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>For the most part do Escorts care about a client's looks like

>body type, penis size or expierence ?


Let me save the escorts the trouble of mouthing the advertising platitutdes they trot out every time this subject is raised; I'll do it for them:


"The answer is no, looks do not matter. I am a professional escort and how the client looks is not important to me at all. Looks are very superficial. What matters to me is what is on the inside. A mature, experienced older gentleman, even if they're fat and bald and ugly, is much more interesting and stimulating to me than some muscular, young, hot guy (please don't bring up the fact that when I'm not prostituting, I only hang out and have sex with muscular, young hot guys, and never old fat guys, because that's just nit-picking and being negative. . . . ).


Escorts who care about how a client looks are not professionals. They are just cheap hustlers. A real escort knows that there is nothing hotter than a fat old guy with a wadful of cash ready to hand it over to me in order to have sex with him.


I know there are some escorts out there who have sex with clients just for the money, but those, too, are just hustlers. Personally, I really get turned on by my old, fat clients and I don't do it for the money. The money is secondary. I do it for the love of my job - getting to lick those 50-year-old assholes and getting to fuck the holes attached to obese, aging bodies is what I love to do. It's a passion for me, not a job."


JuanVancouver, Franco, Benji, et al. - you can thank me privately for saving you time by writing your post for you.

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Doug, do you actually hire any escorts? If so, do you express your bitter views to them or do you just play act? Your comments leave me wondering just what kind of shape you are in (besides your mental shape, which seems pretty negative). For those of us who enjoy the company of escorts, who understand they are not "boyfriends" but offer a service in exchange for money with "no strings attached", your views are just not relevant.x(

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I've hired many escorts over the last several years, and have become friends with a couple of them as well, including 2 who have been or still are regular escort-posters here. Anyone who talks to an escort as a friend rather than as a client knows that escorts talk and think about their clients much differently than most of the escorts here who write on this Board talk about their clients when posting here.


For some reason, many clients here like to think that the escorts they are hiring are not doing it for the money. They like to pretend that the escorts are doing it because they really like the clients. This is a form of very unhealthy self-delusuion, and the escorts who purposely propogate these fictions are manipulating and deceiving these (usually lonely and needy) guys for profit. I find it to be reprehensible.


When I hire an escort, I hire them because I want to have sex with someone new without spending the time searching or the energy compromising, and then I want them to leave. Whether the escort enjoys it or not is no more important to me than whether the plumber I hire enjoys fixing the leak in my bathroom pipes. That's because I'm not looking for a relationship with an escort, just a service for the escort to perform for my satisfaction.


If your plumber tried to pretend that he was fixing your pipes not because of the money, but because he really enjoyed it and found your bathroom pipes to be uniquely interesting, you would never believe him and would think he was being ridiculous for trying to lie about that. For some reason, many people here suspend their rationality in order to believe the lies of many escorts that they love their clients, find their old fat ones to be attractive, etc. etc. These escorts aren't saying that when the clients aren't listening.


You may think it's harmless for escorts to sell this lie and for needy clients to blind themselves into believing it. I don't. There are some escorts here, to be sure, who are honest and who, like Scott Adler did recently, admit the truth that they find most of their clients to be repulsive and do it only for the money.


But here, any escort who admits that truth is the target of intense scorn, like Scott was. When Scott admitted that, it didn't provoke such hatred because Scott is different than other escorts. It provoked such hatred precisely because Scott (uwittingly) revealed the truth - what escorts say when they're not posting here - and he was hated for ruining the dishonest fantasy that escorts here sell and clients here eat up.


I didn't do anything in my post other than summarize what escorts have been saying here for years any time anyone asks whether they care about their clients' looks. If you think that the response sounds bitter and deceitful, you should direct the blame towards the escorts who mouth these dishonest cliches, and not towards the person summarizing them.

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I doubt many escorts will care about your experience level. Some might.


Bullshit and douschbag69 aside many escorts do care about appearance. Before finalizing an appointment many of these escorts will ask the client to describe himself physically and declare his age. Personally, I think that's kind of rude, but many do so there it is. Many of us don't ask.


