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Whats with all the provider insulting on this site?


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23 minutes ago, Axiom2001 said:

Ignore those SOBs.  They don't know you; perhaps they have never met you.  Again, ignore and move on and make others happy.

I looked at your photos, and I found your lips to be mighty enticing and voluptuous.  If I were in the San Antonio area, I'd definitely try to meet you, for I love deep kissing and enjoying one's mouth/lips.

It's unfortunate that some posters decided to write negatively about a man whom they've never met.  Perhaps they have nothing else to do than to denigrate an individual for one reason or another.

When I've inquired about providers here, I always stress to write only if they've met the particular individual/s about whom I'm inquiring.  

Aww ty ty 🥰

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I've had a number of escorts complain to me about the same thing. Most recently it was after I said good things about an escort on this site and he saw that another client had complained that the mood was ruined because the escort gave him a look he didn't like. He cautioned me to stay my optimistic self because this site is full of those who have had bitter lives.  A gross generalization of course, but some of the comments are startling in their pettiness. I hope many escorts realize that many (I hope most) of us dismiss such comments and concentrate on reasonable reports of experiences when they're considering a hire.

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2 hours ago, IamAdamRose said:

Ty….. i paid a hefty penny for them 😌

Money well spent.  Many people would jump at the chance to have similar fullness, and those who are not into that, so be it.  These forums are hotbeds for extreme views one way or the other due to anonymity, and the majority of posters wouldn't dare say to someone the things that they feel comfortable writing.  Fuller lips, like yours and mine, are traditionally thought of as kissable - though unfortunately mine have not yet experienced a kiss, unlike yours I'm sure.  Good for you for posting here, and for being open and forthright about who you are and why you are posting.

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7 minutes ago, CuriousByNature said:

Money well spent.  Many people would jump at the chance to have similar fullness, and those who are not into that, so be it.  These forums are hotbeds for extreme views one way or the other due to anonymity, and the majority of posters wouldn't dare say to someone the things that they feel comfortable writing.  Fuller lips, like yours and mine, are traditionally thought of as kissable - though unfortunately mine have not yet experienced a kiss, unlike yours I'm sure.  Good for you for posting here, and for being open and forthright about who you are and why you are posting.

Awww thank you, yeah, it seems like some of the people on on here or on RM have something against lip fillers or feminine gays in general, lol sometimes on RM, people call me “daffy duck” or “why dont you just go trans already” its pretty funny to honest i’ve heard it all but do i let it phase me? No, but some it does and I want to be the voice for those who might feel some type of way

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Just now, IamAdamRose said:

Awww thank you, yeah, it seems like some of the people on on here or on RM have something against lip fillers or feminine gays in general, lol sometimes on RM, people call me “daffy duck” or “why dont you just go trans already” its pretty funny to honest i’ve heard it all but do i let it phase me? No, but some it does and I want to be the voice for those who might feel some type of way

There's as much a spectrum of tastes as there is of identities, I suppose.  Name-calling should be left on the playground and it amazes me how many 'adults' resort to it.  I've been guilty of it myself from time to time, hoping to earn a laugh here or there in my life, but it really is the lowest form of humour.  You be you, as long as it isn't harmful to yourself or others.  And be well and happy.

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As a client, this is my biggest frustration at being on here. I'm a feminine f@g, who has dealt with this femme hatred my whole life. I try to see these guys as being sad. They're so invested in a toxic form of masculinity that prevents them from enjoying variety ("I only fuck masculine muscle bottoms") and probably their own bodies. 

But I'm sure you see as a provider, and I see as a client, and in my life, the joke is on them because I have never wanted for lovers. And I'm happily married to a *gasp* masculine, baritone-voiced gorgeous man I've been with for over two decades. 

That they need to bash and disparage providers they deem unattractive says more about them then they want to admit. 

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21 hours ago, IamAdamRose said:

My name is Adam & i’m a provider from San Antonio Tx


A new client of mine has brought this website to my attention, and from the looks of it, seems like I’ve had some derogatory things said  about me, mainly being my lips, and I have encountered some discrimination in unnecessary comments from people on the site, my question why? If a provider isn’t what you’re looking for move along, this seems to be the toxic masculinity problem, particularly in older, gay men were they expect every escort to be macho man Randy savage. It seems like some of them are stuck in the 80s or 90s when it’s already 2023, and I’ve read some of these post, and not just about myself, but about others. If you dont like the provider, just move along… 

I'd say there is a distinction between criticism and abuse.

