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Clients reading escorts profile...

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is there any polite way of telling a potential client when he email you and asks you all the questions that you answered had he read your profile in the first place?


For instance. My ad says i am ALL top, (usually that means I dont bottom) and that I am a DOMINANT top. And that I cannot do incalls nor do I lower my rates because someone thinks they are "hotter" or better looking....


Or my personal favorite." I only want an HALF hour, so how much for that? I can do all I need in an half hour".

last time I checked, escorts dont charge for whatever they do in the time, its the TIME THE ESCORT IS SPENDING WITH THE CLIENT that you gentleman pay for.


Now Please forgive me, I need answers to this question, and I frankly dont know how to handle this. I could just sarcasticly(sp?) tell them to reread my profile, but I dont like doing that. What is a good way to help curb this?


I do not mean to be an asshole,but I really want to know how to handle these things PROPERLY.


Anyone thinking I am being rude, and want flame this, I am sorry, but I will ignore you.

Those of you who can help, it would be MUCH appreciated:)

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Yes, there is a polite way to do it. And it's good to find a polite way because people will approach you from many different directions and they will overlook any materials you put out there, at least some of the time.


It's a mistake to assume that everyone who doesn't study your profile before contacting you is an asshole. Some people are really busy or in a hurry or running late to make a trip or old and inexperienced with computers or new to this or... you get the idea. Assuming that someone who doesn't follow the exact path you want them to follow is an asshole will prevent you from meeting some people who might be quite interesting and just might make good clients.


So, the easy way to do this is to create a standard document that you can email to people when you think they are confused. Don't make it long -- two pages would one too many. Make sure it covers the points you want it to cover and make sure it's written well, using correct spelling and grammar. If you want help with this, post what you think you should write here and you'll find people who are willing to help you rephrase it as needed.


Then, when someone seems to have a mistaken idea about your services, you can email them back a standard, boilerplate reply -- something like "Thank you very much for inquiring about my services. I am attaching a document that I hope will answer many of your questions. If you have additional questions for me or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at...". You get the idea.


Basically, you start out assuming that everyone is a good guy, coming from a good place and would be fun to know. You treat them respectfully and professionally -- just like you probably want to be treated. And your document will answer enough questions that it will weed out the guys who aren't a good match for you.


Good luck.


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>i wasnt calling anyone an asshole, i was merely saying that I

>didnt want to come off as one:(



Sorry, I guess I read your original post too fast... and I was also replying to more than one person here. :-)



>And thank you for taking the time to reply so fast.

>Your idea of the standardized email sounds very



>Thank you Sir.


You are welcome. Good luck to you.



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I agree in spirit with a lot of what BG says. I differ in execution.


I'd say two paragraphs are one too many (if it's well-written). ;-) At least for an initial response.


Also, I wouldn't EVER send it as an attachment. The very people who won't trouble themselves to read your profile won't read an attachment. And then there's the problem of people who won't open an attachment on principle because of virus fears, or email systems that won't let attachments through at all.


It would be far better to maintain several well-worded paragraphs and just always have that document open so you can copy/paste directly into email responses. Or, even better, create a webpage where you can send people for information. (But still keep the boilerplate on hand for people that won't read web pages either. ;-))


And even with all that, you're still going to encounter the bargain hunters, the guys who hope you're secretly yearning to bottom, etc. -- that part will never go away completely. But you can handle it with grace and tact. (And sometimes, you'll just have to tell the persistent ones that you don't think it's a good match and they should look elsewhere.)


Good luck! And I'd love to have you come back in six months and tell us whether any of this crap worked for you. LOL

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Guest Jesse Dane

No matter what you write in your profile you will always get these questions. People want you to bottom even if it says you won't. People want special time settups even if you say you don't do that.


Don't get worried about it. If you get someone asking you to do something you don't do then just politely tell them you don't and move along. It takes 30 seconds to send a reply stating that you are sorry, but can not do what they asked.

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Guest zipperzone

I think that it is possible that even if the potential client has read your peramiters in your profile, he feel more comfortable if he can go over them with you one more time, as it were, just so as he can get a handle on the kind of person you are, from the way you reply.


Standard boiler plate responses can sound too much like a form letter and could make you sound like a robot which would be very off-putting.


Take the time to connect with the prospect in a friendly man to man manner and you will probably be well rewarded with more clients.

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2hard! - As a person that runs a completely different type of business, all I can say is what you are going through is simply what we all go through day in and day out... it is simply part of doing business! Deej’s avatar says it all! Some days I feel like I need to bang my head (or rather their heads) against the wall!


