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an etiquette question ...

Guest carter07
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Guest carter07

During the last two years I've hired about a half-dozen guys, most more than once, and always had great experiences (all were well reviewed on m4m). Each time I would e-mail a thank-you and get an prompt acknowledgement in return. Recently, after what I thought was a satisfactory experience with an unreviewed escort, my thank-you e-mail went unacknowledged. Does this mean the guy doesn't want me to call him again? Or is it just thoughtlessness? Or something else? I'm curious about the etiquette here.

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Not sure about email etiquette, but typical correspondence etiquette does not require a response to a thank-you card. So if you had mailed a thank you card via postal system, an acknowledgment would not have been required. Are expectations different with email? Etiquette is built on tradition and is slow to codify and change, so it may still be a few years before electronic communications etiquette is nailed down. Now from a business opportunity, I would say the escort may have missed an opportunity.


Now can we just get everyone to turn off those cell phones in restaurants! :7

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I would also say it can be a bit difficult to keep track of all the emails people receive. Personally I try and keep track of it all but I certainly let things slip through the cracks. As I'm sure a lot of people do just from an inability to keep track of all the information we get on a daily basis. Also spam filters malfunction, emails are sometimes "undeliverable", and just plain human error affects this form of communication. It's quite a bit like snail mail in that regard :-) . I wouldn't be too concerned, and send again if you would like to maintain communication with the escort, or just drop a friendly hi how ya been.

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Guest carter07

Thanks, guys, your comments have been a help. I now think my thank-you was one that most guys would assume didn't need a response. I will probably try the "hey, how're you doin'" approach a bit later. Again, thanks for the help. :-)



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>Thanks, guys, your comments have been a help. I now think my

>thank-you was one that most guys would assume didn't need a

>response. I will probably try the "hey, how're you doin'"

>approach a bit later. Again, thanks for the help. :-)




When I think about it, I have occasionally sent a --not exactly a thank you note--but a "I had a good time hope you did too note"--but on further thought after reading this thread, wouldn't it be more appropriate for the escort to send a thank you note to the client for having picked him out of all the choices available?


I think this has probably only occurred 2 or 3 times over the 4 years that I have been hiring. The only one that I really remember receiving right now is from Tyger in Portland. I would think it would make good business sense for most escorts to send thank you notes back to clients--maybe not for a single hour or 2 appointment--but definitely for overnights, weekends, or longer. I know that if an escort did send me a thank you note--assuming I had had a good time--I would be much more likely to hire them in the future. And I hope to hire Tyger in the future--would have done it already if he hadn't been so busy over the last 6 months.


Gareth :9 :9 :9

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Although this topic has been covered before, like other topics, I don't think it hurts to bring it up every so often.




I have seen a local man so many times I have lost count long ago (I did his first review over two years ago - although it's not yet availaible in "Daddy's Reviews"), and yet he never fails to write a short note soon after our latest encounter. No wonder I continue to see him - of course the fact that the sex is hot might also be a factor! }(




I have found that the best men with whom I've been all send an acknowledgement after the engagement. And there is usually some very personal reference which tells me it's not a "canned" response. Just one of the factors that makes me want to be with them again.

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OLLIE..Definitely True! At least that's the way I alway's found it to be in NYC.


It's usually the Guy's "After The Fact" who can be bothered to email, I have alway's found to be Memorable in the First Place!


Those I have considered another "Playtime" with! The other's Out of Sight, Out of Mind! LOL

:p :P :p

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Funny I just had this happen to me. Recent experiences with first Eric #3 New York sent me a thank you immediately upon arriving in Chicago and has since followed up with a few quick notes, much appreciated. The second Alex and Rob, Orlando, actually phoned to say thank you and followed up my email with a response, as well. However a more recent experience which was very good with a hot new hunk, I also sent a thank you email with an open invitation to a future meeting, that has gone unanswered and I just assume he has no interest which is fine, a response would have been nice, but I will not hold it against the guy. The first two are experienced in customer relations and wish to maintain a high standard. I assume the last guy is just doing this for a short time and building a customer base is not important.


