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"Time's Up!"

Guest TNT Ted
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Guest TNT Ted

Who should be watching the clock? If I hire for an hour is it up to me to be sure I'm out the door on time? That would also mean, I assume, that it's up to me to direct the action so that the mission is accomplished on time, right? What if it's an experienced working guy who knows I'm a relative novice?


I admit I was not paying attention to the time. Nor did I pick up any signals to wrap it up and leave. But I got dissed (in an email exchange the next day) about overstaying my purchased time by almost half an hour (it was eighteen minutes to be exact). Should I feel obliged to pay something additional?


What's the typical protocol?

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To be honest I believe it is your responsibility. If you had an escort who mentioned time up to you he would be trashed to death here.

I do believe the really good ones have ways of indicating time without making you feel embarrased about it, but I have heard from just about every escort guys who just hang on and can not take a hint or do not want to.


In this case if you simply walked out said nothing and no tip, I can see where he may be a bit snippy. I am surprised he said something more likely if you tried to hire him again he would probably decline. I have done this almost three years I have a really good sense of the time and I make sure a clock can be clearly seen. Only once did I realize that I was already over by a few minutes and had not cleaned up. I flew out of the bed apologized profusely and asked if I could shower and they said do not worry, but I wanted them to know that this was inadvertant, plus they did get a tip.


The same goes if I am running late. I do not assume that just because I am 15 minutes late I can tack on to the end. That is simply rude. If escort offers great, but it is only good manners that if your time is 6-7 and you are late that you say good bye at 7, if escort offers not to rush fine, but it should be his choice. Goodness knows reviews are filled with guys who do the job and leave early and get thumbs down, so I do not know why your staying late would not receive a similar response.

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Guest PWIT

I take an opposing view to augustman. Who is the professional here? It is the escort. In a professional world, say a psychiatrist for example, who determines when the time is up?


Escorts I have been with have always been very good with time management.


I did have one escort who sent me the below link in his initial response which speaks to the time issue.




I did not agree with many (or most) of the items in the "Escort Etiquette" site he sent, but still wanted to meet up with him. Of course having made arrangements two weeks out and then arriving in town to discover he had other arrangements speaks to the lack of his time management skills.


An "Escort Etiquette" site more to my liking is:




It helps that it is less verbose than the first too!


I almost always make arrangements for multiple hours so there is plenty of time and no need to rush.

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Guest empire

To receive such an email is insane. If the escort was truly professional he would not freak out about going over the hour you booked him. Especially if he is looking for repeat business you.


I believe it's the responsibility of both to keep reasonable check on the clock. In all my years of hiring I've never had an issue with time. Sometimes I go over sometimes I'm under but not once has an escort complained. In fact, more often than not I'm the one that usually wraps up the session. On the rare instances I lost track of time I usually received a very gentle reminder from the escort.


Just my thoughts.

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In the recent thread about doctor's and waiting room time someone posted the fact that the best doctor's actually run behind schedule because they do not rush the patient out of the examining room simply because the allotted time has expired. This is a recipe for success in any business situation.


The best escorts follow a similar protocol... After all, like physicians, their services do not come cheap. In an ideal world the escort should book his clients so there is no need to hustle clients out the door. When an escort tells me he books only one or two clients per day that is my kind of guy. Of course they may choose to charge as they see fit for their services... though there is not always a correlation between price and extra time allotted.


I can understand that some clients play games and try to steal as much extra time as possible... One escort told me how a client actually kept changing the time on the digital clock when his back was turned... However, the escort has a practice where he has the client call him on his cell phone prior to allowing him to enter the building... and the time on a cell phone does not lie nor can it be tampered with... In this case the client was literally and figuratively caught with his pants down!!!


As for myself, I can easily take a hint. Some guys want you to shower before the prearranged time has expired... others will give you the full time and then allow you to clean up. If I sense that I am being told to get a move on out I do so. If I sense the escort is not in any hurry I go with the flow...and just assume the guy is not a “clock watcher”. At any rate, I easily try to adapt to the situation at hand. I have also had situations where I have paid the guy and he kept the post-session conversation going for hours... again if I'm not in a hurry myself I go with the flow. Still, some clients can not take a hint or rather do not want to take a hint. That’s when problems arise.