Forestall problems and confusion if you like by simply describing yourself physically, your age, your experience level and desires to him before you even meet. If he agrees enthusiastically and has reviews that indicate appearance doesn't seem to be a problem, you're golden; you've done all you can.


If he refuses, move on.


If he agrees, but reluctantly, you'll also know there's a risk he'll reject you or just be an asshole. Move on.


Hygiene is important. I hate deodorant. Come showered, fresh smelling, and ready to have your armpits devoured b/w French kisses.



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>I've hired many escorts over the last several years, and have

>become friends with a couple of them as well, including 2 who

>have been or still are regular escort-posters here.



These 2 escorts have become friends, and they want you around for your charm, wit and good looks...? You are sooo full of shit.

But Dougie, you are doin' a heck of a job!

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Dear Doug,


In the past I have been more than happy to agree to disagree with you and others, since that is one of the most basic abilities needed when you are in a place where opinions and different views of life are exchanged. However, several times in the past, I have pointed out the fact that by using generalizations, you -unwittingly, perhaps- make inaccurate statements.


I guess I should thank you for the kind attempt to save me the work to write this, but I will have to ask you politely not to write anything on my behalf at all, especially when you are writing something totally different than what I would write.


I know that you have a lot of time on your hands. I also know that you love investigative work. So I would invite you to go to the previous threads in which this has been discussed, and perhaps you will see that my personal opinion about this is different to the one you ascribe to the "escorts".


My answer to Glutes' question would be this: I really don't have a preference when it comes to looks or age or race. The two things that MUST be present in a person for me to be able to provide a caring, passionate service are: impeccable physical hygiene, and a nice, interested, excited attitude towards the session. If I have that, I am a happy escort.


Now, going back to the things "escorts" supposedly are going to answer...


I have never said or thought that the older the person, the better. In my personal practice, I have found amazingly hot mature gentlemen, either hot by their physical appearance, or hot by their attitude, experience, and freedom when it comes to sexuality. I also have found amazingly hot young 19 year old clients...(For both reasons, not only because of their appearance.) But I have also had to experience very young clients that were not only not pleasing to the eyes, but with bad hygiene and horrible attitude.


I am not so shallow to declare that "An older man is always more interesting and stimulating". Sure, there are many guys with whom I have sat for hours in a row listening to their experiences, about times and experiences that I never had a chance to witness because of my young age... But I also have been in the presence of mature gentlemen who have absolutely nothing to say. (And of course young boys can be both exhilerating and interesting or terribly boring, shallow and stupid.)


You make it sound as if I have said that escorting is not a job, but a passion... that our reason to be here is the inefable love for our clients, not the money... and that escorts want to perpetuate the idea that escorts want to be with the client out of selfless love and genuine tenderness of heart... That has been said in this message center, yes. By an escort, yes. But if you go back to the archives you will find that what I said about that is that it is absolutely unhealthy and irresponsible for an escort to allow a client to believe that. I have said in the past that it is our obligation to avoid what I called "transference" (Using a psychological term). We must NEVER lead any of our clients to believe that Love (as in a couple relationship) is possible or desirable with an escort. Doing so at any time is not only irresponsible, but verging on criminal. We have no right at all to play with people's emotions in order to get financial gain.


As I have said endless times I have chosen this profession (Not hobby, not "a service to the world", but JOB) because it involves several aspects of human relationships that interest me intensely: sexuality, intimacy, fantasy fulfillment, exploring oneself and others, companionship, massage, and other approaches to the body. I love my profession and I feel absolutely at peace about getting a handsome financial remuneration for a job that I do with a lot of dedication and (Oh, yes!) love.


Lastly you say that you know how "escorts talk and think about their clients"...


Now that's fascinating Doug! I am sorrounded by the Escort Association of Vancouver, (I have lots of escort friends and we get together very often.) and man, I can still not believe how different every escort's approach is to both the profession and their clients. Some do love the less attractive clients, some hate them, some prefer young and caucasian, some prefer not to know anything at all about them nor their personal history, some dislike them all, some love them all... I have heard that in a setting where escorts are absolutely free and encouraged to talk openly, among friends... And you would be surprised about the diversity of opinions.


