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Gallery Enhancements


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With the release of IPB 4.7.7, there has been an overhaul of the gallery.  


If you've enjoyed our legacy gallery forum, I would highly encourage you to check out the full gallery application!  

Gallery Homepage Revamp

The gallery homepage has been revamped to better highlights featured and new images.  It also brings recent image comments in to focus to promote discussion.

Better Video Support

Since our move to Invision two years ago, members could upload videos.  However browser support has varied wildly and this has sometimes resulted in a poor experience where viewers were prompted to download plugins or forced to download the video in its entirety.  Any videos uploaded into the gallery will AUTOMATICALLY converted to MP4 format so that it can be played on any computer or mobile device and users can skip ahead without needing to download the entire file.  

In addition, frames from the video can be extracted for the preview thumbnail automatically. You can still upload a separate preview image however if you want, but historically most people have skipped this step.  Now by default one will be created for you automatically if you don't do it yourself. 

NSFW Flagging

We realize people may not wish to view more explicit images as they may view the site from semi-public places.  With 4.7.7, images uploaded into the gallery can be marked with a "NSFW" flag which will provide a notice to the user so they can choose to view it.  With this initial release, none of the existing images have this tag.  What I want to do is work on a way to set this to be default within the private members only gallery and to allow users to have a preference to toggle the NSFW flag on/off for all gallery images.  That will have to come later as I need to do some extra development for it outside of Invision itself.  


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