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Is it much worth in advertising in cities in advance?


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I’m sure this has been discussed before, but it’s a New Year and most topics have to be rehashed again since things are always changing.

But I’m starting to wonder because, the solution seems to be so elusive. I like to post in cities in advance, but there’s a difference between having travel dates and then having the ad itself in the area. Like on RM and A4A it’s quite simple, and only takes a click of button to move the “home” city (which actually does not mean someone LIVES in that home city, but means it’s simply a base city where one chooses to post in).

So: if I’m planning to go to Washington, D.C.: I can move my ad to the area before actually going there, and then add up to 6 travel cities for  whatever places I plan to go (requires inputting dates) or am nearby willing to go (if it’s within 250 miles of whatever home city the system sees where I’m in).

The issue with this: I don’t want to post travel dates, if I haven’t planned a trip yet. And I can’t plan a trip if I don’t have any clients ready when I arrive. Otherwise, I risk spending money to travel to an area, but then not having anyone booked. In some cities, I may get a client on my first day, in other cities I’ve seen it take 3-4 days to get my first client. And that’s 3-4 days of hotel costs I may have to eat before I get any bookings. So, it’s easier to just home base the city first, gather responses and then get back in touch when I sort out when I’d like to arrive.

Problem is: this is losing effectiveness because most clients who see my ad in a city, automatically assume I’m already HERE. I’ll move my ad to a city, and within a couple hours I get someone asking to meet TONIGHT or NOW. Then they get attitude or start being disrespectful when I tell them I’m not available yet, but can see them either the next day or a couple days out.

Other times I have to lie to people, and say yes I’m in town…But I’m booked today, can I schedule you tomorrow? No response. Next day or couple days later, they ask the same question…And tell them the same thing. No response. It’s like: we can play this game or we can be responsible and plan something for once.

And just in the last couple days, I’ve had to argue or listen to disrespect from 3 different clients just because I told them I am not in the area TODAY, but that if they can confirm and coordinate a day of availability, we can make it happen. Instead they go into impatient mode and get an attitude. It’s like dude: I placed my ad in the area minutes ago, you created this assumption in your mind that I just landed 🛬 and checked into a hotel like a genie 🧞 

This all just makes me not want to advertise in cities ahead much. Maybe the only advance advertising I’ll do, is posting my ad in  the city between the time I’m parked and walking from my car to the hotel lobby. That’s the most advance notice people seem to be able to handle.

Problem with that is: I’m then gambling out of pocket going places and paying for things upfront before ever getting my first client. And personally my cushion has been obliterated from living in a bad market…So I rarely have the funds to do that. Like, I want to get out of my current economically challenged city and travel to a more profitable region: but I don’t have “disposable” funds to do the trip sight unseen, if there isn’t clients to rely on. I have done that numerous times in the past, and had to live with the regret.

Even BEFORE I took deposits (in case anyone tries to use that excuse). I’ve gone to places like Las Vegas, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Portland: with no advanced clients and then didn’t get any during the time, which proved to be a waste of time and resources. And couple times I’ve almost ended up stranded and stuck in cities like that, because all it takes is a couple back out clients, combined with some rogue hotel tying up $100-$200 in deposits. And that could equate to being left without anticipated money to continue traveling or go home with. That’s why I tell people here all the time:



Most all of the times I’ve traveled last year, have only been because clients have confirmed with a deposit in said city, and it’s given me confidence enough to travel there and then take on other clients. This has often been dubbed the “anchor client” policy. But it seems anchor clients seem less and less because nobody wants to listen and learn about an escort’s actual travel plans. They just want to see an ad, assume assume assume, but not willing to really plan much. 

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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I want to thank you Jarrod for sharing your input as a provider. I’ve read many of your post and it’s been very helpful to see things from a provider’s perspective. So thank you and other providers for sharing! 

In regards to hiring, from my perspective, I would say that most of my hires are not done days in advance. I would say 9 times out of 10, I will contact a provider in the hopes of hiring within the next 2 to 6 hours. That obviously isn’t always successful as I know last minute requests can be a long shot. But for me, I need to be in the mood mentally, and I have to be ready physically as mostly a bottom. If I plan days in advance, there’s no guarantee that I’m going to be 100% ready on a given day and time. So basically I mostly only hire when I’m horny. Lol. I suspect a lot of us are like that.

I understand the difficulty for you in trying to travel to a different city and make it fruitful. And in fact, this makes sense now after having contacted some providers who were supposedly in my city based on the listing. I’m not sure I can really offer up a good solution to your problem.

One thought that I did have though is that as a man of color, you might consider going to cities where that is more of a novelty. For example, when I lived in Atlanta, the majority of the market there was men of color. So it is understandable that going there might not be successful with more competition from other men of color. Likewise, I am in South FL now and the majority of the market here is Latino. You might do well in this market, especially given several major cities are clustered into one area. If you based in FTL, you could still serve Miami to the south and a whole wealth of population to the north.

If you do make it to South FL, I’d be willing to discuss being an “anchor client” for you. 

Edited by mds1
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On 1/21/2023 at 3:35 PM, mds1 said:

I want to thank you Jarrod for sharing your input as a provider. I’ve read many of your post and it’s been very helpful to see things from a provider’s perspective. So thank you and other providers for sharing! 

