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What to do when a regular goes violent...

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Until early this morning I have never had such a bad experience escorting. There was a previously agreed upon weekend rate and everything was fine. Last night leaving a club with friends we were all out together with he was very drunk and started getting verbally abusive. He went on to say after a VERY sexual weekend that he's decided not to pay me at all and made some comment about I'd be lucky to get a figure less than my hourly rate from him.


This progressed into him yelling and threatening in the back of the cab and making his friends VERY awkward. I decided at this point just to get my things and go and just deal with it. If only it were that easy.


I arrived back at his apartment and he started getting physical. Subduing him would have been no problems. It was the group of friends (also drunk) that started threatening me and getting in my face. The girlfriends of his guests pulled knives while their "russian mafia" boyfriends tried pushing me around. By this point I realized where this was going to go. I locked myself in a bathroom with my things and had to hold in the lock button while calling the police. I had them escort me through the apartment to gather my belongings so I could leave peacefully all the while the client shouting obscenities and trying to get me arrested.


I particularly enjoyed the part where the cop said that there was no proof that I was soliciting but his statements would be counted as admissions of attempted solicitations so he better shut up. I was able to get my things (now realizing short a pair of shorts and a polo shirt) and just leave. Thankfully I have good friends here in New York able to take me in for the evening etc at that hour.


It was just a really shitty situation to be in. I've been seeing this guy for almost two years now. He's always been cocky and arrogant but this was a side of him I never expected. I'm currently deciding what action if any I'll be taking but this is MY point about client reviews.


I have ALWAYS been as adamant about safe sex as I was about discretion. I'm finding that here is now a gray area of discretion that must be addressed. I know that client reviews are being heatedly debated as we speak but this is just wrong and scary to me. Nobody should ever have to go through what I went through and deal with this individual. Again, I'm not posting any personal information at this time but would like people's input as to how they think this issue should be dealt with.

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This has been discussed here before, so searching the archives may result in information that is of use to you.


My comments:


1. It was a shitty situation but you used your head. You came away from a weekend with not much less than you went into it with (a bit of clothing) and not much more either (no fee but some experience that you won't soon forget). Discount the lost fee: every business has deals that fall through, sooner or later, often after an investment of time and money has gone into the deal. When it happens, it's frustrating and sometimes infuriationg. But it's best to chalk it up to one of those things and move on. Instead, concentrate on what you didn't lose: your health and your life. You got out of a bad situation by using your wits and with the assistance of a sympathetic policeman. It could have been much worse: the door might not have had a lock, the phone not have been there, the cop might not have been sympathetic. So you were smart and you were lucky. Count your blessings.


2. My recollection of prior threads is that violence changes the rules. I do not support any kind of client database that can allow police or anyone else to search client details using email addresses or telephone numbers. That sort of thing will sooner or later get abused, possibly in a big way. But I do support some way of warning escorts about clients who pose a risk to their personal safety. It was my understanding that the escort-only forum here used to provide some of that. Also, Rentboy has a forum but it's not well used or at least it wasn't. At one time, there was a "blacklist" that was maintained by an escort (I think), but I think that's been gone for a while, too. I don't know what else to suggest at this time.


3. If it were me, I'd want to extract some kind of personal revenge against this guy. On the other hand, I'd stop to consider all of the other business he's thrown my way and possibly just write it all off as a wash. And I'd definitely seriously consider what he might be able to do to me were I to take steps against him. I suppose you might consider criminal charges or even an action in small claims court. But, from a business point of view, it's virtually always better to just chalk the crazy ones up to nature and move on. Tough to do, sometimes, but usually the right thing to do.


Congratulations on making it out safely.



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Sorry to hear of this traumatic situation, Scott. Short of the law, I don't know what you could do to resolve it in terms of getting paid. Since he is a long-term client, he may be more amenable to paying after he sobers up. The most important thing is taking care of yourself, so it wouldn't hurt to discuss the matter with a professional as it may have lingering stress for you.

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I am very sorry that you had to go through all that. It sounds very scary. You dealt with the situation in a clever way. I am glad that you are safe now.


I know what you are talking about.


One year ago I was invited to go to the northern part of the UK for a weekend by a guy that I have never seen before. He sounded really nice and knowledgeable about the way in which this kind of trips are arranged, but something smelt fishy to me. Nothing particuarly, call it "####'s sixth sense."

