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curious about Las Vegas

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There is a lot of talk about the sting operations that go in vegas. I was hoping to get some good advice about how to keep my ass covered while chilling there. Im told it is one of the few cities in America where the vice activly go after internet escorts. Any advice you offer will be appreciated.





Jake Samers

Houston TX

AIM TopGuyJakeSamers

yahoo TopManJakeSamers

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I'm curious about this, too, as I like to go up to LV every couple years and see the newest buildings on the Strip, etc...one escort told me that LV is pretty much a straight town with little of interest for the gay guy, but you can find whatever you want there, I'm sure...


if it's true that the local law enforcement is vigilant on vice, one reason could be to make sure visiting tourists aren't taken advantage of...to gain a bad rep like that would certainly hurt LV's bread-and-butter economy...another possible reason for regular crackdowns on vice might be to make sure prostitution doesn't gain a foothold in Clark County, where it's illegal, though it's legal in neighboring rural counties of NV...


other thoughts on this?....

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Guest zipperzone

>other thoughts on this?....


Sure - what a waste of taxpayers money! As if a tourist would ever be bothered by an internet escort arriving to meet someone in their hotel room. Now perhaps if the escort wore his leather chaps and jockstrap as he crossed the lobby......, but I digress.


What ever happened to What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I don't think the city fathers who approved this slogan were referring to anything other than sexual hookups but they would never admit to that.

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Re: I get 4 to 5 emails a week that seem to be from cops.


Jack I know you are referring to cops that are running a sting operation. However, have you ever had a cop that actually wanted to use your services? Would you feel comfortable in such as situation?


I mention this because I periodically hook up with a guy in NYC who has a precinct police chief as a regular client.

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Although email can be used against someone, I would be more concered about phone calls and inperson conversation. As far as "no green at the scene" NO ONE in their right mind sends money for a short time slot with someone they do not know. This has been on other threads and eveyones advice is to NOT GIVE MONEY INADVANCE.






Jake Samers

Houston TX

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Guest msclonly

Do the real girls still work the lobbies in the hotels?

Or the bars?

Or the streets?

Does the Concierge still have a call list for guests of the hotel?

How about those high rollers from the orient? Can't they get bookings?

Just how far does this 'no hookers' go?



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They keep asking for specific sexual acts that they want to engage in for money, they want to send a cashiers check for 6,000 or 7,000 dollars, they keep asking for my full name and address. Some guys here told me they are either cops or money laundering scams, which the cops will be coming, or insufficient cashiers check pranks.

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As to Why Is There An Apparent Crackdown? I grew up in Las Vegas (a long, long time ago) and way back then there was a political dynamic that may still apply.


Vegas is an artificial community. That is, the economy and the population did not grow in the natural way, from farms, river and overland commerce, manufacturing, etc., but was deliberately built for its specific purposes in quite a short span of time. When my family moved there in 1960, there were 50,000-60,000 people, and more than half of them had moved there in the previous 5 years or so. With the exception of the Mormons, few people had communities of interest outside the work environment, and so civic and political life was superficial. So in order to win elections, politicians picked a few issues -- usually the crime rate, sex (in those days, the dirty bookstores were the most convenient whipping posts -- always an unspeakable blight on the community, especially urgent at election time, but somehow never actually closed), and later, drugs, and revved them up to screaming headline status in the months running up to elections, to whip the electorate into some semblance of interest and identification with the candidates. In 1962 a particularly odious District Attorney named Ted Marshall was elected on this platform. Son of a prominent family, he was a eunuch-like cypher with a mild speech impediment who grotesquely projected himself as the Scourge of Righteousness on the sex-store front. He happily disappeared unnoticed into the great jaws of time. In those days the Republican Party hardly existed in Nevada -- this was a Democratic Party tactic at that point. A tactic not unknown in other places, to be sure, but of paramount importance in what passed (and perhaps still does) for political dialogue in



