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NYC Recommendations For Holiday Weekend


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Given that Friday is St Patrick’s Day, I thought I’d try, and treat myself to a bit of the auld sod this weekend 😜 

I turn to you my fellow hobbyists for any recommendations you may have for any Irish providers in NYC. Ideally said provider would be a top, interactive, into kissing, rimming, oral, and a generally fun/nice gent. Hairy is always a plus, as is a beefy/muscley build. 

What say you, gentlemen? Probably a stretch, but I thought I’d toss the net out, and see what I get.

PS: it’s also St Joseph’s Day this weekend, that’s one Italians celebrate, so if I can’t find a bit of the auld sod, I’m more than happy to “vedi Napoli e poi muori” as well - or both! 😜

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6 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

I don't really see providers promoting themselves as Irish. 

I agree! Especially in NYC! I’ve come across a few ads on RM in other cities, sometimes in places that made me wonder “why did you pick X to emigrate to?” for the OTB ones. 

Thanks for the rec - Irish or not, he’s hot, and that’s one helluva shillelagh he’s carrying! 😜He’s definitely on the list - maybe a search for “gingers” in NYC is in order too. 

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3 minutes ago, strip4me said:

This guy seems promising:


No personal experience though. 

Thank you for the recommendation 👍🏻

This provider has been around, under different names, for a few years. I *think* there was some commentary under one of those previous names that gave me pause. Ugh! Can’t recall the name or the commentary - perhaps another hobbyist can refresh my failing memory? 

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6 hours ago, BtmBearDad said:

Thank you for the recommendation 👍🏻

This provider has been around, under different names, for a few years. I *think* there was some commentary under one of those previous names that gave me pause. Ugh! Can’t recall the name or the commentary - perhaps another hobbyist can refresh my failing memory? 

It's porn actor Kennedy Carter. He's always used the name Kennedy in the ad. He hasn't done mainstream porn in years.

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