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Sometimes when you're on the prowl you're being hunted...

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For my unpaid encounters I find it easier to use a service like ManHunt to find people. Quicker than going out without having to get drunk or cover charges ;)


So my question to other escorts and asking clients how they feel about finding people to work with on sites like this rather than off sites that are more conventional.


I get propositions on ManHunt all the time either by people who know me by picture or are ust asking in general. I usually just refer them to this website because when I'm on ManHunt I'm not usually looking for clients. How do other people handle it?

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Im a "client" not an escort but i just wanted to chime in.


Im confused. why do you go on manhunt if you are not looking for propositions? I think that's what Manhunt is all about: propositions. so if i were to ask you if you wanted to hookup or go out through manhunt, knowing nothing of M4M, you would refer me to this site? so how do you determine who will be an unpaid encounter or a "referral to this site"? do my questions make sense?


I have found that personally when i have come across an escort on manhunt, that i have recognized through here or another site or agency, they are looking for someone specific; that is someone they WANT to be with or are attracted to rather than looking for clients. they are very very picky and know exactly what they want. and they have been very upfront about that. I mean i could see "escort joe" if i hired him via his agency or if he was an independent but if i were to send a nice note to him via manhunt (not offering $ just introducing myself type of thing) my email would get deleted pronto or a note back referring me to his website or agency. so what that tells me is im good enough if im paying but not for an unpaid encounter.


Is that how it works for the escorts who have profiles on manhunt?

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I see nothing wrong with escorts looking for guys on any of the hookup sites for just fun. Even the most busy escort needs some time for their own pleasures. But as for clients who might see an escort on those sites and deleting the message that was sent that isn't very nice. I think a simple thank you but not what I am looking for would be polite.




Greg Seattle Wa seaboy4hire@yahoo.com



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Seaboy's comments first ;)


Hmmm, perhaps my post was vague. What I meant was that I have a profile that doesnt even MENTION escorting or anything of the like and random individuals will send message me saying "generou$ man looking" and such. Others will just simply ask if I escort. By no means am I posting an escort profile on ManHunt. Can't a guy just get a little hot sex without cash involved once in a while? }(


>Im a "client" not an escort but i just wanted to chime in.


By all means. I wanted Client perspectives on this too.


>Im confused. why do you go on manhunt if you are not looking

>for propositions?


Because I want ass :) I want cock. I want it ALL. Is that so much to ask?


>I think that's what Manhunt is all about:

>propositions. so if i were to ask you if you wanted to hookup

>or go out through manhunt, knowing nothing of M4M, you would

>refer me to this site? so how do you determine who will be an

>unpaid encounter or a "referral to this site"? do my

>questions make sense?


If you sent me a message on ManHunt asking me if I escort or what my rates were ... then yes I'd refer you here. This goes back to the same problems of long ago when a zealous client posted my personal screen name on the message boards; escorts are people too and shockingly enough have their own lives. This is why I dont have my phone number posted -- because some people are under the impression that escorts should be available at their beckoned call 24/7 ;)


>I have found that personally when i have come across an escort

>on manhunt, that i have recognized through here or another

>site or agency, they are looking for someone specific; that

>is someone they WANT to be with or are attracted to rather

>than looking for clients.


Uh huh. You get my point here ....


>they are very very picky and know

>exactly what they want. and they have been very upfront about

>that. I mean i could see "escort joe" if i hired him via his

>agency or if he was an independent but if i were to send a

>nice note to him via manhunt (not offering $ just introducing

>myself type of thing) my email would get deleted pronto or a

>note back referring me to his website or agency. so what that

>tells me is im good enough if im paying but not for an unpaid



Well I use the "standard regret message" feature that automatically replies "thanks but not my type, good luck." if someone I'm not interested in messages me. If someone messages me in a business respect I refer them to my business eMail. Surely you can't be insulted by me wanting to keep my private and business lives separate?

