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Do posts here (serious or not) really result in much biz?

Guest ncm2169
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Guest ncm2169

Okay, we all know Rick Munroe milks (sorry for the expression :D ) this site for all its worth, contributing witty bon mots, presumably in hopes of generating business, which is totally his right and with which I have NO problem. Other escorts make similar posts.


My question, in all seriousness is, do these posts generate any measurable new biz, vis-a-vis the Reviews?


Just curious, as I'm counseling a newbie escort. :D

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Guest Jesse Dane



I have gained more business off of this site from chatting here on the message center than through my solitary review here. As an escort who is relatively new in this crowd and hasn't had much time to get reviews (although I know more are coming soon) it has given me a chance to show my personality and that has attracted a number of clients.


I also have found that many of my favorite clients are ones that have found me through chatting on here as they connected with me not only based on my picture and stats, but on the basis that they felt I would be fun to be with because of who I am. That generally makes them someone that I would enjoy being with more than just the average guy who thinks I'm hot.

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I think they do, but not for the usual reasons or the usual escorts. I can think of three escorts who have gained form posts on this site in the last year, deservedly, very deservedly (that's right, I mean totally meritoriously): Trey Thurston, Aaron Mark and Jesse Dane--three young escorts at the top of their game. I repeat, deservedly. If they weren't total pros and didn't have the skills to maneuver through all the bullshit, if they weren't low-key and gracious to everyone, if they weren't genuinely good boys, if they didn't deliver and charge reasonable fees, the people on this site would see them in a New York minute and expose them for what they really were, and people like me (an admitted "mean girl") wouldn't be describing them as the 5-star escorts that they are. I need not comment on how posts may matter to an escort in a NEGATIVE way. My views are already known and I will leave those views to other sites. And if certain persons choose to hire certain escorts almost out of spite to the negative publicity, so be it. I could say "you deserve one another", but no decent client paying good money really does deserve them. They don't.

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I would agree that posts add business, can take away and actually create forum for the escort to contact me because of the type of posting I do. I have contacted three escorts specifically because of their posts on here. Then I have had four contact me directly about a meeting. I would say because I had the opportunity to see the type of person they can be in an interactive state that would mainly involve their personality and intelligence. It has worked like a charm I have so far had 5 very good meetings because of the message center. Reviews and ads can only tell you part of the story. For me the interaction with the escort is as important as the sex.


However, I do believe fame is fleeting. One just has to remember a year ago the hot property was Vincent Michael. He not only has come and gone but come and gone again, although this time with little fanfare. So I would guess their is a line out there how far you can go and how much this message board can help until it does 180 and come back to bite you in the end.

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>Just curious, as I'm counseling a newbie escort. :D


You certainly do love your counseling don't you. Heh heh -- my tongue is held :)


Meanwhile, by all MEANS this place generates business. It's not validating some people's opinion that all publicity is good publicity to say it, but any publicity in this forum short of declarations of theft, current misrepresentations or disease provide escorts with a development of a persona beyond two dimensional reviews.


Many escorts on this website are simply pictures and text. If an escort chooses to speak on this board they get a voice and provide a few more layers of depth for clients to observe. Some clients like certain personas and others don't. If anything this not only helps business but streamlines it by preventing bad encounters with clients who wouldn't appreciate a particular personality and keeping the clients that know what they want.


I get a lot of negative press on here, most apparently started by myself. I can't even begin to count how many inquiries come to start with something to the degree of, "I've been lurking or posting for a long time and your controversial nature intrigues me....." etc etc.


Being cordial and diplomatic works for some but for others it negates one of the great things about the purpose of this board -- showing a "voice".

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It's difficult to say if it has increased my business.

I do know that a lot of my clients have used this forum as research and assistance. I think that's great, that's what it's here for.

Reviews are very useful in giving a client a better idea of what's to come, but they can also be limiting. But, either way, they are a form of communication... the best foreplay for setting up an appointment.

I love to give my opinion, in whatever capacity, where it is appropriate. But lately, this board has been someone inactive... perhaps because of the holidays, etc.

Hopefully the forum opens up more, I look forward to sharing my views.



