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411 Muscle Dean (NYC)


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Awesome body, IMHO.  Seems like the real deal.  Anyone met with him?  Is he versatile?  (RM says Versatile Top.)  Passionate?  

Thanks for any intel.  

p.s.  I realize he has been mentioned before--but not much to go on.  See link below: 


Edited by Andy2
I wanted to add a link to prior discussion
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He also asks for pics. If you don't make the cut, then expect to be ghosted.  Thats New York City for you ( don't let the Bay area / San Francisco 415 number fool you). That to me is so unprofessional. 

This is why I much prefer hiring in London where I also live and spend a lot of time.   Less of this nonsense. 


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He is much more handsome in person.  He has that frat boy look, in my eyes.  His body is hard, muscular and natural looking.  He seems soft spoken and introverted which may seem aloof at first, but he is actually friendly.  Easy going.

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43 minutes ago, Andy2 said:

MmM, thanks for the intel.  In your view, is he a good french kisser?  Playful?  Willing to be a muscle sub?  

He kisses, but not so much french kissing. I got the feeling it wasn't reluctance but rather that's just the way he kisses. I had to direct a bit, but he was willing and obliged. He says he prefers to top; but one of the pics with the stretched out shirt flossing his crack may suggest otherwise. I had fun and would give it another go. 

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I highly suspect he is on the spectrum - which made him even more endearing to me personally ( for reasons I won't discuss here) 

He does look like his pictures and he does perform. He's a top but you may need to take charge and direct in a certain way which some people who bottom do not.

-I would say go into it with an idea of what you want - and tell him. Be very direct

-Being that I suspect he's on the spectrum, don't overload him with too much  information, concentrate on the appointment, and your enjoyment 

I can't see Dean being a muscle sub to be honest, you can ask him

Edited by jetlow
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