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How did you start escorting and why?

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Guest jeffOH

I started escorting in August 1991 after having worked several years in retail management. Two retain chain stores I'd worked at had gone bankrupt back-to-back and a guy I was dating/having sex with was working for an escort agency. I took the second chain closing as a sign from God that I should get out of retail. So, I talked to Gus about it and he introduced me to the agency owner and I had my first client that very afternoon. It seemed very easy and it felt right for me. I worked for the agency for about a year and then eliminated the middleman and struck out on my own. Nearly 15 years later and semi-retired, I can say it's the best gig I've ever had. I've met alot of interesting people along the way, including other escorts-- several of whom have become some of my best friends.


Best of Luck!

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Guest Jesse Dane

My 9-5 was turning into more of an 8-7, I wasn't getting paid enough, and I hated what I was doing.


I tried it out with one client, had a good time, and quit my job a month later to do it full time. Have been doing it full time now since November 2004.

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Hey Jaden,


I started escorting two and a half years ago. However, since I was seven or eight years old and I first heard the concept of escort, I decided that I would do that when I grew up.


Life -and my choices- took me in a totally different path. I wasn't able to try escorting because of the career that I chose. It was too risky to do so. However, two and a half years ago, when I moved to a totally new country and found myself in a situation in which I could finally fulfill my fantasy, I decided to give it a go.


And I did.


And -just as I imagined I would- I love it.


I personally believe that there is only one valid reason for me to do anything in this life: because I avidly want, -need- to do so.


I have to agree that it does sound kind of funny to talk about a vocational calling when it comes to escorting... even to me. But hey, to me it is next to impossible to believe that there are people out there who wanted to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a mechanic... Thank God there is always a man for every task.


By the way, I hope that curiosity won't kill that kitty. And I am sure that it won't as long as the kitty is careful and stays always within the realms of what the kitty feels comfortable doing.

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I never get tired of telling this story, because it still amazes me sometimes when I think how different my life is from just a few years ago.


Derek and I were completely monogamous from the ages 18 & 19 for about 10 years, and then we decided to open up our relationship to see what sex with other men was like. We'd never had sex with anyone else but each other (out of love and also fear of STD's), and although we were still greatly attracted to each other, we were curious and wanted to see what all the sluttiness in "the gay world" was all about. Well, we discovered that we liked it, that we could play safe but still get to kiss and suck and fuck other men...just like real slutty gay guys we'd always heard about or seen in porn videos. :p


Then we got a computer and discovered the joys of online cruising and shopping for whatever sexual mood we were in. We were like...well, like horny gay guys with a computer.


Shortly after, one guy I hooked up with told me he was an off-duty escort and suggested I give it a try. The idea was truly foreign to me: a good little married Jewboy. But his words echoed in my head for a week until I finally called him to get advice about how to get started, how not to get arrested, etc.


My first job...I thought my cock would burst from being so hard. It was so exciting to be a "hired stud" and to get paid for having fun. Soon, I learned how to be more than that, and to use my personality to be what others have called a "sexual healer" and I really began to feel like I'd finally found something truly worthwhile to do with my life (for now). I can't say that it was my lifelong calling, like Juan (that's amazing!) but it's been a fucking thrill ride that continues today.


Oh yeah...ditto for Derek. :)

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>Question from curious mind: How did you start escorting?


>Escort: On my knees.


>Question from curious mind: Why?


>Escort: Becuase, giving blow jobs standing up put too much

>strain on my back.



LOL SMART ASS!! :) <grin> you put a smile on my face today.

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I'd been in very long term relationships all my life, (since I was 5 years old... yes 5yrs old~). The second to last relationship I wa in involved his parents living upstairs with us living downstairs, dinner promtply at 6pm, two dogs, big yard and house... one day he decided that he prefered the bottle to me. After 5 years of putting my future on hold and becoming his/their world, I left. The relationship I was in after that was intense and creatively astounding... but I came home one day and he said he just wasn't "feeling it". From that precise moment, I decided I needed to be single for a while and focus on my photograpy and filming. I had not done Escorting but simply decided one day that I was going to to it. I had dated a woman for 15 years and prior to us dating she was an Escort. It really facinated me. Our relationship, (as had all of mine been), was monpgamous.

So when I made the decision I was looking for an avenue for Intimacy but not a full time relationship so that I could concentrate on my personal goals more dillegently. I found a very fulfilling sense of Family and Freinds here in the Escorting business. Not really with other Escorts but Clients! I've met such outstanding individuals and can not imagine my life without them! Not in the business sense but in a personal and Intimacy sense. I have been constantly impressed with people's abilility, uniqueness,capacity and openness to Love and be Loved. When I am no longer doing this I hope to maintain the freindships I have developed for as long as they persist in the course of Life. I hope and feel dedicated to return to my clients as much or more then they have given to me to the best of my ability and on the terms and levels that are most meaningful and of value to the Client on his/her own terms... Write our own personal signature on the shared experience, if you will. It's my outlet for Loving and being Loved, for Intimacy and being Intimate. No experience is ever generic but always original.

Tyger "Ty Hudson"




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Well, guys, it can be a life long calling/profession. I got in it in or around 1973 and still have basically as much business as I want. (We could all always use more, on average, couldn't we?) And I am in training to become even better at it.

In college, I made a flirty pass at a guy, not really realizing that he had a lover at the same party. Said lover got me basically alone in the kitchen and chewed me a new ass hole. The phrase "free ####" stood out. I went home and cried all night at that phrase. In the morning, I took a good hard look at it and realized that of the two words, it was the word "free" which was bothering me. That the other word sounded interesting and like it fit. And my father, who never knew this side of me, Lord love a duck, had been worried that I wouldn't be able to support myself just as an actor. So I became a petit entrepranuer. Still love it to this day. Still doing it better all the time.

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>Question from curious mind: How did you start escorting?


>Escort: On my knees.


>Question from curious mind: Why?


>Escort: Becuase, giving blow jobs standing up put too much

>strain on my back.





I liked what I considered a tongue - in - cheek response, but I took the guy's question seriously and rather liked it. I, too, have often been curious about why a guy considered escorting. I know it's an easy way to make "big bucks" quickly, especially if you have a clientle base on a regular basis.......

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>>Question from curious mind: How did you start escorting?


>>Escort: On my knees.


>>Question from curious mind: Why?


>>Escort: Becuase, giving blow jobs standing up put too much

>>strain on my back.





>I liked what I considered a tongue - in - cheek response, but

>I took the guy's question seriously and rather liked it.


Considering the response, I'd say there was a little more than just tongue in his cheeks! }(

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