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Question on RM User Profiles


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Just a random question I thought I’d throw out here - when perusing providers on RM, I do expand reviews to see what’s been said. Sometimes, I will click on the user/client profile to see who else they have reviewed. This is both to check how much weight to give a review, (a one off vs a prolific hobbyist), and also I like to see who else they have reviewed that I may have missed in my own searches on RM (this is due to the fact they’ve reviewed someone I’d consider “my type”, so my thought process goes that we may share a type). This has worked in the past, found some gents I otherwise wouldn’t have, and struck up a few RM friendships with other hobbyists over shared interests/types.

However, I have noticed on some user/client profiles, their reviews aren’t listed as they are on most others. Is this something a user/client can block or otherwise hide from public view? 


Colour me curious, 

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I'm on board with everything you do.  I have found it helpful to look at other reviews to decide whether to credit a review of an RM I'd like to meet.  If the reviewer has multiple reviews and some are critical, I tend to credit them more because, to me, it shows they are being honest in their reviews.

Like you, I am puzzled when a reviewer lists no other reviews.  To me, that means either (1) their review was just a one-off; or (2) the review is fake.  The profile was created solely to place a fake positive review.

I hadn't considered that the reviewer could actually block access to other reviews he has made.  Not sure why they would want to do that.  But it's a very good point.  Hopefully someone can answer it.  Meanwhile, also color me curious.  

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17 minutes ago, BtmBearDad said:

Is this something a user/client can block or otherwise hide from public view? 

I seem to remember that as I’m writing and submitting a review, there is a check-box like “make review visible on my profile” of something similar to that? 

Edited: yes as I remembered:


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I do everything you’ve said and it works all around. I’ve also sent a private message to another clients to ask about the guy. I am interested in that. I noticed a review a lot of times they will engage and we can talk about the provider and I can ask a couple questions. It works out really well.

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This is all good advice!

As far as just stared reviews on RM, if they have less Than all 5 stars, I check out to see if there is a pattern on lower reviews, or if it's just one one star that's dragging down the average, I'm also suspicions of 5 or fewer reviews.  I also check out this forum for any red flags("only exclusive gentlemen""PNP moments") If I still have questions , I MAY contact a user privately, but I've only done that once or twice. 

I guess I've been lucky, I've had some great experiences, and some less great... but never awful, and I've never felt unsafe....but do you're homework! 

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1 hour ago, DBWEHO said:

I'm also suspicions of 5 or fewer reviews.

I know I am probably an outlier on this, but a small number of reviews, or no reviews at all isn’t necessarily a red flag for me. I know from providers I have been with, some don’t really want a review. One gent who was my go-to, regular guy in London explained when I inquired “why not” that this was a side gig for him - he had a corporate job, his own personal life, and didn’t want to be inundated with requests. Basically he loved sex, was excellent at the services he provided, and was happy with a circle of regulars that gave him a few thousand pounds extra income a month. Of course, I’m still going to vet the gent on here before I engage, but all things being equal, I wouldn’t automatically dismiss a provider over lack of or no reviews. 

There are also certain members on here that if they post a yea or nay on a provider, that’s good enough for me. 


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1 hour ago, BtmBearDad said:

I know I am probably an outlier on this, but a small number of reviews, or no reviews at all isn’t necessarily a red flag for me. I know from providers I have been with, some don’t really want a review. One gent who was my go-to, regular guy in London explained when I inquired “why not” that this was a side gig for him - he had a corporate job, his own personal life, and didn’t want to be inundated with requests. Basically he loved sex, was excellent at the services he provided, and was happy with a circle of regulars that gave him a few thousand pounds extra income a month. Of course, I’m still going to vet the gent on here before I engage, but all things being equal, I wouldn’t automatically dismiss a provider over lack of or no reviews. 

There are also certain members on here that if they post a yea or nay on a provider, that’s good enough for me. 


I had the same experience with an RM I was seeing regularly.  When I asked him if he wanted me to post another review for our most recent experience, he said "no".  He explained he was getting far more requests than he could handle (he had a day job that paid a good salary) so that further good publicity in terms of positive reviews was not necessary. 

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@BuzzLiteQueer Sounds pretty much identical to my gent. He was making very good money at his day job, didn’t want to be swamped with requests he didn’t gave time to reply to, and as I said, was very happy with his circle of regulars. As we got to know each other more, he did share that his RM income allowed him to bank the entirety of his salary - his RM income covered his monthlies. His goal was to use his banked salary to purchase a flat in London, which he did. Needless to say, that’s no small feat given London real estate costs. 

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The absolute best guys in this industry are the ones who have full time jobs and other commitments where the escort thing is on the side, because they genuinely enjoy sex and making connections with new people. 

You can’t begin to put a price on how amazing that is when you’re on the receiving end. 

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for years, the provider reviews by RM clients have been pooh-poohed here in the forum as rife with fraud and unreliability.....I think things may be under better control now than a few years ago, but, as others suggest upthread, there are a few things I do when looking at the client-submitted reviews at RM.....

1) look at the join-dates of the reviewers - if there are at least a couple or three going back to 2018 or earlier (the middle Ice Age in RM years), that's a good sign.......

2) click on the reviewers' handles (may need to go to a different rent.men/rentmen.eu/app platform to get a hotlink) to bring up their own pages and see how they feel - there may even be pictures and stats (of the client!!)....if they chose to include their submitted reviews in their public profile, see what their (the reviews) pattern and variety feel like - you'll get a feel for serious clients and their reviews......and if they've logged in recently, that's a good sign......

3) if in the US, use a VPN to see the text comments within the review beyond those four yes/yes/yes/yes questions....not all reviewers leave text, but those that do often have practical comments and observations.......

4) try sending a message to a RM reviewer if you're serious and have questions - some will write back with detailed comments and others, uhhhh, won't......I've noticed the forum members here are much friendlier than RM clients!!........     

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1 hour ago, azdr0710 said:


2) click on the reviewers' handles (may need to go to a different rent.men/rentmen.eu/app platform to get a hotlink) to bring up their own pages and see how they feel - there may even be pictures and stats (of the client!!)....if they chose to include their submitted reviews in their public profile, see what their (the reviews) pattern and variety feel like - you'll get a feel for serious clients and their reviews......and if they've logged in recently, that's a good sign......



I always do the above to find age and stats of reviewer to see how closely they match mine.  If they do match, the likelihood that I can have a positive experience with the reviewed RM goes up!

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