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Are you getting enough sleep?


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I frequently read statements from health experts that we need, at minimum, 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. They say that less than that has negative consequences such as lower cognitive ability, increased cancer risk, a shorter life span, impaired immune system and more. If I sleep 7 hours (or more) it's probably because I'm ill or have been sleep deprived. for a day or two... so I find all warnings about my supposed sleep deprivation disconcerting. 

From reading the Lunesta/sleep aides thread, I know that others struggle with getting enough sleep.  Do you have a target number of hours you feel you should be sleeping every night? If so, how does that compare to the number of hours you actually get? I'm usually at under 6 hours per night but feel that I should be at 7. 

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On 4/3/2023 at 9:41 AM, Rod Hagen said:

Urinal next to the bed will help you fall right back to sleep.

Many years ago, a very attractive man told me he would like to chain me at the foot of the bed so he could use me as a urinal during the night. That killed all my romantic fantasies. I politely told him that I didn't think we were a good fit for one another.

The older I get, the less sleep I get, because I need to use a urinal at night. I go to bed most nights at 9, and would like to sleep 8 hours, but I rarely manage to get more than 6, because once I get up to go, I have difficulty falling asleep again. To my surprise, one night last week I slept for ten hours straight, but then I felt lethargic for most of the day.

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I threw away my alarm clock when I retired several decades ago. Now I just wake up when I am ready to face the day. Most evenings I read in bed before putting put the lights. I know when to do that when I find myself unable yo comprehend the text. Haven't had a television for over two years.

I average 8 hours sleep generally but get up oncebin the night to have a pee. During the day I am alert and busy and find I am not napping in the afternoons as I once did. But then I am 75 and supposedly don't need as much sleep.

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I usually get 8 hours of sleep.  But I typically get up to pee once, about 2-3 hours after I fall asleep, and go right back to sleep (and I don't wash my hands! ewww).  And I probably briefly wake up and open my eyes and glance at the clock maybe every 1.5 to 2 hours, and most of the time I just fall back asleep.

I just got a "white noise machine" a couple weeks ago -- because an acquaintance mentioned having one.  Ever since I started using it, I seem to open my eyes much less often in the night.  I thought that machine was just supposed to drown out other sounds (like barking dogs), but somehow the sound seems to lull me to sleep.  A little bit like falling asleep when I was a child in the car when my parents were driving us somewhere.

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Two Costco Sleep Aid pills and some melatonin about 30-45 minutes before target bedtime. White noise machine is now nearly mandatory for me. Loose comfortable cotton gym shorts and t-shirt. Memory foam topper and a down comforter. Decent sleep unless I have an early morning plan, in which case hourly peeks at the clock!  Damn!  

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I joined the CPAP club a few years back. I find I need to wear it otherwise my sleep is shit and I'm useless the next day.  I average about 6-7 hours based off the tracking app.

As I get older, I find I have to be more disciplined about when I go to sleep.  Getting up isn't a problem I have 55lb white Shepherd mix that channels his Siberian Husky high pitched loud yip as soon as the sun is up. If I ignore the yips, he will move on to pawing at me until I wake up.   Who needs an alarm clock?  

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On 3/27/2023 at 6:55 PM, sync said:

My ding dang bladder allows me only 2 to 3 hours of sleep at a time.

I usually grab a nap in the afternoon and turn in around 12:30AM to be up again about 7:00AM.

I used to have the same problem.  When it got to the point that I was waking up every 1.5-2 hours, I sought out a urologist.  He gave me a couple of prescriptions, 1 to shrink my prostate, 1 to calm down my bladder muscles.  Now occasionally I have to wake up once per night to pee, but most nights I sleep through no problem.  My overall health, including my mental health, is much improved now that I am sleeping 8 hours uninterrupted.

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9 hours ago, BSR said:

I used to have the same problem.  When it got to the point that I was waking up every 1.5-2 hours, I sought out a urologist.  He gave me a couple of prescriptions, 1 to shrink my prostate, 1 to calm down my bladder muscles.  Now occasionally I have to wake up once per night to pee, but most nights I sleep through no problem.  My overall health, including my mental health, is much improved now that I am sleeping 8 hours uninterrupted.

I've been taking a prostate-shrinking prescription for about a year, which has helped.  I used to have to uninate every 20-30 minutes.  The demand having been reduced to 2-3 hours was big for me, but your progress is an inspiration for me to consult my physician for a possible next step towards even greater relief.

Thank you.

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