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reviewing clients?

Tom Isern
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is there a place for escorts to review clients? I've heard that used to be part of this site but that it was removed.


I had a client who used a very clever scheme to get out of paying me and I'd like to warn others...I know he is still using the same m/o and that he is calling around looking for his next victim.

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I think other escorts have a right to know this information, but you probably can't post his name or e-mail address. You could conceivably post enough information about him to alert other escorts. Perhaps under a thread called "Escorts Watch Out For This Man" or something.

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I thought that there was a place to review or at least talk about those issues for escorts, but I could be wrong...try emailing Ricardo Milos...nice guy and if memory serves (but again the Paxil interfers with memory) might have asked or answered the same question.


BTW I would love to have a client review board. I think that a lot of good escorts can become real assholes cause of the interaction with scammers and dumbasses. I would be happy to post my email address and stats whatever if it would lead to a better experience for everyone. Of coirse, Im not married, etc. so I dont have some of the other real concerns, but yall get my drift

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>is there a place for escorts to review clients? I've heard

>that used to be part of this site but that it was removed.


Yes, it was removed albeit for reasons not necessarily valid. Somebody discussed the occurences from the other board on the main board and people got their panties in a twist. At least that's the story I heard.


I'm currently (if I ever get a moment to breathe) trying to form a professional site like that for escorts that will ONLY be available for escorts. Working out the kinks of how that will work. It's very hard to balance being informative and respectful of privacy.


>I had a client who used a very clever scheme to get out of

>paying me and I'd like to warn others...I know he is still

>using the same m/o and that he is calling around looking for

>his next victim.


Though you can't post his name or email .... although I don't think and email is sacred at this point since he emailed you in the context of this business and he can ALWAYS create a new one .... you can of COURSE post the text of his message. Sociopaths (judging by his behavior) tend to repeat their crimes in almost identical methodology. Even if he changes his words, the same message will be there.


Posting the message and your communication will at least give people an inkling of what to be on the lookout for and let this shmuck know people are onto him.

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Tom,Scott,and Anton-you all need to get in touch with Brandon Baker.He is really trying hard to make rentboys message center a valid place for scorts to have their own place to post.

Email Him,I know he comes of a bit,welllll-dizzy,but he really is a smart guy with tons of energy and is very upbeat.

Joey and Carlo's had something going(hookonline)but I think that is dead now.

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I can only imagine how awful some customers might be. Since I've lived in NYC for over 20 years, I've seen a variety of men that hung out at places like the Gaiety. Some of those lust-hungry guys looked demonic. Gave me the creeps. The thought of being stuck in an intimate situation with some dysfunctional/disturbed man-with-an-agenda is not fun, even though this does work both ways.


Professional escorts should be protected. There should be a place for them to go to "expose" the assholes and the emotionally disturbed.


However, more men should be prepared to withhold payment from scam escorts as well. A little self-defense instruction goes a long way here.


Always play with caution and report awful experiences. Many of us will appreciate it.

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>I can only imagine how awful some customers might be. Since

>I've lived in NYC for over 20 years, I've seen a variety of

>men that hung out at places like the Gaiety. Some of those

>lust-hungry guys looked demonic. Gave me the creeps. The

>thought of being stuck in an intimate situation with some

>dysfunctional/disturbed man-with-an-agenda is not fun, even

>though this does work both ways.


hehehehe...I thought the exact same thing, but could not have expressed it as eloquently as you did !!!


>Professional escorts should be protected. There should be a

>place for them to go to "expose" the assholes and the

>emotionally disturbed.


>However, more men should be prepared to withhold payment from

>scam escorts as well. A little self-defense instruction goes a

>long way here.


I had thought about just walking away from some situations, but for some reason, I never did. Afterwards Ive though about payment cause it was so far off what was outlined/agreed upon. I would have an easier time walking away BEFORE cause no services were rendered. I dont know if I ever felt physically threatened, but I have definitely felt embarassed in to paying...strange though cause I shouldnt have been the one to feel embarassed, but its a natural feeling when you believe youve been taken



>Always play with caution and report awful experiences. Many of

>us will appreciate it.



Absolutely...escorts should do this more often, but I understand the business side of it

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Thank you for your kind words.


A true hustler will prey on a customer's vulnerability. It's part of the scam game. Of course every well-meaning gentlemen should protect himself and prevent himself from falling into any traps.


I don't hire many guys and I research like the dickens. That's why I've been adamant about getting a screen name here. It's important to support this site and make it the best it can be.


