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Decriminalized / brothels

Milo Janus

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On 1/22/2023 at 7:19 PM, azdr0710 said:

there may be some legal-eze wording in the law in rural Nevada counties in which brothels are legal that forbids or highly discourages men-for-men brothels......but I'm sure if it was possibly profitable, it would've been tried in those counties.......

some may remember the one Nevada brothel a few years ago that tried having one male on staff for female customers.......the effort was abandoned within a month, I think.....

I feel the biggest issue for failure is the pure laziness of gay men to go more than 3 blocks down the road for sex. A rural county some 50-100 miles from vegas? Hah!

I've seen straight men fly across the country and even around the world for a pussy. I've had gay men when I was at my absolute physical best in my early 30's,  living in chicago say "well your 20 minutes from my place in the city. That's a little too far for me. I think I'll pass". Geez!

For me I'd get the heeby jeebies picking from a line up of hot poor souls like they were cattle going to slaughter at a sex house. Not to mention thinking of how many other were slobbering all over them that day and passing to them god knows what. 

Now something along the line of Stella's in nyc years ago... count me in! Looking at gorgeous guys sitting along the outer walls waiting to get spoken to. Bring the hot stud to the bar. Talk to him. Buy him a drink and play pool before setting up a date? Perfection. I'm afraid the internet has all but ruined that from ever happening again.

Edited by Gymowner
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On 1/24/2023 at 3:56 AM, sutherland said:

Speaking of brothels - Next month I'll be traveling in Europe and plan to visit Boys Club 21 in Amsterdam and Villa Giani in London.  Both are brothels and I'll write a full report here when I return

While Villa Giani in London is still alive and well, the other place you mentioned - Boys Club 21 in Amsterdam-  is not doing well according the the following reviews:


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8 hours ago, Gymowner said:

I feel the biggest issue for failure is the pure laziness of gay men to go more than 3 blocks down the road for sex. A rural county some 50-100 miles from vegas? Hah!

Unfortunately, brothels are outlawed in the "progressive" blue counties of Nevada, which includes Clark County where Las Vegas is.  Clark County is bigger than the entire state of New Jersey!  So, the nearest legal brothels have to be in the rural red counties, which happen to be 50-100 miles from Las Vegas.

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8 hours ago, Gymowner said:

Now something along the line of Stella's in nyc years ago... count me in! Looking at gorgeous guys sitting along the outer walls waiting to get spoken to.

Stella's ?

Forgive me my questioning your comment, as I've never been. But I had an older gentleman client who I know used to frequent Stella's. His taste in men ran strictly "rough trade" and that was the impression I got from his description of Stella's. Am I wrong, or maybe "gorgeous" to you is also the grungy blue collar boys who just got off their shift at the paper factory in New Jersey ?

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ive been to stella 3 times. i never got the impression of it being "rough trade" type. maybe there was some construction workers in the city that went in to make a few bucks and get a good blow job after work. not sure. but i remember there being a few pretty hot guys when i was there.

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3 hours ago, Gymowner said:

I've been to Stella 3 times. i never got the impression of it being "rough trade" type. maybe there was some construction workers in the city that went in to make a few bucks and get a good blow job after work. not sure. but i remember there being a few pretty hot guys when i was there.

What fond memories I have of Stella's.

The guys that were called hustlers in those days (not called escorts or providers), were of all types. 

Most of the time the place was packed with handsome men who offered their services to anyone who had money to spare and a request for their company. 

Who would have thought that Stella's would go out of business?  Those who frequented the place thought it would last forever.  

I do not recall any brothels nearby Stella's or anywhere in the Village.  

There were other hustler bars in the city and in most major cities in many parts of the world.  We thought would exist forever.

One by one, in all cities in the U.S. hustler bars disappeared.  In some foreign counties there still exist hustler bars.    



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2 minutes ago, coriolis888 said:

There were other hustler bars in the city and in most major cities in many parts of the world.  We thought would exist forever.

I remember being invited to a place called "ROUNDS" in NYC by some older gay men who had taken a liking to me. They had a decent restaurant there with good prices. I was probably only 21 at the time. Must have been at least 50 men said hello to me on my way to the men's room and on my way back.  I didn't know what a hustler bar even WAS at that point in my life ! 😜 ..but I assume I could have made some serious business had I been working.