All I have to say, Doug, is please do not generalize. Our opinions are often different, and I am really happy that that is the case. That is what keeps life interesting. (As long as people don't feel the need to convince other people to think like they do, or as long as people don't put in another person's mouth words they have never said.)


Happily disagreeing,

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How funny that you claimed, at length, that I did not adequately summarize your views, only for you to then state what your views are almost exactly as I described them.


Here's the crux of the answer you gave to the poster's question as to whether esocrts care about looks:


>I really don't

>have a preference when it comes to looks or age or race. The

>two things that MUST be present in a person for me to be able

>to provide a caring, passionate service are: impeccable

>physical hygiene, and a nice, interested, excited attitude

>towards the session. If I have that, I am a happy escort.


That's almost verbatim what I said you and other escorts would say (Anton gave the answer I gave almost verbatim). The bold part in particular is the part that I made clear almost every escort here, including you, would spit out every time this question was asked. And you did just that.


Other than the bit about your not wanting clients to fall in love with you (something which I never attributed to you and which I will commend you for both avoiding and for recognizing that there are clients who despicably engage in this manipulative tactic for financial gain), there is nothing that you said inconsistent with what I said you would say, and there is a lot consistent with it.

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I've had morbidly obese clients, clients who've lost ALOT of weight and had major skin sagging, a client with cancer sores over his body, a client who had one leg, a wheelchair-bound client suffering from Spina Bifida, a 68 year-old client who can't see to drive anymore and due to a herniated disk in his neck is now using a walker (I drive 20 mins. to pick him up). At the other end of the spectrum, I have a 35 y.o. hot bi guy who's into kink, a hot 55 year-old Daddy-type and a couple of 20 something boys who love to get plowed.


So, looks aren't an issue. The clients that I've refused to ever see again were often due to their condescending attitudes, most often guys with money or guys who would be too drunk or drugged out to be worth the bother.


A freshly bathed body, good breath and a pleasant attitude go a long way with me.:-)

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For The Most Part


As some of the other escorts answered, the answer to this question easily depends on who you ask, like so many other subjective things in life.


This question has also been asked in the past and, as the small consensus here shows, good, basic hygiene is the one essential that escorts have also been in agreement about in past threads and more importantly, frequently also mentioned by clients as what they expect from their escorts.


Beyond that, a basic description of yourself (just as an escort should accurately represent himself in both his self-description and by using recent or accurate and representative photographs) can only help. As Rod so intelligently pointed out, some escorts will make decisions based on their perceptions of your looks (or some other similar factor). This is no different than in any other business. Just as a mechanic might give you an estimate for something you do not need done to your car, another mechanic might honestly repair something which needs to be fixed, saving you future problems and greater expenses. Likewise, physicians and lawyers get sued for malpractice or for bad care and representation, but many others only get compliments or repeat business from their clients. I could go on, but I think my point is well made.


Why some clients persists in hiring escorts with bad reviews, escorts who clearly are just looking for a fast buck is something that clients themselves continually post in the Deli on a frequent basis. In your own case, I would try to find a escort that appeals to you who appears to be interested in providing you with the type of experience you hope for at a reasonable price, who is responsive and clear in communicating with you in setting up and otherwise has an interest in client satisfaction.


In my own case, as I have said repeatedly on this site and as my many reviews and clients will attest, I do not do anything I do not wish to do, for money or any other reason. The clients I have declined to see in the past has been due to their rudeness, inconsideration, or otherwise unwillingness to treat me in a civil manner either in arranging or during the session. The only times I left (without any compensation) I can count on one hand: a client too intoxicated to have been driving, got sent home in a cab; a client who was clearly on too many drugs got sent home and I never accepted a booking from him again, and a client who stood up myself and another well-known escort for a threesome he had requested weeks in advance and which had been confirmed with him the day before, I asked to leave when he showed up at my hotel room without realizing I knew who he was. In the last instance, he never returned any phone calls or e-mails asking what happened (and was he OK). He forgot he had sent me a face shot in the original exchange.


While I appreciate it when people practice basic common courtesy and shower or shave, use mouthwash, refrain from smoking, etc., prior to a session, I have nor make any requirements and see no reason, in my own case, for doing so, other than as stated in the foregoing paragraph (respect and civility as well as sentience).

