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Agency verses independent hire???

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To all the professional guys out there, and as a newbie to the world of hiring, which is better: to go with independent guys or guys listed thru an agency. The agency rates seem higher and I'm assuming because they do all the work, but does the escort make decent money?Plus I know this has been asked before , but whats a good tip. Independent guys make all the money charged, but agency guys probably only get a cut. Just confused ,leading up to my "first time" and just wanna know proper protocal. Thanks

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>To all the professional guys out there, and as a newbie to

>the world of hiring, which is better: to go with independent

>guys or guys listed thru an agency. The agency rates seem

>higher and I'm assuming because they do all the work, but does

>the escort make decent money?Plus I know this has been asked

>before , but whats a good tip. Independent guys make all the

>money charged, but agency guys probably only get a cut. Just

>confused ,leading up to my "first time" and just wanna know

>proper protocal. Thanks


Hmmmm .... all depends. I don't like being on record either way since I have aspirations of starting my own agency at some point but have always been kind of averse to them.


My advice to new escorts that I meet is to go agency because they'll do all the work for you and you will ideally have a steady flow of work...


My PERSONAL opinion describes the current state of agencies in that they take too much :) The rates are higher because after taking 20 - 30 percent there has to be SOMETHING left for the escort. It's not too difficult to go through emails and set up appointments. In essence, if I were to start an agency I would run it QUITE differently than they are now considering I've had the experience on the other side of the fence.


All depends what kind of available time the escort has for themselves.


To the client deciding who to hire? I'd say let reviews be your guide :)

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I'm curious as to why you addressed this question to escorts rather than to clients (?).


As a client, I would say that it depends on what is available. In some places only independent escorts are available, in a few places the market is dominated by a superior agency (Philadelphia comes to mind). When I have an equal choice, I usually prefer the independent escort, since he is more flexible about negotiating fees, times, etc., and I like the entrepreneurial personality type. I also prefer to visit the escort, and most agency escorts only do outcalls. On the other hand, a good agency may be more dependable, because they have a business to run; a good manager can give you objective advice about individual escorts, and can give you choices. (They can also give bad advice and poor choices, of course.) Agencies may be more expensive, not only because they have operating expenses and need the escort's fee to be high enough to take their cut, but also because you may be more tempted to tip the escort even more, knowing that he is not getting the whole fee (a mistake, in my opinion, because he also doesn't have the operating expenses that the independent escort has, such as advertising, phone bills, equipment, etc.).



The best thing to do is look at what is actually available in your area, read reviews of those escorts and agencies, do a search for threads about them on this message board, and then make a calculated choice and hope for the best.

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Having hired both independents and agencies, I truly believe this is a hard question to answer because it really depends upon the escort and the agency. So, as others have suggested, it really helps to do as much research as you can about where you're at and who you're interested in.


At times I have found independents to be a "higher quality" of individual. Then there have been times I have found the independent to be less than honest.


You also will find a huge variety of agencies. There are those who charge top dollar, and those such as Premier in Philly (who is highly recommended on here) who actually charge LESS than most independents. Perhaps the attraction for an escort to work for an agency such as this is that they don't have to spend the time and effort in making contacts, arrangements, etc. and have the "assurance" of working with an agency with a good reputation, etc. It's important to remember that some agencies have their downside, such as overbooking their guys (who wants to see someone who's already seen two guys right before you), or who sometimes are a bit dishonest in "helping" you to choose the right escort.


Good luck finding what you're looking for.

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These issues (both agencies versus independents and the collary of how much to tip) havce been discussed relentlessly on this site.


>The best thing to do is look at what is actually available in

>your area, read reviews of those escorts and agencies, do a

>search for threads about them on this message board, and then

>make a calculated choice and hope for the best.


You got some good advice, which follows the general consensus by both clients and escorts, which can be summed up by it depends[/i}:


(a) as was pointed out, geography is a significant factor. Are you in or near a city (such as New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles) which is dominated by and in which the better reviewed, better known escorts are independents or are you in a geographic location (such as Philadelphia) where agencies are the safer and frequently better bet. Additionally, there are some areas where there may be agencies as well as independent, but in some the agencies may have the bad reputation.


(b) as for tipping, the consensus has been that agency escorts should be tipped and independents should not. However, some clients tip irrespective, depending on how they feel and, conversely, some clients never tip, irrespective of how they met the escort or how the session went.


Finally, often the suggestion is to do your research. Yes, that seems like a drag and it often can be a pain in the ass. But like shopping for a new car, a new doctor or a new place to live, the amount of effort you put into getting what you want and need may be directly proportionate to what you get in return.


Posting in the Deli is a good way to get client feedback on your area and on your particular desires in an escort. Reading the reviews is the most commonly suggested and minimal amount of research recommended. Finally, asking plenty of questions, being clear in what you want and expect, and trusting your instincts are the best (and most common) advice given on here, irrespective of whether it is your first hire or your hundreth.

