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Only Race Matters More Than Sexual Preferences?

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It's a FACT that a large majority of the prison population is black; however, blacks make up less than 10% of the US population. Put two and two together.


And being solely physically attracted to whites does not make me a racist, as much as you would like to throw out that volatile word for anyone who disagrees with you.


Thank you.

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It's not being solely physically attracted to whites that makes you a racist. But to return to the original theme of this discussion, I think it's different for escorts. As I see it, an escort who refuses to see black men is a like a hairdresser or dentist or lawyer who refuses to see black men. And as I said, there are serious problems with racism everywhere. I wish us all luck in fighting them.

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I was once labeled a racist in the past because I refused converse with a loser. I am in fact happy with the label.


It wasn't the "I'm attracted to white boys" comment that made you are racist, though by proclaiming such a statement you close your mind to all other possibilities. It was the ignorant uneducated comment you made afterwards about the population of American prisons. Go read a book. Maybe this time ACTUALLY read the article and not just the headline. Crime is linked with drugs. Now it happens to be that there are a lot of drugs in the black communities, WHY? because of poverty like the many board games that came out of the depression; drugs provide a passage of escape if just for 15 mins, when one is face with death, hunger, and unintelligence daily the use of drugs seem highly attractive in such a situation black communities known as life. Concluding that it is NOT race that directly influences crime.


Let's see what happens to a lad like yourself after generations of growing up in the life of the "thug" and I'll wonder why the prison population consist of a majority of dumbasses. Until than, input hell into your GPS system and follow.

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>Look up the definition of racist.


>I am not a racist.


>You have a lot of nerve labelling me a racist.


>Thank you and good day.

Well let us see here,"I am not a racist"but yet you will bring up the "fact"that most of the prison population is black.Ergo+Blacks are mostly criminals.Is that how you see it?Is that what you truly belive twinboilover?There is no way that the judicial system could be biased or biggotted in your tiny little Faux news inspired mind?

No,you are a racist,just one who likes to behind the"facts"as presented by a group of liars posing as journalists.

According to the Department of Justice's own stats the majority of the criminal classs is middle aged white guys.

Imagine that!A Bill O'Liely fan who likes to expound racist beliefs!

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Right on Jay. I was about to make similar comments. Statistics like those quoted in the previous posts are very misleading and using such numbers to make sweeping generalizations about a specific race (or group of people) is a sign of a closed mind (among other things).


Heck if America can't get over its puritanical hangover over the centuries (as moderately evidence by the notion that "sex is evil" mentality), imagine an entire race getting over being opressed, enslaved, and being forced to live in abject poverty over nearly the same amount of time.

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>I was once called a racist because I only hire white twinks.


If you want something skinny and hairless why not sleep with a woman and get it over with?



>Why is the percentage of blacks in prison much higher compared

>to whites?


Actually a better question would be is why is the percentage of poor people in prison higher than that of rich people? I think you'll get a truer answer if you simply ask the questions correctly.:-)


Is it racism if I associate blacks with crime,

>based on that stat?



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"But for sheer systemic racism tied to a rigid class structure, the U.S. is clearly in the lead."


What a ludicrous statement! Since when does the U.S. have a rigid class structure, as anyone from a poor environment can achieve riches in many different fields and can even become president. A rigid class system, such as the one in India, for just one example, would never even allow that poor person to avail himself of the opportunities to move out of his caste. Not to mention many countries in Asia, for example Korea, where anyone of mixed race is shunned, castigated and discriminated against.


All you U.S. bashers need to get a grip on reality!

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I'm always puzzled by the American habit of comparing the U.S. to third-world countries. If your argument is that the U.S. is better than a developing country, then you'll probably win, but what will you have achieved? The U.S. has the widest gap between rich and poor of any of the G8 nations. Industrialised nations provide a fairer comparison. To be egalitarian than, say, Nigeria or Colombia is not a major triumph. You Americans should aim higher.

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Seattlebottom your point is the correct one. The vast majority of the prison population in the United States is made up of people who are poor. There are more poor African Americans and Hispanics in this country and thus there are more African Americans and Hispanics in our prisons. Now that is a FACT.

