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How do escorts handle the fatigue factor?

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I just traveled through two cities in 3 days and hired 3 guys (a record for me in one week), two evening appointments, and one 22-hour appointment. I'm really not that slutty, despite what you read here. Just having a great time celebrating as I approach my 40th.


Anyway, I am exhausted. I admit I'm not 25 anymore, but I'm in good health, travel regularly, and lead a very active life enjoying the outdoors. So age and travel are not the cause of my exhaustion. But I'm damn wore out, and three hot men did this to me. }( Fortunately, this rate of hiring is not customary for me, so I will get a break. But how do you escorts deal with the fatigue? I have a new appreciation for the hard work of our best working guys. :-)


(And yes, reviews are in the works, after I rest up a bit.)

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Yeah ... JT has it right. Personally I dont see more than one or two a week at home and when I travel seeing more than one or two a day is far fetched.


Then again some guys Ive worked with SAY they see three/four a day. Ended up working with someone (once and will probably never again since I determined him to be a hustler in the industry but REALLY good in bed one on one) who really does see 5 or 6 a day. He just doesn't really do much in bed so it doesn't become an issue for him ;)

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Guest Jesse Dane

Much agreed with everything already said. I probably see about 3 clients a week on average and even during the busiest times I always make sure to take at least one day off with no work every week. And generally I never do more than 1 client a day, 2 tops.

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Hey man,


Happy birthday! It's clever of you to start celebrating far in advance.


Now, about fatigue... I am a very sexual person. Sometimes after cumming I stay hard and if tempted the right way I would keep going for seconds. When I was a little younger I would have to jerk off four or five times a day... now I only do it twice tops.


Two years ago, even in a sexually active love relationship this was -if not a problem- a little nuissance. I was always thinking about having sex. Because of my constant "politely asking" to have sex, I was about to get into an ugly divorce. What to do? Finally I got it; I was going to put it to good use.


Now I only see one client a day. And that is barely relief enough. I still jerk off quite a lot and fulfill my marital duties whenever they are happily requested. I eat well, exercise and sleep a lot.


However I do know some escorts that see as many clients as they can book in a day. (I did it at first, when I was working for an agency.) But there is no way that you can do that and still provide a good quality service.


After all, our duty is to be fresh, ready, energetic and loaded for you. Right?

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More than two a day just means the escort isn't giving much to his clients, and very likely has wood problems. Even two a day for several days straight is probably more than an escort who wants to really give a quality session would do.

Let's be honest, these guys have to have sex with many people to whom they feel little or no attraction. No matter their hormone level, they can't keep it up, so to speak, without reasonable rest time in between.

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As a cyclist I've the endurance and recovery to do a long ride anytime. But a ride might not be appealing if I've just ridden 50 miles. While most of us escorts find something attractive about our clients it doesn't hurt to be horny. So I usually only see one client on a given day and only see a few each week. I've seen as many as three in a day and had back to back busy days but that is rare.

I find stretching and spending time outside hiking or gardening along with a 10-20 mile bicycle ride is very restorative. And eating lots of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables helps me deal with fatigue and related problems.



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>this to me. }( Fortunately, this rate of hiring is not

>customary for me, so I will get a break. But how do you

>escorts deal with the fatigue? I have a new appreciation for

>the hard work of our best working guys. :-)


>(And yes, reviews are in the works, after I rest up a bit.)




hmm I not really sure what your asking, I guess your saying how do cope with being tired. I would get good nights sleep , eat a hearty breakfast to give you your energy for that day. Drink tall glass of orange juice that morning. But most of all you must pace yourself never overwork yourself because every client deserves to have you at 100% performance. If your ever tired or fatigue you take a break do not see anyone. Relax, read a book, sit in the sauna or whirlpool, and meditation works wonders. It empowers your day , your mood, and you.


Ricardo"Ricky" Milos

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Great topic.


For me, it's less about getting tired from anything sexual and more in terms of getting worn out going from point a to point b.


Travel, in any form, is tiring & tough on the body. I've adopted a routine that helps fight fatigue (vitamin supplements, Airborne tablets, working out and trying to get enough sleep everynight), but when you're crossing four time zones in a day, it's still rough. I'm still amazed at how much punishment the human body can take and still either rebound or simply adapt.


Ambien, in small amounts, can work well for getting back onto a local clock. I have, however, yet to raid the fridge and inhale a whole cake while still 'sleeping' as a side-effect.


This year i plan on doing about 275,000 in-seat miles on airlines. In addition to taking good care of myself mentally & physically, i also make sure to stick to a solid skincare regime. If anyone is looking for a really good way to treat their skin (whatever your problem might be), these are the products i've been using and in addition to being inexpensive, they really work:






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>This year i plan on doing about 275,000 in-seat miles on



BN, Do you post your travel schedule anywhere? There is a good chance I will be in San Antonio later this year. Hope it is not while you are out traveling the world!

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Back to The Original Question! .....


As far as "Fatique" there are now probably more and more Working Guy's Relying on a 1/2 Tab of Viagra or whatever the Dose is for Cialis. No matter what some will say!


BUT from previous Personal Experience, sometime's that isn't working out to the "Fullest" or "Hardest" either all the time, for every Guy! No matter what his Age!