Vegas has grown tremendously in the intervening years, and time has passed, allowing growth of deeper and more established communities with legitimate political agendas apart from the promotion of gaming and tourism. But it is still an artificial economy with a laser-like focus on Nevada's special industry. It has always been nearly impossible to exaggerate the importance of Nevada state and local officeholders to the financial powers that be in the gaming industry. The two Senators have always been important to these interests. There used to be only one House seat, which when I was young was held by a labor union generated dinosaur named Walter S. Baring, who labeled himself a "Jeffersonian, States' Rights Democrat", and was usually seen in the company of the pre-conversion Robert Byrd and other southern racists of his ilk. But now there are 3 seats, two of them in Clark County alone, and the third has a foothold there. So there is tremendous interest in keeping the public offices in the hands of "safe" candidates. This is one of my concerns about Harry Reid, that, while he has a reputation for personal incorruptibility, he has been a pretty reliable water carrier for the gaming industry throughout his career, and I am sure that not a little of the spectacular growth in his native region of Searchlight is in the way of gratitude for his leadership. His long career includes a 4 year stint as head of the Nevada Gaming Commission, which in many ways is the real powerhouse of political economics in Nevada. See this link to his political biography:




It will not have escaped the watchful eyes of the readers of this site that this is the summer before elections. The primary is August 15. Can you think of a date less likely to produce a mass turnout of disinterested, civic minded voters? Do you have any idea how hot it is in the dead middle of August in Las Vegas? Will the elderly, the incapacitated, the disadvantaged, those without their own transportation, the oh-so-busy-soccer-mom good-government suburbanites, turn out in 110-plus heat? A Senator (currently Republican John Ensign), all 3 Representatives, the entire executive branch of the State government from Governor on down, as well as numerous judgeships and lesser offices, are up this fall. And the 15th of August is not far away.


If you think that tradition has died out, check out this recent article from the LV Review-Journal, always the establishment newpaper in LV. They are shocked, SHOCKED, that Republican politicians have taken money from a legitimate businessman in the brothel business. Oh the horror!




So my short answer as to Why? is that the police, at the bidding of the powers that be, are out fishing (and not just in the area of our special interest), hoping to catch a big one which will lead to a story which will demand a crackdown on something or other and giving one or another of the favored politicians in the coming elections a hobby horse of false interest to ride into the primary and then the general election. Twas ever thus.

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WOW ! What an informative well thought out and well written post. I truly enjoyed all the facts and memories you presented and in regards to Nevada politics I am reminded that in Ecclesiastes we are told "There is nothing new under the sun." Your post certainly points out that as it has always been so shall it be always.


Thank you,



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Thanks! It was fun writing it, and dredging up all those old memories was a pleasant exercise.


I was very active in politics as a high school student. Las Vegas was a small enough place then that eventually I was able to meet almost all the political players. I remember being told by the odious Marshall -- in his office no less -- in response to the idealistic but also naive question (not mine) "How do you enforce all the laws?" that "We don't. They're on the books so we can catch the guys we think we need to get" or words to that effect. Disarmingly frank or unbelievably and stupidly revealing, either way that comment was my first introduction to the legal system as a tool of the ruling classes. Instructive.

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Oh man, those emails have nothing to do with vegas. They are overseas scam groups that send bad or stolen checks and money orders. A guy I know here sent off for one. We all told him not to do it. He cashed it; the bank came after him for the money. That is getting off easy. I heard of a guy that upon depositing the money order; took the money out of his bank account immediatly. The bank decided he was in on the scam and he now has a conviction of some sort.






Jake Samers

Houston TX

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Just a further note about the odious Marshall. I wrote: "He happily disappeared unnoticed into the great jaws of time."


I LOVE Google! I knew that Marshall had not won another major office. But with the help of Google, I found that he has been practicing law in Las Vegas, represented clients of dubious reputation, and got involved with veterans' organizations of various kinds in LV.


But for political trivia lovers, here's one to boost the reputation of the Las Vegas electorate, which I did not exactly praise in the above post.


Marshall ran for a district judgeship in 1996, and finished with 8% of the vote. 8 percent! Fifth in a field of 5. There is a god after all!

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