Even if you have to bite your tongue until it bleeds remember to treat potential clients with respect... actually try to treat them better than they would expect to be treated... and you will be successful as all hell.


Of course there are exceptions to every rule...sometimes people overstep the bounds of all reason and rationality… but be selective in applying those exceptions... as some of the most initially annoying individuals have proven to be the best clients in the long run!

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>be selective in applying those exceptions... as some of the

>most initially annoying individuals have proven to be the best

>clients in the long run!



Boy, isn't that the truth!


Actually, there is truth and wisdom in your entire response. Thanks for posting it.



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>For instance. My ad says i am ALL top....




....I don't understand....


....So does that mean you don't bottom?




Sorry I couldn't resist!


Hell, I'm still pissed I missed Derek Ross's bottoming days.

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>>For instance. My ad says i am ALL top....




>....I don't understand....


>....So does that mean you don't bottom?




>Sorry I couldn't resist!


>Hell, I'm still pissed I missed Derek Ross's bottoming days.





Tell you what, if you can turn water into wine, I will go against everything and bottom for you.



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>No matter what you write in your profile you will always get

>these questions. People want you to bottom even if it says

>you won't. People want special time settups even if you say

>you don't do that.


On the issue of a top bottoming, you're a good example of why someone might ask. IIRC, when you first started advertising you advertised top only. (I was crestfallen ;-) but crossed you off my list.) Imagine my surprise to find out you're not only bottoming, but writing in your blog about how great it is! People may wonder if an escort has been through a similar change of heart.


There are also escorts who are fully versatile but advertise as tops because that's what they think the market wants, or because they "look the part". And others who are more than willing to bottom if the price is right. }(


It never hurts to ask the question, if done respectfully. The escort is also well within his rights saying "no".

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I note that your ad on Men4Rent Now indicates that you prefer e-mail contact. Of course, with that site if a client sends a request he can say nothing about himself, elaborate on what he may want or when. The prospective client must only hope for a response so that he can set up something.


My experience has been that those escorts who do respond from that site usually include some information (usually a paragraph as deej suggests) not included in the profile. At that point I can then send my usual inquiry message (which includes something about me, what I like, and when I would like to meet) directly to the escort and proceed as usual.


I should also note that I don’t usually commence inquiries with an escort who has not been reviewed here. The review(s) usually gives one more information and how to contact the escort directly. That removes the suspense of whether the escort received the message though M4RN.


(As an aside, may I suggest that you include a link to your site and e-mail address as a part of your signature to any posts you make here, as most escorts do.) :)

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>>>Tell you what, if you can turn water into wine, I will go

>>>against everything and bottom for you.


>>Everyone has their price. }(


>but few could afford :)


Be careful there, bud. One well-known top used to say he'd bottom for 10 grand and until you can pony up the cash don't ask. He thought there was no way in hell anybody would ever offer that much.


I offered it and he squirmed until I let him off the hook.


We remain friends, and I still have the 10 grand, but he learned about putting a price on it. If you put a price on it, sooner or later someone will make the offer. :9


If it's not available AT ALL, leave it at not available AT ALL. If you put a price on it, it's open to negotiation.

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>>>>Tell you what, if you can turn water into wine, I will go

>>>>against everything and bottom for you.


>>>Everyone has their price. }(


>>but few could afford :)


>Be careful there, bud. One well-known top used to say he'd

>bottom for 10 grand and until you can pony up the cash don't

>ask. He thought there was no way in hell anybody would ever

>offer that much.


>I offered it and he squirmed until I let him off the hook.


>We remain friends, and I still have the 10 grand, but he

>learned about putting a price on it. If you put a price on it,

>sooner or later someone will make the offer. :9


>If it's not available AT ALL, leave it at not available AT

>ALL. If you put a price on it, it's open to negotiation.


I really dont know how to answer that. LOL

but I honestly think I would pass.

besides, Im not worth that:)

I am not a take all you can get type of guy.





10k WOULD pay a shitload of my school bills.


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Guest Jesse Dane

>On the issue of a top bottoming, you're a good example of why

>someone might ask. IIRC, when you first started advertising

>you advertised top only. (I was crestfallen ;-) but crossed

>you off my list.) Imagine my surprise to find out you're not

>only bottoming, but writing in your blog about how great it

>is! People may wonder if an escort has been through a similar

>change of heart.


Aaaah, how times do change, hehe.


Hopefully you only crossed me off with a pencil. ;)

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