So like Ricky said, "Those who Take Care of Themselves"..Can and Do take care of their Sexual Partner's....:p :P :p

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I know there are guys out there who take on as many Clients as they can see but I also hear that their services are limited and they seem to know when an hour is up by even the shadows of the sun or moon moving across the wall in a bedroom~ But there is Michaelangelo and there is the vendor who sells 100's of statues of "David" in a day. As a client you decide which is more valuable... the statue or the real thing. As an Escort you decide how you want to conduct yourself and how you view your Clients. Are you just making money or are you providing a valuable service?

I hold the Profession of Escorting with high regard and follow, to the best of my ability, the skills and services that the original male Geisha provided way back in the day. (Yes, they were originally male). Invitably this also includes: not more than one Client per diem, no cafeteria plan, not counting your fee in front of the Client, doing my best to at least meet and hopefully exceed the Client's expectations. It's more than a service. It is a skill and an Art in both Intimacy and Understanding of Human Being. Clients are humanbeings as are Escorts... to not view them as such and to simply view them as a commodity and source of income is disrespectful at best. While there may be a sexual arena... Intimacy is integrated in every moment you share with a Client. Somehow, I can not imagine that taking on five or six Clients or more per day would provide any of the Clients with a quality service that is above standard. I would rather have fewer Clients but leave them with a sense that their Life is enriched somehow then have a whole bunch go home and say... "wow... I had another orgasm and saw a hot guy". If you are exhausted... take a small break and revitalize so that you can provide the service that your Clients are paying you for, deserve and expect. Head for the coast or hang with the dog or some fun freinds... Taking care of yourself can also enhance your sharing time with a Client. Mutual sharing of meaningful Intimate time is somehow revitalizing for me. My experience tells me that it is similar for Clients as well. Good diet, sleep, exercise on all levels: Physical, Emotional and Spiritual... not just about taking something to keep you up or help you sleep. You feed , exercise and rest your emotional/psychological and spiritual aspects as well. It's a wholistic approach.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest justinwakefield

I think there are a variety of reasons why some escorts are able to handle fatigue better than others:

1) some escorts are more sexual by nature

2) some escorts are very young (and therefore have more sex drive)


Aside from these uncontrollable/obvious factors, most escorts are NOT under 21 and do NOT have any "special powers" that prevent them from wearing out. HOWEVER, here is a list of contributing factors that I feel assist many top escorts to endure (like Energizers):

1) FOOD & EXERCISE - most (good) escorts work out regularly and build up their stamina and endurance EVERY day - including nutritional supplements;

2) TANTRIC CONTROL - getting lots of rest helps a lot (as does abstaining from masturbating - or cumming with clients);

3) LIFESTYLE CHOICES - common sense things like drinking alcohol less, drinking water more, avoiding drugs - all these factors add to one's longevity


These thinss aside, all that matters - in the end - is that some guys are blessed genetically. Just like the reason some guys have ripped abs they don't need to work very hard to obtain... as the song suggests: "Some guys have all the luck!"

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  • 2 months later...

Honestly, fatigue sets in from stress, wheather mental or physical. All i can offer is my experience, sex for me is a stress reliever in itself - so it more of the traveling portion of my dates that becomes tedious... changing time zones and adapting to someone elses sleep schedule 2 or 3 times a week defintely takes its' toll on my body... traveling as often as i do, i swear by vitamin C, echinacea, and airborn... the occasinal tab of nyquil doesn't hurt on a flight either..lol.. (BELIEVE ME, i am stocked up and ready for the holiday season - next month alone i visit 8 states as it stands now.) Keeping everything organized, working out, and trying to have one or 2 nights of sleep in my own bed always re-grounds me!

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There is a lot of travel and planning both on the internet and off. Good diet, excercise, rest, and not expecting what is beyond Human deliverance. I understand the importance of Fantasy expectation... and provide that on my end to the best of my ability, but never demand the impossible or have that reciprocal expectation from my Clients. We are Human... not perfect... Understanding and keeping it real but profound is possible... from Escort to Client and having a good sense of needs on the Escort's part is essential. The Client pays for a service and so the Escort needs to be there for him. I believe in this. The Escort does what it takes to be present and fully attentive. The Client should be at no point of judgement for perfection. We are not hiring you!





men4rentnow.com tygerscent in Portland, Oregon

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Ya... I start to wonder about the services provided when an Escort is taking on 5 or more clients per day... cumming for the Client he feels is worth it... kind of disrespectful to the Client(s). Youth and Beauty is tempting but the question remains.... do you seek a complete experience or just like the look of what si coming through your door? I completely understand the Beaty of Youth.... but if you come away from the experience personally unfulfilled do you also wonder what you spent your money on? The experience should be wholistic, fulfilling... meaningful and withstand the test of time not leave you wanting for more.





men4rentnow.com tygerscent in Portland, Oregon

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Good points and thought provoking input! I might add though, age does not prescibe sexual or physical energy... 21 years does not necessarily mean stamina and 70 does not necessarilly mean unfit or less stamina. The Beauty of Men lays in their Spirit and personal potential and not exactly the prepositions or demands of youth. There is more to us then just the beauty of youth and the idea that youth defines our worth as people~ Goodness... Age is everyone's experience. Respect and clear perception of a person's worth is a matter of understanding and Respect.





men4rentnow.com tygerscent in Portland, Oregon

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