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I’ll try to work on a stats update later in the week. I’ve been heads down working on the review system. 

I had to go back and scrap the last version and start over as one of the key features I wanted was too hard to do in it… with the new system, I can support multiple categories and things to be reviewed. 

This means in addition to escorts, I can have categories for masseurs, JFF/OF, and even categories like strip clubs, bars, bath houses, and restaurants. 

This was a pretty big undertaking because it meant having different data sets for each category. 

Most of the major backend logic is in place.  We’re working on the front end stuff now.  There will be some features that are added over time (such as the ability to see reviews by date or on a map by location).  But that won’t be hard to do since the major work will be already done. 

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wow - I definitely have not been paying attention - didn't realize there's a 'win the day' thing.

who can I bribe so I can 'win the day'? lol

and yes @RadioRob on including restaurant reviews! u rock!

is it possible to include a possible gay-friendly hotel/airbnb/accommodation review category as well? coz... why not? haha

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Once the new system is in place, adding categories is super easy. The harder challenge is defining exactly what is being reviewed. What questions apply to that sub-category?  What is the approval process going to be for those categories?  How much (if any) vetting do we do? 

LONG TERM… my goal is to be able to pick locations (like Ft Lauderdale or NYC or Montreal) and show all of the different types of reviews we have in that locale. 

I also want to move to eventually having “master threads” on people/places. Instead of hundreds of “411” threads on Provider Y, we would have a single source of truth for that provider where once their provider page is updated (including name changes), it would update the first post in the topic automatically.  

My vision is that forums would become more highly integrated into the review system.   I want this site to be more than “just” a forum. It would contain a number of different resources…. I have ideas of blogs that talk about tips around picking providers, how to stay safe, etc. These are things that get talked about on the forums but get lost after a time when they fall down to page 500. Forums would just be one tool at our disposal to share information. 

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