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I believe independent is best for both the client and escort. From an escort standpoint, you get to run your business how you want, and there's no one taking their cut out of your rate. From a client standpoint, the escort is feeling the motivation of the full compensation, and you don't have to deal with a gatekeeper...you get to know the escort before you meet him.


However, if you want to be an independent escort (and reap the lifestyle and financial rewards), you have to bring the following things to the table:


- ORGANIZATION: You'll receive a lot of inquiries as an independent escort. You'll have lots of appointments (hopefully), so you must keep track of your calendar and not disappoint a client by forgetting an appointment...no one will be there to remind you (other than your excited client).


- MARKETING: Just like any business, you have to drum up customers. You must be Internet savvy. You must also understand how to package yourself up into a bite-size chunk...so a prospective client can get a taste of you, and decide if you're the flavor you want. Also, it's best contribute to our online community...it lets prospective clients see you have a brain and get to know you. It also creates credibility in your business.


- SCREENING: You'll get prank e-mails/calls. You'll get crazy people. You have to try to screen these out yourself without screening out the real clients.


- TIME & ABILITY TO TAKE REJECTION: The industry standard is 1 out of every 5 inquiries will result in an actual appointment. You will need to dedicate the time to field these inquiries. You will also need to understand that when a prospect doesn't go with you, it's just because they get into something else. You have things that trip your trigger, they have things that trip their triggers. Nothing personal.


- PACING YOURSELF: Our business can come in waves...sometimes you have to start turning down clients because you have too much business coming in. TURN DOWN THAT BUSINESS! Do not go to back to back appointments (unless you do bodywork as well). Personally, I schedule no more than one escorting appointment in a day. We're like bowling shoes...when you rent bowling shoes, you know they've been worn by lots of other people. You just don't want them sweaty and warm from the last guy that wore them!


- PROFESSIONALISIM: Most agencies enforce the compensation agreements, thank their clients for their business, drug and disease test their escorts, etc. You are responsible for staying on top of these (except the drug testing...that's just as simple as NEVER going to an appointment drunk, or high if that's your thing...cancel the appointment before you disrespect your client like that).


Whether you go independent or with an agency, remember that every appointment you have can result in a positive or negative review on this site. Furthermore, your clients have honored you by wanting to help you in your business because they think you're a great guy. Don't disappoint them!



~Brad Boyd


Web Site: http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/search.asp?cmd=view&id=137559

Reviews: http://www.male4malescorts.com/reviews/brad_desmoines.html


E-Mail: JockBoy9@hotmail.com

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>this last post brought up an interesting question? Do

>agencies do frequent Drug and Disease tests; if any at all?

>is it a condition of employement or to be remained employed to

>be tested and retested? some how i think that they don't.


Almost all reputable agencies test for drugs and diseases initially and ongoing so they can advertise their escorts free of both.



~Brad Boyd


Web Site: http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/search.asp?cmd=view&id=137559

Reviews: http://www.male4malescorts.com/reviews/brad_desmoines.html


E-Mail: JockBoy9@hotmail.com

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Maybe it's because I live in NYC, but I've never understood what the attraction of an agency is when I can look on this site and others and choose whom I want, get some pretty good advice, and negotiate directly with the escort and get an idea of what he's like. What do I need an agency for? And why would I pay extra?

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Guest skrubber

I hire both and really have no preference. However, I met a great guy a few months ago and couldn't wait to see him again. After two failed attempts to hook up with him I found he was suddenly working for the Philly agency. One call and he was back. I guess the agency keeps these guys on their toes.

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Guest TNT Ted

Speaking of drug/disease testing, what about the responsible independent? What's the usual frequency of testing? I assume it's not inappropriate for a client to ask. I also assume it's OK to ask about hepatitis vaccination. I had one escort tell me he was tested about 10 months prior, which didn't give me any warm fuzzies. I understand there'll alway be a risk of STDs, but what can any of us do to minimize that risk since most symptoms don't show up until after the fact?

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Hi Guys!


As owner of one of the few Agencies left in the US, I think this is a valuable discussion. The comments here, pro and con, seem quite reasonable -- and going the independent or Agency route is often just a matter of personal preference etc.


However, I view a client's going thru a reliable Agency as being akin to using a travel agent as opposed to booking travel online. If there IS a problem (an escort no-shows, is unsatifactory etc) -- at least with an agency there is SOME recourse and someone to handle the issue. (btw -- I can count on the fingers of 1 hand the number of times one of my guys has not shown up. Client no-shows/cancels are quite another matter).


There are indeed MANY excellent independent escorts that are reviewed herein -- but the opposite is also true. I cannot tell you the number of times in my 6+ years of running Man To Man that I've had clients call and tell me of bad experiences with independents, and saying they wish they had called me instead. And the rates I charge are really not that much more (in some cases, less)than most independents in So Cal. are charging now.


Also, a good agency will indeed point a client in the direction of the most compatible escort for him. I thoroughly screen my guys -- and likely by the time a client hires him -- I will have had mucho feedback on the guy of your choice. Also, I never send any of my guys to more than 1 client per day, so you know that you won't be his 3rd booking of the day etc...