I would think where it is more important would be if you post a very good review of someone and they do not acknowledge the effort, than I would move the guy down a notch or two.

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August..Your right! The "Review's" definitely give the "Working Guy's" a Great BASIS to acquire New Client's and Possibly Repeats!

Many refer to this site, when First Contacted...


There are a few, even though we have not Hooked Up in a long time, we still manage to stay in touch. Even a couple of Guy's, that I never for whatever reason (Not Neg) Reviewed..


BUT the Guy who doesn't bother with a "Thank You" email, After a Review, usually isn't going to do well in the Biz, in the Long Run either! IMHO of course! LOL :p :P :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gareth! Thank You for the kind mention of me in your response! I'v been traveling a good part of the year and starting to wind it down now,. I've been in Portland for about a week and one half. That's a long time for me and have no traveling planned until October 6th. I was supposed to be filming my screenplay DANTE now and so keep September blocked out for production but we pushed the production to November... most likely the second or third week before the holidays. So, I have been hanging here in portland and taking myself on photo shoots in the forests and at the ocean here in Oregon. I was driving around in the country side two days ago and got another idea for a screenplay, (mainstream with Gay theme). I've been fleshing it out and hope to finish this week. I'm kind of excited to be on here after a long/spotty abscence... so I'm a lil chatty~ Anyway... I response to email ettiquette.

I do my best to respond to a Client. I have found myself falling short this past season in keeping contact with my Clients, who I regard as my Family, mainly because I have been in the air or on some train or had little or no cell or email access at times. My rapid changing schedule over the past year had put me on the road with little or no notice and things were a bit frenzied for awhile. That's all settling down now and so I found my way back to the message board! While my tour and filming opportunities went very well with award shows and guest appearences etc... it was really rather lonely not being able to communicate with my Clients on going and I have been missing them as a presence in my life. So, this coming season, I have been planning on concentrating on some specific Escort touring... either solo or in Tandam with another Escort making specific trips out to parts of the country during specific times of the year and then leaving the inbetween times open for short travel, day or weekend sessions. This year I was home maybe one or two days per month and then on the road with either single or embedded trips for filming or appearences. I'd be in one place for three days and then be someplace else and if I was not in cell range or had no email access a week might go by before I could check or respond to emails or cell phone messages. Hopping from one time zone to another increased the likelyhood of me not being able to respond. So, now that I have my screenplay plans set more or less and am home for a bit, I am taking the opportunity to look through my emails and write to Clients individually just to touch base and say "Hi". This was my first touring year but I have learned some things since. In light of my Client appreciation events, (looks like five of them so far), I will make four week long trips, Chicago, DC/NYC, Oklahoma, Texas, California. The rest of the time I have partitioned up so that I will have at least two weeks of every month dedicated to Clients, one week dedicated to photo/film projects, (to keep my photos current), and one week for either Clients or events if they come up. I will be posting my travels on the message board here and on my site as well as on men4rentnow.com My travel schedule through this year looks like... open from now until October 3rd. I leave for London October 6th and then go to Berlin and Venice to meet publishers returning on the 26th. I film my screenplay DANTE mid November and visit DC in December. My new season starts January 2007 and I am open for hilday celebration and dedicating three weeks to Clients and one week to screenplay writing. Feel free to drop me an email! I would love to hear from you!





Doesn't look like my reviews are up yet on Daddy's site.

P.S. How do you post pictures with messages? I have tons of new ones I'd like to share! Just not sure how to attach or download them so you guys can see them~

Sweet and Sexy Dreams!