Yeswell one does not need to simply compare the United States to third world countries when talking about other nations with rigid caste or class systems. There has never been in the United States a class system as rigid as those in most European countries. Great Britain immediately comes to mind. In Britain one is immediately judged to be lower, middle or upper class after the first sentence uttered. In this country accents may determine ethnicity but they certainly do not always indicate class or socio economic background. God Damn racism is definitly a problem in this country that should have been solved in the past and must be solved in the future but God Damn it is just as bad or worse in many other industrialized democracies. It is high time that many smug citizens of other industrialized democracies recognize this and start cleaning there own houses.

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race is part of preferences and preferences certainly matter.


unlike certain escorts, i seldom go with certain ethnic groups becos i'm afriad i might find it hard to give my all with that client. unlike some escorts, i am not a machine. when i escort, just like when i do all other things in my life, i do it with my body, my heart and my mind. my clients seem to like that. when we click, they know it;s genuine and that i am not faking it. on another note, i dun want to take on a client with whom i can;t provide my best service and ruin my reputation.


on the other hand, that doesn't mean the people i am turned on by is strictly limited to certain ethnic groups. i know myself; there is simply a lesser chance of being turned on with ceratin ethnic groups.


look seriopusly, nobody can expect the whole world to fall at your feet in love right???? there must be some people out there who are simply not attracted to you, just like how you simply are not attactted to everybody out there. so accept this fact and life becomes a lot easier. move on.

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Unlike your personal life escorting is a business. Like all businesses there is going to be certain clients whom at first a business person does not want to deal with. However if they are good at what they do they find a way to make both parties work for the situation.


Like a great sculptor can create a work of art from many blocks of marble perfect or imperfect to their taste and still but their heart and soul into their work. A good escort should be able to do the same. I take it you're not decent at what you do Aaron.


As Usual


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It wasn't the "I'm attracted to white boys" comment that made

>you are racist, though by proclaiming such a statement you

>close your mind to all other possibilities.







Right. That's like saying being a HOMO closes you off to all other possibilities --like eating pussy. I make no apoligies for being a HOMO or for being solely attracted to white people, you flaming uneducated dumbass.











It was the

>ignorant uneducated comment you made afterwards about the

>population of American prisons.








First of all, maybe you should get some glasses and go back and RE-READ my comment. You have the nerve to tell me to "read the whole article" instead of "just the headline", yet YOU can't even accurately refference what I wrote in my original statement. Dumbass!



Turn off PBS and go back and re-read what I wrote . You will clealry see that I asked a question! I used the word "if" and the punctuation of a "?".


I didn't make any statement; therefor CHECK MATE! You lose! Good bye!


HAHAHAHHA You libs are so funny.



Looks like you're the ignorant, uneducated, close-minded "classic liberal" who sees everything in the "GREY area" instead of black and white (no pun).


When confronted with the FACTS about prisons, you feel the need to bury your head in your ass and label anyone who disagrees with your personal political positions as a RACIST. Shame on you!


When you can't win an argument, you simply pull out the race card in your failed attempt to character assassinate your opponent.


Your trick is up honey.











>>Go read a book. >>










Go to college. Maybe you can even get in on an affirmaive action quota.











>>Maybe this

>time ACTUALLY read the article and not just the headline.>>










HAHAHA! Maybe if you actually turned off NPR, and maybe if you stopped being brain-washed by Howard Dean and the liberal-left, then no matter how many failed attempts you make to spin the facts, you would clearly see that it is 100% a proven fact that the prison population has a significantly higher percentage of blacks compared to the general population. Is one suppose to ignore these facts? Hell no! Use these facts in your everyday life.




This is an undisputable fact that bleeding heart liberals like yourself fail to acknowledge. Instead of subscribing to Howard Dean's talking points, perhaps you should educate yourself on the FACTS before opening up your mouth and removing all doubt as to your flaiming, bleeding-heart liberal philosophy.








>Crime is linked with drugs.







Crime is linked to blacks according to the prison stats. Start demanding personal responsibilty instead of making excuses.









>Now it happens to be that there

>are a lot of drugs in the black communities, WHY?








There are many blacks of have made it to highly successful positions who come from the "black commuity." STOP MAKING EXCUSES! THE FACTS ARE THE FACTS.


