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How do you guys feel about touring where sporting events are?


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With the recent sporting games going on lately (Super Bowl in Phoenix and NBA all stars in Salt Lake City), does anyone have a preference for chasing such events? 

I sure wish I was able to be in either city, however I just wasn’t in the position to travel that far this month. I often hear about such events bringing in a surplus of visitors to a city, but the drawback is the search for hotels amid the inflated prices. In SLC I was seeing downtown hotels going for $500-$600 a night, with the surrounding burbs in the $200-$300 range.

Hotels are like the #1 arch nemesis of trying to be in a city during a major event. They don’t want to check anyone in early or late, and sometimes I’ve had to change rooms because the one I was in was booked the next day. Anytime there’s a “group” of guests coming to a hotel, staff seem to get pretty nasty and inflexible. It would be great in a perfect world if they only raise the prices for people who actually wanted to attend such events, because why should someone who’s just passing thru town be subject to such rate hikes 🤷🏾‍♂️ (goes back to what I was saying about escorts also changing our rates to compensate such things) 


But otherwise, they sound like such great propositions for mass amounts of revenue. I just don’t really get the memo for these things at the right times. 

A friend of mine suggested staying somewhere budget and just doing Outcalls. But it’s no secret that sometimes one ends up with everyone wanting the  provider to host. And I know staying in a dingy hotel (though if I go that route, it’ll be something with a name brand is usually safer than the “20th street motel” or like places in Florida do: “The Shady Palm motel, just 10 minutes from the beach 😷. Yeah right) in a sketchy area isn’t really the greatest impression to give. At the same time, many clients seem fine with just a bed and shower at the end of the day. However it’s not necessarily ideal for me.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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On 2/20/2023 at 5:42 AM, nycman said:

I avoid major events like the plague. 
As you noted, rooms are crazy expensive.
One exception is Vegas during the Final Four.
Its an endless supply of horned up jocks.

I agree with dingy hotels….hard pass. 

Yeah, I don’t necessarily keep up with such events…but sometimes I’ll be in a city, and the room goes up by 100. And I may ask the staff what’s going on in town. I know during the summer in many cities, weddings, graduations and concerts were especially problematic for booking weekend hotels. Most  meverything would be sold out or higher.

I’ve mostly stopped hosting in my local area because I don’t get the amount of bookings I want in a day anyway to justify the nightly hotel prices. And it’s always people wanting last minute, out the blue… so hard to book in advance.

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On 2/21/2023 at 8:13 AM, Storm4U said:

I don’t tour at all anymore, but if I did, I would avoid a city with a big sports event. I can’t imagine that it’d be worthwhile.

Sometimes even just superbowl day itself brings out the BS. I was in Milwaukee and had like 3-4 hits for people requesting bookings and nobody panned out. Threw me off so much, I took my number down the day after and right thru Valentine’s Day because I couldn’t be bothered. 

Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day two days apart was a double edge sword for biz. Some were feeling horny, others just lonely. Thankfully had a couple regulars that week and was out of Missouri because I know it woulda been disaster. Everybody else was just using RM for attention.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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