THe former should be allowed for all providers, and clients, if it's fair. 

The latter is never acceptable.

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I've left bad reviews before on some sites, and it's always been honest. There are some providers, stress SOME, who are pretty arrogant asf. They often think they're above their clients - above us when they rely on us for their income and basic livelihood? lol. make that make sense. Most escorts i've ever seen have been cool. It's only a minority who have been that arrogant and up themselves, who thought they were "above" in the discourse. 

As for the OP, I think comments that are unjustified on appearance are wrong. If a person has a feature that they don't like, then don't mention it in a review, or just mention stuff about the person they do like. 

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5 minutes ago, arnemgreeves said:

I've left bad reviews before on some sites, and it's always been honest. There are some providers, stress SOME, who are pretty arrogant asf. They often think they're above their clients - above us when they rely on us for their income and basic livelihood? lol. make that make sense. Most escorts i've ever seen have been cool. It's only a minority who have been that arrogant and up themselves, who thought they were "above" in the discourse. 

As for the OP, I think comments that are unjustified on appearance are wrong. If a person has a feature that they don't like, then don't mention it in a review, or just mention stuff about the person they do like. 

Thing is some of these people go out of their way on the platform to message me on the website or text my phone just to say said comments, the best one i heard lately was, “I am exactly what’s wrong with gay young males today” lmfao some people have too much time on their hands nowadays it’s pretty funny, yeah i get what you say, both of my SD’s still book other guys on the rentman & they tell me about their fair share of arrogant escorts

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To build off what both @KensingtonHomo and @arnemgreeves stated, as a client some of the commentary on here is frustrating, and entirely unwarranted.  

When a query is posted looking for info/feedback on Provider X, posts by members who have no first hand knowledge, and no intention of engaging the provider, just to make disparaging comments on their looks, how unattractive they are, how they’re not the member’s type, etc. offers no value. I’ve posted previously about how it baffles me that these members think their post is in any way contributing to the thread.

I know I have many, many times opened a thread about a provider, clicked their RM link, viewed the profile, and thought “oh not for me!”, and I moved on. I don’t see why anyone has the need in the same scenario to instead of moving on, come back, and leave insulting commentary about the provider’s looks, style, writing ability, etc.. 

It’s beyond childish, and while there is a significant number trapped in their own little “femme bad, masc good” version of reality, the insults can, and do, cover everything - tattoos, piercings, hair colour, body hair, penis size, body fat/musculature, clothes they wear, ad infinitum. I agree with KH - the commentary says much more about the member, and his own fears, insecurities, internal self homophobia, than they do about any provider.  

There is, however, as noted a difference between these insulting comments (with NO first hand experience), and genuine criticism that comes from actual first hand experience. Whether that criticism is about provider looks (pics not the person or pics severely outdated or photoshopped), inability to preform (couldn’t get it up, not clean), rude personality, late or no show, cutting time short, asking for more than agreed fee OR skipping out with fee without providing services, etc., all of this is useful info to potential clients. That the client may be heated when making the post may result in a bit more of an editorialised critical post, but it’s still warranted. And I think it’s a two street - what’s fair game for a client to criticise, is fair game for a provider to as well. 

Ignore the Bitter Betties on here, as many of us do - or view them for the bit of comic relief they supply knowing how sad, and empty their lives must be. 


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Life lesson:

Men, in general are shallow and critical on appearance. And being in a group that’s exclusive to men (the “G” in LGBTQ), it’s going to amplify it. 

Whether it’s your level of femininity/masculinity, skin color, race, hair color, eye color, body size, body shape, economic status, intellectual acumen, age, zip code, car type, profession, political affiliation, or style of dress, someone is going to be a cruel critic. 
1.) Grow a thick skin

2.) ruthlessly defend yourself to those who insult you to your face 

3.) ignore & block haters/critics online

……and live your best life. 

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2 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

Life lesson:

Men, in general are shallow and critical on appearance. And being in a group that’s exclusive to men (the “G” in LGBTQ), it’s going to amplify it. 

Whether it’s your level of femininity/masculinity, skin color, race, hair color, eye color, body size, body shape, economic status, intellectual acumen, age, zip code, car type, profession, political affiliation, or style of dress, someone is going to be a cruel critic. 
1.) Grow a thick skin

2.) ruthlessly defend yourself to those who insult you to your face 

3.) ignore & block haters/critics online

……and live your best life. 

there are limits.

