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Being "professional"

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Just my opinion, but you don't want those guys as clients anyway. :-)


They're the guys who will needle you endlessly to send "just one more pic" before making an appointment, or beg for "just a little more time" during the appointment (if they ever get that far), etc.


I, for one, truly appreciate and value an escort who is prompt and courteous in his correspondence, provides clear information and photos (whether via email or a website), and reponds to direct queries not covered anywhere else. In other words, somebody who has his shit together.


Steven, never fear. You are NOT too professional.

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I have to agree with Deej here. From my perspective there is no such thing as “too professional.” It’s possible the potential clients you cite are just not used to dealing with escorts who take the business seriously. Keep this in mind, one of the definitions of the word “professional” means to earn a livelihood in a field or activity often engaged in by amateurs.


No doubt escorting qualifies as a field often engaged in by guys seeking to make a quick buck and client satisfaction is not a major concern. These guys are amateurs. Unfortunately, quality guys have to work that much harder to overcome the stereotypes.


It’s refreshing to encounter an escort, who is prompt when responding to client messages, up front about services, offers reasonable rates, and most importantly listens to the client to determine what he can provide. A professional (in any field) makes a commitment (within reason) and then delivers an experience that meets or exceeds what the client had in mind.


I have hired more than my fair share of amateur escorts. I have also hired a handful of truly professional escorts. It’s the professionals who have earned my respect and my loyalty.





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I have been with “professional” escorts who seem to have rehearsed and choreographed their lines and movements to the point that you could almost hear the pages of a script being turned in their heads, LOL. Perhaps these clients are not criticizing your professionalism (always a good thing) but rather they may have a preconceived notion that a professional escort is more likely to treat the session like a job rather than as a moment of diversion.


I’m probably wrong, but just wanted to add this perspective to the topic.

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I agree with Seattlebottom. While the bigger problem in my experience is the amateurish guys who don't know how to conduct their business efficiently (and usually screw up the session as well with their fumbling and limitations), I have occasionally been with an escort who had his "routine" down so pat that there was no excitement whatsoever.


That's not my experience with you, Mr. Draker, which has been quite positive each time. So I would not pay too much attention to those remarks.:-)

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>When I'm seeking different services -

>massage terapist, travel agent, doctor, banker, etc. I'd love

>to deal with someone who is professional.


Your website is very polished, professionally done and contains all the information that a client would want to know. It is very good. Most people will appreciate that. Others won't. It may remind some too much of a company website. It is too efficient. The client wants the fantasy. They do not want to be reminded that it is still a business transaction. The client does not want to have sex with his doctor or banker. :D


Now Steve, I am sure you are a top escort because you can make the client believe that he is having sex with a lover rather than an escort. Maybe translate that to your website. Make the client believe that he is reading the profile of a potential lover rather than an escort. :D Good luck.

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How does the marketplace define TOO professional?


I must say, Steven, I'm not fond of the website design. I feel your friendliness here on the forum but I don't feel it on your site. Top graphic designers say "no black backgrounds, EVER" even to pro photographers who love them. They insist black backgrounds make it difficult to read text (I agree) and make the mood of a site too austere. The black-white-yellow contrast of your site is too police-academy hard (and unfriendly).


The term "Executive Escort" is a turn-off. You sound like a limo service desperate to seek CEO business. If you want to exude the appeal of a Rolex, the site must look like a Rolex. Tis better to show your beauty and elite status than to put it in words (Advertising 101).


Speaking of words, you should NEVER speak in first-person when describing yourself with adjectives (ie: "I'm a very good-looking stud"). It's NEVER sexy to let any customer know you believe this statement. In fact, for me, it's a complete turn-off. I find modesty and humility far more sexy than vane, self-boasting. Let other, big-mouth escorts here be your what-NOT-to-do guide. Now, I know these "boasting" comments will shock you, coming from me, but remember; RockHard is my drag alter ego, I'm quite understated in my off-forum life. The inside joke about me: if you take my blowhard style too seriously here, you may end up looking like a fool.