As a matter of fact there were several red flags: He volunteered to raise my fee out of the blue, he offered gifts, he claimed that several escorts have fallen in love with him before me, and that I was about to have the time of my life, and -of course- he insisted in either paying by check, or making a paypal transfer the same day of the meeting.

After a couple of days trying to negotiate with him and he getting kind of rude, I had the clever idea to google his name and much to my surprise, many things popped, the most important were two websites -totally unknown to me before that day- that were escort-supporting sites. Those two sites described in detail his several aliases, his adress, his modus operandi and the number of escorts who have fell in his scheme. He would fly me first class to his city, deposit half of my fee in paypal the first day there (saturday), and then at the end he would refuse to pay cancelling the paypal transfer too. He would, however (how gentleman-like of him) send me back in my first class ticket anyway. (He got those for free, it seems.)


Stupidly I didn't bookmark those two sites and I have never been able to find them again.


Needless to say I was very thankful towards whomever took time and effort to prevent this guy from cheating more people.


I have always believed that the best quality in an escort (before looks, sex appeal, endurance, girth and so on ), is a bad, bad memory.


If I have seen you, I will never remember. I have never kept names, or email adresses unless I have been requested to do so. And I NEVER use them unless -again- I have been asked to do it. I would never under any circumstance share any personal information about any client, nor even my personal opinion about them. However, if someone ever threatened me, or scammed me or got pshyco on me (knock on woody), I would have no qualms whatsoever to share that information with my peers, to make their lives safer.


I would never share information about who has better manners, or who gets or leaves late, or who has bad higyene... We can deal with that ourselves.


The only thing that in my book makes it ethical to breach confidentiality, is when someone's safety is at risk.


Besides that... If I have seen Johnny or Billy or Johnny and Billy and their wives, I simply can't remember.


Data, info-sharing, gossiping, comparing... none of that mixes well with our profession.


It's all about bad memory, good attitude, and being always open to enjoy the moment.

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Sorry to hear about your nasty experience but at least you weren't "hit by a bus." ;-)


There isn't anything else you could have done under those circumstances and you played it smart and got out of there.


As to the larger issue, perhaps you escorts who know each other should simply email each other about "problem" clients. You can do it in a way that doesn't reveal personal info but let's the others know the the client's basic profile, problem, scam, etc. You could also communicate the profiles of "angel" clients too. When I have hired some new or inexperienced escorts, I have, on occasion and when it seemed appropriate, given them the numbers of escorts that I have previously hired and told them to call those escorts for a review of ME as a client.


We see the bad escort reviews from time to time and we see the stories of escort scams and rip-offs. But it seems even worse to me when a client rips off, scams or mistreats an escort. "That ain't no way to treat a working boy," paraphrasing a common saying. It deeply offends our gentlemanly sense of honor when an escort, who is usually in a very vulnerable position with little recourse, is so badly mistreated. You have my sympathies, Scott, and I hope the rest of your trip goes well and you make it back. "What goes around, comes around". It is only a matter of time before this client gets what is due to him, including the loss of your companionship in the future.

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Sorry to hear that, Scott. You definitely were lucky, but you should also be proud of your ability to handle a nightmare like that, and do exactly what needed to be done.


I agree that violence trumps the need for discretion. I would never consider an escort indiscreet if he put out a warning that could save another person's life. Maybe it's time to ask Daddy to open up the escort forum again, specifically for situations like this. It would be a moderated forum, and could be limited specifically to violent or threatening clients - not clients who cheat or smell bad - just ones who threaten escorts. We have that on the client side, and there's no reason that escorts should be denied that kind of protection. If you want it to be discreet, just post "45-year-old chubby media exec in the East 80's - into restraints - email me for details". The moderator could strip out names, addresses and phone numbers. I expect there would be one or two postings a year, and the best way to stay out of it completely is to not be violent. What a concept.


Glad you made it through OK. If it were me, I'd put as much distance between me and that guy as possible. I'm sure you'll do what's right for you.

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That was a very entertaining story! It would be nice to hear the other side, but what the hell, only escorts get to post a reply, right???


So, this was a regular, at least according to your HEADLINES!??


My question, is WHY did he act the way he did?? Sure, blaming the booze is the easy answer, but ask yourself WHY, a regular, who just experienced awesome sex for what time? 3rd, 4th, 5th encounter felt the need to get wasted with his friends, while in your company??? That's where the real answer lies.