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Hello to you my green light friend! I left a longer response above and won't reiterate that here but saw your name and wanted to say "Hi"! I'm writing to apologize for my abscence in general but have been working hard to advance my career in film and photography. That is not an excuse but more in the light of the following: I do not take being hired by any of you for granted. You hire me and have had faith in me as an Escort. In return I try to the best of my ability to use the experiences and your support to develop a career that I hope will give back to the Gay community at large through my screenplays and photo work. If I had spent the money on clothing or cars, things of my own desire, I feel that would have been a disrespect to you. Finding a way to develop myself in order to give back and do some good thing in the world and find a way to Thank You for sharing your self with me and supporting me is my goal. Though my primary goal and intent for Escorting has never been to to capitalize on my interaction with Clients, I have tried to conduct myself in a professional way as such. The human side of me can not, however, neglect to to be appreciative and find some way to Thank You for contributing and enriching my life on so many levels. I hope to continue to offer this same thing back to the best of my abilities. Additionally, I hope, eventually, to get more involved in the Escort review and services side of the business to promote the safe, quality services that you have come to expect and deserve. That's in the planning stages.

Please feel free to write or call!




My reviews are not up yet on Daddy's site. I know that he is working hard to get things back on line though! Thanks Daddy!

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Hello Chicago! Hope this finds you well and that the summer has proven rewarding for you! How did the sport season go? Finally settling down from a busy touring year. Planning on taking the next year to concentrate on Clients and appropriate time to them and Escorting. My travels and film/photo career push this year has led me away from correspondence to a large extent but I have made a committment to place more time on my Escorting in the upcoming year and developed a plan to improve on my Client communications by posting the times I am most available via phone and/or email as well as those times that I may be less available in those aspects. It's been a learning year for me with regard to traveling and communication but productive and valuable to improving these issues.

Feel free to contact me. I will be home in Portland and stationary here until October 4th as well as the first week in November. Read my other responses on this thread for more info. I'll be touring as an Escort next year and will most likely make my first Client Appreciation tour to Chicago/Milwaukee area in the spring sometime.

Be Blessed with Love, Life and Intimacy! (Hot sex ia always nice too!)

Stay Sweet and Sexy!




My reviews are not up yet on Daddy's site. Will post when they become available.

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>During the last two years I've hired about a half-dozen guys,

>most more than once, and always had great experiences (all

>were well reviewed on m4m). Each time I would e-mail a

>thank-you and get an prompt acknowledgement in return.

>Recently, after what I thought was a satisfactory experience

>with an unreviewed escort, my thank-you e-mail went

>unacknowledged. Does this mean the guy doesn't want me to call

> him again? Or is it just thoughtlessness? Or something else?

>I'm curious about the etiquette here.


I love getting emails from clients after we met, I get waaaaaaaaaay more of those than reviews, i guess people feel its more intimate dont want to publish their experience. However I would not read much into this guy not responding, I sure he had a great time with you too, maybe he just busy , got tied up an totally forgot to respond. If you contact him again for a repeat visit and he does not respond maybe it is what you thought. But I sure he had a great time with you also.


Ricardo "Ricky" Milos


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You know so much of this has to do with who is and who is not a PRO. The same is true whether we are talking about people who work in the regular 9-5 workplace or escorts. People who are really good at what they do take care of the little details and make it look easy.


I taught high school for twenty years for a principal who made a point of sending thank you notes to any staff member (teacher, custodian, or secretary) who performed in some special way. He also encouraged people to make suggestions for improvement in any area of the school AND made sure to give public credit to the person making the positive suggestion. People would have walked over burning coals for this man and with 100% support of his staff he developed one of the most outstanding schools in the area.


Now the same is true with escorts. The truely great ones answer emails or telephone calls promptly and politely. They remember, by whatever means, little details about the clients they meet in order to provide those clients with a highly PERSONAL experience. Additionally all of the really outstanding escorts with whom I have spent time went home after out get together and sent me a thank you email.


As in so many things if one takes care of the little things the big things take care of themselves. Escorts are no different than anybody else some manage the little things with great finesse and others don't. I repeat with the former certainly Not with the latter

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