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The Fiddler has stopped fiddling...


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Israeli actor, writer, and illustrator, Chaim Topol - more commonly billed simply as 'Topol' - died today at the age of 88.  Perhaps best known for his lead role as Tevye in the 1971 movie, Fiddler on the Roof, Topol had been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease some time ago as reported by his family.  RIP.

Edited by CuriousByNature
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My father had the original cast album*** and I kept it for sentimental reasons after he died.  I don't remember what I said, but I worked "Tradition... Tradition!" into a holiday-themed outgoing message on my answering machine that was a big hit among callers.  I used it two more years after that, I think.

*** with Dorothy Zbornak as Yente, Bert Convy as Perchik,  & SVU's Judge Petrovsky as Tzeitel

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I think his performance in Fiddler was one of the best I've ever seen in any movie.

His best line: After a back-and-forth in which he kept wrongly attributing scripture passages to someone else and being corrected each time by being told, "No, that was Moses," he then said of Moses: "For a man who didn't say much, he sure talked a lot." His facial expression and inflection of the line were sheer magic.

Sad to hear of his passing, and of the health problems he suffered later in life. But grateful for his presence and his art in all our lives.

Be at peace, Topol. Next year in Jerusalem.


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