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Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?


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13 hours ago, Todd Jenkins said:

@AngusStevensxxx, When you say you recieve 'MANY MANY MANY messages daily,' how many would you say you recieve? 10, 20, 100? 


Yesterday I received enquires via text from 13 people, and 8 others through the rentmen website - texting back and forth for varying amounts of time.  There was 3 bookings made as a result of this - one which never showed up, and then the other two cancelled within 30 minutes of their arrival time, after I had showered prepared for them. 

One message conversation was  "hi are you available" I replied within 3 minutes "hi! thanks for reaching out. yes I am available today." That was the end of the conversation no other message was sent.

However, most conversations are longer -  One client today had a long chat (over 57 text messages confirming address, availability, rates, a video chat to confirm I had sent real photos, discussion of wants/needs/desires for bookings, locations, payment types etc. this started at 10am and went off and on all day until This client then cancelled the booking 30 minutes before he was due to arrive and he said he was in another state and now not coming to NYC for another month. 

So that is roughly 20 enquires a day - which means I average I am chatting with roughly 140 people a week - MOST of whom have zero interest in making bookings, but instead get pleasure from simply engaging with providers. (This also does not include the amount of scammers that contact us DAILY as well.)

I think distinguishing who is genuine and who is not is probably the hardest part of this job. connecting with people and having sensual encounters are the easy and fun part. 

What happened to me today is not unusual - it is the norm, so I guess it makes us wary of who we can give our energy too until we meet, I know for sure the original poster would find that when clients and provider meet - every text after is fine! 

13 hours ago, Todd Jenkins said:


This is GREAT that you do that. But, I have also encountered providers who just list random cities or they are no longer in the city they're listed in. I can't TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES I have texted a provider "HEY! WOW! I love your look. I can't believe you're in my city, _____. Would love to set up some time with you. What's your availability?" Provider texts back: "Not there." Me: Sends screenshot. Provider: "Yeah, I WAS there but left yesterday" or "Yeah, I was thinking of coming, but not enough inquiries."

So, as much as this "drives you crazy," you can see why a potential client would ask what city were you in, ESPECIALLY, if like me, they have gone through the above in the past. 

A nice reply (that you could save in a notes app) would be "Hey there. Thanks for the message. All cities / dates are listed in my profile and they are updated regularly. Can't wait to see if we can arrange a time. Looking forward to hearing from you." See, same message, different approach than being PUT OFF that someone wants to spend hundreds of dollars to spend time with you. 

yeah Rentmen has had an issue with this that has been effecting both provider and clients- and it sounds like the issue has 'driven you crazy too!'. I think when we list the dates of travel as say for eg 1/12 - 1/15, it goes by Hamburg time, not the local time that is in that particular city the provider is in, as the rentmen website is based from there.  So we set the travel dates , and then the site is not reflecting that date in  real time - adding to the amount of 'double questions' we receive I guess.  

I agree  the reply you have written is much much better than the one you were sent. 

Apparently the new version of the website will be more clear and not leave profiles listed up in cities once the provider has left that city. I'm sorry that the providers you have dealt with have been so short and rude with you. Hopefully this particular issue is rectified now the site has been updated to minis that! 

I probably shouldn't have answered in this thread - I had just been advised of this forum and wanted to make a few posts so no one uses my name has a handle - and my comments were meant as friendly advice to get better results for you guys (and us)!   

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4 hours ago, AngusStevensxxx said:


Yesterday I received enquires via text from 13 people, and 8 others through the rentmen website - texting back and forth for varying amounts of time.  There was 3 bookings made as a result of this - one which never showed up, and then the other two cancelled within 30 minutes of their arrival time, after I had showered prepared for them. 

One message conversation was  "hi are you available" I replied within 3 minutes "hi! thanks for reaching out. yes I am available today." That was the end of the conversation no other message was sent.