In regards to hiring, from my perspective, I would say that most of my hires are not done days in advance. I would say 9 times out of 10, I will contact a provider in the hopes of hiring within the next 2 to 6 hours. That obviously isn’t always successful as I know last minute requests can be a long shot. But for me, I need to be in the mood mentally, and I have to be ready physically as mostly a bottom. If I plan days in advance, there’s no guarantee that I’m going to be 100% ready on a given day and time. So basically I mostly only hire when I’m horny. Lol. I suspect a lot of us are like that.

I understand the difficulty for you in trying to travel to a different city and make it fruitful. And in fact, this makes sense now after having contacted some providers who were supposedly in my city based on the listing. I’m not sure I can really offer up a good solution to your problem.

One thought that I did have though is that as a man of color, you might consider going to cities where that is more of a novelty. For example, when I lived in Atlanta, the majority of the market there was men of color. So it is understandable that going there might not be successful with more competition from other men of color. Likewise, I am in South FL now and the majority of the market here is Latino. You might do well in this market, especially given several major cities are clustered into one area. If you based in FTL, you could still serve Miami to the south and a whole wealth of population to the north.

If you do make it to South FL, I’d be willing to discuss being an “anchor client” for you. 

Thanks, it’s always good to have a different position on the matter. I understand some of the error lies in the RM system and how they list our ads. I wish it was more transparent, and lot of times people either don’t read our ads or don’t know how to click “ABOUT ME” section on RentMasseur. This is why I periodically hide my number and don’t accept emails (there’s a button to click for that also). But then I concern clients are running in circles trying to figure out how to contact me (even though simply reading my ad will conveniently take them to my website with contact info). But, sometimes I have to do that to prevent clients from contacting me in other cities asking to meet “today”. 

However: I slept on it and have come up with 3 possible solutions. Those being:

#1: Post in other cities, but don’t respond to anyone who texts in those areas until I have actually arrived to my hotel. So I have a list of “callbacks”. So that means not replying to anyone who says, “hey are you in XXX this afternoon and available to meet today?” Even though this sounds mean, it might be the best move to avoid conflict.

#2: Don’t post in any cities in advance. Which means only going on my own dime and ensuring I have enough funds to get/stay there in the event I have 0 clients (not a great option considering I have done that before with only occasional success)

#3: Continue the standard plan that has worked for me: advertise in advance (not talking a year, but just 2 to 4 days or a week…but of course that’s too long for the “now client”), make sure I get at least 1 deposit before taking off, and then just working last minute bookings when I’m there (and of course still making sure they pay deposits because that’s just fair and also it’s no secret that some clients will still flake and make excuses not to show up even when I am already in town). 

#4: Stop traveling all together (not an option in my area) so I can’t even consider that unless I move to a different area that’s busier or take on full time work. 

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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I’ve been sort of contemplating this issue as well. Thanks @Jarrod_Uncut for the insight:).
Another option might be to lean on an existing client in a tour city. Focus on this city, tell your existing client that you will be back, maybe go once a month or an appropriate interval. While you have this anchor client you can build up other possible repeat business. On your next trip, remind the anchor client plus the other clients from previous trips etc. once you’ve established yourself in City A, you can branch out to City B and repeat. 

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1 hour ago, heydavida said:

I’ve been sort of contemplating this issue as well. Thanks @Jarrod_Uncut for the insight:).
Another option might be to lean on an existing client in a tour city. Focus on this city, tell your existing client that you will be back, maybe go once a month or an appropriate interval. While you have this anchor client you can build up other possible repeat business. On your next trip, remind the anchor client plus the other clients from previous trips etc. once you’ve established yourself in City A, you can branch out to City B and repeat. 

Yeah that’s a good strategy too. I been doing that in one of my cities, St. Louis. I have kept a handful of regulars there, so I’m usually able to run up without much more than a day or 2 notice. But St. Louis has become rapidly unprofitable to the point I have decided I’ll need to pull out of there this year. I just can’t stay anymore, it’s been so dead lately and been that way since summer ended. And most of the clients who have contacted me there get blocked and blacklisted for being dicks. I just can’t.

However, I’m finding it tricky to hit any city too often. I seen this last year in one of the towns I went. First week, I was riding on a red carpet. I then went about 2-3 weeks later and I couldn’t get anyone. That particular area is good to go only once or twice a year, but I haven’t experienced living there.

The RentM “market” is just bananas 🍌 (no pun intended). So many cities that didn’t have escorts years ago, are just being flooded. I was open to go to 2 different cities over the weekend, then noticed each one had a guy visiting who either a client hired us for a 3 way, or I know from conversations that the client contacted us both, and went with either me or the other guy. 

I know some people don’t like to view it as “competition”, but when clients start dropping lines like, “I’ll call someone else” just because I’m not available at the snap of a finger, waiting in briefs at the Hilton, sipping on hot toddies and watching porn: that’s not an encouraging sign.

Problem is, many of the smaller cities (e.g. Amarillo in Texas, Springfield/Branson in Missouri, Places like South and North Dakota I used to visit) nowadays have fell off and aren’t worth visiting as much because many sites like Craigslist and MenRent that were familiar to smaller cities are gone. RentMen can’t win them back because they DON’T POST RATES. And because of that, it’s allowed free hookup apps to run those markets and make it where it’s harder to find clients. It’s a jungle out here. 


Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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