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How to become a traveling provider

Bobby Biceps

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Hello! Sorry for the random post please forgive me.... I am a provider from NYC. I'm very very good at what I do but im an amateur when it comes to advertising my services. I see other providers traveling from city to city and I would assume they have clients in each one. My plan is to go to LA in about a month and I will be there for a few days. 3/30-4/3 to be exact. Im from NYC so business is great here and I've met a lot of nice people... im just starting to hit a ceiling I feel like if I were to just stay solely here... I figured Id ask if anyone knows or can walk me through how providers originally start out when looking to build up in a new city. what would be the best way to go about advertising? Any and all help is much appreciated. Ideally, I would like to have 2 cities that I travel between on a monthly basis. Nyc and LA and then expand from there. Thank you


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5 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

Have you asked Matt to work the LA nude party?  Surely that would be a great launch point since you’re already known in the Adonis universe. Have you considered timing your trip to coincide with the March nude party?  You’re a delight so I can’t imagine you’d have a problem. 

excellent idea!.......darn, I wish I'd thought of that first!!....




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I'm not a provider, but I've hired lots of providers visiting my area.  I always assumed it was as easy as choosing a location, renting a hotel room, and then listing your plans on Rentmen and the like.  I know that some providers travel with clients (i.e., take trips with them), but if you're just asking about working in a different area just advertise.

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My most precious advice: be proactive about finding clients. Put your ad up, keep an eye at who is looking at you (and how often they do), and send messages to clients who have enough information in their profiles to work with - stats, descriptions, mutual "intos", and reviews. If a client has reviewed users like yourself, your chances are communication are already higher.

So many of my regular and long term clients began with me reaching out first. We should appreciate those that are willing to put themselves out there, and they will appreciate you back.

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So far you're doing all the right things... you've posted your travel dates in your RM ad. I see you also posted a notice in the Traveling Providers section.

One thing I've found when traveling vs. at home is I get more live phone calls when traveling. At home I usually don't pick those up, but when traveling I've found these are often guys who are ready to set up an appointment. They know you're in town for a fixed amount of time and they want to get down to business. So if you have a block of available time and someone calls, it's worth picking up the call.

The other thing you could consider if you're wanting to establish yourself for future travel is signing up for a Rentmen sponsorship. I just tried it out for the first time last month and the number of guys checking out my listing has gone up significantly. Sure some are looky-loos, but others are for real and will remember you if you post a travel date in their city some time in the future. It's a hundred bucks but I think it's worth it.

@Coolwave35 has a great idea with the Adonis nude party. Talk about great exposure to prospective clients!

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