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There wasnt a brothel near Stella's but the Howard Johnsons in times square next door to the Gaiety got all the action.

What I like about this sort of set up as Stella's was made for the hustler to work that night. Then and there. Reason he was there in the first place. None of this internet appointments ahead of time and the escort either flakes or blows off the appointment. 

Man I remember the first time I went to the gaiety. must have been late 1990's or early 2000's. I was about 34 years old then. A blond muscle stud in his early 20's with boyish good look and killer charm I brought to the howard johnsons after his set. His ass was incredible and he loved it rimmed and eaten out. Moaned and groaned the whole time. Later on I found out he was none other than the famous legend mark dalton before the fame. Must have been one of his first gigs. Ah the memories!!

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There used to be some in Germany. I went to Cityboys in Dusseldorf several years ago. Mostly Czech and Slovak guys in those days.


I did two appointments back to back with some pretty blond BelAmi type guys. 

I seem to recall another place called something like Valentino's. But that was a very long time ago now.

The Gogo bars of Thailand are essentially de facto brothels. I'm headed back to Bangkok in a few weeks. Really looking forward to it.

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On 1/22/2023 at 3:06 PM, Milo Janus said:

If our favorite pasttime was decriminalized and male brothels became the norm, would any of you go?  I ask because I've always loved the idea of male brothel where I can have my pick like smorgasbord! 

Yes, I'd probably go. What I would like, though, is a resurgence of gay bathhouses. I've always thought they got an unfair rap for doing the very thing that hookups provide.

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13 hours ago, Gymowner said:

There wasnt a brothel near Stella's but the Howard Johnsons in times square next door to the Gaiety got all the action.

What I like about this sort of set up as Stella's was made for the hustler to work that night. Then and there. Reason he was there in the first place. None of this internet appointments ahead of time and the escort either flakes or blows off the appointment. 

Man I remember the first time I went to the gaiety. must have been late 1990's or early 2000's. I was about 34 years old then. A blond muscle stud in his early 20's with boyish good look and killer charm I brought to the howard johnsons after his set. His ass was incredible and he loved it rimmed and eaten out. Moaned and groaned the whole time. Later on I found out he was none other than the famous legend mark dalton before the fame. Must have been one of his first gigs. Ah the memories!!

Oh, funny. That's where I saw Dalton for the first time, too.

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15 hours ago, misterhumphries said:

Yes, I'd probably go. What I would like, though, is a resurgence of gay bathhouses. I've always thought they got an unfair rap for doing the very thing that hookups provide.

The current gay supervisor in San Francisco, Rafael Mandelman had a resolution passed to reopen bathhouses in early 2020, then COVID hit.  So, reopening the baths is apparently on hold until COVID is gone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Gentlemen,

I have just returned from Amsterdam and London and here is what happened when I visited the gay brothels in those cities-

Boys Club 21 (Amsterdam) - I went to the location at Spuistraat 21.  The last I heard was this club opened at 4pm Thursdays thru Sundays only.  Unfortunately, on the door was a sign that said "By appointment only in February" and there was a phone number on the sign.  I did not call.  This brothel's web site has not been functioning for some time and its Facebook page hasn't had any recent updates

Villa Giani (London) - this place is located in the basement of a residential building and I've been there before, most recently in 2019.  There is no signage outside.  When you ring the doorbell the working boys run into a back room in which they stand behind a glass window.  The 'madame' lets you in and you view the boys through the window and make a selection.  They boys are generally Latinos in their early 20s.  You are then given a room with a double bed, atmospheric lighting, and background music.  The place closes at 8pm so 7pm is the last time to pay £130 for an hour-long session.  My visit there on a Friday afternoon was not a success.  I was shown 3 average-looking Brazilians.  The madame told me that another Brazilian and an Irish guy were with clients and he showed me their photos; I left.  I returned the next day and there was only 1 guy working at 4pm - a Brazilian.  He was cute with a nice personality and we had a good time together.  You are given wet towels to clean up at the end of your session.

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On 1/23/2023 at 6:55 PM, Walt said:

Huh?  Did I misread, or did this article contradict itself a few times? Could at least use some copy editing Was it written by some form of Artificial [Limited] Intelligence?

Despite the article's title, only the first few paragraphs are about "gay-friendly" brothels where one might choose a male sex worker.

The rest of the article rambles about a bunch of miscellaneous topics. And the writing is at times pretty weird.

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