Still the bottom line is this… The client should be fair with the escort and respect his time and approach… if the client feels he did not get good value for his money or is hustled out he has the right not to hire the escort again… If a client tries to sneak a few extra minutes the escort has every right to bring it to the client's attention. Hopefully this is initially done respectfully and in a tactful manner... However if the client doesn't take the hint... or if a client tries to steal a significant amount of extra time then the escort has every right to confront the client before the situation gets out of control.

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Guest zipperzone

>To receive such an email is insane. If the escort was truly

>professional he would not freak out about going over the hour

>you booked him. Especially if he is looking for repeat

>business you.


I agree completly - the escort was a total idiot to chew the client out in an e-mail the next day. If the client never sees him again, he has only himself to blame. It is the ESCORTS responsibility to control the time - at the time of the session - if it's important to him.


I recently had a 1 hour session with an escort who set the chime on his Timex for 50 minutes and when it went off it was the signal to get dressed and get out. Effective, but crass. I thought he could have used a more personal way to convey his message, but it worked.

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The escort needs to get a life. Tell him to find a cause to focus his anal retentiveness towards. If I have to spend 15 mins or even another hour with a client just so the evening can naturally come to an end then I do such. As a result whenever the client thinks about me afterwards, even if it's not to hire me, they think of me in a favorable manner. The worst would be to have some guy's last impression of me rushing to met some time criteria as I quickly put on my clothes so that I may hear the door click for the second time exactly 360 seconds from the first.


Some guy asked me sarcastically if I was still a romantic. I smile at him and told him "of course, that's why I'm so hot in bed." Random sex is so boring, many many many encounters with different gentlemen can be exciting, but random sex is about exciting as a boiled chicken breast; about. Sure it's sex and well sure it's food, but when it comes down to it everyone would rather have something a little more enjoyable to consume.


Sure I can call you a slut, call you a ####; leave you laying on your stomach with your ass pulsing as I sit in the chair across the darken room nursing my whiskey cocktail. But there will always be a connection, there will always be some enjoyment, though sometimes twisted, other than physical. That is what every client wants. It's what every gay guy wants. It's what every girl, every man, every lesbian, every tyranny, every husband and every human hungers for while having sex; a sense of being desired.


Hurrying out of someone's sight after 60 mins doesn't accomplish anything close.

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Time is up? I have often noted men talk on the MC about clock watchers and the like only to be upset later that they felt rushed.


It is your time so speak up and say something because if you dont the escort might not know he is rushing or might be taking advantage of you and in either case its your time not anyone elses.


Simple answer always make your thoughts knowen and hey if you get some lip from an escort saying they got to go somewere then shame on him because he should have allowed more time for you.

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I agree if there are time contraints that the escort is dealing with then he needs to let you know.


But honestly why dont more escorts allow for an hour of leway time? I would always do that and for the most part i never said anythign about time to the client and for the most part was never late to seeing a client.


just made sense to me

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RE: "Time's Up!"


>Time is up? I have often noted men talk on the MC about clock

>watchers and the like only to be upset later that they felt



>It is your time so speak up and say something because if you

>dont the escort might not know he is rushing or might be

>taking advantage of you and in either case its your time not

>anyone elses.


>Simple answer always make your thoughts knowen and hey if you

>get some lip from an escort saying they got to go somewere

>then shame on him because he should have allowed more time for





When in doubt I whip it out :+

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Guest empire

>I recently had a 1 hour session with an escort who set the

>chime on his Timex for 50 minutes and when it went off it was

>the signal to get dressed and get out.


LOL - that is a little harsh but as you mentioned effective. I agree a more "human" reminder would have been the appropriate way to notify you the hour was coming to an end.

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>The escort needs to get a life. Tell him to find a cause to

>focus his anal retentiveness towards. If I have to spend 15

>mins or even another hour with a client just so the evening

>can naturally come to an end then I do such. As a result

>whenever the client thinks about me afterwards, even if it's

>not to hire me, they think of me in a favorable manner. The

>worst would be to have some guy's last impression of me

>rushing to met some time criteria as I quickly put on my

>clothes so that I may hear the door click for the second time

>exactly 360 seconds from the first.