This isn't a thread on illegal drugs. This thread is about racism. Your continual failed attempts to creat a smoke-screen are amusing.


ALways making "bleeding heart" excuses for others actions.


Blame it on drugs, blame it on income. Blame it on your parents. I submit that you insult every black man and women when you attempt to claim that they will end up in jail simply because they are black. Have you gone insane?


Why don't you wake up and get your head out of Howard Dean's ass and start demanding people take personal responsibility for their actions. Rather, you have your head stuck so far up your ass your still tasting Sunday dinner. You blame everyone else but the blacks for getting themselves in prsion. CLASSIC LIBERAL!!








because of

>poverty like the many board games that came out of the









Oh crime me a river you lib.











>drugs provide a passage of escape if just for 15

>mins, when one is face with death, hunger, and unintelligence

>daily the use of drugs seem highly attractive in such a

>situation black communities known as life.










STOP MAKING EXCUSES YOU FLAMING LIBERAL! It's disgusting the lengths you will go through to expalin away the FACT that a MINORITY, black people, are MAKING UP THE majority OF THE PRISON POPULATIUON.


Any intelligent, well educated, unbiased, independent, clear-thinking person who doesn't subscribe to your extremsit, liberaly biased tendencies, and who isn't a liberal lunatic, can clearly see these facts and make a reasonable conclusion.


You label anyone who disgarees with your point if view as a racist. You should be ashamed of yourself!


It is perfectly fair to link blacks with crime based on the stats. You have no right to label me a racist over it.


Look up the definition of racist if your're not too busy watching CBC.












>Concluding that it

>is NOT race that directly influences crime.









You make me sick. Quit making excuses for blacks, latinos, or white people. It's all about personal responsibility.


Obviously, if a LARGE MAJORTY of BLACK people make up the PRISON population, than it is REASONABLE and WISE for ANYONE to conclude that blacks are associated with crime.


The same way one can conclude that fatty foods are associated with heart disease, sunshine is associated with skin cancers, and prostitutes have a higher risk for std's.


Ofcourse your liberal pals will attempt to "explain away" that prostitutes are "much safer" since they use protection. HAHAHA! You libs crack me up!!










>Let's see what happens to a lad like yourself after

>generations of growing up in the life of the "thug" and I'll

>wonder why the prison population consist of a majority of







WTF are you talking about? Apparently you missed more speach classes than I had originally thought. Did you smoke something before signing online?








>Until than, input hell into your GPS system and











Is that "liberal-speak" for telling me to fuck off? HAHAHAHHA

It's so funny to see all you libs get your panties in a bunch when presented with FACTS!!

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>Well let us see here,"I am not a racist"but yet you will bring

>up the "fact"that most of the prison population is

>black.Ergo+Blacks are mostly criminals.











It is a FACT. You need to stop listening to your buddies Terry "the Beak" Gross, Al FrankenSTEIN, and Err Amerrica.


2+2 still equals 4, honey











Is that how you see

>it?Is that what you truly belive twinboilover?












No BigGuy. I only believe it on the weekends.












There is no way

>that the judicial system could be biased or biggotted in your

>tiny little Faux news inspired mind?













Get over it BigGuy!

Damn, I would hate to be the man who breaks up with you. You sound like one of those stalking "I just can't get over it" types.


You obviously don't like the FACTS, do you BigGuy? Fox News is the LEADER in cable news with CNN, MSNBC, and Headline Snews COMBINED!


Do you get it BigGuy?




This means you add up all the ratings from the Clinton sNews Network, and Headline Snews, AND MSNBC your still hero BILL'Oreilly and FOX NEWS CORP BEATS THEM COMBINEd!!! HANDS DOWN!!





I know you're from Cali, but you're just gonna have to sip on a latte and get over it BigGuy. I know you can do it!!










>No,you are a racist,just one who likes to behind the"facts"as

>presented by a group of liars posing as journalists.











You have no right to label me a racist anymore than I do to label you a homophobe! For all you know, I might be black.













>According to the Department of Justice's own stats the

>majority of the criminal classs is middle aged white guys.












