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Client Phone Calls

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Hee hee .... told you I would get bored (private joke aside)


So a big production came about when the topic of escorts taking phone calls came up. How about when a client's phone rings in the middle of appetizers ..... and for the sake of arguement (and not to let someone assume who they are) during dinner and dessert as well.


Its one thing to look at the phone and then turn it off the first time. But to not put it on vibrate or turn it off afterward. In some cases clients have answered AT the dinner table and it was obvious by the phone call it was neither family nor business. Whether or not it's worth answering, standard etiquette says you dont talk on the phone at the dinner table. What's up with that?


Just wondering how other escorts feel about clients taking calls etc. during dinner?

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This isn't an escort/client issue. It's a common courtesy issue (which, much like common sense, isn't common at all).


Unless you're a doctor on call, there is NO phone call so urgent it excuses rudeness to your dinner companion.


When I go into a movie, dinner, or any other situation where a phone call is inappropriate the phone is either turned off or silent. In fact I recently changed phones because the buttons on the old one were too easy to push and it would switch *itself* to ring from silent just from jostling in my pocket. (And it would call people all by itself. ;-))


Cell phone rudeness is rampant. Just say no. :-)

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When I have dinner with a client my cell phone is usually left in the cloakroom with my jacket. Nothing more rude than bellow in a restaurant or a movie theater.


Here are a few cardinal rules regarding cell phone use:


When at the airport, it is very important to talk loudly on the telephone while standing in line, so people will know how vital you are to the world economy. Bellow statements like "But it's a million-dollar deal!", and "if we don't deliver the product today, all of Asia is pudding!" If you are unemployed, call your bf and shout these things at him. If you are unemployed and you don't have a bf, well, at least you have a cell phone.


If someone calls during a movie, answer the phone and shout "Why are you calling me? I can't talk now, I'm in the middle of a movie!" This will let the rest of the audience know that at least one person watching this film is an idiot.


When talking on the cell phone in a restaurant, don't hog the conversation to yourself. Speak loudly enough to share it with everyone.


:7 :7 :7


Steven Draker ~


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Better yet conduct an argument with a business partner or boyfriend. A loud argument.


I was recently on travel in Monterey, CA and this guy was walking down the street arguing with "Jacob" demanding payment and making all kinds of loud accuastions. His wife and kids had this look like they wished he would fall in an open sewer.



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Guest Jesse Dane

Restaurant etiquette is one of my biggest pet peeves! Cell phones should never be used at dinner. If a call comes that MUST be answered for some reason, you should excuse yourself from the table and leave to the lobby or restroom area to take the call.


Unless you're somewhere like Denny's that doesn't count as a restaurant. ;-)

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Steven this must have struck a nerve, this was one of your longer posts and I'm still chuckling. I would agree 100% dinner ettiquette for many no longer exits. I will say that when I am with an escort I do mention I have my cell on vibrate in case an issue pops up at home or work, but will only answer at appropriate internvals never at the dinner table. Only once did it become somewhat intrusive but I was consulting on a union contract for work and not to take the calls would have been raised eye brow time. Since it was overnight cancellation was not appropriate. But I did discuss this with the escort at the time prior to the meeting.

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>When talking on the cell phone in a restaurant, don't hog the

>conversation to yourself. Speak loudly enough to share it with



I've been known to bellow across the restaurant, in my best drill instructor voice, "NOBODY CARES! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!"


Last time I did it, the boy I was with wilted in embarrassment -- until the surrounding tables sent us drinks and a pat on the back. ;-)


Just say no.

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I was eating at Valentino's (a wonderful-pricey Italian restaurant in Los Angeles) a few years ago when a woman at a nearby table took her second telephone call. A gentleman at the next table, could stand it no longer and, bellowed "get off the god damn telephone -- NOW!" The woman looked horribly offended at first and then horrible embarrassed when the entire room broke into applause. Damn I enjoyed that moment.

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>A gentleman at

>the next table, could stand it no longer and, bellowed "get

>off the god damn telephone -- NOW!" The woman looked horribly

>offended at first and then horrible embarrassed when the

>entire room broke into applause. Damn I enjoyed that moment.


See? It works, Just say no. :9

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I don't mind when people I am dining with picking up phone calls. I have the food to keep me occupied. Moreover, the longer they talk the more food I get, if evolution tells you anything is that talking on the phone while eating will only thin the herd.... lol


On a slightly different note, this one time I was on a train on my way to a client. As I was mentally preparing myself, came this guy with a big luggage, sitting next to me, while the car is pretty much half empty. This is fine with me, if he likes the feng sui, but this stranger started making phone call after phone call about some business he was dealing with. He was none stop for the next 20 mins, and not even my iPod can drown out his annoying voice. I finally stood up, gave him the nastiest look ever, and moved to a different car. He continued his business as if nothing's wrong.

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I am a barista at my day job. I have worked in d/t Seattle and now work near a hospital. I often get people coming up to the stand talking on their cell phones. Most of the time it is a personal call, nothing related to work. Lately this has been raking my last nerve! It is getting so bad where I am just inches of taking their cell phone and slamming it shut. But for now instead I just ignore that rude person on their phone and move to the next customer OR I take their order while they are on the phone and instead of giving them the full leaded that they are in desprate need of I give them decaf and if they want whole milk they get nonfat }( There is one coffee shop that I just love and on their pastery case they have a sign that says if they need to talk on their phone to step out of line and come back when they are done with their conversation. Oh which reminds me over the summer Bob (the bf) and I were at the best burger place in Seatlle Red Mill and they have a strict no cell phone policy. This stupid bimbo bitch gets on her phone. Bob is a pretty big guy (in more ways then one :9) and he tells her in his big daddy voice that she needs to take her convo. outside. I loved it!