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Public Utterances of Private Individuals


>JuanVancouver, Franco, Benji, et al. - you can thank me

>privately for saving you time by writing your post for you.


Juan has spoken for himself. I imagine Benji will simply ignore you.


I am a lot more interested in seeing the infrared photos you currently are claiming you took of me and Whitney and Bobby sharing the crack pipe or listen to that ultra sonic long range tape recording you made of me and Martha making Risotto in the big house. Or perhaps the sales receipt from when I took Dennis and Mark shopping for gold plated popper bottles and then threw that fabulous $2million orgy you were not invited to.


But then again, anything that is the product of the bitterness and anger you continual feel on a daily basis from knowing that you were not merely unloved but unwanted; that bile that shoves itself from your asshole all the way past your gut in your less jaded but still brutal moments of self-awareness as you realize your mother did not hold your hand as your crossed the street due to a simple lack of concern for your very well being and that this is the root cause the physical injury which leads to your base stupidity. It may also explain how readily and quickly you throw yourself at bait (literally and figureatively).


In other words, since no one else will,

even if you pay out the $20 you usually budget,

go fuck yourself, little man.

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RE: Public Utterances of Private Individuals


Aren't you in violation of the rules of this site??? Don't they state "attack the opinion and not the poster", or something like that? :7


IMO, doug69 hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head! IMO, I still haven't seen anything posted by the "usual suspects" that refutes his point. :-)

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RE: Public Utterances of Private Individuals


>IMO, doug69 hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head! IMO,

>I still haven't seen anything posted by the "usual suspects"

>that refutes his point. :-)


And, despite the wrath and fury from the group of older escorts who have chimed in here, and despite their insistence that the answer to this question will vary oh-so-much depending upon which escort you ask, the fact of the matter is that they have all given exactly the same answer to the original poster's question - and it is exactly the obvious, self-serving, fictitious answer they always give:


"Some escorts might have preferences concerning the physical appearance of their clients, but not me. Nope. As long as the person is a nice person and is clean, I find them all equally attractive. Old, fat, ugly - doesn't matter to me. It's what's on the inside that counts."


I understand why they are saying this. It's obvious. These escorts in particular aren't here for candid discussion; they're here to advertise their services, so they are saying, as always, what they think clients want to hear (obviously, they can't say anything derogatory about old guys or fat guys or ugly guys or they'd lose lots of their clientele).


I just don't see what the big deal is. I don't think these escorts are doing anything surprising by giving canned, repetitive answers that are designed purely to attract clients. It's what one would expect (which is why it was so easy in advance to predict).


I just can't believe that anyone thinks they're getting honesty from these kinds of escorts when they spit this stuff out, or that anyone would get as upset as Franco and Juan got simply because it's pointed out in advance - accurately - exactly the predictable responses which the standard escorts would give to this inquiry.


People generally know that when, for instance, corporate spokespeople or representatives of politicians give public answers to questions about their business, they are doing so in order to protect and advance their business interests rather than to disseminate true and accurate information. I don't know why it's so important for some people to pretend that this isn't exactly what occurs here when most escorts answer inquiries like this one.

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>We must NEVER lead any of our clients to believe that

>Love (as in a couple relationship) is possible or desirable

>with an escort.


Hmmm ... yes ... but ...


It's a commercial exchange, however escorts are just as human as the rest of us. This is why I treat escorts hired or "under investigation" with the same friendly regard, kindness, respect, and understanding that I treat all who work in any aspect of public service.


While one should certainly not lead anyone along, human interactions are still very human. Some clients are real charmers -- genuinely nice guys with wit, intelligence, endlessly interesting stories, sometimes goodlooking, and with big hearts (not to mention deep wallets!). By typical definition, they're "real catches". Sometimes it's not the client who gets emotionally entangled, it's the escort.