I believe, esp. for an inexperienced client, or a client unfamiliar with a certain town, or a booking that requires travel, the Agency route is less risky.


Well, I'm sure I'll think of alot more to say later on -- but I hope that I've at least helped to present the Agency perspective to this dialogue.


Thanks for listening!





(866) 626-4626 (toll-free)

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Reagan's "Trust, but verify" doesn't work very well in this situation, because there is no way to verify whatever the escort may tell you about his health. You have to decide for yourself what risks you are willing to take. Condoms help, particularly for HIV, but they don't provide as much protection against some other STDs. Anytime you have sex with ANYONE, you run the risk of contracting something, from a headcold to syphilis, unless the sex is non-contact masturbation.

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Guest TNT Ted

>Anytime you have sex with ANYONE, you run the risk of contracting something, from >a headcold to syphilis, unless the sex is non-contact masturbation.


I'm well aware of that, but is there anything one can do to minimize the risk? I see from your profile that you have considerable experience. Are there things your look for -- or maybe just things you won't do (rimming comes to mind)? Or is this getting too personal? In which case, tell me to back off.

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I won't fuck without a condom. I look for cold sores/herpes and avoid touching them. I check a cock for drip or possible syphilitic chancre before I suck it. I won't kiss someone who obviously has a cold or sore throat. I don't rim anyone on a first date. I decline to do anything if someone has needle tracks. I refuse to be blindfolded during sex. And despite all that, I still have caught a fair share of illnesses.

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I get tested every three months for all STD's. For highly active people, that is the advisable frequency.


Of course, that's on my honor...and I could contract something between tests or it hasn't been long enough for it to show up.


I minimize my risks as much as I can, test frequently so I can get treatment if anything did show up someday, and live my life from there.


To minimize risk, here's how I approach it:


= look for sores/leakage (not to be confused with precum! :) )

= vaccinated against hep a & b (all the ass eating I want...first time or not :) )

= use a rubber for fucking with silicone based lube

= if I'm bottoming, I feel his dick with my had as it's going in my ass to make sure he has a rubber on

= take a shower after sex...lots of soap in all the key areas

= use mouthwash only, no tooth brushing before/after sex

= get some lube on his dick before I suck...it makes it easier to take and less likely to create injury in the mouth. silicone based (such as gun oil, wet platinum, eros) tastes fine

= after sex, use an alcohol based mouthwash

= when cleaning out to bottom, use lube on the bulb and be careful not to create any tears



~Brad Boyd


Web Site: http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/search.asp?cmd=view&id=137559

Reviews: http://www.male4malescorts.com/reviews/brad_desmoines.html


E-Mail: JockBoy9@hotmail.com

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Guest TNT Ted

Thanks, that's interesting information, but I still have some questions. We've probably strayed from the original topic, but we're still in "Ask an Escort", so .........


1. How do you differentiate between diseased leakage and precum? It may be obvious to some, but since I have little or no experience, I'm not sure what to look for.


2. As Charlie said above, in spite of his precautions he's still caught a fair share of illnesses. What's the frequency of escorts getting STDs? I suspect that most of you use more precautions than does the average client (especially since some are pretty inexperienced), but I have to believe that eventually it's going to happen. Yet, I don't recall ever reading a review that mentioned it. Is there a reason for that?


3. If you did contract anything would you notify all your sex partners? In fact, don't some health departments require reporting of STDs?

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Guest Jesse Dane

>2. As Charlie said above, in spite of his precautions he's

>still caught a fair share of illnesses. What's the frequency

>of escorts getting STDs? I suspect that most of you use more

>precautions than does the average client (especially since

>some are pretty inexperienced), but I have to believe that

>eventually it's going to happen. Yet, I don't recall ever

>reading a review that mentioned it. Is there a reason for



>3. If you did contract anything would you notify all your sex

>partners? In fact, don't some health departments require

>reporting of STDs?



Yes, eventually it's very likely to happen that an escort or any highly sexually active person would contract something such as chlamydia or gonnorrea. Personally it has happened to me twice in the past 3 years. Ironically, both times it was from someone I was dating.


You question about mentioning it in reviews. Well I think that someone would really have to be a pretty nasty person to put something like that in a review. As people have mentioned, it is very possible for someone to have contracted something even as recent as a couple days previous and have no knowledge that they had it and as a result give it to someone else. It is every individuals duty to reduce their risks and keep track of their own health status. But these things happen and generally it's not really a big deal as long as you get tested and get them taken care of.


As far as contacting all my sex partners. Anyone that I was still in frequent contact with I would tell, but as far as trying to research and track down everyone for the past month or two. It's just not realistic that I would even find them all.


Oh yes, and I also agree on the every 3 months frequency for testing. That is what I try and abide by and reccomend to all my friends.

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>Also, it's best to

>contribute to our online community...it lets prospective

>clients see you have a brain


We're supposed to show we have a brain? I thought the point of posting was to show we have an ass. My bad. :p


By the way, great posts, Brad. Keep up the good work (so guys like me can just be smart asses and not have to contribute anything intelligent here). :+

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