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Guest Jesse Dane
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Guest Jesse Dane

I'm just curious as to what others feel the time period of an overnighter should be. I've had clients who think it should range anywhere from 10pm-8am to those thinking they should get me for closer to 24 hours.


I've always been somewhat flexible and obviously when traveling some distance it depends on train/bus/flight schedules somewhat. But generally I try to make it where I arrive around dinner time and leave late morning the next day.


How do the rest of you time overnighters?

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Well, yes, for the most part, dinnertime until late morning is average.

But, like you said, some are shorter, some are longer.

While discussing an overnight with clients, we work out the rate, that is, if the hourly is

less than the overnight, we go with that.... if things go longer, I don't mind a bit, and

clients tend to be generous if they feel like they may be taking advantage of my time.

As I always say, communication is key. AND, always have fun, be honest, and sincere,

it makes for the most enjoyable overnights.




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I think your description of "somewhat flexible" describes most of the experiences I've had.


I've had guys set a strict schedule. But if we're up half the night (talking, of course!), am I supposed to toss your pretty ass out of bed at 8am sharp? On the other end of the scale, if we know in advance you'll have to leave early to get to work, don't clients get a break on the start time the night before?


I think two reasonable people can come to a compromise that suits both parties. And compromise can take many forms.

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In my experience, it has always been the escort who makes that choice. Are you saying that clients get a say???


I doubt that.


As one well-reviewed escort once told me after several shorter encounters between us, "Overnights start at 6pm and end at 8am". True to his word, as he showed up at 6pm on the dot, and left at 8am on the dot.


He was not my first overnighter, nor even weekender, but GOD bless him, ss he did finally bring me to my senses that overnighters and weekenders are one HELLUVA waste of money! Something, that on hindsight, I should have realized a whole lot sooner!


There is not one, repeat one, escort in the entire world, that I will ever again book for more than an hourly session! For the price of an overnighter, and we won't even go into the price of a weekender, I can hire multiple escorts for hourly session and if only 10% of them deliver as advertised, then I'll be way ahead of that stupid game!

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Well, from my point of view, and that would be, from the middle of nowhere, to be exact, overniters are my only option. And I am not flexible at all in my time expectations. The guy has to get here by 6 and he has to stay until 12-1 the next day. And that means he has to leave NYC or LA by 12 to get here. Not alot of direct flights to Oklahoma. Not many have had a problem with that, once that they found out that they got to sleep from midnite to, at least, 9 in the morning, without cuddlig or snuggling or any of that. It's just a passionate date and I get to cum at least 6 times. Only refusals have been Angelo Valentino and Mike Grey...and Rocky/Dallas. I did pay Draker abit more but he was well worth it....


For God's sake, they are getting paid to fly here, get taken out to dinner and breaksfast and get rimmed 6 times....how hard is that for $1000 dollars?? I have a great job and an ample though misguidedly spent cash flow and I don't make close to that.



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Okie, you make a good point, that people, such as myself, who live in a big city, conveniently located to many other big cities, often overlook.


No offense intended, but have you ever heard that old song with the lyrics: "sucks to be you, it sucks to be you"?


Aren't there any guys working in OKC or Amarillo (yeah, right!, forget that one!! :)), or even Dallas (isn't the air fare cheap from Dallas to OKC??) that you can hire?


Whatever, I wish you the best, as you've always been one of the positive posters on this site, who have provided a lot of valuable input to the rest of us, as you just proved with this response to my post.

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Personally I have always considered an overnight session to be somewhere around 12 hours. However my overnight rate is considerably lower than most.

I am open to be flexible with time, and I would never leave "just because time is up" if we are in the middle of something or if we planned a specific activity that demands me to arrive earlier or leave later.

I think that all cases are different.

As with everyting the key is in communication. No session is similar to another, and everyone's needs are unique. To me, more important than how many hours I have to be there, I focus more on what are the needs that have to be fulfilled, and won't leave until I feel that we are all happy and smiling.

A few times I have been requested to arrive much earlier and leave much later and a different rate has been negotiated and agreed upon. Again, open communication is important.


Isn't it all about having fun?


By the way, that prospect of being flown, being taken to dinner, being rimmed 6 or 7 times and having breakfast definitely sound like a lot of fun...


Where should one sign up? }( :9 :p

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Hey VaHawk,


Nope, no working guys here in OKC unless you count the boys that make the stroll around the Habana Inn. Not about to go there.. and as for Dallas. Please. Yes, the airfare is cheaper but since Jim Slade and Marco Feretti left, I haven't been able to find anybody that is worth the price of the ticket...I am pursuing Ken Sparks and Zack from Rentboy right now. Hot butts.


And, for the record, I am no prisoner here and while perhaps I have given up certain things for staying here, I have been rewarded in many other ways. And besides, it "rims to be me."...not sucks..


Thanks for the the best wishes, bud and the kind words. I always look for your posts as well.



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Overnighters are interesting. I have done quite a few. If it was just a sex only thing, I can understand your point VaHawk, but for me it is always much more. Plus like Okie I live in an area quite devoid of escorts. Chicago is two hours away. So that is four hours of driving for a one or two hour meeting does not make much sense. You drive through Chicago traffic and you decide how excited you are to have sex as soon as you walk in the door. I am already out basically a whole day. So I do reverse, I take my 12 hours during the day, they get 12 off or so.