I was mugged in NYC soon after I turned 24. Then I joined a gym and learned to kickbox. Now, I'm not afraid of anyone and I pity the stupid idiot who thinks he can hustle me.


Not every man has the ability to turn into a warrior, which is why the best protection is your brain. No matter what, your life is worth more than a couple of $100 bills. Pay the asshole and walk away a smarter man unharmed.


Unless, of course, you've got The Force on your side.

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>Not every man has the ability to turn into a warrior, which is

>why the best protection is your brain. No matter what, your

>life is worth more than a couple of $100 bills. Pay the

>asshole and walk away a smarter man unharmed.


Ironic. People have been commenting to me in general and in reviews that I've bulked up. On one of my New York trips a client picked a fight in the middle of an appointment and at PRECISELY half an hour into the hour we were standing in his living room for him to pay me:


"Since you only spent half the time I think $X is fair, don't you?"


The rate was $100 more than he quoted


I subtly flexed my arm and said that rates are non-negotiable. He pulled out two wads of money, one being his suggested about and the second being the amount to complete the full hour. Fucker planned it the whole time.


Doesn't hurt to appear threatening at times to get what you deserve :)

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Ain't you SPECIAL!


"I was mugged in NYC soon after I turned 24. Then I joined a gym and learned to kickbox. Now, I'm not afraid of anyone and I pity the stupid idiot who thinks he can hustle me."


Last of the big bad mofos posting on the internet! :7


Reminds me of that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, where the big bad mofo is swishing his scimitar in the air, and Indiana Jones whips out his pistol, and non-chalantly shoots the big bad mofo! :7


But you are entertaining! }(

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Telling Tales Out Of School


>>is there a place for escorts to review clients? I've heard

>>that used to be part of this site but that it was removed.


>Yes, it was removed albeit for reasons not necessarily valid.

>Somebody discussed the occurences from the other board on the

>main board and people got their panties in a twist. At least

>that's the story I heard.


Several thoughts:


Some escorts talk to one another, others are very competitive, for whatever reason, particularly unusual to me when they feel competitive, for example, with twinks when they are not anywhere near be considered fitting that category or something similar (i.e., a total bottom feeling competition with a total top).


As is often commented on in this site, by both clients and escorts, with Epigonos giving a 'three types of escorts' comment on other thread which I feel is very perceptive, some escorts view themselves as independent agents, not as part of a larger labor pool. Some of them may also be very detached from it other than what they view as their basic needs, be that easy money, survival or even, for example, a drug habit or another problem. Either of these escorts are inclined to view a crappy client or a non-paying client as anything other than a bad experience to live through, live down or overcome.


There was a forum on this site for escorts. However, it had nothing to do with reviewing clients. A few escorts posted about a particularly egregious situation involving a client. An escort who had access to this forum, even though such access was granted by Hoo Boy on the basis of a mutual trust with the other escorts who belonged (some of us who post here were invited to join, not everyone who was an escort with posting privileges to the entire MC was a member of this forum), allowed a client well known to many of you to view the threads and posts, and this client took it upon himself, in one of his numerous allias, to post what was essentially an "I know something you queens don't" comment with enough detail to let Hoo Boy know he was not merely blowing the typical hot air he usually springs forward. Thus, the forum was closed.


There are two other "active" sites for escorts to posts on, one which is a mirror of this site but has little, if any participation, and I am surprised anyone still pays for the servers or the domain name. Another site is run by an escort who has his own advertising site and other related web business. A number of escorts belong to it. The vast majority rarely post to it. Since they never post, they rarely also look at the site (the VIEWS per thread are VERY low). The percentage of content related to clients who stiffed an escort is perhaps less than 1 percent of the site. Much of the content is, in my own opinion as well as the opinion of nearly every other escort I have personally discussed the site with, filler: jokes, commentary from a select few, news readily found elsewhere, etc.


I imagine some clients, particularly those (and you know who you are) who are credulous to believe anything posted anywhere, as well as those who are naturally suspicious, vengefull or bitter and angry, likely believe they are being discussed most derogatorily and, of course, untruthfully. Sorry to report back kids, but no one cares.


In my opinion, what tends to happen is that traveling escorts tend to warn other escorts that come to their cities, and vice versa. I have warned several people I have never met (and only either exchanged telephone conversations or more likely e-mails) to avoid certain e-mail addresses (this was typically via AOL to other escorts who might be likely to get contacted by these AOL clients), but this was only when I felt the escort might fit the type of guy this client would try to pull the scam on. A number of escorts simply got an offer to meet for coffee, whether we did or not, advise if they wanted it, on hotels and similar, or we met and simply talked, nearly always about our own lives and rarely and, especially specifically, about clients.