-Chris Crawford


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Guest ncm2169

< Heh heh -- my tongue is held


but not from Justin #2's ass a while back. :9


I thought you were a top. Did Justin finally nail your ass? }(

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>I thought you were a top. Did Justin finally nail your ass?



New Year's Resolution 2005 was to become more versatile. I (and Chad Hunt) can say without a doubt that I'm 100% versatile at this point. Unfortunately there are some unique talents I have that need to be manifested differently when I bottom and I simply prefer to top as a result :)


Justin and I have been trying to arrange a situation for him to test that but we keep needing to reschedule.

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i have often said that the escort posts give me a better idea of what to expect when i meet an escort than an ad or a review from an unknown reviewer. i have hired men because of their writings here. i always wished that more escorts would have taken part in the threads.


it is great advertising for the more intelligent men who can show that they are more than just a "pretty boy" (although sometimes that is alright, too).

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>... (Jim- btmstudnyc) I hired BECAUSE of his witty, and sarcastic posts on this message board. He just sounded like a lot of fun...<


Absolutely! and ditto. Before then he wasn't my "type", but he converted me (in more ways than one }( !)


Others I might not have seen except for their comments here have been Nate Bruno, Devon SF (I also wanted to see his artwork - really!), Franco di Santis, Sean Espagnol, Steven Kesslar, Juan Vancouver, Rog Hagan, Tyger, to name just a few.


I agree with "bigjoey" when he says "...escort posts give me a better idea of what to expect when I meet an escort than an ad or a review from an unknown reviewer ..." They become people with thoughts with whom you can converse, which for me makes the play time even better. :9


Now there are a couple of others that I must see for the same reason - Anton and Scott Adler (we could argue our way from dinner to bed! }( )

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Ollie..Plus Any Advertising is Good Advertising..There's someone for everyone. We all have different Types,Tastes, and Definitely Wallets!


The Working Guys Definitely appreciate this site. BUT the Motto to many is..A Working Guy should be Seen and "Not Heard".. That could be Bad for Biz! Makes Sense...IMHO of course..:7

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In my personal experience this message centre is an amazing tool for attracting bussines, and making it sustainable.


While an ad or a website allow me to display my phisical atributes and to a certain degree my personality, only a message centre like this one allows potential clients to read who I am, what is it that I think about life, sex, my work, clients and myself. This site allows them to see how I interact with people, how I react when attacked, how I react under pressure...


By being such a good showcase, it allows us to attract like-minded people. The ones looking for affection and intimacy will find the right escort for that. The same goes for the ones who want passionate sexual exploration or intelligent conversation or innocence, or even bad attitude and self-centerdness. (There is a market for everything and everyone.)


As in Jesse's case, my favourite clients have found me here. They knew my limits, afiliations, fantasies, proclivities, and perversions beforewe met. When they decided to contact me after having read my posts, it is very likely that they had a certain afinity with me. It is plausible that we share some views on life. And when we finally met -even if they never posted here- it was almost like meeting a friend.


The only downside of this is that when we post here we become transparent. It is very hard to hide meaness, rudeness, prejudices, hang ups (or even drug use problems). However I think that being able to be a whole human being as oposed as a piece of eager flesh is much more marketable. (And more fulfilling.)


I sincerely appreciate the oportunity to post here I really enjoy the great chance to get to know both escorts and clients that otherwise I would never know about. And yes... My career has taken a totally different path that it would have taken if this website didn't exist.


Hooboy... wherever you are, thank you. And thanks to all of you people who keep it alive, running, interesting, fun.


Let's keep on posting!

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There is always a curiosity factor from a client's point of view for those escorts that post alot, especially for those that seem to add more of.... what shall I say here.... add a little (or lot) personally (yeah that's the word ;-) ) to their postings.

I've been known to be curious even when certian posts really should send me in the other direction.

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>What my dear is an example of a should? }(


Well my darling like when an Escort seems to lump all clients into a negative category of some short like calling them a bunch of old queens. Or when making a negative comment about their distaste for clients and referencing them as a bunch of desperate old men but shortly after saying how much they like their clients.


BTW watch out about that fad diet thing. I've know many to end up with chemical imbalances from such diets.

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And here I THOUGHT we'd kissed and made up in the other thread. Oh well.