As one thread earlier mentioned, sometimes New Yorkers forget there are 49 other states. Besides I have gotten to know some very nice men by doing the overnighters that maybe I would not have had the chance to meet.

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My overnights typically do a whole dinner to breakfast thing as well with slight variation :)


Typically I'll arrive a little before dinner to drop off a bag and hang out a little bit, possibly have a drink, little nookie :)


The next morning it usually ends with brunch ... breakfast is too definite in my opinion. I mean, anything after 9 or so ventures into Brunch territory in my experience.


What I find is most important to clients is how much intimate time there is on an overnight, not specifically how many hours are spent together.

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"For God's sake, they are getting paid to fly here, get taken out to dinner and breakfast and get rimmed 6 times....how hard is that for $1000 dollars?? I have a great job and an ample though misguidedly spent cash flow and I don't make close to that."


February would mark the 3rd year for me in escort, and probably approaching the last as I make my way to second year and into the finance world. In any rate if there is one thing that I've learned escorting is one hard and demanding business. I don't mean those who enter and leave two months later. I speak of the pros out there who have the great reputations and know exactly what they are doing, the masters.


"How hard is that for $1000 dollars???" I wonder have clients tried sleeping with themselves and actually make it so that both parties enjoy themselves and ultimately have a good time. For one who makes a commitment to rimming someone for exactly 6 times, I guarantee you by the 3rd time the escort is definitely DEFINITELY faking it.


How hard is that you ask. Have you tried sleeping with yourself?

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I've always treated overnights like a date that I happen to sleep over. Which means there is usually not a set time for anything come or go. This makes it more enjoyable for me and I believe for my date. If we are both enjoying ourselves I am not going to watch the clock and leave on the top of the hour nor will I over stay my invitation. I am not going to demand that I stay until noon in order to give my date his full 18 hours if he has to be at work at 9am.


It's all about reaction, courtesy and common sense.

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Thank you VaHawk and Okliehomo for your comments, which are well-taken, very well-taken by me as a client. But this is a forum to ask an escort and the escorts here are free to express their views, no matter how much we may disagree. Time is flexible but does one or two or three hours really make a difference. In my experience the basic overnight fee is entirely market driven. VaHawk makes an excellent point as to why anyone would pay it. The idea of paying an escort to eat or sleep is totally absurd (have you escorts ever contemplated how insane that really is?). Yet such complete irrationality prevails in certain markets. Okliehomo is a captive consumer, and I understand and sympathize with his need to do overnights. P.S. I don't do overnights, unless the price is right. If I'm really that interested, I do a weekend or slightly more, and the going rates are still outrageous, even if I don't give a fuck too much about the money if I really like the escort and he makes it up in other ways.

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Twinklover I agree if you are going to do overnight, weekend makes the most dollar sense. Usually a cut rateon the per nightand the expenses, like airfare. Plus I give the guy 12-14 hours to himself, so I usually get a refreshed guy, very attentive and ready to go. After a couple of not so good outings at the start, I think I have the set up and action fairly streamline.


But the key for both client and escort is the set up. I may overdo the description and type of activity I am interested in, but not one guy has complained and they have all appreciated the completeness by which I approach this. I do not plan eveery moment, I merely outline the time to start and finish, the type of activity we can do both in and out of the bed and the things I am not interested in and finally refer them to the reviews I have posted to get a feel for what I am interested.


So to Jesse's original question I would say an overnight fits very closely to what Scot Adler said 6 PM to approx 9 AM with meals. But it is incumbent upon you to discuss thoroughly with client what your limitations are as far sleeping time and what expectations are coming from the client and that should give you a time frame and rate you are willing to offer. I believe Juan said it awhile back a high activity client during sleeping time, if any, will probably be charged a higher rate as opposed to a guy who will let you sleep.

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IMHO. The Few Overnites I have done, have run from about 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. Always Dinner, sometimes Breakfast Incl. LOL That seems to be more or less the NYC Sked for most. BUT I never go beyond $850 either! That's why my Overniter's are always during the week, when things are slow for most guy's anyway.

The Sex.. 3 Sessions Definitely. One guy said, he had to be home by 10 a.m. or his Lover gets pissed! I don't want to hear about Personal Problems..In his case, Breakfast was not included! LOL :7

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Seanlong, an escort out of SoCal, has interesting limitations on an overnight. 4 hours of serious play time are included and he sleeps in his own bed. As with many other terms of an escort-client engagement, communication is the key. The exact time-frame isn't written in stone and should be agreed on. Many clients want the escort to leave in the morning because they have things to do. Augustman's approach of "outlining" what will be done during the time together is excellent. I usually do this before hiring for an extended stay and then repeat the "agenda" over a drink when we meet.