There are some escorts who either fit my age group, look, range or type of reviews, who have warned me against certain clients when I was going to traveled to a city and, likewise I did the same with these particular guys. I also sometimes found an escort I had never heard of with no reviews or familiarity on this site would warn me against someone (again, usually on AOL or sometimes with a phone message when I ran an ad - for example, this happened three times over 4 trips to D.C.)


I think when this happens this is usually HOW it happens. It tends to happen when an escort was freshly impacted, or when the escort hears this client pulls the same stunt again, or when the client is so stupid as to contact the same escort he scammed 2 years later, from a newspaper ad (as someone did to a well-reviewed, well regarded escort on this site from a BAR ad in San Francisco).


Finally, any such site would likely violate what a lot of escorts who are exactly the type described by Epigonos, the full time professionals who take escorting seriously, who might benefit from and more likely use such a site. In many cases, we take our client's personal information very seriously and would be reluctant to be responsible for publishing it, especially given the WWW easy ability to be hacked, even if we were the victims of a scam or fraud.


The only time this happened was when a client I thought was honest enough paid me a portion of an overnight fee in a check. I pursued the gentlemen with a bad check fraud through his local D.A. (for those of you who care, the memo stated, in his handwriting "consulting services" and he wrote the check in San Francisco, so I had that District Attorney's office contact his local one). I never got my money but the client certainly got the message (as well as the drama and the problems). I warned a few people about his e-mail address, but of course, the client simply got a new one. I did give his city out to a few people but I generally find the advice I give to anyone to be the best:


do not take checks unless you feel comfortable in the existing relationship, or adhere to a purely cash policy, and wait for deposit checks to clear.


That, people will read and remember, as opposed to reading through a web site.

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New Improve Bounce - Now With More Flavor!


>"I pursued the gentlemen with a bad check fraud"


>Could the gentleman simply have misundertood you when you told

>him to use a rubber?



He was in the same position you tend to find yourself in: ass up, hands and knees on the bed, head down, teeth in the pillow. In other words, he was not the one who was using the condom....

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Okay boys, last night I hired another escort to work a 3-sum with me and found out he'd been victimized by the same exact scam. Here's a brief summary:


I accepted a call to Far Rockaway without a deposit (I know, I always require one to travel, so this was violating my own rules--never again!!)--but the guy sounded sincere, he offered a very good price, and I reasoned it was only a subway ride away. He said he didn't have internet access to pay the deposit(he'd seen me in Next).


Now the guys says his name is Mike and that he's Italian, but that isn't true. He speaks with a heavy Russian accent. I have his real name, so if this story is painfully familiar to anyone, email me.


We stood and chatted for a while in front of a synagogue and he told me we were going to fool around at his place and then go out to dinner. We went back to the dump he lived in and fooled around. Then we returned to the synagogue where he told me to wait while he went to get his car. I followed the bastard--of course.


I followed him through the abandoned lot as he crept back to his low-income high-rise apartment building and caught up with him in the parking lot. He insisted that he was going to get his keys, but of course, that was a lie and I knew it. But what was I to do at that point? He was 50 feet from the security guard in the entrance.


There you have the nasty details. Avoid Far Rockaway!

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Nice post Tom,


Exactly what this website is about...helping people make good decisions in regrads to the business.


Maybe it focuses on the client experience but you should try to keep alive the idea that escorts should be able to warn their counter parts cause some of this shit is just fucked up !!! What a crazy ass story and Im sure there are hundreds more that would be worse. Good for yo for posting it !!!



As for Scott Adler flexing and getting his way with that client...well if that story is true, then it is bad ass and Ill have to see what I can do about getting together with SA next time he comes to NYC...love stories like that :-) :-) :-)

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>As for Scott Adler flexing and getting his way with that

>client...well if that story is true, then it is bad ass and

>Ill have to see what I can do about getting together with SA

>next time he comes to NYC...love stories like that :-) :-) :-)


LOL. Well in Tom's defense, I had the guy in his living room with other witnesses. I'm really not the "PHYSICAL" threat type but it seemd to fit the situation at the time and there wouldn't have been a security guard present. :)

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>Sociopaths (judging by his behavior) tend to repeat their

>crimes in almost identical methodology.


You know nothing about the situation, except that payment wasn't made, and you feel qualified to offer the professional opinion that the man is a sociopath?


Keep using big words. Professors (even the ones you don't fuck for an A) love that.


Get a gold star for the day if you recognize sarcasm when you encounter it.

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