Perhaps, he is one of those people, who foolishly believe that dropping thousands of dollars on an escort, means the escort loves him? Perhaps, he resents the fact that he has to pay thousands of dollars to an escort for that silly illusion and as such, perhaps he expected more than "awesome sex"??, which may not have been his interpretation of your time together???


Perhaps, his friends know him better than some escort???, and as such, being with his friends, he decided to speak the truth to you about his true feelings about your times together??


Perhaps, you should tell us how you really reacted, before knives were pulled and you hid in the bathroom, as I doubt you took all that abuse silently with a smile plastered on your face.


Perhaps you should just thank the gods, you aren't at the bottom of the East River, since it was a big bad "Russian mafia" dude that you were dealing with, with all his "buddies" flashing knives, no less!


Perhaps, you should wear your superhero outfit in your next photo session?

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I'm not even going to justify your rude, hateful and insensitive comments with a line by line rebuttal to your stupidity...I'll just say this:


I eagerly and patiently awaiting the day you have the balls to breathe a single one of those words to my face. Get help.

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Guest zipperzone

Your experience is quite an eye-opener.


Forget about the money and write it off as a bad debt - every businessman has them.


Two retalitory possibilities come to mind.


One: I would presume, if you have spent several weekend adventures with this creature, you would know where he is employed. If so, write a letter to the president of his company, outlining exactly what happened, on the pretense that you think it prudent to advise him of the unbalanced behaviour of an employee in case he goes "postal" in the workplace.


Two: If he owns his own company and therefor is his own boss, find out the names of some of his key executives & employees and send a similar letter to them, warning them of the possible danger their employer may present. (You could possibly even get home addresses for them and mail your letter there in case he was able to intercept company mail)


In either scenario, he would have a lot of explaining to do and you could have a great big smirk on your face.


Normally I would never advocate outing someone - but he crossed over the line and deserves no mercy.

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>Normally I would never advocate outing someone - but he

>crossed over the line and deserves no mercy.


Then what do you propose Scott do when this guy decides to seek revenge for such an action? Perhaps he will show no mercy either, then what?


Also, such actions as you advocate would reflect more negatively on Scott than on this whack job client. Things would get twisted around and bottom line would be word would get out that a client, no matter how warranted, was exposed by Scott which could affect his business.


Better to leave well enough alone and take the financial loss IMO.

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Normally I am reluctant to post in this forum since I am not an Escort and by posting your comments here I assume you really are looking for input from your fellow Escorts.


Your only real question in your post was about revealing personal info on this guy. I realize you have had a bad experience with someone you had been with before, so that made it even more unexpected and your guard was probably down. But trying to get even could also have further consequences for you. It is always better to take the HIGH road. An old Southern saying is don't stir shit, it only makes it stink more and more than one person usually gets wet in a pissing contest. You are young and have a good future ahead of you, don't do anything that could cause someone to cause you trouble with your future.


You must figure out what you want from this guy... just to get even?


Instead of getting even, I'd suggest you contact the guy, when he is sober and ask for an apology, an explanation as to what precipitated the exchange, and that you want to be paid. Don't be surprised if he apologizes and wants "to make it up to you". One word "DON'T."


If you truly don't know what precipitated his conduct, other than alcohol, it seems you'd want to know. If you've seen this guy several times, maybe he was feeling you were not as attacted to him, as he is to you. You said this happened as you left a club, maybe he became jealous for some reason. If this is what happened don't expect him to admit it sober but again he might want to make it up to you...Don't.


In the end, whatever happens, try to take the high road on move on.

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Guest TNT Ted

Scott, I know you found VaHawk's post to be rude and insensitive, but I think there may be a message in his remarks that unfortunately was overshadowed by his brusque delivery.


There are always two sides to every story, and as I read your initial post, I was trying to figure out just what it was that set the guy off. Was it just the booze? Maybe his friends? Maybe a combination of the two? If so, he may make amends once he sobers up and realizes the seriousness of the events.


Or .... are you really as innocent of exacerbating this situation as you project? Only you can honestly answer that question. If the answer is yes, then the guy has obviously snapped and should be avoided at all costs. Nothing could be gained by retaliation, and IMO your best bet is to chalk up the situation to experience.

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IMHO..Knowing as much as I do about NYC..The "Russian Mafia Dudes" as they were called...have MANY of Their Own BOYS to Play with!