>Some guy asked me sarcastically if I was still a romantic. I

>smile at him and told him "of course, that's why I'm so hot in

>bed." Random sex is so boring, many many many encounters with

>different gentlemen can be exciting, but random sex is about

>exciting as a boiled chicken breast; about. Sure it's sex and

>well sure it's food, but when it comes down to it everyone

>would rather have something a little more enjoyable to



>Sure I can call you a slut, call you a ####; leave you laying

>on your stomach with your ass pulsing as I sit in the chair

>across the darken room nursing my whiskey cocktail. But there

>will always be a connection, there will always be some

>enjoyment, though sometimes twisted, other than physical. That

>is what every client wants. It's what every gay guy wants.

>It's what every girl, every man, every lesbian, every tyranny,

>every husband and every human hungers for while having sex; a

>sense of being desired.




THAT`S HOT ! :-) :-)

Paris Hilton

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Let's face it, some escorts are idiots. The day I have to treat an escort's clock the same way I treat a high-priced attorney's is the day a lawsuit becomes as much fun as a good fuck.


The only escorts who have justifiable clock concerns are the ones who visit from out-of-town and book themselves into a hotel. However, this revolving door/lick-'em-and-run scenario is the very reason I would never book again with Jon Ramsey when he visits NYC. As wonderful as Mr. Ramsey is: unless you visit him in Boston or you're prepared to book the entire day, or at least half the day, sex-by-Rolex is a HUGE turn-off to me.


Paying too much money for sex is also a HUGE turn-off for me. There's nothing worse than doing business with greedy people or ego maniacs who insist on BMW marketing principles when setting the price-point for a suck-n-fuck. I'm sexually attracted to guys who possess a generous spirit and I love working with generous people. These are the folks I return to time and time again but boy are they hard to find. Clock-watchers (who aren't visiting) are selfish pricks and only care about one thing: themselves. I'll pass.

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In rereading my posting above I might have left the impression that the escort can call the shots when it is actually the client who ultimately rules. It is just that many of the guys that I have hooked up with have related so many crazy stories about how various clients in various ways have variously taken advantage of them. Now these are good quality escorts who I guess needed to vent about the situation, guys who for the most part have been more than fair with me as far as time is concerned. One guy even began to blush and felt embarrassed when I offered him some extra cash because we had gone over the time limit.


As I have related previously, I deal in a business where appointments are involved. I never rush a client, and if there is a doubt regarding time factors, the customer always gets the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes you just have to bite your tongue and count to ten. Still, unless a certain line is crossed, it is always best to treat the client with deference.


There are several high profile escorts who I would love to hire, but I just know that I would be treated like a piece of meat. So no matter how perfectly formed their butt is, I’ll take a pass


As Rockhard says generosity by all parties goes a long way… or as Jay Ganymede says it there should be a “connection" and “a sense of being desired”. So the best tenet still says that the escort must treat the client with the utmost respect, and hopefully that respect will be returned by the client… but still neither need roll over and play dead when a dastardly rogue of an individual crosses the line.

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Guest zipperzone

>LOL - that is a little harsh but as you mentioned effective. I

>agree a more "human" reminder would have been the appropriate

>way to notify you the hour was coming to an end.


Another escort I used to see (he has since retired, damn it) had a unique way of keeping track of the time. He always played the same CD which was a compliation of music he judged to be relaxing and erotic. The CD lasted just about an hour and after seeing him a few times, it became easy to estimate the time by what piece was currently playing. When the music stopped it was time to close the session down. Unless you wanted to put another quarter in the juke box - so to speak.

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As often stated, communication is the key. I can easily be distracted, especially with someone new, so I don't want to be the clock watcher while I'm (I hope!) in the throes of passion. I always ask (tell?) the guy in question to let me know when we're approaching the time limit I've specified.


I learned the importance of this early in my (still neophyte) hiring career when a guy announced at the end of a session that we had gone over an hour and I owed for a second hour. Even then I knew enough not to pay a full hour's fee for an extra 15 minutes and we prorated. But it left an unpleasant taste in my mouth (not literally, either; it was an all-around lackluster encounter).