Greg Seattle Wa seaboy4hire@yahoo.com



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Guest timgetrum

>When at the airport, it is very important to talk loudly on

>the telephone while standing in line, so people will know how

>vital you are to the world economy.



Steven, for years I have called them airport-cellphone-loud-talkers. It is incredible, their lack of insight on how they appear to others. Maybe next time you can politely explain to the ACLD (or restaurant-cellphone-loud talker) that their phone has an automatic level control and the volume to the other party is not too different, whether whispering or shouting. I have to be available by phone, and I have been able to turn away from a table and conduct a brief conversation whispering (not talking low, NO VOCAL CORDS), which no one can hear (I've many times checked with others to see if they could hear or were bothered.)

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Although I agree with most of the anti-cell-phone-in-public comments here, I have to admit that I might not be on this website if it weren't for an attractive young man sitting next to me on the train talking on his phone several years ago. I learned so much about him by overhearing the conversation that I was able to start up a chat with him. As we got off the train, I gave him a card with my phone number, which he looked at and said jokingly, "What are these numbers? Don't you have an email address?" I admitted that I was an old fogey and had never been on the Internet, so he told me what to do. Later that day I signed up for AOL service, and the next day I started to explore the net. Almost immediately I discovered this site (which was very new), and I've been here ever since. Alas! although I exchanged a few pleasant emails with the young man, I never saw him again.

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It's certainly true that most people give up their manners and common sense when they buy cellphones. Here's what I do. When strangers speak on their cellphones around me I wait until they're done and then I start making comments on what they were talking about: e.g., 'Sorry about that break-up' or today at the gym 'I hope the problems about organising the funeral can be resolved.' So satisfying.

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Now I wonder if it would be wrong if someone were on their cell while trying to order food or an espresso drink in the middle of an order then hang up would it be wrong for the server or barista to pull out their phone and talk on it well ok pretend to talk on the phone. I often wonder what would the customer do if the situation was suddenly reversed.




Greg Seattle Wa seaboy4hire@yahoo.com



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It may be wrong, but it would also likely be lost on the clueless customer.


My favorite cellphone revenge story is about a Well Known Businessman in Arkansas.


Our WKB went into his favorite donut shop for a donut and coffee on the way to work and while standing in line the guy behind him was one of those loud, rude cell phone users. Much of the conversation, apparently, was carping about how slow the service at the donut shop was.


WKB got to the front of the line and announced "I'll take ALL yer donuts, and if y'all got more cooking' up in the back I'll take them too."


Cell phone guy left in a huff. WKB dropped the donuts off at a nearby nursing home. People thought it was philanthropy but he just did it to piss off rude cell phone guy. :p

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>On a slightly different note, this one time I was on a train

>on my way to a client.


In France the use of cell phones is prohibited on TGVs - if you wish to use your phone you have to go outside the main cabin.


In the US I love to get on the Acela Express' "quiet car" - no loud conversation and NO CELL PHONES. :)


Steven Draker ~


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"This isn't an escort/client issue. It's a common courtesy issue (which, much like common sense, isn't common at all)."


So true! When people are in professional offices they act the same way... Just ask any doctor, lawyer, accountant, or dentist... Can you imagine someone pushing a health care professional out if their way because the 'special ring tone' alerts them to that 'special call'...??? Well it occurs every day... A person could be numb in his jaw with blood dripping out of his mouth... and they reach for the phone with out missing a beat...


So guys don't feel badly about it, it happens to all professionals... not just to practitioners of the so-called oldest profession!

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When the cell phone craze first got under way, I was teaching college classes. At the beginning of the semester, I would ask students to turn off their phones during classtime, and would tell them that when a phone or beeper went off during class, the first thing that went through all the other other students' minds was, "Is he/she a drug dealer or a prostitute?" Everyone would laugh nervously, but it was effective in eliminating unnecessary calls. Now, of course, they would just look at me uncomprehendingly, since everyone has a phone and seems to think any call takes precedence over whatever else they are doing. Today I was volunteer tutoring in an adult education class, and one aggressively effeminate young man--wearing a tight tank top that revealed a very good body--left the class three times to take cell phone calls; needless to say, I asked myself the old question.

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I would never take a call during dinner...just seems rude to me, but thats just me


I hate if Im goin somewhere with a friend and we are hangin out and talking, and then his/her phone rings for the entire time we are together and every call must be answered. Of course the boyfriend/girlfriend call that end in "I love u more" result in me hitting them in the head...

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Charlie! Yes a LOL story!


Your story reminds me of a similar situation. In the 1970’s I took a number of courses with medical students. In those days it was very rare for a woman to have a tattoo. During one class those budding physicians were warned that if a woman with a tattoo were to walk into their office it was a virtual guarantee that they were either a prostitute or on drugs and most likely had an STD… The lecturer even had numerous photos to prove his point… In truth, so many photos that the guy seemed to be obsessed with the fact!


How times have changed!

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Novice. I was referring to "Paid Time", not really any Off The Books Social Time. I am a firm believer in the "Hello and Talk to you Later"

approach, in that situation. You never really know how important the call is?

With MOST Working Guys who will be "receiving calls" mainly for their Biz, at that moment they are busy. It really is a different story and should be off. You are the supposed Focus of their attention! IMHO of course. :7

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