Consider this way of saying the same thing:


— Many clients tell me I'm "a very good-looking stud" and I always appreciate every stroke I can get. All I can say is I'm a horny man who likes to have fun. —


Attributing the compliments to someone else lets you off the hook: putting them in quotes places the words in someone else's mouth. My statement, or one like it, will bring out more personality and less ego. And that's the way to soften the wording edge. Smart, wealthy men appreciate these subtleties.


There's nothing wrong with taking the word "professional" seriously. It's the way you do it that determines whether it's all-attractive and worth opening the wallet.


I sincerely hope this helps. :-)

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I wonder if he meant “too impersonal”, rather than “too professional”.


I really appreciate it when an escort shows professionalism by returning phone calls or emails the same day, and by being on time for an appointment. But I also like to feel that his communications are directly to me, and that I’m not being “screened” or “processed”. (Steven, these comments aren’t directed at you or your emails, since we haven’t ever communicated - yet!)


Once I emailed an escort to set up an appointment, and got back an email directing me to his website for rates and other info. Well I had already been to his website and read his reviews and knew his rates, and that’s how I knew I wanted to set up an appointment. His canned email response to me felt a little impersonal. I went ahead with the appointment, but it did make me think twice.


By the time I call or email an escort, I’m ready to hook up, unless something goes wrong during that initial communication. So I’d prefer his response to be personal, like “Sure, what time is good for you?” But there are probably other clients who do a round of “interviews” first, and may need to be referred to the escort’s website.


I guess every escort has to look at the kinds of calls and emails he’s getting, and figure out what style of communication works best for him. I think it’s great that you’re continuing to evaluate your style, and wish you continued success.

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To think of a critisim of you is really getting down to a nitpicking. In a business sense, you are already at a Sigma 6 satisfaction level. But of the items read I think Rock Hard gave you the best comment. The humor you show both on line and in person does not translate well on your site. I would probably agree you could soften the galleries a bit. You know Steven, like most men your smile transcends most hardened hearts. A bit difficult to show. Maybe with your next set of pictues a few more light hearted shots. You are beautiful man physcially and in your heart. Maybe seaside or open meadow background might add the subtlty and nuiance you offer so well.

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Steven, I have hired you twice and I think you are the eptiome of professionalism. I have told others that you are the Singapore Airline First Class of escorting! If only other escorts out there where half-as-"professional" as you! So see it as a compliment!

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"too professional"


Hmmmmm.....While we have never met, you are exactly my kind of "professional" escort. I appreciate a website with clear pictures, physical description, restrictions/sexual preferences, rates, travel dates/locations/requirements, etc. I'm not looking for warmth, humor, or chemistry by looking at a webpage. I just need the facts, along with quality reviews by credible reviewers, to make an informed decision. I'll experience the warmth, humor, and chemistry when I meet you in person. :9

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RE: Being "professional"


Thanks to all who have responded so far. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Rock's constructive criticism reminds me that my website needs to be updated. My webmaster has already undertaken the remodeling of the picture galleries. The text will be updated as well. I have to reconsider the humor part, but definitely more friendly and less "pretentious". As far for the canned emails - I forgot when was the last time I used one.


Steven Draker ~



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RE: Being "professional"


> my website needs to be updated.


Yes Steven, I understand you have evolved and developed new talents }( since your site was last updated…


Still, in all seriousness, one can never be "too professional", and by that I mean acting in a manner that is reasonable, courteous, respectful, and friendly.

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> one can never be "too professional"


I think it's a language difference. In French "Tu es trop professionnel" (You're too professional) tend to have somewhat a pejorative/uncomplimentary meaning. Probably it doesn't translate the same way in English.


Steven Draker ~

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>French "Tu es trop professionnel"


Steven, in French it probably gives the suggestion of being too sterile, and business-like. (It might possibly be viewed similarly in English as well, but not really with the adverse connotation.) At any rate, that is why I mentioned the importance of being friendly and respectful as well.


