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When I ask this question you will know that I am new to this and naive. I am looking to hook up with an escort for the first time, but when he tells you that he is HIV neg and STD free is he being honest or just looking for the fast buck? I know we all have to be safe, but in your profession are you usually honest about what you tell your clients in concerning HIV and STD's?

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I can only speak for myself here. I am honest about the statements made on my website about my hiv status and I always travel with a proof/certificate in case anyone wants to see it. I do check regularly for STDs and always play safe (no exceptions to that rule). And before someone jumps on that thread, there is no absolute guarantee whatsoever.


Steven Draker ~


website http://www.hotsexystud.com/uk

reviews http://www.male4malescorts.com/reviews/steven_draker_brussels.html

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Guest zipperzone

You should ALWAYS assume that the escort IS HIV+ and take the appropriate precautions - better safe than sorry.

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>I can only speak for myself here. I am

>honest about the statements made on my website about my hiv

>status and I always travel with a proof/certificate in case

>anyone wants to see it. I do check regularly for STDs and

>always play safe (no exceptions to that rule). And before

>someone jumps on that thread, there is no absolute guarantee



>Steven Draker ~


>website http://www.hotsexystud.com/uk



Steven you are so right about there being no absolute guarantee. Someone can get tested for an std and while waiting for results suck some cock. Well the results might say he is free and clear of any std's but who is to say that while waiting that week for the results and after sucking cock he didn't pick something up along the way? Maybe not hiv but maybe a lil syphillis or something else? And he probably wont get tested for another few months. There is never 100% that the other person knows. Even with getting tested regularly it is still only a 50/50 chance. My advice to people who are afraid of getting an std is plain and simple don't have sex with anyone. Stay home jack off into your cum rag and call it a night. Personaly I am more concerned about getting hit by a metro or some crazed cabbie.




Greg Seattle Wa seaboy4hire@yahoo.com



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Guest Jesse Dane

Play safe! That is all I can say.


Most the guys I know are honest and thankfully almost everyone I know personally in the industry gets tested regularly, but everyone is at some risk.


So use a rubber and be careful, wether you are hiring or just out having fun.

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Guest Jesse Dane

Play safe! That is all I can say.


Most the guys I know are honest and thankfully almost everyone I know personally in the industry gets tested regularly, but everyone is at some risk.


So use a rubber and be careful, wether you are hiring or just out having fun.

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Even they don't really know...


>When I ask this question you will know that I am new to this

>and naive. I am looking to hook up with an escort for the

>first time, but when he tells you that he is HIV neg and STD

>free is he being honest or just looking for the fast buck?


I don't think you can know that *any* sexually promiscuous person is STD free. How often do people get a full, expensive battery of STD tests? These tests may not show things they picked up a month or more before the tests (especially the cheaper free clinic or HMO provided ones), and obviously nothing after...


The point is, no matter what they say, they really don't know themselves--unless they know they have something. If they do, especially something like AIDS, how likely are they to stop? That's probably a heated discussion in itself, but personally I don't think many are in a position where they even could stop. Few have health insurance, so if they just acquired something that has the potential to give them a lifetime of additional medical expenses why would they volunteer to cut their income drastically by disclosing? All the escorts I've talked to here and in person, I remember ONE that said he's HIV+. And there's no reason to not have save sex with him, same as any other.


You've got to know that when you have casual sex you *are* taking a risk. It's that simple. If you choose to take the risk you do what you can to minimize it: look for sores, cuts/scratches (on both of you) and cancel if you find one; wash afterwards; get vaccinated for hepatitis; always use a condom for anal sex; and even avoid direct mouth-genital contact if you're that worried. Each of those things is worth 10X more then an escort (or bath house / online casual sex partner) telling you they're "D&D free".

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There are very good, and very accurate, replies on this thread.


Remember this: there is no such thing as safe sex. Risk is always part of the deal. You can help protect yourself by partaking in safer sex, but risk is still present. It is incumbent on you to learn the risks and decide on your own comfort factor.


Every sexual encounter should be approached the same way, whether with an escort or a pickup in a bar or bathhouse. Practice safer sex, know your risks, know your comfort level, and don't let someone talk you into something outside your comfort level because he says it's "OK". It isn't.


Visit http://www.gayhealth.com (or any of the literally dozens of other such sites around the www) and find your comfort zone. While you've received good advice on this thread, don't trust your health to posts on an anonymous message board. Educate yourself.

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In addition to the excellent advice given above, remember this:


The medical profession follows the standard of Universal Precautions. That is all patients are considered to be infected and consequently precautions must be taken against every patient treated.


Enough said...

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STD's are all over the Place! A Gentle Reminder should be, the Nightly Commercials running on all the Major Networks for that Popular Herpe's Medication.


Of course the Medicine has wonderful side effects also!


Notice GoodLooking "Straight People" get STD's all the time. You have SEX, it can happen! :7

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Thanks to all who have responded.


I guess what I was looking for is as an escort is it in your best interest to be honest about HIV/STD status with clients? I realize the nature of this question makes it hard to answer but whatever you can say I would appreciate.

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I think it's definitely in an escorts interests to not pass around something like Gonorrhea, Syphilis or an active outbreak of Herpes (if they know about it); to cancel appointments until recovered if not to disclose why. That's the last thing somebody who gets a decent share of their income from HB's would want getting around about them. BUT escorts that don't count on much repeat business anyway may not have that same level of concern.


Something like HIV though, well, as I said, in several years here I only remember one escort saying he's positive. Doesn't seem very likely. In theory as long as they play safe you'd never know, and sadly, so many don't have other income prospects, so why would they disclose?


There are escorts who will show you their most recent STD test results, but the more common and affordable HIV test can take 3-6 months to show a positive, and there's no way of knowing what they may have caught since the test.