Much like comments you referenced, fad diets need to be observed and interpreted on their context for how they're used and why. Especially when the diet isn't even a diet. Isn't it funny what happens when people talk about things assuming they know the whole story?


Expunging bile from the body and calling it a diet can easily be compared to expelling thoughts in retort to an attacker and having them spun into an encompassing opinion :)

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Anton seems to have the right approach for me, very visable but not too controversial. You may be underestimating Rick; he can be quite outspoken, if in limited situations.


Scott is the exception to the rule, although I have not actually hired him yet. As a client, I do not always agree with many of Scott's opinions (some might even say endless opinions), but was very impressed by the way he stood up to the guys on EscortSpeak who really dragged him through shit. He gives Woodlawn a good run on this site and has shown many very decent sides of his personality. I doubt that many escorts could walk the line as well as SAdler. I know I couldn't if I was an escort.

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>Okay, we all know Rick Munroe milks (sorry for the expression)


Don't be sorry; that's my favorite expression. :9


>...this site for all its worth, contributing witty bon

>mots, presumably in hopes of generating business


I agree with you that it wouldn't be a bad thing if I did that, but I actually don't "milk" this site. I have never been Coverboy of the Day, I don't ask people to review me (and I don't submit reviews of myself!), and I don't constantly come up with ways to get myself on the Newest Reviews page. I often stop posting here for periods and it's only when guys start emailing me with requests to "please post something" that I move my ass from other activites }( and park it back at my desk to post (same thing goes for my blogging, too). I know that it's in my (and Derek's) best interest to keep myself "out there" but honestly, I could do a much better job of it if I really wanted to. But thanks for giving me the impetus to post again and do some site milking. :p


By the way, I think that if I started posting with the intention of "generating business," nobody (including myself) would enjoy my posts. In all seriousness, I post when something strikes me and I see a chance to crack a joke or pass on some info I feel is important.


>My question, in all seriousness is, do these posts generate

>any measurable new biz, vis-a-vis the Reviews?


I have no idea. I usually don't know where the jobs come from, and on the rare times when I do remember to ask where someone found me, the answer I get is "off the internet somewhere." :+

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>And here I THOUGHT we'd kissed and made up in the other

>thread. Oh well.


>Much like comments you referenced, fad diets need to be

>observed and interpreted on their context for how they're used

>and why. Especially when the diet isn't even a diet. Isn't

>it funny what happens when people talk about things assuming

>they know the whole story?


>Expunging bile from the body and calling it a diet can easily

>be compared to expelling thoughts in retort to an attacker and

>having them spun into an encompassing opinion :)


Since I haven't hired you (yet?) how could you have been the should from my comments. I've been around here awhile and seen alot of comments that fit into my comments and I have hired over 90 Escorts sweetheart. Don't assume everything is about Scotty boy. BTW, what in my comments made you feel we had not "kissed and made up"? Did we dislike each other?

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There are a few so called "Milker's" on this site. But I seriously doubt Rick is one of them! I do find it strange, that some of the so called "Friendly conversations" are not exchanged thru Friendly emails, rather than in Public.

I definitely consider my In & Out emails more Friendly, than Public one line statements, with Web Addresses always attached. IMHO of course. LOL :7

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Rick-chat equals good business...you bet!


"I often stop posting here for periods"


Can only imagine what you're like during your menstrual cycle. It's probably a good thing to wait until that rag is clear. :-)


"By the way, I think that if I started posting with the intention of "generating business," nobody (including myself) would enjoy my posts."


I certainly appreciate this honesty and I also believe it's true. Smart men can tell when they're being "worked over" and smart escorts know that. Rick strikes me as the kind of man who leaves his customers panting with his "love-me-as-I-am" mission statement and his "watch-me-as-I-send-you-to-the-moon" action. Being your smart, charming self IS THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT.


" >My question, in all seriousness is, do these posts generate

>any measurable new biz, vis-a-vis the Reviews?


I have no idea."


Well, I know for a fact that Rick's presence and contribution here has been very good for business. I personally know several men who have Rick and Derek on their "to do" lists specifically due to some of the things he has written here.


Congratulations, Rick. Keep up the good work!

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