However, most conversations are longer -  One client today had a long chat (over 57 text messages confirming address, availability, rates, a video chat to confirm I had sent real photos, discussion of wants/needs/desires for bookings, locations, payment types etc. this started at 10am and went off and on all day until This client then cancelled the booking 30 minutes before he was due to arrive and he said he was in another state and now not coming to NYC for another month. 

So that is roughly 20 enquires a day - which means I average I am chatting with roughly 140 people a week - MOST of whom have zero interest in making bookings, but instead get pleasure from simply engaging with providers. (This also does not include the amount of scammers that contact us DAILY as well.)

I think distinguishing who is genuine and who is not is probably the hardest part of this job. connecting with people and having sensual encounters are the easy and fun part. 

What happened to me today is not unusual - it is the norm, so I guess it makes us wary of who we can give our energy too until we meet, I know for sure the original poster would find that when clients and provider meet - every text after is fine! 

yeah Rentmen has had an issue with this that has been effecting both provider and clients- and it sounds like the issue has 'driven you crazy too!'. I think when we list the dates of travel as say for eg 1/12 - 1/15, it goes by Hamburg time, not the local time that is in that particular city the provider is in, as the rentmen website is based from there.  So we set the travel dates , and then the site is not reflecting that date in  real time - adding to the amount of 'double questions' we receive I guess.  

I agree  the reply you have written is much much better than the one you were sent. 

Apparently the new version of the website will be more clear and not leave profiles listed up in cities once the provider has left that city. I'm sorry that the providers you have dealt with have been so short and rude with you. Hopefully this particular issue is rectified now the site has been updated to minis that! 

I probably shouldn't have answered in this thread - I had just been advised of this forum and wanted to make a few posts so no one uses my name has a handle - and my comments were meant as friendly advice to get better results for you guys (and us)!   

A walk in your shoes so to speak 

thank you for the thoroughness and yes I agree that like in everyday life judging who you are dealing with - their sincerity and intentions - is critical - and difficult for most 

good luck to you ❤️

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/28/2023 at 7:57 AM, glutes said:

It is hard to get tone in text, buuuuuutt:

I have seen provider Grecos several times, and in my last text to arrange a meeting I asked if it was OK to call him.

His response, "I am not here to make friends. This is a job."

How about just being friendly?

That all said, I know he has recently been "released"  by his famous song writer and performer /  sugar daddy, he may be very angry. Now living in the Hollywood flats.

Wtf? Really rude.

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On 1/28/2023 at 7:15 AM, Jamie21 said:

Most of the basic questions that get asked are already answered in the advert or website. It gets quite tiring to answer the same questions by text. 
I get “hi what’s your rate?”….”when are you available?”. I get a lot of messages like that. So sometimes the answer “please see my website” might seem curt, but it’s really just to avoid lengthy exchanges by text.

Also, if the first question is “what’s your rate” the likelihood is it’s too expensive for him. You learn to avoid wasting too much time on that kind of thing. 

It's interesting to hear how you view "What's your rate?" Most rentmen profiles don't include rates. Unless he looks like Chris Bumstead, I'm not going to spend $500+ for an hour with a provider. I figured that opening with rates prevented wasting their time. There's no need to discuss details of a session if I'm unwilling to pay the provider's rates. I'm also okay with brief messages, such as "300 per hour" and don't consider them rude. 

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4 hours ago, Balthazar said:

It's interesting to hear how you view "What's your rate?" Most rentmen profiles don't include rates. Unless he looks like Chris Bumstead, I'm not going to spend $500+ for an hour with a provider. I figured that opening with rates prevented wasting their time. There's no need to discuss details of a session if I'm unwilling to pay the provider's rates. I'm also okay with brief messages, such as "300 per hour" and don't consider them rude. 

Yes my perspective is that my rates are advertised. So I know that if someone opens with ‘what’s your rate?’ they haven’t really looked much at my profile. If that’s the case then they’re probably just browsing casually and their primary concern is cost. That’s not my market. 

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I only had one provider be outright rude to my initial inquiry in a text. Like, really rude. I had only texted asking him when he would be available and what I was into. That’s it. 

