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Extortion by NYC escort


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These "extortinists" are playing on the fear that you already for some reason feel guilty for hiring and that telling someone will out your hiring. Its 2023. Tell him you want to go down to the police station and explain all this to the Sargent. He is probable an illegal and will run so fast your head will spin. Keep it up for a few days when he doesnt answer. Say "no.. no... I mean it. I want to tell the whole story to the police so they can decide who is right. If I'm wrong I'll gladly pay you".

Fuck this mother fucker and good. Taunt him the way he is taunting you. He will get you arent then a sissy. That's what he is looking for. Fuck this bastard and I hope he gets a resistant case of syphillis!

Edited by Gymowner
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If staying at a hotel, insist on meeting in the lobby instead of giving the provider your room number.  If you don't see the guy in the ad show up and some scammer starts texting you, there's your answer.  I suppose that if it's a large lobby, maybe you just aren't seeing the guy so it would make sense to reply by text when you know you cannot be seen by anyone else to ask exactly where he is so you can identify him.

At an apartment/condo building, meet outside.  I hired over 100 guys when living in apartment buildings and for every visit from a first-time provider, I always waited outside for them.  Typically I'd see the guy approaching before he'd even reach my building, so I could wave or nod so he'd know who I was.  If no one ever shows up who matches the guy who advertised, there's your answer. 

As to someone threatening to post a video of him knocking on your door and then barging in and demanding money, how is that potentially damaging to you?  Who cares what story he says he is going to post along with it.  Unless the video includes a conversation before that where you are agreeing to pay him for sex, how is that video incriminating?  Just because you opened your door to a stranger? 

Don't let some thief exploit your concern about being exposed -- unless you are so fearful for some reason (cheating on a spouse, would cause some professional problem if you are exposed) I wouldn't even give it a second thought.  And if you have that much to lose, you really need to be more cautious about hiring anyway: Use a burner phone number, don't meet guys where you live, use a fake name, don't use an email address that you use for any other purpose, etc. 

And, of course, you can stick to well-reviewed guys.  Even then, though, there have been some stories here of guys who had good public reputations who did terrible things to some clients so that isn't a 100% guarantee.

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51 minutes ago, Gymowner said:

These "extortinists" are playing on the fear that you already for some reason feel guilty for hiring and that telling someone will out your hiring. Its 2023. Tell him you want to go down to the police station and explain all this to the Sargent. He is probable an illegal and will run so fast your head will spin. Keep it up for a few days when he doesnt answer. Say "no.. no... I mean it. I want to tell the whole story to the police so they can decide who is right. If I'm wrong I'll gladly pay you".

Fuck this mother fucker and good. Taunt him the way he is taunting you. He will get you arent then a sissy. That's what he is looking for. Fuck this bastard and I hope he gets a resistant case of syphillis!

This. (minus the wishes for incurable disease) lol.

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1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

I may have missed that... I thought the term 'illegals' in the post had to do with the nature of the 'work' the scammer was engaging in rather than his ethnicity.

To say someone is “probably an illegal” isn’t referring to the nature of the work (and that would apply to all providers without a qualifier as in the statement).

“Illegal” as a description of someone is typically understood to be someone undocumented per US immigration law … but I doubt most who use the term know about the different categories of immigrants (including the legal ones) … or that there are in fact many Caucasian “illegals” (including a couple of providers I have met from places like Ireland and NZ - but that’s another story for another day 😊

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The only illegal in the United States that I have ever known to be such was a white Israeli lad who overstayed his tourist visa and got hooked up with an older man.

They wintered in Miami and lived somewhere in Connecticut. Very hot guy and we had a roll in the sack. He couldn't work or drive since he had no drivers license or green card. I thought his life was very restricted. Oh he also couldn't read English but could speak it.

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11 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

I love how some of you think Rentmen gives a shit. 

They aren't the BBB. They're outside of US jurisdiction.  They have zero skin in this game.

There is some good advice here though.  Use every tool you have at your disposal to make sound judgements.

Also, and I know the OP doesn't want to hear this, but if you tread in a highly unregulated industry, don't be shocked when you get involved in unsavory things. 

If you've got a lot to lose- and it sounds like you do- you need to be more careful in the future.

The reality of the thing succinctly stated...

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2 hours ago, Medin said:

The use of the term "illegal/undocumented" is now considered racist?  Wow....I live in a "progressive" city full of immigrants and have yet to hear that one.  I'm getting old I guess.    

I, too, am surprised that "undocumented" is now being considered racist.

I remember "undocumented" being promoted over "illegal" because the term illegal implied guilt of criminal activity, while undocumented served as an umbrella term for having entered the country without formal documentation.

