me back and said he was sorry, but he couldn't make it and then hung up. Go figure.

The worst case scenario was when I agreed to meet up with a "couple" and when i arrived, there are 5 men there, and they had intentions of making me do whatever. That was scary for me. I mean, I am a big guy(6'3 220) and I can handle my own(thanks to the Army) but that wasnit what I signed up for. Needless to say, I got outta there pretty fast.


So, I will end my mindless chatter and use that site for all future bookings.

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>So is this why escort ads always say call from an unblocked



Andre explained in a previous thread about this:


"The reason why escorts hate blocked number so much is NOT because every private caller is calling to bull shit, but because every bullshit call that we get comes from blocked numbers."



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