A few weeks later, he was trying to hook up with me (recreationally, not as a provider) on Scruff (of course not knowing I had texted him a few weeks prior for professional services). I gave him a big fat NO.

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Just read through this entire thread, and there's a lot to unpack here. My $0.02 as a client: 

Removing the hiring aspect from this, we all have to recognize there are people in the world who just are shitty in their approach to almost everything -- and that is the norm. If I had a nickel for every time someone said "Hi!" on one of the apps and nothing more I could buy a few new Macbooks. If you're going to approach anyone in life outside of real person-to-person interactions, come at it with substance. Actually, that can be said for face-to-face too. 

That said, the provider took the initial step and posted an advertisement, so it's on the client to fully engage from there.  I have never sent less than three sentences that include my name, what I am looking for, and a genuine introduction. I find this is always well received and my no-response rate is only about 1%. 

For me, I have all the time in the world and can make almost anything happen. I also don't really care about rates or prices as nothing is really off the table unless you're coming at me with $1,000/hour or something stupid like that. However, I am not one of those who is only looking for a one-hour sexual encounter and only into the mechanical aspect. I want to get a feel for a provider and our chemistry over text before committing to meeting up, however short or brief that might be. The 'back and forth' for me is part of the thrill, but I also try to disclose that in the beginning.  When I approach a provider, I let it be known that I am looking for a more meaningful longer-term arrangement, so their interactions with me are more of an investment on their part. I also fully understand they can't know I am serious about that until after our initial meeting. 

I'm a pretty successful business owner and have invested eight figures in customer support. I know how fucking horrible "customers" (or clients in this case) can be overall, so all my interactions are from that lens. 

This thread has been truly helpful. :) 

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1 hour ago, ThroatCummer said:

Just read through this entire thread, and there's a lot to unpack here. My $0.02 as a client: 

Removing the hiring aspect from this, we all have to recognize there are people in the world who just are shitty in their approach to almost everything -- and that is the norm. If I had a nickel for every time someone said "Hi!" on one of the apps and nothing more I could buy a few new Macbooks. If you're going to approach anyone in life outside of real person-to-person interactions, come at it with substance. Actually, that can be said for face-to-face too. 

That said, the provider took the initial step and posted an advertisement, so it's on the client to fully engage from there.  I have never sent less than three sentences that include my name, what I am looking for, and a genuine introduction. I find this is always well received and my no-response rate is only about 1%. 

For me, I have all the time in the world and can make almost anything happen. I also don't really care about rates or prices as nothing is really off the table unless you're coming at me with $1,000/hour or something stupid like that. However, I am not one of those who is only looking for a one-hour sexual encounter and only into the mechanical aspect. I want to get a feel for a provider and our chemistry over text before committing to meeting up, however short or brief that might be. The 'back and forth' for me is part of the thrill, but I also try to disclose that in the beginning.  When I approach a provider, I let it be known that I am looking for a more meaningful longer-term arrangement, so their interactions with me are more of an investment on their part. I also fully understand they can't know I am serious about that until after our initial meeting. 

I'm a pretty successful business owner and have invested eight figures in customer support. I know how fucking horrible "customers" (or clients in this case) can be overall, so all my interactions are from that lens. 

This thread has been truly helpful. :) 

You sound like an exception. Unfortunately there’s too many who take an extreme transactional view or who just can’t plan or commit. 

Example yesterday I had a message at 4:51 pm “Hey, are you available for massages?”. At 5:19 pm I replied “Hi, yes I am”….. at 5:41 pm he replied “booked elsewhere, thanks”. I guess I replied too late! 

Then I had an exchange of text messages around 9pm with a guy who liked my website and pics etc. That exchange stopped abruptly without a request to book or a ‘no thanks’. Just …nothing….it’s like he lost his phone! 

