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Cut vs UC


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I wondered the same thing. I'm getting most of my action from rent masseur instead of rent men now and the one thing that's missing from that site is information about the cock that I'm going to be dealing with.

so is it okay to ask? What do you think? I think it's okay. After all it is what it is and you are the customer. I recently pissed off not one but two massage providers by asking too many questions about potential sex. It's okay. I knew what I wanted and I asked for it. They just weren't ready to offer what I was looking for. And we agreed to disagree. No harm no foul.

Just ask!

Edited by glennnnn
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I would say ask away 

the ones that get uppity about you crossing a line are very much in the minority or channeling another reason they don’t want to deal with you (eg age, race etc)

Providers know full well if an inquiry comes in through one of the Rm sites what expectations can be.

but clients should also understand that a provider’s polite setting of boundaries on what they offer is different from them being offended


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I would only ask if the banter back and forth indicates that would not be something not offensive to him. I've asked in the past and have both received the answer as well as "why does it matter - your inquiring about a massage".   Remember, if he's advertising on a massage site, it's about massage particularly for masseurfinder.  You can usually tell on RentMasseur if they are more extras focused (especially if they have a RentMen ad too).  

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On 2/22/2023 at 9:32 AM, Swmr said:

Prior to booking a massage, is it ever appropriate to ask a massage therapist if he is cut or uncut?  

I have not had any massages yet other than some physiotherapy a while back, but to me, such a question would be out of place unless earlier conversations happen to lead there.  I think it would be in the same category as other questions about medical history, like, "Do you still have your appendix?  Have your wisdom teeth been removed?"

See everyone - I can add to a discussion about circumcision without telling a circumcision joke.  

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19 minutes ago, Medin said:

If the plan is for the massage therapist to be naked or other activities may take place, then I would say it is fine to ask.  

Possible scenario:

— "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
— "Yes." 
— "Great! See you at 11!"

— "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
— "No."
— "Thanks. I'll take the non-nude massage rate, please!"

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1 hour ago, Marc in Calif said:

Possible scenario:

— "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
— "Yes." 
— "Great! See you at 11!"

— "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
— "No."
— "Thanks. I'll take the non-nude massage rate, please!"

Possible scenario:

You’re a six year old. Grow the fuck up.

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Definitely ask. Unless it’s clearly a therapeutic only kind of masseur. It does depend on the masseurs attitude to what he will include. Some are quite restrictive even though they advertise as sensual/ erotic. 

I am fine with being asked that question. And the answer is I’m cut although there’s pics on my website and RentMasseur advert so I think it’s obvious to potential clients what they’re getting.

I find most clients ask questions and that’s good. They want first and foremost a fantastic massage and if say sucking a cut cock or oral to climax in my mouth is important to him then he should ask for that. My attitude to massage is those things can easily be part of the massage but I do understand the definition of what’s in a massage differs from masseur to masseur so you need to check with him. 


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17 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

Possible scenario:

— "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
— "Yes." 
— "Great! See you at 11!"

— "If you're naked, will I see a cut dick?"
— "No."
— "Thanks. I'll take the non-nude massage rate, please!"

"So what's wrong with an uncut dick"? is what I would say.  😉

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