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9 hours ago, IamAdamRose said:

Thing is some of these people go out of their way on the platform to message me on the website or text my phone just to say said comments, the best one i heard lately was, “I am exactly what’s wrong with gay young males today” lmfao some people have too much time on their hands nowadays it’s pretty funny, yeah i get what you say, both of my SD’s still book other guys on the rentman & they tell me about their fair share of arrogant escorts

That is so rude.  Where is common decency these days?

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I know there is the eye roll, but there should be an emoji for "you're being a jerk", and if the administrators review and verify the comments are abusive, 3 strikes and you're out. Yes, I'm being somewhat facetious, but before you litigate what I'm saying, I'm not talking about valid criticisms about a provider's performance, dishonesty, etc., etc.,

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9 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

Life lesson:

Men, in general are shallow and critical on appearance. And being in a group that’s exclusive to men (the “G” in LGBTQ), it’s going to amplify it. 

Whether it’s your level of femininity/masculinity, skin color, race, hair color, eye color, body size, body shape, economic status, intellectual acumen, age, zip code, car type, profession, political affiliation, or style of dress, someone is going to be a cruel critic. 
1.) Grow a thick skin

2.) ruthlessly defend yourself to those who insult you to your face 

3.) ignore & block haters/critics online

……and live your best life. 

I don't know if I would agree that men are generally shallow and critical about appearance.  Perhaps men can be more narrow minded about things that they find attractive, but I know many women whose shallowness has astounded me when it comes to judging others on their physical appearance.  More than men I know.  In fact, most men I know have surprisingly low standards - though that has never benefitted me 🤣

I agree a thick skin is more and more necessary, especially since many people seem to be willing to use social media to destroy others so that they feel better about themselves.  And I've never found it worth my effort to ruthlessly defend myself to anyone in person or online - that isn't where I want to focus my energy.   If people do not wish to respond in kindness, than I tend to ignore or take a step back.  

There are limits to what a thick skin can do to protect oneself - no matter the thickness of skin, things can still be hurtful.  

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3 minutes ago, CuriousByNature said:

Probably because you seem to be pretty confident and happy with yourself, which is a very good thing.

I am, not gonna lie I accomplished my goal of being a sex worker fast…. I got 3 SD’s out of it lol but I’m gonna retire from the business in the next year, a provider of my niche has a timer on them, instead  of that as a muscle top would… I have my real estate license so i plan on getting back into that business 

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Hi, Bitter Nancy here 👋

In general toxic masculinity runs deep in our culture. I'm not sure why you would think this site would be unaffected?

Many of your photos heavily feature your lips so... Gurls gonna gossip hunty. Is Taco Bell angry that people make fun of the food and the gastro intestinal after effects? No. The publicity is what keeps the brand alive. 

I'm a strange person, I have a congenital deformity, and atopic dermatitis on my face. Many providers treat me like garbage and if they are nice they rarely listen to what I want and just end up doing what they want. I've had really great experiences with maybe ten providers. 

Accounting for all that, clients need to vent their frustrations. You need to learn to be okay with that. Let them laugh in an Internet forum while you laugh all the way to the bank. 


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@IamAdamRose can you provide links to the derogatory comments about your looks?  I’ve only seen one topic about you and it’s not much about your looks.  It’s more about the fees you charge and the bottoming you allegedly refuse to provide at the meeting.



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21 hours ago, BtmBearDad said:

When a query is posted looking for info/feedback on Provider X, posts by members who have no first hand knowledge, and no intention of engaging the provider, just to make disparaging comments on their looks, how unattractive they are, how they’re not the member’s type, etc. offers no value. I’ve posted previously about how it baffles me that these members think their post is in any way contributing to the thread.

I agree the extraneous “he’s not my type” of comments are unnecessary, but I don’t think never intending to hire the provider automatically means your post is not contributing. 
For example, if I see something on page 4 asking about a provider with few to no responses, I have chimed in with a “I don’t have information, but let me bump this thread for you” so more people will see it.” 

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25 minutes ago, Cruiser7 said:

I agree the extraneous “he’s not my type” of comments are unnecessary, but I don’t think never intending to hire the provider automatically means your post is not contributing. 
For example, if I see something on page 4 asking about a provider with few to no responses, I have chimed in with a “I don’t have information, but let me bump this thread for you” so more people will see it.” 

Yes, your scenario does contribute, and can be helpful. 👍🏻 In fairness, I didn’t even think of those who bump a topic. My comments were aimed just at those who have no experience and/or no intention of hiring, but still make disparaging comments about the provider. These comments do not contribute, and are not helpful. 

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