Also yesterday a guy asked at 6:30 pm if I was available that evening. I was busy so said “no, but I can do tomorrow evening”. There was no reply to that. Then, this morning at around 9am he asked if I was free at 2pm today. I said ‘no’ because I was busy and offered this evening or other times later in the week. He asked for 8pm this evening and I said yes to that and asked how long he wanted. This was all by 9:30am. I got no reply back….so I chased him at 4:30pm because someone else was asking about this evening. He replied to say he was still working out his schedule…and that was the last I heard. 

So it seems to me that all these potential clients either get off on the thrill of discussing the booking, are window shopping or are simply so self absorbed that they don’t consider that I might have other bookings (from people who are able to organise themselves) or that I have to do things like eat, sleep and do life admin. 

This is all actually nothing compared to the work it takes to arrange filming sessions or collaborations with other guys for my Justforfans. That is a whole different level of aggravation and frustration with guys who flake, prevaricate and dissemble. 




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First it was emails. Now it is texting. These are mediums made to be succinct and fast. And very often they end up rude. A successful customer-facing business understands this and tries to train its employees accordingly. Masseurs and escorts tend to be young, tend not to have been trained in business etiquette, tend not to have an adult in the room supervising their customer communications. Like much in the modern world, courtesy is a casualty of rapid change and the pace of work. Providers take note. Your long term business prospects will be affected by how you treat your clients...and vice-versa. We are after all, human beings, not machines. 

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15 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

So it seems to me that all these potential clients either get off on the thrill of discussing the booking, are window shopping or are simply so self absorbed that they don’t consider that I might have other bookings (from people who are able to organise themselves) or that I have to do things like eat, sleep and do life admin. 


May I offer a different possibility?

When I am visiting a city for work, I am with clients who most often dictate my time - morning, noon and night. If their plans change on a dime, I have to be available. This happens 99% of the time. 

When I inquire about hiring, it ALL depends on my client timeline and what happens with them. I can think I've got 3 hours free and then BAM, things change.


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21 minutes ago, Todd Jenkins said:

May I offer a different possibility?

When I am visiting a city for work, I am with clients who most often dictate my time - morning, noon and night. If their plans change on a dime, I have to be available. This happens 99% of the time. 

When I inquire about hiring, it ALL depends on my client timeline and what happens with them. I can think I've got 3 hours free and then BAM, things change.


You may! I don’t mind that. But it’s the lack of communication that is the problem. What stops someone from communicating that their plans changed? They changed their mind? Who asks for a time and then simply ignores you? I bet your clients don’t say ‘meet us for dinner at 7’ and then not turn up or not tell you where they are eating. 

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13 hours ago, Whippoorwill said:

Masseurs and escorts tend to be young.…tend not to have an adult in the room supervising their customer communications.

I can’t comment on masseurs and escorts as I haven’t hired in years. But I use text a lot in setting up and confirming other arrangements, so I don’t think it’s a failing or a lack of courtesy confined to young men. I visited good friends, both mid-70s, in another country last month; we had a pleasant dinner together, yet I had a similar experience.

  • Two days before I was leaving, my hotel out-of-the-blue gave me a voucher for dinner. (The hotel voucher was enough to cover dinner for 4).
  • I texted my friends at 5pm  to ask if they were free and able to join me for a free dinner. I saw my message was read shortly afterwards but they didn’t reply that night. 
  • I enquired again the next day at 10.30; again my message was read but no response.
  • After 24 hours of silence, on my last night I invited another friend who accepted with alacrity. As he and I were eating dinner, I had a text from my older friends saying ‘Yes, we can come. What time?’
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Reading through this entire thread, I find one thing stands out - texting is such a flat medium, so what may be thought of by a provider as a succinct reply, is perceived by the potential client as rude. 

I think that’s key - distinguishing between blatant rudeness vs perceived rudeness. 

There’s been some comments made about how this is just like any other sales business, that may be true to an extent, but big picture, it’s really not. Other sales transactions are offering the inanimate for X price. In this hobby, it’s the animate that’s being offered. Personally, I think comparing the two can come off as a bit degrading to the provider. 