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Many of the best escorts are good at it because they love variety. At different times, they will want different kinds of men. If, for example, I haven't had an Asian client for a long time, and I really feel like some Asian romance, then I could go looking for it on the "free" sites. ( My membership on slave4master.com - I upgraded it and it cost me money to do so.) That doesn't mean that Asians are the only type that I want to play with ever. Only just then. Other times it might be a redhead or a bear or a BB or .... And if you apply to bed me, whether you're offering money or not, I might say "Sorry, I'm resting." (Saw The Ritz again the other night.) But please don't feel that when we are with you, our clients, that we are not fully there ... that we would prefer to be with someone else. When I'm with you, you are the one I want to be with. With the possible exception of my husband. (sort of like Og in Finnian's Rainbow)

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i certainly understand where you are coming from. it all makes sense. if someone approaches you about business on there then it makes sense to refer them over. i didn't know how they were approaching you or what your ad on there was but thnks for the answers.

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I occasionally get messages like Scott's on Manhunt as well. I think it's just rude. Yes, it's a sex site, but those are personal ads. I don't think someone should message on Myspace with "Are you an escort" or "Looking for cash" and I don't think someone should do it on Manhunt either. Time and a place.


Is there really something wrong with deleting messages from whom you are not interested? That's not "how it works for the escorts with profiles on Manhunt," but that's how it works with people who USE Manhunt. A message is like a wink in a nightclub...doesn't mean you have to wink back.


Happy hunting everyone.

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Guest Jesse Dane

> A message is like a wink in a

>nightclub...doesn't mean you have to wink back.





Well said! If I'm on Manhunt I'll easily get a dozen or more messages in a matter of moments. I just don't have the energy to reply to everyone when I simply just want to get off and get to bed generally.


It's a hookup site. People shouldn't take it personally if they don't get a returned message. No response IS the returned message.

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>It's a hookup site. People shouldn't take it personally if

>they don't get a returned message. No response IS the

>returned message.


My method was always blocking them if I wasn't interested based on their messages or looking at their pictures. That way it deletes that message, any other messages from the person, and prevents them from messaging you AGAIN and AGAIN. Its a very efficient way of getting through 30/40 messages at log on.


No response usually gets more unwanted messages, polite declines results in emails the next time they see you online because they don't get the hint.


What REALLY sucks is that after like a YEAR of being on there I've blocked sooooooooo many people. Then they imposed a block LIMIT so now I'm so far over that I can't just delete ONE block to block someone new. I'm over a thousand in the hole. LOL.


The standard regret message has been working PRETTY well as a whole though but there are lots of people that just dont get the hint.

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"What REALLY sucks is that after like a YEAR of being on there I've blocked sooooooooo many people."

Civilized men have a word for you, and this is it. I think you're a cock-blockern ("CB"). That is in fact a straight phrase which I'm importing here just for you. C.B., not S.A., you will henceforth be known as, at least in my black book. I'm being very nice now, not telling you what I really think of you since I'm faithful to the rules of this site. My problem is this: I totally despise CB; I can't imagine ever hiring CB, especially under respectful circumastances; yet, there is certain spunkiness and resilence that I must credit him for. It is not just a one-time display of his chutz·pah also hutz·pah "Utter nerve; effrontery: “has the chutzpah to claim a lock on God and morality” (New York Times)." It is his display over and over again. despite heavy justifiable criticism that intrigues me. So why I would never hire him for a respectful encounter, I'm thinking, should I hire him for a disrespectful one? Is he one of those boys who really want to be treated like that? I don't mean anything nasty, no blood, no shit (unless CB should accidentally shit his pants), nothing unclean, and nothing unhealthy or physically damaging in any way. But I would like to hire him just to disrespect him, in ways right now, that he can't even imagine. I would be nice and sweet, pay him for his time (even at his inflated non-negotiable rates), but be totally disgusted by him. I don't want to think about what this may mean, psychologically, for either me or him. I hate him, totally hold this little egotisitical bitch in rhew harshest contempt, but I like certain things about him too! What a dilemma.