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I have to disagree and apologize to Twinklover for his opinion about "paying to watch an escort eat and sleep." Granted some people are only in it for the sex and that's all the functionality they have for another human being. For a lot people, hiring escorts isn't just about the sex -- it's about companionship ... someone to talk to and hang out with. A lot of people just need to talk and “be” with someone. If that’s not for you then fine, but making the people that do appreciate that sort of thing feel crazy isn’t very respectful. I have a few close clients that I really barely even spend any time with them naked, they just enjoy having someone to talk to and share the events of their day with.


>But the key for both client and escort is the set up. I may

>overdo the description and type of activity I am interested

>in, but not one guy has complained and they have all

>appreciated the completeness by which I approach this. I do

>not plan eveery moment, I merely outline the time to start and

>finish, the type of activity we can do both in and out of the

>bed and the things I am not interested in and finally refer

>them to the reviews I have posted to get a feel for what I am



I totally agree. When anyone wants to schedule an overnight the first thing I do is lay out an outline discussing what they can expect ... little nookie, little dinner, some drinks, some nookie, sleepy time etc etc. Not a moment by moment play by play, but it’s usually a concern for clients what to expect etc. While companionship is important, nobody can be deluded past the fact that sex is a big portion of an overnight. Telling a potential escort EVERY LAST DETAIL of what you want can’t possibly hurt … it will save you time in the long run and in some cases had made the rate less for me.


>But it is incumbent upon you to discuss thoroughly with

>client what your limitations are as far sleeping time and what

>expectations are coming from the client and that should give

>you a time frame and rate you are willing to offer.


Yeah. SLEEP … unknown concept to some. To explain why clients aren’t be charged for 6P – 10 A ... about 16 hours ... Is the sleep factor. Lets just say average overnight is $1000. If average rate is $250. Is it so unheard of to ask for about eight hours of sleep? Granted if the escort GETS there at 10 PM and is leaving at 8 I can understand the annoyance but seriously...

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Scott I would agree with your comments and you presented it nicely. I would have to disagree with the tone Jay's comments. Not quite sure why the number of rim jobs had to be an issue. I believe that is part of the communication. As to how that effects the overnight I do not get the connection. As to sleeping arrangements which I believe is your concern, that is the whole point in talking to the client. Generally as I set up the meeting I ask whether the escort would prefer two beds or one. Second if the client has intentions of sleeping with escort habits are open to discussion before booking the room. And considering some people have no clue how they sleep it may be prudent to always have two beds so that should sleep become disruptive the other bed can be used by either party. I think it is respect for both parties that two beds usually is best one for sleeping and one for fun. That or have spare blanket and sheets available.


I understand sleep is important for both parties, I believe it is incumbent upon escort to be clear on that particular item of sleeping arrangements before commitments are made. For me this is never an issue as I do not stay overnight rather mine is all daytime fun and maybe an early morning cuddle. But guys like Okie who book for 18 hours or so and he has done this numerous times I think he has a good idea what his sleeping habits are. But again both sides have to communicate. If you need 8 hours sleep untouched say so, nice to include an 1/2 hour to hour of snuggle or spooning.

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No, -jay, I have never had to sleep with anyone as hideous as myself and therefore, don't know how grueling a task it must be. But I have been hiring for over three years now and have met alot of the pros out there, "the masters" that you refer to and not a one of them ever seemed to have a problem with my requirements. But then again, they are professionals and probably masked their disgust, and were relieved to cover my ugly mug with their gorgeous butts..which was exactly my plan all along.


Seriously, I never meant to imply that the business of being an escort is an easy one. I have hired 60 plus guys and have heard the stories of the flakes and the weirdos. And believe me, as a client, I have my own stories about the ripoffs and the liars, the guys that walked off the plane and I wanted to just turn around and leave them standing at the gate. And why didn't I? Because it was a business deal. I had read their ads and their reviews (though not seeing a face pic was a big miscalculation...always)...and so, I had made my own bed, so to speak and had to make the best of a bad situation. Close my eyes and get through it, usually by thinking about all the great ones, too numerous to mention.


I also want to say that it has been my experience that when I tell a guy upfront that no fucking is required, and that I don't care if he cums or not unless he wants to, and that all I want to do is rim them, yep, 6 times, that they have always acrossed the board, found that to be, easier work. The first time Kent Larson (sadly, now retired) came to see me, he charged a pornstar rate. After he learned the drill out here in Oklahoma, he lowered that rate substanially and came back to see me 4 more times. Maybe he was faking it. Maybe they all have been for the last 3 years. But, you know, alot of them made the best of it and shot all over my stomach, even though it wasn't in their job description. And Alencar and Ty went for record breaking #7, successfully.


I should probably have not posted on this thread. It, being for escorts and all, but I thought that I had a unigue perspective on overnites. I still think that I do. I did not mean to minimalize how difficult it is to be an escort. It's a slippery slope, no doubt. But it's also an amazing, albeit limited, window of opportuniy for beautiful men to make alot of money.


"Nice work if you can get it...." might have been my point all along.



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It's not often that I have to go to the dictionary...




I love that word.


On a different note, Oklie, I was trying to add a joke about roses, or sweetness... but it might be a little bit out of place. :+


I will have to stick to the image of the blond butt with a red hand print after a loud slap, and the noises....


Yum! :9

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