Please show me the link to these "facts" BigGuy. I'm waiting....














>Imagine that!A Bill O'Liely fan who likes to expound racist

















You are one vicious SOB labelling me and Bill O'Reilly as racist.


Look up the defintion of RACIST you Starbucks-drinking liberal. You have no shame in throwing out words like racist when good, decent Americans disagree with your flaming , bleeding heart, looney libera lways from California.



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>Right on Jay. I was about to make similar comments.

>Statistics like those quoted in the previous posts are very

>misleading and using such numbers to make sweeping

>generalizations about a specific race (or group of people) is

>a sign of a closed mind (among other things).









HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! CLASSIC LIBS strike again! Labelling anyone who disgarees with them as "CLOSE MINDED."













>Heck if America can't get over its puritanical hangover over

>the centuries (as moderately evidence by the notion that "sex

>is evil" mentality), imagine an entire race getting over being

>opressed, enslaved, and being forced to live in abject poverty

>over nearly the same amount of time.












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>If you want something skinny and hairless why not sleep with a

>woman and get it over with?











If you want something hairy and with a penis why not fuck a Gorilla?









>>Why is the percentage of blacks in prison much higher


>>to whites?














Who cares why, you bleeding heart. It's a fact!














>Actually a better question would be is why is the percentage

>of poor people in prison higher than that of rich people?















You should be ashamed. Claiming "poor" people end up in prison because they're poor. The vast majority of poor people are good, upstanding, decent citizens who do NOT commit crimes. . Shame on you for trying to make excuses for blacks in prison.


The color of their skin didn't make them kill someone, sell drugs, or steal. Their personal actions did! So Grow up!









>think you'll get a truer answer if you simply ask the

>questions correctly.:-)











Truer answer? What could be more true than the FACTS!!!

God you libs are crazy.










>Is it racism if I associate blacks with crime,

>>based on that stat?
















No. It's commone sense.

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>"But for sheer systemic racism tied to a rigid class

>structure, the U.S. is clearly in the lead."


>What a ludicrous statement! Since when does the U.S. have a

>rigid class structure, as anyone from a poor environment can

>achieve riches in many different fields and can even become

>president. A rigid class system, such as the one in India,

>for just one example, would never even allow that poor person

>to avail himself of the opportunities to move out of his

>caste. Not to mention many countries in Asia, for example

>Korea, where anyone of mixed race is shunned, castigated and

>discriminated against.


>All you U.S. bashers need to get a grip on reality!













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>Seattlebottom your point is the correct one. The vast

>majority of the prison population in the United States is made

>up of people who are poor.

















The vast majority of people who are in prison are made up of those who COMMITT CRIMES!!!!














>There are more poor African

>Americans and Hispanics in this country and thus there are

>more African Americans and Hispanics in our prisons. Now that

>is a FACT.














It is a fact that most poor people don't commit crimes. You disgrace ALL POOR people by saying that their "being poor" gives them an excuse to commit crimes.

















>Yeswell one does not need to simply compare the United States

>to third world countries when talking about other nations with

>rigid caste or class systems. There has never been in the

>United States a class system as rigid as those in most

>European countries.














Capitalism is awesome. If you don't like it, get the hell out.
















God Damn

>racism is definitly a problem in this country that should have

>been solved in the past and must be solved in the future but

>God Damn it is just as bad or worse in many other

>industrialized democracies.














Thank you for damning my God. No really, thanks.


Makes you sound so educated.











It is high time that many smug

>citizens of other industrialized democracies recognize this

>and start cleaning there own houses.












Actually, my cleaning lady happens to be black. She is very sweet :)

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>Unlike your personal life escorting is a business. Like all

>businesses there is going to be certain clients whom at first

>a business person does not want to deal with. However if they

>are good at what they do they find a way to make both parties

>work for the situation.


>Like a great sculptor can create a work of art from many

>blocks of marble perfect or imperfect to their taste and still

>but their heart and soul into their work. A good escort should

>be able to do the same. I take it you're not decent at what

>you do Aaron.


>As Usual















Oh please!!! So you're saying in order for him to be a "good escort" he has to fuck anything with a wallet?


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You guys crack me up! This is better than Comedy Central!!!

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