The Odds on importing any Guy is next to Zero! Trust Me they get a "Big Discount"! LOL


As a matter of fact.. they have some of the Hottest & "Butchest" Guy's in NYC...Traveler's need not apply..LOL :p :P :p

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>Scott, I know you found VaHawk's post to be rude and

>insensitive, but I think there may be a message in his remarks

>that unfortunately was overshadowed by his brusque delivery.


And I agree. There were definitely answers to his questions much like there are to yours here. But there are certainly respectful and non-accusatory ways of ASKING those questions.


>There are always two sides to every story, and as I read your

>initial post, I was trying to figure out just what it was that

>set the guy off. Was it just the booze? Maybe his friends?

>Maybe a combination of the two? If so, he may make amends

>once he sobers up and realizes the seriousness of the events.


To give you a brief background on the client he's very wealthy and has an ego and arrogance that matches his bank book. At any given meeting he would tell me all about the amazingly hot and beautiful boys that stalk him and track him down to have sex with him. If it's not that he'll talk about how he was at a club and they just flocked to him.


His personality is such that he's been married twice and came out late so he's living his youth now. With his money he has no trouble doing so. He may not understand it but these people that "love" him as friends are doing so for his money; in our case despite the friendship the surfaces from business I was at least up front that our time together was financially driven.


He liked to party and that evening there was a "pre-party" at his apartment. A lot of attractive boys who it's obvious were there simply for the free ride for the evening from club to club etc. in addition to the perk of not having to wait or pay for anything. I live in LA, I know these situations when I see them. His friends knew pretty damned well the "extent" of our relationship despite any story he concoction he came up with.


Regardless, it’s my assumption that at some point while at the Roxy when he split off from our group on the dance floor and came back, there was something more recreational than drinking taking place. Again, I don’t have any proof of this beside my experiences with people under the influence. Especially considering I don’t do drugs of any kind and with the exception of being at White Party I tend not to hang out around drugs at all. But to me it was obvious by the time we left that he was not in his typical state of mind.


As we were getting into the cab he asked me to remind him what he was paying me for the weekend throwing in the line “especially considering the good time I’ve shown you this weekend.” I will re-iterate that when I say a very sexual weekend thus far, I mean that this client must have taken three cialis before the weekend because by no exaggeration it never went down. I’ll be frank and say that due to his size and manner in bed I tend to have fun but from a working perspective, having sex with someone nearly twenty (again NOT an exaggeration) times in one day is not typical protocol for any meeting let alone a weekend for me at least.


My reply to him was simply the rate that we had discussed (and I had in writing) from weeks earlier. There was one other friend present with us in the cab at this point and I think he could tell where it was going so he just shut up. The client began to get very loud and very verbal telling me “It’s not gonna happen,” and “No fucking way,” among other colorful epithets.


I told him at this point to forget the weekend rate and he can pay me for ONE overnight and I’d be happy to just leave and find my own way home for the rest of the weekend. He “in-politely” declined and the situation got uglier from there as when I arrived home the pre-partiers that stayed behind had multiplied beyond the original group that was there.


>Or .... are you really as innocent of exacerbating this

>situation as you project? Only you can honestly answer that

>question. If the answer is yes, then the guy has obviously

>snapped and should be avoided at all costs. Nothing could be

>gained by retaliation, and IMO your best bet is to chalk up

>the situation to experience.


I’m happy to answer any more clarifying questions directed respectfully. After all I believe the point of all of this for me is to make sure escorts reading it might get a picture of this character and avoid him at all cost for their safety. But yes, I am innocent of exacerbating the situation. All I wanted was a FAIR amount of money to leave for the evening and it wasn’t going to happen. I had attempted to discuss this calmly with the client until the friends separated us but because he was getting physical and that was when they decided to gang up on me. As soon as we were in the second room I realized it would eventually come to me locking myself in that bathroom and my only prayer was that I would be able to get through to 911.

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>IMHO..Knowing as much as I do about NYC..The "Russian Mafia

>Dudes" as they were called...have MANY of Their Own BOYS to

>Play with!


I'm not saying that the CLIENT is of the Russian Mafia. I'm saying that he claimed all these ties to them including regularly screwing one of their cute younger brothers etc. When we came back to his apartment one of the aggressive friends (in my face because "I've upset the host") was trying to start something. He kept making comments like "all I need is him to punch me once and it's on." It wasn't THE GUY who scared me because he obviously knew the lines to cross, it was their drunk "russian-####-type" girl friends in the background holding knives that scared me.