I wonder if this doesn't happen more often (both ways) because there's a subtle(?) contempt for each other deeply rooted in our minds, buried in places we'd rather not examine. Perhaps an understandably "protective" contempt, but a kind of contempt nonetheless. After all, we're all just #### and johns, yes? And #### and johns are, well, contemptible! }( After reading the many postings here and elsewhere, the contempt is all too often very unsubtle. Sometimes it's disguised as clever humour or bitter irony, but that rancid stink of "you don't really count cuz you're a ####" still comes through.


Some waiters fall in love with some customers. Some employees with their colleagues. Some neighbours with each other. Some actors with each other. Some worshippers of a particular deity with other worshippers. Should it surprise us if the same happens between some escorts and clients? If we truly regard the escort business as being morally/socially neutral, shouldn't it surprise us more if it doesn't?

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RE: Public Utterances of Private Individuals


Why the back swing at some of the escorts for being older? Are you trying to draw me into this fray? Well, I say, Thank God (Goddess, Universe, whatever) that Rita gave me a bit of a respite. When people were finally ready to let go of their tightness after Katrina, I had more business than I usually do and learned that, yes, I am to the age where I really don't want more than one client every two days!


Anyway, to the subject at hand, of course these are fairly rote answers. How many times have the same questions been asked? And how quickly do certain people chase away new escorts who might have thought they wanted to join the board? I think that it is thoughty of people to not just say, "Please look at the archives" and leave it at that. As a group, we seemed to be doing that for a while, and then finally realized that that wasn't really being kind to people who had just joined us. So, what with saying things for the umpteenth time when we haven't changed our opinions because to us they are true, of course we're going to sound a bit recorded, especially to people who have heard us say it before.


As for me, I love variety. It's one of my greatest pleasures in life. And the easiest way for me to get variety in this part of my life is to escort. I look at the youngersters and too many of them are too skinny for me to want to chase. I look at the bodybuilders and I wonder if with their bodies that hard if they can find a comfortable position to lay in to go to sleep. I look at rich people and I would be too inimidated to pursue them in a social setting. I wouldn't want a steady diet of bears. But my point is, I wouldn't want a steady diet of any one type (other than my husband, but I know him so well I have trouble classifying him). But, all of those people I wouldn't go chasing after will eventually come to me as clients and I enjoy them when they do, largely because they're not all alike, and not all as like each other as my non-business friends tend to be. (And, I really do like not being the one who has to choose who to play with when, just whose attitude is going to bar him from playing with me. I like leaving that part of it up to a Higher Power and my advertising.)

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RE: Public Utterances of Private Individuals


I think Doug69 is just being querulous. Why does he assume that the escorts' responses are platitudinous or untrue? The question was "Do escorts care about a client's appearance." When escorts say that what they want is a client who is considerate and clean, there is no reason to assume that they're lying. If I were an escort, that's the sort of client I would want. If anyone had asked "What do escorts look for in the men they have sex with in their private lives?" then I'm sure they would all admit that they really want grimy and inconsiderate boyfriends.

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I want to thank all of you that have answered, Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Last time I checked we still live in a free society.


I really did not mean to stir anything up, but, this is a concern of mine, I am new to this and am learning.



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RE: Public Utterances of Private Individuals


Dear Doug,


Normally I have it as a rule never to answer an online discussion more than twice, because I believe that an intelligent conversation can become a totally useless yelling at each other. This time however, I want to add a little bit of precision, because I have the feeling that are talking about two different things.


First of all I dont have an idea of where you got the impression that I was "upset" or hurt or indignated or anything at all. I assume that exchanging ideas is only an intellectual excercise, not an emotional one. Nothing that you say can hurt me. No idea, concept or belief that you share might ellicit any emotional response. All I can do is try to understand it and respect it as much as I can. Now, if you chose to attack me personally, then I would simply ignore it and move on. So no hurt feelings at all, man. (As you can see from my concise, non-emotional post.)


Now, in your response to my post you say that I wrote exactly the same thing that you predicted. I see it totally different. And here we are talking about very subtle differences. This is what I am talking about.