Nonetheless, it is an interesting comparison of the subtleties between different languages that are not necessarily apparent on the surface.

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It is a client's choice of styles. Remember, we have a forum here for

street husstlers. Not to say that the boys working the street aren't professional themselves, but probably less polished. I bet that is what this client is looking for - a working boy who can't toss in some French and have his own website. Understandable, I have a propensity for both at different times.


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RE: Being "professional"


BigD… I can appreciate that different people are looking for different things at different times.


However, in my particular case where I am going to allow a guy to tie me to the wall, and drip hot wax on my cock and balls, knowing that the escort in question is reliable, dependable, intelligent, and civil is not only “requisite and indispensable”, but also ultimately a “ turn on”. When an escort acts in a “polished” and "professional" manner it is always a reassuring sign.


That is why in my particular case I always prefer the guys I hire to be as Steven says, “trop professional”

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RE: Being professional & EXPENSIVE


"400USD an hour, you have lost me"


I know it's rare but, sometimes, you do get what you pay for. Ain't that right, Steven?


I'll bet Charlie S. would have loved to get his, um, hands on one of Fleiss' girls for $400 an hour. He would have considered that a real steal. :-)

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RE: Being professional & EXPENSIVE


Probably so Rock..BUT IF Business was that good in Europe, you wouldn't have certain Escorts over here for Very long periods of time either!

It is a known fact Americans spend way more than Europeans or South Americans for their Fun. So I guess I am answering my own question actually! LOL :p :P :p

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RE: Being 'correct'


>Glutes, my rates haven't changed since

>August 2003

>$ 250 the first hour

>$ 200 an additional hour


>Thanks for writing.


>Steven Draker ~



And worth every penny.


Steven, you are an escort who provides service that is professional -- with skill and attention to the client (I know from personal experience). There are no unpleasant surprises with you that you might get with a less professional escort (the guy who posts old picture of himself, who shows up 1/2 hour late, who is on his cell phone the entire time he is with you).


I think the comment about being too professional is not about the quality of your service, but the fact that your website is a lot more fancy than most escorts' websites. If you were a dentist who advertised in a a magazine and had a full-page advertisement that had three or four color pictures of yourself, I might wonder if you really were a good dentist, especially if you charged more than most dentists. It's the same thing with escorts -- it is good to have a website with some good pictures and descriptions of what you like to do, but for me, it is not really a fancy website that makes me want to see an escort. It is more what kind of experience that I think I will have with them, which comes from reading reviews here on the HooBoy site than anywhere else.


I don't think you will lose many clients because your website is too professional, however, as long as you continue to be the sexy stud you are and get the good reviews you do.

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RE: Being 'correct'


Re: If you were a dentist who advertised in a magazine and had a full-page advertisement that had three or four color pictures of yourself, I might wonder if you really were a good dentist, especially if you charged more than most dentists.


Dan, I agree 100 percent. Plus it proves that different professions require different methods of exhibiting one’s professionalism. Even given the fact that the basic tenets I espoused above should still be adhered to, such behavior by a dentist would probably be inappropriate. It is simply the marketing techniques that would be patently different.


If an escort, dentist, or other professional acts in a suitable manner he will be rewarded. From what you say Steven must be doing something right.

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American Rates vs. European Rates


Steven, just out of curiosity do your European rates and your American rates correspond to the Euro to Dollar exchange rate or are they customized for each side of the Atlantic. It has been noted that we in the States tend to be willing to pay higher rates for our diversion as opposed to our European counterparts. I notice that many international manufactures (especially those who are trying to target certain price points) offer different suggested retail prices in Europe vs. the US.


Is it the same for international escorts such as you?

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RE: American Rates vs. European Rates


The current exchanges rates are as follows:


1 Euro equals 1.2745 US$


Therefore,200 Euros equals US$254.8998.


Steven's European rates are consistent with what he charges in the US based on the exchanges.



For additional perspective:


1 US $ equals 1.1223 Canadian $


Therefore, US$200 equals CDN$224.4700

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