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Guest empire

Scott it's ashame that you apparently offered your full services and did not get paid for them. However, I too find your story very entertaining.


With each subsequent post you make it becomes more dramatic and over the top. Have you taken up screen writing at school? If not I suggest you look into this as you have displayed plenty of writing talent within this thread.


You claim that you didn't like to be threatened by your client or his scary friends with flashing knives, but didn't you threaten VaHawk by daring him to say to your face what he posted here? To save you a little wondering I have no problem saying to your face what I have written within this post, none whatsoever. See now you don't have to threaten me too.


If anyone reads your post it's obvious something went wrong, so what do you do? You come to this message center with your entertaining story asking for advice when you know the answer ... that being the same from nearly every sane person, except zipperzone, drop it. Write it off like all businesses do. After all you claim to be in a legit business, right? If someone doesn't pay their charge card does the company look for retaliation, not really.


If the experience was as earth shattering as you want us to believe maybe this isn't the business for you to be in. Maybe the next time it will be worse and then what?


Just my thoughts.

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HOW DARE YOU-blaming the victim!?!Just goes to show what sort of person you are in real life-as well as your online nutcase troll persona.While I had almost no respect for VAhawk before this horrid post I have absolutely none now.This sort of scum of the earth reply is not only uncalled for but is dispicable.Cannot wait until you fuckup AGAIN and get banned AGAIN-hopefully this time for good.IMO Daddy should have never let you back in as you add NOTHING except ill will and nastiness to this board.

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>With each subsequent post you make it becomes more dramatic

>and over the top. Have you taken up screen writing at school?

>If not I suggest you look into this as you have displayed

>plenty of writing talent within this thread.


Screen writing has always been something I kept on the back burner. Sorry if you feel that my prose undercuts the importance and severity of the situation. Much like those of you that read reviews I always think it's best to know exactly what the situation is since with each PREVIOUS post I was accused of leaving out too many details. You can't have your cake and eat me so to speak. Make up your mind.


I haven't taken up any classes in creative writing since they dont fall into my major but I do suggest you check into your local community college for some courses in reading comprehension judging by the rest of your post.


>You claim that you didn't like to be threatened by your client

>or his scary friends with flashing knives, but didn't you

>threaten VaHawk by daring him to say to your face what he

>posted here? To save you a little wondering I have no problem

>saying to your face what I have written within this post, none

>whatsoever. See now you don't have to threaten me too.


My words to VaHawk were not a THREAT simply a message of anticipation and they draw (here's where those reading comp classes come in handy) no parallel to my situation of being ganged up on by a drunken group with weapons. I don’t threaten people, it’s not my style. To VaHawk in the past present and future I merely call him on his lack of a backbone or courtesy to sit (as bigguy pointed out above) behind his computer screen spewing bile at every chance he gets without ever contributing substantially. My comment was merely to say it would be my pleasure to meet him face to face and have him have the balls to say to ANYONE in person what he says planted on his ass in front of a keyboard.


>If anyone reads your post it's obvious something went wrong,

>so what do you do? You come to this message center with your

>entertaining story asking for advice when you know the answer

>... that being the same from nearly every sane person, except

>zipperzone, drop it. Write it off like all businesses do.

>After all you claim to be in a legit business, right? If

>someone doesn't pay their charge card does the company look

>for retaliation, not really.


Again, you really need to read between the lines and try to process information before you go yelling at people and making yourself look foolish. This is the ask an escort section, very true. Much like nearly ALL topics in these forums everyone has a decision or an opinion before they make ANY posts asking for input. In this case especially I never asked for “advice” on what to do. What is to be done is OBVIOUSLY chalk it up to a bad experience and learn from it. The topic that I brought up asking people’s opinions was how much of this person’s information to release to prevent anyone else from being in the same situation as me. Of course I’m writing it off. I was VERY lucky to have a police officer who saw the situation for what it was and take my side in the situation. I’m obviously not able to enforce such an agreement even having it in writing. Although our agreement doesn’t specify what we’re doing for the money so I could argue legit companion services but all he has to is show my profile on here and I’m done so it’s not worth it for me. The point is if a credit card company has someone in that situation, there’s a situation called collections. Luckily in this business I’ve made a lot of good friends and on the off chance he decides to take any of this further I intend to have a plan ready.


Where IS that “Goons for Hire” Card? Yeesh :)


>If the experience was as earth shattering as you want us to

>believe maybe this isn't the business for you to be in. Maybe

>the next time it will be worse and then what?