What you write (And other escorts have written in the past), is pretty much like this:


"I have no preference when it comes to appearance... (But I do) I find older gentlemen much more alluring, I find them sensitive, caring and passionately delightful. A mature, experienced older gentleman, even if they're fat and bald and ugly, is much more interesting and stimulating to me than some muscular, young, hot guy. A real escort knows that there is nothing hotter than a fat old guy with a wadful of cash ready to hand it over to me in order to have sex with him. I really get turned on by my old, fat clients and I don't do it for the money. The money is secondary. I do it for the love of my job - getting to have sex with those 50-year-old people is what I love to do. It's a passion for me, not a job."


What I wrote simply is:


I have no preference for age, looks or race. The only thing that makes me accept a call or not, is both personal hygiene and a good respectfull attitude.


You might say there is no difference at all. But in my personal view there is. One is a simple, honest statement. The other (If I wrote it) would be only a self-serving lie; publicity, Public relations.



I resort to comparing my profession with therapy very often. Not because I want to romanticyze my profession or make it look like something more than it is. Simply because I think that they have a lot in common.


Using that example, I am sure that a therapist would enjoy to have love relationships preferably with well-adjusted healthy individuals... sure. (Or maybe not) But I am sure that he gets a lot of joy out of his session with a depressed woman, or an obsessive compulsive man. His personal taste when it comes to human behaviour has nothing to do with the people he chooses to work with. And I can tell you that the different kind of people that he sees makes his life interesting and his profession fascinating.


In my personal case, I have chosen escorting as a profession, not only because it involves many many things that ellicit interest and passion in me. I chose it also because I seem to be able to be fully aroused and engage in sexual intercourse with people of the most dissimile appearances.


I won't try to convince you about this. I have the feeling that you are set to really want to mistrust, and I can see the point you are coming from.


In the past I have been brutally honest, and I have written things that totally go out of the "adecuate publicity speech" for an escort here. People have asked me to be careful because I might hurt my image, but I believe that some clients might prefer to know an honest man, rather than a self-serving politician. And that is the only type of clients that I want to meet.


I hope this brings a little of light to my view, and you understand why is it that I say we are disagreeing while you swear I am writing the same thing.


So.... happy disagreeing! (Or pehaps, finally, happy fully understanding and respecting each other.)

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>I really did not mean to stir anything up, but, this is a

>concern of mine, I am new to this and am learning.


Hey, keep asking questions and don't worry about the reactions. This place is most useful (and most fun) when we can teach and learn from each other. Now, to reply:


>For the most part do Escorts care about a client's looks like

>body type, penis size or expierence ?


body type: I have no preference. Even when it's a non-escorting hook-up (which I no longer do), I still have no real preference. In the period after I stopped being monogamous with Derek and before I started escorting, the kinds of guys I played around with truly were eclectic: from skinny young twinks to chubby daddy bears, from muscular gods to regular guys...and all races. I'm just one of those guys who's always horny and likes most kinds of men, and I think that's been the key to my success (and probably to the other successful escorts, too).


penis size: My only preference is that we not use the clinical word "penis." :o I love most cocks...cut, uncut, small, average, big, straight, curved, thick and thin. I don't bottom very often, but when I do, I prefer a smaller or average size because I'm tight and "Like A Virgin." As for sucking, I can do well with any shape or size, and I get great pleasure out of showing off my oral skills. I love big shooters because it's fun to watch them hit the headboard, but I like all types of cummers. I also get great pleasure out of seeing a guy cum...I especially love to watch his face, his eyes roll back, his mouth slightly grimace...too fuckin' hot! :9


experience: Derek and I love being with first-timers as well as more experienced guys, but I will say that I love a guy who knows how to suck. Amazingly, some newbies naturally know how to suck without causing pain (and some can even deep throat), while others with years of experience still don't understand that a dick has highly sensitive nerve endings which require proper and delicate care. However, I enjoy teaching and guiding and telling a guy how I like to be done. }(

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Do I care about a client’s appearance? At first as an escort I want to say no because it is my job not to care, however I am only human so in all honesty yeah it does matter to me at times. Now I will say there have been times when someone’s appearance didn’t look good but there personality made up for it and visa versa.


So yes we as escorts do care even if we say we don’t because we are human and to deny that fact makes the escort a lier.


On a side note, Why is it that Juan has to write so much to answer a simple question? I hate long posts and rather read quick posts to maximise what time I have on here.

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