Also, time wasters are not an urban legend. They exist, and I suspect some are members here either as lurkers or contributors. 

My practice is when I come across a provider I’m intrigued by, I read the profile fully, and I’ll use my VPN to read the reviews. I’ll come on here to look for info and/or post a 411 inquiry. I’ll also on occasion read out to RM clients who posted reviews to inquire. Only then do I initiate contact. Just a few short lines expressing an interest, inviting them to view my RM client profile, and asking them to reply whether they think we’d be a match. Since I’m normally travelling on business, I let them know that with the caveat that I’m free these times, but there may need to be some flexibility if something work related comes up.  Depending on how the provider replies determines whether I continue or reply with a polite decline. 

I know how many texts, and emails I get daily both work, and personal, so I appreciate providers don’t have the time or inclination to engage in lengthy electronic conversations. In addition to this business, many have other demanding careers, as well as their personal lives they need to attend to. It’s unrealistic to expect near instant replies and/or friendly text chats right off the bat. That may in fact develop should you, and the provider click, but it’s not something I would expect. 

Anyway, just my tuppence. Don’t overreact, don’t read into what’s not there, not intended. Do your homework, and be concise in your initial inquiry. This hobby is supposed to fun! 


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2 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

You may! I don’t mind that. But it’s the lack of communication that is the problem. What stops someone from communicating that their plans changed? They changed their mind? Who asks for a time and then simply ignores you? I bet your clients don’t say ‘meet us for dinner at 7’ and then not turn up or not tell you where they are eating. 

Oh, TOTALLY agree! Communication is KEY!

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Alright, so how do you handle something like this exchange I had yesterday?  Note the provider had three pictures, all are headless and from the shoulders down. 

ME/Client: "Hey man. Love your profile. Are you always in [MY CITY] or just visiting? I'm away this week but get home on Thursday and would be interested in spending some time together on Friday evening or Saturday evening if you're local. I'm [NAME]. More information about me and pictures are in my client profile on here if you want to take a look. "

HIM/Provider:  "Hi [NAME]. I’m local to [MY CITY], yes.  I’m [HIS NAME]. Anytime you want to book let me know and be well. Safe travels"

Me/Client: "Thanks for the quick reply, way cool. Any chance you have a few more pics you can share before I can commit to some time? That would be helpful for me and I am trying not to come off as a pic collector because I know most guys are just looking for pics and don't follow through. 🙂"

HIM/Provider:  "No problem. Here you go..."  [SENDS FIVE PICS]


Now here is the dilemma. I'm really not attracted to his face or his look now that I have seen more. The faceless pics were kind of hot, but I need the whole package, and it's just not there now.

So, what is the appropriate response here as a client who doesn't intend to book?  Just a "Thank you" seems too short so I didn't reply at all and that was last night.  What should I say, if anything? 

I also don't think I can be 100% authentic here and say the true reason: "Thanks for the pictures. After looking at them, I have decided we aren't a match. Be safe and have a good weekend."  That's just -- mean? 

I'm genuinely curious from the view of providers on here, because otherwise without a response, I am just a pic collector to this provider -- which was certainly not the case. 

The reason for this post is so that we can all learn, not just myself. 

Edited by ThroatCummer
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I can't imagine how incredibly dull it would be to field text messages from so many fake interested parties all day long.  Then, everyone is impatient, while nobody wants you to text while you are with them.  I'm sure this is the crappiest part of the job.

I try to cut the guys a little slack, be succinct and to the point, and hope for the best.  If someone is just flat our rude, I'll move on, but that is seldom the case.  It's usually just a lot of one-word answers.

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On 2/21/2023 at 3:51 PM, bigdipper said:

And does anyone think it’s rude if a provider doesn’t reply to an introductory text with all the info about you up front? Or is it just me? Been getting a lot of no responses period from providers. 

It's not just you. And I agree - no response at all is a form of rudeness.

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