[Yiddish khutspe, from Mishnaic Hebrew upâ, from ap, to be insolent. See p in Semitic Roots.]

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Is there any way to tell when you blocked which one? Someone whom you blocked was quite possibly blocked by others and there is a chance that he doesn't use that "name" any more. Just erase from the front and add in the rear, so to speak. Classic FIFO.

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>Is there any way to tell when you blocked which one? Someone

>whom you blocked was quite possibly blocked by others and

>there is a chance that he doesn't use that "name" any more.

>Just erase from the front and add in the rear, so to speak.

>Classic FIFO.


There's a block list. The way the site works is by "account" not by "screen name" snce you can change that at will. It's a lot of effort to close your account and start a new one just to chat with someone who doesn't want to talk to you again.


And as for "unblocking and reblocking...." easier said than done. 1473 blocks with a 500 maximum. Essentially ManHunt is letting me get away with what I've already done but I can't add anymore. So I'd have unblock about 1000 people to block someone new ... not really worth it.

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I personally think there is something not kosher about not responding or deleting the emails of lads I am not interested in on manhunt or any hookup site. I mean seriously who am I to not take 30 seconds of my time and tell someone thanks for their interest and compliment. My philosophy you treat others like you want to be treated; cliché as it may sound, it holds a lot of water.


Same holds true to an encounter at a club. Someone winks at me, I smile and show recognition. I don't have to continue smile or contact. There are many many hotter lads of greater intelligent, greater charm or much more collected personalities out there. When it comes to it by numbers I am one of many not the few and thus have no right to intentionally put of someone's interest just because they don't strike my fancy.


I am flattered by every email I get and if I cant let a guy know that I am not interested and still keep him smiling, I'm not doing my job right.

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>I personally think there is something not kosher about not

>responding or deleting the emails of lads I am not interested

>in on manhunt or any hookup site. I mean seriously who am I to

>not take 30 seconds of my time and tell someone thanks for

>their interest and compliment. My philosophy you treat others

>like you want to be treated; cliché as it may sound, it holds

>a lot of water.


That's why god invented the "standard regret message" which I think is a perfect middle ground between the opinions posted here. Unfortunately the your philosophy (aka the golden rule) is a nice theory unless someone just doesn't get the hint. There is a huge contingency of rude and/or drugged out people that don't respond to a polite rejection. 30, or even 15 seconds if it's something that happens once in a while -- but if it's a consistent and frequent problem is kind of deters from the point of sites like ManHunt:


Get on -- Get Off -- GET OFF. :)


>Same holds true to an encounter at a club. Someone winks at

>me, I smile and show recognition. I don't have to continue

>smile or contact. There are many many hotter lads of greater

>intelligent, greater charm or much more collected

>personalities out there. When it comes to it by numbers I am

>one of many not the few and thus have no right to

>intentionally put of someone's interest just because they

>don't strike my fancy.


I'm not saying it's right to completely IGNORE someone at a club or the like but there's something to be said about blunt honesty. That's what I love about in NY vs. LA. In NY if you hit on someone and they're not interested -- they'll tell you point blank and there are no games. In LA everyone keeps up appearances and has something to say about you the minute you turn your back.


In my opinion, a lot of times thanking someone for a compliment without a rejection is very similar to smiliing or winking back at a club -- an action that can only cause more harm than good. The aforementioned actions can be construed by the optimist or the horny homo as a come on. Leading people on sucks and I'd rather be though of as a rude ass in the ManHunt forum than have them bitch at me for wasting their time and leading them on.

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I haven't looked it up recently, but I think its a wordless call for you to attend upon me. Such as patting the couch beside me, or pointing at the floor at my feet. Crooking my finger, then sucking it. Smiling, winking and bringing my nose over my shoulder.

Of course, like I said, I could easily be wrong.

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