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2 hours ago, Medin said:
9 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

... And the casual racism


Bahahahaha. I LOVE it when people from the other side try to call me racist, homophobic, fatphobic and more – some people have made it so that words don't matter anymore. So, I don't care. Terms like these are used now when you disagree with someone. It's the new 'boy who cried wolf' – and I simply have stopped caring.

 Classic Film Reaction GIF

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To the original poster- ttm269:

Some GREAT advice here from all these posters.  Be cautious in where you meet and what contact the escort has for you.  On a first hire - ALWAYS meet in a public place.  Use a burner phone number not easily traced to you, and pay cash.  

As far as him extorting you, I agree with the others - he won't continue to pursue you. He WILL however, if you feed into this.  IGNORE it.   If he does, tell him you've made a police report, and if he wants to post something online, his IP address is traceable.  Just ignore him, as hard as that is.  Something similar happened to me a while back, and by ceasing to "feed" it, the problem just went away.

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5 hours ago, Asterisk said:

Who are you quoting saying that "undocumented" was racist?  I missed that.

The term used in the post wasn’t “undocumented.” It was “illegals.”

Btw I don’t know but it probably escaped the awareness of that poster that he, himself, is an “illegal” (to borrow his term) by virtue of his hiring. 😂😂😂

Edited by LookingAround
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14 hours ago, Gymowner said:

These "extortinists" are playing on the fear that you already for some reason feel guilty for hiring and that telling someone will out your hiring. Its 2023. Tell him you want to go down to the police station and explain all this to the Sargent. He is probable an illegal and will run so fast your head will spin. Keep it up for a few days when he doesnt answer. Say "no.. no... I mean it. I want to tell the whole story to the police so they can decide who is right. If I'm wrong I'll gladly pay you".

Fuck this mother fucker and good. Taunt him the way he is taunting you. He will get you arent then a sissy. That's what he is looking for. Fuck this bastard and I hope he gets a resistant case of syphillis!


3 hours ago, Medin said:

The use of the term "illegal/undocumented" is now considered racist?  Wow....I live in a "progressive" city full of immigrants and have yet to hear that one.  I'm getting old I guess.    


43 minutes ago, Asterisk said:

Who are you quoting saying that "undocumented" was racist?  I missed that.


10 minutes ago, Todd Jenkins said:

If you're in a country unlawfully, you're ILLEGAL!

If you have overstayed your visa and are here without permissions, you're ILLEGAL!


The whole discussion around allegations that the provider is “illegal” is off track. Can we please get back to the extortion discussion? 🤔

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3 hours ago, FrankR said:




The whole discussion around allegations that the provider is “illegal” is off track. Can we please get back to the extortion discussion? 🤔


Summarily saying “probably an illegal” does not require defense of immigrants (legal or otherwise) in response - but it introduces another ingredient into why some of us might not apparently like this extortionist with no proof - when we already have specific data on why we don’t. No need to add irrelevant layers with sweeping generalizations - we have enough to universally condemn the culprit here.



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Just in case, next time I hire, along with the jockstrap, or the lube, condoms, poppers, you know whatever the necessary 'stuff' for the meeting is, I will also bring a baseball bat, cautionary measure. 

Seriously, @ttm269 very sorry this happened to you, next time definitely follow the advises shared here, by so many of these wonderful members, this community and the support offered is really beautiful. 

Next time, research, research, research, better to hire an escort with tons of reviews, positive reviews, that way you know they been doing it for a while and are true professionals. 

Take precaution but bon't let this bad experience stop you from having fun if that's what you want to, lots of decent escorts out there that are only into providing a good experience.


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19 hours ago, newdad said:

How common is video chat prior to meeting?

I won’t meet anyone new without a quick FaceTime call. I let them know that I just need a quick 5 second call for verification. I honestly haven’t had any issues with this request. It’s how I met up for the first time with Dolph B, Bradley Blue,Christian Powers, Aaron Lazaro, and James Brando( from Vegas). All were very understanding.

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13 hours ago, Muscleaddict333 said:

I won’t meet anyone new without a quick FaceTime call. I let them know that I just need a quick 5 second call for verification. I honestly haven’t had any issues with this request. It’s how I met up for the first time with Dolph B, Bradley Blue,Christian Powers, Aaron Lazaro, and James Brando( from Vegas). All were very understanding.

Is Christian still escorting? Nice. Where is he located now? Still in quebec? I don't see him on the searches. He is one of my favs. How was the session? I'm a muscle addict myself lol. Muscle bottoms and subs in particular

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