Again … this is an informational post. With the topic of client reviews being so important these days I felt it a VERY relevant topic to bring up and to be put into context. Thanks for the well wishes. Really. And for your information, and other people’s:


This experience has definitely fallen into the context of my mission statement (ok well I call it a mission statement). I have always said that I am in this industry strictly as a hobby and because I enjoy doing it. For example this client has ALWAYS been fun regardless of his attitude and through him I’ve met a lot of exciting people, etc. etc. Meeting people is fun for me and in no other industry do I think it’s possible to meet such an eclectic group of people. However, I have always said when I stopped enjoying it I would stop doing it. I had heard horror fro other escorts or read about them online thinking it could never happen to me. It has, and I wasn’t enjoying myself.


At this time I’m strongly considering taking a sabbatical or sticking to regulars (without potential psychosis for a while but even that is tentative. I really do love this work – some have called it addicting and rightly so. I really do have fun doing this and I think that’s what makes ANY escort successful – enjoying what they do. This isn’t anything to quote me on, just something I’m considering right now.


Just MY thoughts.

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>HOW DARE YOU-blaming the victim!?!


Thanks for sticking up for me. Extra posts aren't necessary to delve into Hawk's shreds of a character.


I can't really yell at him for blaming the victim though since in my future line of work it might something I'll have to do often. Skepticism is how the world works but there's an art and aspect of respect that should be maintained in doing so.


He obviously hasn't and won't ever learn that art.

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>HOW DARE YOU-blaming the victim!?!


You sure didn't have any problem blaming the victim in the Rob & Alex thread did you? As a matter of fact, you pronounced that he should go around declaring himself a freak! But then again, according to 99% of your postings, only the escorts can be victims, because they can do no wrong.


Just goes to show what sort

>of person you are in real life-as well as your online nutcase

>troll persona.While I had almost no respect for VAhawk before

>this horrid post I have absolutely none now.


OOOHH, I won't be able to sleep tonight, as I'm just devastated! I've never had any respect for you, because you are the type who preach all about doing as you say and not doing as you do! That endearing personal character trait has been mentioned often times on many sites.


>This sort of scum of the earth reply is not only uncalled for but is



TNT seemed to get it. Sorry that hyperbole and sarcasm are literary concepts that just go over your head.


>Cannot wait until you fuckup AGAIN and get banned

>AGAIN-hopefully this time for good.IMO Daddy should have never

>let you back in as you add NOTHING except ill will and

>nastiness to this board.


And in turn, I could also state that many can't wait for you to get banned for the FIRST time, as that is something they probably feel is about 3 years overdue!


Now that the LA Henchman is no longer in control, HOPEFULLY no one's voice will ever again be silenced, including yours???


And you add so much, huh, with your little stories of sex with runaway teen boys in alleyways? Or with your penchant to freely abuse the tos of this site with your personal attacks against others? Isn't it amazing to you, that the ones who so often call for "gentlemanly behavior" are the ONLY ones who also call for the banishment of others???

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"My words to VaHawk were not a THREAT"


SURE! seemed that way to me, and probably to most who read your posting! :7


At least my posting achieved its main purpose, which was to get you to elaborate furhter, not that I totally buy into your extended elaboration.

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>SURE! seemed that way to me, and probably to most who read

>your posting! :7


"I eagerly and patiently awaiting the day you have the balls to breathe a single one of those words to my face. Get help."


Despite my horrible omission of the contraction "I'm" or the word "am," perhaps my intent MIGHT have been unclear. But a threat requires ... well ... threat of action.


My statement was alluding to your lack of a backbone to back up you rants and raves. Merely to say that you talk a big game when you're anonymous but doubt you would have the balls to say half your trash to a person face to face.


So again, I await the day I meet you in person to test my hypothesis. No threat of harm or action as a result of this meeting, just can't wait for it ;)

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I appreciate you offering your bad experience on the forum. Don't pay any attention to the guys posting junk about your abusive client. When first meeting people; most are on their best behavior. Since you had been hired by this guy over a 2 year period; one can assume he "let his hair down around you". You did mention that all along he was cocky and rude. If I were you I would not try to get the money from him--even if he offers. Do not have anything to do with him again. No contact. If you do expect money from him for that weekend it will only open the door to more abuse. Cutting someone off and getting on with enjoying your life is best option.


Chin up and best wishes,


Jake Samers



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