This has become even more crucial since I discovered that what works best for me is a conditional arrangement of the "let's start with x hours and continue for an additional y hours if we're having fun and not too tired out". In a recent case (with x=y=2), the guy in question whispered sexily in my ear "we'll be getting beyond 2 hour territory pretty soon", which gave me just enough time to finish off what we were doing if I wanted to stop.

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Guest TNT Ted

I initiated this thread and would like to clarify one thing: I don't think the escort in question is that much of a clock watcher. His reference to the additional time was within the context of another issue we were discussing. But since he brought it up, it raised the question in my own mind as to who really should be watching the clock.


After reading the above posts, it is my opinion that if time is important to the escort, the primary responsibility of managing it is his. However ..... the lesson for me is that in the future I will make sure I never exceed the agreed time. I dislike any suggestion that I might be taking advantage of a situation.


Thanks everyone for the input.

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I always tell the escort in advance how much time I'm prepared to pay for. I think it is up to him to decide when to end the session, and the good ones usually manage it smoothly. Most of the time I don't look at my watch until I'm out the door, and I have rarely been hustled out early; more often, I find we have gone overtime, but I don't feel obliged to pay more, since it was the escort who controlled how long we were together. Only once did I have a bad experience, with an agency escort, who prolonged the time I had requested by an hour (there was no clock in the room), and then charged me for the extra hour (luckily, they took credit cards).

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It is interesting but I have never found this to be a problem. I tend to feel that it is the responsibility of BOTH the client and the escort to be aware of the time. I see most escorts either in a hotel or in my home and less frequently in their home. In all of these places a clock is usually clearly in evidence and thus it is easy to keep track of the time. However, I do not hire for just an hour and thus time is less critical.

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Alot of Working Guy's who visit Hotel's will, If they donot see a Clock, will just place their Watch in a convenient location, like on their wrist! LOL


The Tacky Guy's will leave the TV on, Volume Off to check the Time!


I guess whatever work's for ya! LOL

:p :P :p

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"There's nothing worse than doing business with...ego maniacs..."

Hahahahaha. Now THAT'S FUNNY! Laughing out loud here.




Seriously, I always try to manage timing so the climax appears at the appropriate place in the novel--with a little time left over for the denouement.

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I will NEVER make time for Tom Isern


Of course it takes an informed, healthy mind to know the difference between a very healthy ego and a maniacal one. If I have EVER exhibited a maniacal ego here on the MC, please feel free to direct my attention to such a post so that I may share in Tom's obnoxious, self-indulgent LAUGH.


Even though such an example doesn't exist here or anywhere ("ego maniac" is a term that NO ONE in my circle would ever use to describe me), I'm always happy to bring joy and laughter to the querulous Tom Isern. His life must be a difficult one. He deserves our sympathy but NEVER our money.

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RE: I will NEVER make time for Tom Isern


This is one of those posts that are deadly for escorts to respond to the question that was posed. The escorts that do respond are like most other people seem to be responding to the incident rather than the question. Let me first say I believe the escort did not do the right thing in sending his snippy little email for his marketability, he should have just chalked it up to business as usual. As I stated earlier the escorts best way of handling is not to book with that client again or adjust his rate up front.


That said clients should not be surprised at the rising one hour rates or the increase in the use of the term "varies". This is just another reason for the escort to raise his one hour rates. My own personal opinion is that if you do not want to feel rushed than book for two hours, generally time is not much of an issue. Or I have seen some ads where the escort lists an hourly fee but in the description states this for a session that can last up to 1-1/2 hours. So the rate may be a bit higher but allows for open ended time. To the best of my knowledge every other service is time regulated except restaurant. I think there just should be some common courtesy involved but to each his own, I guess.

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RE: I will NEVER make time for Tom Isern


>This is one of those posts that are deadly for escorts to

>respond to the question that was posed.


Hence why I've stayed out of this one. See I'm not SOOOO easy to bait ;)


LOL. It really just comes down to respect (replacing my old favorite word context), the bulk of my clients see me at a rate that doesn't require an hour cut off and I think that works best for all parties involved :)

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