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Impossible to really know


>Thanks to all who have responded.


>I guess what I was looking for is as an escort is it in your

>best interest to be honest about HIV/STD status with clients?

>I realize the nature of this question makes it hard to answer

>but whatever you can say I would appreciate.


Hey JockstarpGuy,

I know exactly what you mean and where you're coming from and I tried to respond to your question (see above).


I know from experience that even when the act is fully protected some clients will have an additional "peace of mind" if they know that the escort is "clean". However, as I mentioned before this is impossible to really know. It goes without saying that those clients will mostly hire guys who play safe rather than those who bareback.


Steven Draker ~


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RE: Tyger philosophy...


I have a room mate who is Mormon. We dated for two and a half years. He was rather naieve and so I felt a strong obligation to be protective over him where he might not be aware of things going on around him . We had many discussions regarding this topic. Our basic philosophy (was),is... no matter if you have a partner and have sworn to monogamy, no matter if you are single and out at the bar or hanging with buddies at the bath house... always assume that your partner is HIV poz and act responsibly. You want to be courtious and respectful of your current partner, (if you have one), and future partners as well as yourself and just take the conservative route. Never assume... protect yourself as well as your future and current partner. Play safe! Simple! I have a friend who is really into bare back vids. Such a bad example for our particular community. I've never and will not ever persue that venue and only film with safe studios. Sometimes the fantasy is better then the reality and while it may be tempting and exciting to watch it's probably not a good way to experience your real life. There's plenty of fun to be had, Hot,Sexy, Wild, uninhibited for the most part, and still safe~ Worry can be a demanding factor in life that affects all parts of our three dimensional being... reduce it and worry less... that doesn't mean "don't have fun and be fullfilled and sexual"... just means take care of yourself and your partner or future partners. There's no question really... you want good things for yourself and good things for the people you encounter in the future... make it simple... worry less... get checked every three months if you are active and protect yourself and the people you play with regardless of your status. It's not just an Escort issue.... clients may not be comfortable with their status or know their staus or even get tested... some clients may get tested less regularily in comparison to Escorts simply because Escorts are out of a professional income if they can not work and have an STI, (sexually transmitted infection). Clients may be married or partnered and not want or be embaressed to get tested or simply rather not know. It's not so much of an "Escort" issue as it is simply a human sexuality issue. People are sexual... they are programed for it... they act on it... some are honest about it and some are not... some know and some don't...Some think they know and don't really...(the window period). Too many factors... be conservative and respectful of your partners. Play safe and never assume everything is okay. It's not a finger pointing thing... it's a proactive thing... You are in charge of your own actions and sexuality. That's not a matter of personal opinion even... it's a simple truth.

Tyger "Ty Hudson"



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RE: Thanks!


My response was more "wordy" but you are completely correct! My backgound is medical as well. It's not just HIV, it's HEP A,B,C,D,G etc... syph, gonocaccal, clamydia, fungal... good body and oral hygiene on both partners part is ideal but not a secure fact... Not everybody is concerned, (reality), or as conscienscious... no judgement there... just a fact of life... so you have to be responsible yourself. Additionally... my background is immunology and virology... HEP "C" is much more virulent then HIV... and can have a greater impact on your life and the way you live it than HIV by far! It is MUCH more cumbersome to have Intimate relation with another human being when a person has HEP "C" then HIV... you can have safe sex with an HIV individual and still be completely safe but the HEP "C" thing is much more precarious. Get your HEP "A" & "B" shots... no shot for "C" though... use common sense... read about your risks from a number of RELIABLE sources, educate yopurself and then make the decisions you will in your life. You are an adult and responsible for your own well-being as well being as well as your partner's. Not everybody will be dedicated to the well being of their partner so you have to do some watching out for yourself at least~ Make sense?

Tyger "Ty Hudson"



Tyger "Ty Hudson"




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There are many thoughtful replies on this thread so I won't repeat the good things that have been said about playing safe and taking precautions.


It seems obvious to me that escorts have a financial incentive to present themselves as HIV-negative. Who can say if that means escorts as a group are more or less honest? Beyond always playing safe, you're going to have to use your intuition and gut reaction to ascertain whether the individual escort is being honest with you. Get to know him as a person. I know escorts who lie; I've known HIV+ people who weren't escorts to lie.


I find some of the generalizations on this thread a little problematic. Public HIV/STD/health clinics, for instance, can be among the MOST thorough—certainly the one here on 9th Avenue in NYC-Chelsea is. Callen-Lourde and GMHC are very public and among the finest in the country. Also, why should it be assumed that many escorts are in a position where they can't possibly stop? All of them retire from escorting eventually. And who says that few escorts have health insurance? I'm sure these things are true for some, but they don't characterize the majority of escorts I know, most of whom are like me in that they have full-time professional involvements beyond escorting, full access to health care through insurance, and are very capable of supporting themselves in other ways.

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>You should ALWAYS assume that the escort IS HIV+ and take the

>appropriate precautions - better safe than sorry.



huh??? and visa versa.. assume the client is HIV+... but either way if your a sex worker you should be checked frequently even if you practice safe sex. Get complete physical exams.. Being that I am competing this year, optimum health is important.. I am hiv-, plan to stay that way, an ALWAYS PLAY SAFE.


It amazes me how many emails I get from people wanting bareback sex.. THEY ARE NUTS. I am really floored it just let me know there are sex workers out here providing that service, if they were not people would not ask...


to the guy that wrote this post. there is no way to LOOK at ANYONE tell there HIV status. This goes for anyone weather your looking into a sex encounter with a escort or a hook up on line you need to PROTECT YOURSELF REGARDLESS.. No one is responsible for themselve more than you.


Ricardo Milos


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