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How do you think you will leave escorting?

Orson Kane
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There is a very recent post asking how escorts entered the business. I was talking with an established escort a while back who said he was thinking of gradually leaving the business, in part so he could pursue other interest, etc. He was going to see only existing clients, take a few long breaks, etc. I am wondering how many escorts have specific plans of when they might leave the trade and what determines when this time will be (e.g., they earn a certain amount of money). Also, do escorts plan leave the trade "cold turkey" or just cut back on what they do? Would be interested to hear about how escorts think about leaving the stage.

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Hey Dan.


The response is very simple in my case:


I will leave escorting -cold turkey- the minute I stop having fun and loving what I do.


I believe that no act of intimacy (whether a mere sexual act or a deep emotional connection) should ever happen with one of the participants not wanting to be there. In my personal opinion that would be abusive and disrispectful for both parties.


It will be then, or the minute my family plans and career priorities change. I haven't been able to devote a lot of time to my other profession: I am not in Vancouver on a regular basis and my irregular schedule doesn't allow me to commit to the necessary activities that would -in the end, be conducive to my other career to thrive.


So far I am still loving escorting and having a lot of fun. My escorting career has taken a totally different quality in the last nine months or so, and it has become what I hoped it would become. I am not ready to give up all that fun. But I am perfectly aware that I will want to stop sometime, and that makes me enjoy it even more.


I better stop typing; didn't I write that my response was simple? :+

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Guest empire

I'll answer this on behalf of two of our favorite escorts. Of course my response is completely unauthorized by them.


Ben Nicholas will leave escorting after a 3 hour cruise somewhere off the coast of Hawaii. The captain, Skrubber, started getting drunk and you know what that tiny ship became lost. Ben will end up on an uncharted Island with Chuck50, Vincent Michael and Athan. Rumor has it Skrubber kidnapped Ben out of Chuck50's tent one night and the two haven't been seen since. Ironically Athan took the uncharted island hiatus to teach Vincent about freedom of SELF expression and how not to abuse it while Chuck50 wondered the island hugging bears at $1,000. a night.


Scott Adler will leave escorting after staying at the W Hotel in New York City. Scott answered a knock at his door where a female room service server waited with his dinner. She picked up a knife off the tray to slice his pork chop when without reason Scott freaked grabbed his cell phone and locked himself in the bathroom. The police arrived and safely escorted Scott the escort to County Mental Health where he currently remains. Rumor has it he roams the halls telling people he found a horses head at the foot of his bed.


All meant in fun guys, just a little humor :7

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RE: How do you think ?


Well, you went from the White Party to the clubs of Manhattan and are on your way to the Queensday parties in Amsterdam...I am jealous, btw. But I think you would be better off having a drag overdose than a drug one!

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RE: How do you think ?


>Well, you went from the White Party to the clubs of Manhattan


You forgot 'Neverland' in between ... :)


>But I think you would be better off having a drag overdose than a drug one!


Drag for sure, drug not quite - you can attend the White Party, enjoy yourself and not be a drug addict. (just ask Scott Adler) ;-)

My original comment was sardonic, Lucky.


SD ~


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My any job that I have had escorting or otherwise I have always followed grandpa's adivce over pina coladas in Mexico: It doesn't matter how much moeny you make. Whether it be a million dollars a year or 12 bucks a year. If you aren't having fun and enjoying what you do then all the money you make wont make it worth all the irritation and stress. I think the old guy is right. So when this becomes dull and boring I'll stop.




seaboy4hire@yahoo.com http://seaboy4hire.tripod.com

Palm Springs April 28th and 29th.


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Right now I'm training to become a sexual healer. What the Body Electric people call a Sacred Intimate. Now, you and I may see this as a logical extension of this profession. Another arm of it, so to speak, even though many Sacred Intimates claim that they never have sex with their clients. What I think is probably closer to the truth is that they don't always have sex with their clients. I mean, I had ten sessions with different S.I.s in one week without coming any closer to real sex than a cleaver simulation. And learned one hell of a lot about myself in the process. But that was on a Body Electric campus. So, maybe the guys were playing nicer than usual? But what if they weren't? What if they really do never have sex with their clients? Then, gentlemen, then, if I can manage to have as many clients as an S.I. as I do as an escort/bodyworker, then I shall retire from this profession.


I have retired from this profession for years at a time in the past. I've had five husbands, and if one of them, and three of them did, feel that the relationship would work better without my doing this, I've stopped. And the one time I got arrested, I stopped til I got healed. (Just check the early archives on that one if you want the extremely old scoop.) I won't say it's addictive, that you have to come back to it if you leave. But I do notice that I'm far from the only one who has. Of course, I felt the same way about living in Denver, and I haven't done that in a couple of decades. }(

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Guest jeffOH

I'd planned on easing into semi-retirement, but after my prostitution arrest in '04 and a more severe than usual bipolar cycle, I decided it was time. Currently I'm seeing mostly regulars and the occasional client as a result of my reviews on this site, but usually average no more than 3 clients a week.


A few years ago I invested in my personal trainer's gym. We expanded it and bought more equipment. We now have 4 personal trainers and I basically manage the gym working there around 20 hours a week. My business partner and his wife divorced 2 years ago and I've been helping him out with his son who's now 3 1/2 years old by babysitting him 2-4 days a week. I'm now "Uncle Jeff" to Jordan, who's 1/2 Korean and 1/2 Caucasion and absolutely the cutest kid EVER! Today we went on a 2 hour rollerblading adventure along the river with me pushing him in the jogging stroller. I'm really enjoying this phase of my life.

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Guest Jesse Dane

I see myself retiring in a couple years. Escorting is great and I've enjoyed it, but eventually I want to move on to other things. I'm in the process now of launching my own porn company and am looking forward to shifting into a behind the scenes role in the next couple years.

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